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Warframe Genders


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Was not able to find this by browsing, so I will go ahead and ask the question. Would it be possible to give the option to change genders on characters? Sure it's cool the way it is, but just think about a male fire character or a female ice character and so on. I think this could be highly desired and you could charge a small platinum fee for the option to take effect if players chose to do so. Just thought I'd share my opinion on a way to give players even more options on such and incredible game.

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DE has said the work for what amounts to a cosmetic change is not worth the effort required. They would have to make 54 new warframes just to gender swap them, as well as get all of their hundreds of cosmetics properly scaled and positioned on them, it simply is too much.

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I think it would be worth it in my opinion if they could come up with a way to make it happen. That would just be more $$$ in their pockets. Small tweaks to a warframe to change the gender and can even keep the same name and abilities. Just a thought...

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31 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

DE has said the work for what amounts to a cosmetic change is not worth the effort required. They would have to make 54 new warframes just to gender swap them, as well as get all of their hundreds of cosmetics properly scaled and positioned on them, it simply is too much.

Except it would be "evil' to lock something like gender behind money, colours and skins are fine, not genders, secondly, you clearly don't have a lot of knowledge of game mechanics and 3d modeling, such a change would be extremely difficult and take a lot of time, its not something that you can do in your free time, that would also delay all future warframes, lead to more bugs, and double the time between each update, not to mention that the amount of work would far exceed the profit that they would get from adding genders, even if they charged money.

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28 minutes ago, (XB1)psyops6 said:

Also, eventually they will run out of warframes to make and this would broaden their horizons. Even just starting out with Ember and Frost for example to test the waters...

DE is planning to produce similar 'themed' warframes, just different genders, such as stealth, assassin, jester, tank, etc. new warframes on the same theme but different genders would far extend the amount of warframes than the death of Warframe, hell, possibly even without theme warframes they can outlast the lifetime of Warframe.

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1 minute ago, midtarget said:

Except it would be "evil' to lock something like gender behind money, colours and skins are fine, not genders, secondly, you clearly don't have a lot of knowledge of game mechanics and 3d modeling, such a change would be extremely difficult and take a lot of time, its not something that you can do in your free time, that would also delay all future warframes, lead to more bugs, and double the time between each update, not to mention that the amount of work would far exceed the profit that they would get from adding genders, even if they charged money.

... What? I said it would take a LOT OF WORK to make 54 Warframes... Did you quote the wrong person or did you just not read what I said? Secondly, I know quite a bit about 3D modeling considering I studied it over 4 years at college and I am working in the industry as an assistant lead to a modeling team for a game company.

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9 minutes ago, NeithanDiniem said:

... What? I said it would take a LOT OF WORK to make 54 Warframes... Did you quote the wrong person or did you just not read what I said? Secondly, I know quite a bit about 3D modeling considering I studied it over 4 years at college and I am working in the industry as an assistant lead to a modeling team for a game company.

I didn't even quote you.

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14 minutes ago, midtarget said:

DE is planning to produce similar 'themed' warframes, just different genders, such as stealth, assassin, jester, tank, etc. new warframes on the same theme but different genders would far extend the amount of warframes than the death of Warframe, hell, possibly even without theme warframes they can outlast the lifetime of Warframe.

This sounds interesting, do you have a link I could read more about this on? I am new to Warframe and have not become well enough informed of all the news yet.

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27 minutes ago, (XB1)psyops6 said:

Unless there is another search bar, the one in the top right corner only now displays my topic and posts within it regarding "gender".

A single search for a single word does not constitute "browsing" :P

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1 hour ago, DeMonkey said:

A single search for a single word does not constitute "browsing" :P

It does to me, considering the technology these days and key words and such.....

Anyways, stop trolling my post and it would be great if someone could reference the original posts that you all speak of or just post positive comments on this topic.

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22 minutes ago, (XB1)psyops6 said:

It does to me, considering the technology these days and key words and such.....

Anyways, stop trolling my post and it would be great if someone could reference the original posts that you all speak of or just post positive comments on this topic.

When they changed over the forums the old stuff was archived and it doesn't show up in regular search. So I can believe that you might not have found it if you didn't look that hard.

Regardless of that, you are asking DE, which is by no means a behemoth of a game studio like EA, to do a mountain of work for little true value. This is not slapping tits on Rhino and calling it done. They would have to remodel and reskin just about every frame that exists. And that's not accounting for any irregularities that might pop up on any delux skins as well. You'll also notice if you've been digging in far enough to fashion frame that each frame tends to have unique placements for syandanas and armor pieces, they'll have to redo all those as well.

I'm sorry, but it takes them long enough to release a single deluxe skin. I don't want DE spending months reskinning every warframe in the game. If you believe you do then I think you need to re-evaluate what you know about 3d modeling and how large a team DE really has.

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Lore-wise, originally, the reason we don't have gender-swapping is because the shape of the frame defines the powers of the frame.

On the other hand... The theory that people have been developing since the Mirage Prime trailer and a few niche references, is that the original Primes were tailor fit for the personality and specific power leanings of individual Tenno. So their shape is defined by their powers, their original powers, not the powers defined by the shape, and only way for modern day frames to get the same powers is to get as close as modern tech will to the original frame.

And Primes... well, we don't have a choice but to build them to the original blueprints, so they'll always be the same as the original.

Practicality wise, the issue is that we have over 30 base frames now, which is a lot of variety. We have different frames with different roles and some fairly good representation of the different types of shape and gender. Everything from the beauty that is Excali-booty, in his simple and basic form, to the chunky Rhino, to the skinny, raggedy Nekros and Inaros and right down to the more boyish Nezha and the very odd contrast with Chroma's un-armoured form. While on the other side we have the simplistic petite types of Mag, Trin and Nova, to the really tall androgynous Zephyr, to the curvy Saryn and Gara, and right back to the weird stiletto shapes of Octavia. We even have a frame that is female, but has three different representations of female (according to DE) in Equinox.

When you have some of the highest DPS frames represented as both male and female, some of the tankiest frames as both male and female, the stealth frames as male and female, the healer frames as both male and female, and even the niche frames as male and female in a fair spread... I don't see what the problem is.

Every frame, even with reworks, nerfs and changes, has only gotten more viable for the usual levels of play, and it's mostly skill that defines whether you can take a particular frame to higher level now... so what is the big issue with a particular frame having a specific gender?

Also... because I can. It's not as frequent now, I only found 14 threads including yours in a quick search. Any threads that get Closed by the mods don't show up in searches, and they often do get closed because the arguments get heated, but there genuinely used to be at least two of these threads a week before DE put their foot down and said 'not worth it'. Threads are still here about gender in the different aspects of Warframe, though, whether that's gender in the Tenno, the Warframes, or otherwise. Because a lot of people have asked over time.




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