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Khora and Onslaught


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Khora farm is not so good atm... it is bugged as hell, if someone leave(crash) than portal bugs out, host migration as well.... Why DE cant add extractoion portal as well? i mean if someone wanna leave for some reason give them opportunity to do that so other players can continue. I mean when 'bugs' your run you have seroius WTF episode, and FACE PALM your self rater viciously becaouse of bugs and s*****. Fix it pls.... this is not healthy at all

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8 minutes ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

Why DE cant add extractoion portal as well? i mean if someone wanna leave for some reason give them opportunity to do that so other players can continue.

This bit is already in the game, just don't go through the portal to the next area and you'll extract while the rest of the group continues on.

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5 minutes ago, Phoenixian_Ultimatum said:

This bit is already in the game, just don't go through the portal to the next area and you'll extract while the rest of the group continues on.

it used my revive instead of extract me several times. maye was isolated case but still happens. that is why i did post about separate extract


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1 hour ago, tucker_d_dawg said:

if host uses the "stay behind" method to "extract" and the others continue on... chances are high those continuing will lose all progress and rewards on a failed host migration.


that is why i think we should have separated extract, like regular mission or something similar to intercept and def missions.  you got khora part and than you lose  reward. Atm this game mode is bugged a lot. In a way it is waste of time and nervs.

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2 hours ago, -HoB-AngelofRevenge said:

Khora farm is not so good atm... it is bugged as hell, if someone leave(crash) than portal bugs out, host migration as well.... Why DE cant add extractoion portal as well? i mean if someone wanna leave for some reason give them opportunity to do that so other players can continue. I mean when 'bugs' your run you have seroius WTF episode, and FACE PALM your self rater viciously becaouse of bugs and s*****. Fix it pls.... this is not healthy at all

Yeah because of this I am going to get the warframe with plat... Gara was a grind... but not this not this mess "putting on a vay-hek voice". With Gara there was none of this host reset nonsense which bugs out/crashes the game because some players dont want to complete the missions as long as they can go...


edit... maybe this is a great reason for DE to fix the host-system.


edit .. also to add, it would be nice if these missions were lootable , gaining resources from the different tilesets/areas 

Edited by Cosmic_Elf
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Yeah, i'm a extremely dissapointed at this new gamemode and it's drop tables in it's current implementation.

1 - Litterally zero drops . No ressources, no mods, essentially no credits. Who thought it was a good idea to make a gamemode where you are litterally not rewarded for any of your kills ? Just because it's in the simulacrum ? Who cares, gives us the mods and ressources we would get if we were playing anywhere else in the starchart !

2 - The loot table - Seriously, a single drop / rotation every five minutes ? The good old, much hated rotation A-B-C system is back in full force here, where it takes 20 minutes to reach rotation C... Then you add totally minuscule drop chances like 2% chance on rotation C and expect player to have a good time with this gamemode ? Seriously, how is it admissible to expect player to play 20 minutes for a 2% chance of getting that gun part you need for another mastery fodder gun ? People are doing the math already and it can take upwards of 500 hours to get all parts if RNjesus is not kind. How is that okay ?

3 - But , it's a focus farm - Yeah, but who cares about a focus farm in a game where there's a hard daily focus cap, where there's other alternatives to focus farm that cap that will probably be nerfed just because you want people in this mode instead... But mostly , who cares about a focus farm when the bulk of the un-capped focus is gotten from fighting tri-eidolons anyway ? If there was no daily cap, I would see this as a cool way for focus intensive farmers to let's say spend the cetus day doing this mode and then going for tri eidolons every night, but as it's now, meh.

4 - It's kinda booring - Feels like a reskinned survival with less interesting mechanics (no life support, annoying meter that ends up dropping too fast if you get bad spawns). While it's cool that the Hard version starts at a higher level than most survival missions on the starchart, why not just give us proper high-level nodes for endgame content  in the first place. Also , maybe it's just me, but I feel like it burns out tileset and enemy type even faster than usual. Feels like a repetitive "kill stuff" ordeal where you shut your brain off and just kill stuff for no reason and purpose.

6 - It lacks music and flavour... Seriouslly, dead silence for an endless mode gets booring really fast.

7 - Glitchy and unstable - Numerous servers disconnects, issues with very little enemies spawning in some tilesets killing runs faster than you can say "that's fair".

8 - Lackluster rewards - Asides from Khora , which is a pain to get and will probably end up collecting dust in a couple of days since her kit is kinda meh, what do we get here. A couple mastery fodder old weapons which would have been great rewards if they were not gated behind ridiculous RNG and a mod that puts flowers on enemies. Sure , sign me up for 500 hours playing this gamemode.


So yeah , you can fix this by :

1 - Make enemies drop ressources , credits and mods like everywhere else in the game.

2 - Fix the drop percentages to something reasonable (At least 10% on rotation C, for example).

3 - Add rewards for every wave, not every two waves.

4 - Shave off a couple seconds per wave. 2m 30 seconds feels looooooong and booring. Maybe 2 minutes, heck 1m45.

5 - Fix stability and host migration issues.

6 - Put music, heck, use the liset's ship music if you have to... Just no dead silence.

7 - Improve the reward tables by adding more stuff like big kuva bundles, rivens, maybe removing stuff like Kora parts from the drop table once a player acquires them once, replacing them with something else that's desirable. Getting a single relic every two waves... Kinda sucks.

8 - Add a little flavor or something interesting in these modes, maybe remove the annoying decay thing and concentrate instead of spawning mini bosses, like one of the grustrag three every couple of rounds of a Rathuum contestant.... Make it something more than basically survival without the oxygen pods and with rotating tilesets.



Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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33 minutes ago, Cosmic_Elf said:

Yeah because of this I am going to get the warframe with plat... Gara was a grind... but not this not this mess "putting on a vay-hek voice"

You really shoudn't. It's exactly what DE wants, and it validates their buisness decision to make the frames progressively more and more annoying to get.

Everytime someone caves in and buys a frame for plat, it shows DE that the more annoying they make getting the frame, the more money they make...

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Do you ppl think it would be nice to have something along lines of have boss in this mod? Example, you got 4 zones each is roation AABC, and on 5th zone you get boss. Sphinx, if you sovle riddle you get rare drop, if not you get random drop. It would be more fun for me. Pass 4 zones, defeat boss, solve riddle and get rare drop or colect smaris memory fragments for part(since simaris stated that blueprints for kavat and frame was missing suddenly from his memeory). This mod as it is atm in not good nor productive. Rng is bad, % drop are bad, host migration and sudden screen turning white and fck up your game is also bad. In short this mod game is not good, idea of game mod lets say i can see some potential.  Also i think that making player more and more grind for something in not gonna keep them in game. It sholud be fun that keep player in game, some ppl are playng this for 2-3y, and all they get from time to time is face plam from bugs and grind when new stuff come out. 

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It is very disappointing when you spend a whole day farming, get the 5-6% chance bp you needed on rotation C, step through the portal, get host migration because no one else stepped through the portal, and lose all of the run's rewards. I hate to bellyache, but it is very disheartening.

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On 4/21/2018 at 5:46 PM, (PS4)Stealth_Cobra said:

You really shoudn't. It's exactly what DE wants, and it validates their buisness decision to make the frames progressively more and more annoying to get.

Everytime someone caves in and buys a frame for plat, it shows DE that the more annoying they make getting the frame, the more money they make...

Idont think DE wants that, else they would end up being like EA Games, which are nowdays trashy despite theme content.This recent update felt was rushed and pushed through... Look how POE was not rushed and it was a success when it was introduced. This new feature of warframe, and the Chora frame, to be honest should have been introduced with a quest t get blueprint, and rest of the components farming through the portal stuff. This new game mode is so broken that it is ruining the game. I could not be bothered in farming Khora this way while this mission type is broken, being riddled with host reset issues causing crashes, bugs and loosing rewards. there is not even loot resources to pick up from tileset portal jumping... I actually farmed Gara because even though her drop table was low... she was still fun to farm, because tthis host reset nonsense just puts me off... It used to be bad around Eidolon hunting, until dedicated mission selection was added to Konzu's bounty menu, so you did not end up in regular bounties, or fishing and mining clubs roaming the plains. I actually used the plat from the recent prime access in support for the development of the game... but I think DE should have worked on a bit more on a quest for Khora to flow the lore from the journals. 

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I still cant believe they put the bp as a competing drop with the systems. I cant believe they made the blueprint a drop. i cant believe they didn't make one drop in one version of onslaught and one in the other :/ whats going on with DE? I mean they set a standard where the BP is the one part that you can 100% get and then just randomly this? 

like i get there is often one harder part to farm for with a warframe that involves rotations but this is just pathetic even if i get one part i still wont care as i have to do the same grind twice over, with the possibility to get the same part, the same grind half the community wont do and likely wont get khroa for a long time if ever. (and from what ive seen khroa herself has problems even after being delayed for months, what happened to the exalted whip? -.-). 

And lets not mention how temperamental the game mode is right now.

this update seems like a side project that was just thrown out as we had no content, but no content would have probably been better then this broken content, broken content made sense when content updates were released weekly not half yearly. 

And lets not forget how broken eidolon hunting still is. (and eidolon hunting with a structured squad using all mechanics the game has to offer to take down a trio of (re-skinned) terror is possibly my fav part of the game, but with the constant run ending bugs and time stretching bugs I don't want to play it especially when its only playable during the limited night-time).

Edited by mr_razorite
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