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Nidus Deluxe Skin info?


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Oberon Feyarch has a Sword & Shield skin in it's bundle.

I think it would be nice to have a deluxe shotgun skin. If he's next then I'm pretty sure he won't have a melee skin (last deluxe was Inaros and the Kopesh), but who knows? Nezha's deluxe is on it's way too (hopefully). 


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1 hour ago, Blade_Wolf_16 said:

Oberon Feyarch has a Sword & Shield skin in it's bundle.

I think it would be nice to have a deluxe shotgun skin. If he's next then I'm pretty sure he won't have a melee skin (last deluxe was Inaros and the Kopesh), but who knows? Nezha's deluxe is on it's way too (hopefully). 


Vauban s also getting a deluxe melee, mag deluxe got 1, chroma deluxe, volt proto, the only ones who go a different weapon type deluxe skin was mesa and Octavia.

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I personally love everything about it, from the fact that the armor stacks will bleed out of him, to the ghost arms (which are clearly attached to a full on ghost look at the head and the glowing bits by the legs) 

That's still a metaphor for Nidus, infestation is legion, therefor take an operator, a frame that may or may not be semi sentient, and then another soul on top of that, that is also legion. (that'd be a great name for the skin actually lol) 

Also, the artist said that the textures will be bone and muscle, senew mixed with Gothic architecture and metal. 

If you don't like the armor stacks, color them like bone, then it will be like skeletal armor as opposed to stone/metal or chitin. 

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1 hour ago, (PS4)Yes-Man-Kablaam said:

Still hoping for helminth Deluxe to pair with iiiiiit.

DUDE YES ME TOO!! but I hope the "armor" is an accessory, since the charger doesn't mutate with stacks, that way we can have either a fully stacked charger or a bone one 😄

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am so confused on why people are crying over the skin not being relevant to Nidus' lore or not having an organic look like the vanilla skin. Deluxe skins obviously take a different outlook on the warframe, so why would this one be any different..? It's not like it's his prime variant. If it were then I would understand about all the fuss.

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On 2018-05-15 at 8:55 PM, Archeyef said:

First, thanks for the paragraphs. I really do appreciate it. And this is starting to get a bit long, so I'm gonna spoiler it to save space.

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I understand this point very well. But what I'm trying to say is that there is a set of design elements that the Infested all share, despite the very different body forms. This is what distinguishes them from other factions, even though they are mostly made from other factions. As I stated before, shape language is different from theme. Theme, in this sense, is the concept behind a faction. Shape language is the set of design elements that touches everything from characters to weapons to vehicles to architecture. It's the faction's aesthetic, and it's how you can tell something belongs to that faction. Incidentally, this also applies to kavats. Kavats have their own shape language. Every kavat conforms to that shape language regardless of whether they're wild, grineer, or tenno.

Not really, no. Not defining Infested elements. I don't know what the countless eyes are. I'm not even convinced they are eyes, actually. That wasn't the impression I got for them. Perhaps they are, but we'll have to wait and see. Exposed brain, teeth, multiple eyes and extra limbs are actually not part of the infested shape language, believe it or not. I can't even recall seeing things that are definitively eyes on infested, now that I think about it. A lot of glowy lights where I'd expect eyes, but not much that's definitely an eye. Some Infested have extra limbs, some don't. It's definitely a feature that some Infested have, but it's not universal.

Nidus also had this dual theme and still maintained an Infested appearance. As for laboratory Infested having different shape language, that's actually not true. The mutalist Infested, including the Boilers and Broodmothers, were all created via laboratory experimentation by Alad V. They maintain the same shape language as the rest of the Infested. And as for the Corpus, I think you might still not be getting what shape language, not body language, is. As I mentioned earlier in this post, it's a set of design elements that distinguish one group from all other groups, in every aspect of design, despite differences in individual form. Characters, weapons, vehicles, and architecture will all share these basic design elements. It's a way of allowing diversity of design while maintaining a cohesive look. And the Nidus Deluxe skin falls outside the Infested shape language. That doesn't make it bad or good, and that particular point doesn't make it not fit Nidus. It's just an evaluation on whether it looks infested or not.

That's true, but I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here. Can you elaborate some more, please?

I think you missed my point. Anatomy matters, but the blue arms appear to be ghostly. That is, they aren't physically attached. If that is the case, then any argument regarding anatomy doesn't apply because they're not really, physically there, and thus don't need any anatomical attachments.

And you're again conflating theme and lore with design, when I'm only talking about design. The design elements used in the deluxe skin are more commonly associated with the undead from a visual design standpoint than they are with the Infested.



Isn't it fun? I'm having fun.

Hope the sacrifice quest convinced you of that infestation doesnt have to look like infestation on the outside as shown on umbra. And that lore matters when it comes to design quite a lot. And those arms are attached and crossed on chest and translucent doesnt mean ghostly. They even called them translucent and not ghostly on stream for that very reason.

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3 hours ago, butka1998 said:

-minor spoiler snip-

Right, well, I actually hadn't done The Sacrifice yet when I first saw this. So thanks for not considering spoilers. Use spoiler tags next time, please.

Anyway. So we're back to this, are we? You still seem to be missing my point, and I don't know how many other ways I can say it, but here's a syllogism.

Shared design elements help visually define a group. There are a set of design elements that visually define the look of infestation. Things that don't have those design elements don't look infested. The Nidus Deluxe skin does not have those design elements. The Nidus Deluxe skin does not look infested. Was that clear enough?

This is the entirety of my point. Everything else has been to explain why, and I thought I'd done a pretty good job of explaining point by point why. And I can tell from your first sentence here that you already agree with me. Because you're saying right there, that being something doesn't mean you have to look like that thing. Tacitly admitting that the Nidus Deluxe skin doesn't look like the infested. So I don't see why you keep coming back to me with this. We don't in fact disagree.

Spoiler time.


The Sacrifice hasn't "convinced" me of anything regarding the infested. Like much of the forum community, I'd long ago come to the conclusion that the warframes were infested entities used as transference objects for the Operators, to channel and focus their Void powers. The Sacrifice just confirms that hypothesis. Nothing about that was surprising. The clues were all there already in the lore. But the outer shell, the part that is designed and is all we see, is the important part when it comes to visual design. It doesn't matter that it's infested underneath, because we never see the underneath. Nothing has changed here.

Incidentally, Umbra doesn't look infested either "on the outside." This doesn't conflict with what I've been saying at all. You know that, right? This isn't a point in your favor. This is actually entirely consistent with what I've been saying.

Translucent doesn't mean ghostly, but it also doesn't mean not ghostly. It's often used to convey an ethereal quality, something often associated with ghosts. You can interpret it however you want, but so can I. And I'm going to apply my interpretations of it to my opinion of the skin just as much as you are.

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1 hour ago, Archeyef said:

Right, well, I actually hadn't done The Sacrifice yet when I first saw this. So thanks for not considering spoilers. Use spoiler tags next time, please.

Anyway. So we're back to this, are we? You still seem to be missing my point, and I don't know how many other ways I can say it, but here's a syllogism.

Shared design elements help visually define a group. There are a set of design elements that visually define the look of infestation. Things that don't have those design elements don't look infested. The Nidus Deluxe skin does not have those design elements. The Nidus Deluxe skin does not look infested. Was that clear enough?

This is the entirety of my point. Everything else has been to explain why, and I thought I'd done a pretty good job of explaining point by point why. And I can tell from your first sentence here that you already agree with me. Because you're saying right there, that being something doesn't mean you have to look like that thing. Tacitly admitting that the Nidus Deluxe skin doesn't look like the infested. So I don't see why you keep coming back to me with this. We don't in fact disagree.

Spoiler time.

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The Sacrifice hasn't "convinced" me of anything regarding the infested. Like much of the forum community, I'd long ago come to the conclusion that the warframes were infested entities used as transference objects for the Operators, to channel and focus their Void powers. The Sacrifice just confirms that hypothesis. Nothing about that was surprising. The clues were all there already in the lore. But the outer shell, the part that is designed and is all we see, is the important part when it comes to visual design. It doesn't matter that it's infested underneath, because we never see the underneath. Nothing has changed here.

Incidentally, Umbra doesn't look infested either "on the outside." This doesn't conflict with what I've been saying at all. You know that, right? This isn't a point in your favor. This is actually entirely consistent with what I've been saying.

Translucent doesn't mean ghostly, but it also doesn't mean not ghostly. It's often used to convey an ethereal quality, something often associated with ghosts. You can interpret it however you want, but so can I. And I'm going to apply my interpretations of it to my opinion of the skin just as much as you are.

Ok so patient in hospital with translucent skin is already ghost huh? Those hands are material cause they are there and are part of the body thus arent ghostly. If you can touch it or something else can touch it and cant go through as you can see because those hands are crossed and dont go through each other or through the body. If they were ghoustly they would go through like the ghostly parts on new frame going by code name VLAD. 

And body shape and language of infested as i explained is multitude of twisted limbs, flesh and organs. So eyes on shoulders without eyelids? (check) More than normal amount of limbs? (check) Bone like structure with twisted teeth? (check) By the way those light spots on infested are eyes or at least to light reacting cells (you can see helmets of its hosts so i would also expect eyes there) and even if they arent its simply twisted from normal anathomy as we know it thats the point. 


And that Infestation inside does matter because it proves that orokin tried to smooth out surface of frames. So this could be nidus attempt 2.0 on that which would make a whole lot of sence. Basically pretier version of former frame that is more to orokin liking. And yes its true as you stated before that some infested were also created in lab by Alad V. But hes not orokin but corpus and certainly not on par with orokin when it comes to technology. Also that hes corpus matters because he cares about profit not about smooth looks of things. And in Sacrifice quest its mentioned that orokin let the infestation grow without control otherwise where they could not see it. Thats why other infested arent looking so polished. When it comes to Nidus you have to remember hes a warframe and every warframe was hidden in shell to make it look good as with Excal Umbra etc. So body language of infested isnt something you should search for in warframes because they were intentionaly striped of these properties and looks by their creators. Thus saying Nidus lost his infested body language is actualy nonsence because he shouldnt have had one even before. If you will hes experiment that didnt end as good as it should have. Thats why this skin makes a lot of sence when taking into acount that hes warframe and orokin would try to take to what they thought is perfection. So for them smooth good looking luxurious things so Nidus deluxe is propably another step in getting to that perfection. Thus he has some of the infested body language like more eyes and limbs but also not that much. If there was another series of deluxe skins as they said there might be the next nidus delux could look completely polished if we were to follow this logic.

PS: I did not consider it spoilers because as you said it was laready revealed in lore for some time and there are more important things in Sacrifice quest that shouldnt be spoiled.

Edited by butka1998
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54 minutes ago, butka1998 said:

Ok so patient in hospital with translucent skin is already ghost huh?

That is not what I said. This is what I said:

2 hours ago, Archeyef said:

Translucent doesn't mean ghostly, but it also doesn't mean not ghostly. It's often used to convey an ethereal quality, something often associated with ghosts. You can interpret it however you want, but so can I. And I'm going to apply my interpretations of it to my opinion of the skin just as much as you are.

I'm saying it could be, or it could not be. It usually is, and the rest of the skin suggests a similar theme, so that's what I'm going with for now.

Moving on.

56 minutes ago, butka1998 said:

Those hands are material cause they are there and are part of the body thus arent ghostly. If you can touch it or something else can touch it and cant go through as you can see because those hands are crossed and dont go through each other or through the body. If they were ghoustly they would go through like the ghostly parts on new frame going by code name VLAD. 

And body shape and language of infested as i explained is multitude of twisted limbs, flesh and organs. So eyes on shoulders without eyelids? (check) More than normal amount of limbs? (check) Bone like structure with twisted teeth? (check) By the way those light spots on infested are eyes or at least to light reacting cells (you can see helmets of its hosts so i would also expect eyes there) and even if they arent its simply twisted from normal anathomy as we know it thats the point. 

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And that Infestation inside does matter because it proves that orokin tried to smooth out surface of frames. So this could be nidus attempt 2.0 on that which would make a whole lot of sence. Basically pretier version of former frame that is more to orokin liking. And yes its true as you stated before that some infested were also created in lab by Alad V. But hes not orokin but corpus and certainly not on par with orokin when it comes to technology. Also that hes corpus matters because he cares about profit not about smooth looks of things. And in Sacrifice quest its mentioned that orokin let the infestation grow without control otherwise where they could not see it. Thats why other infested arent looking so polished. When it comes to Nidus you have to remember hes a warframe and every warframe was hidden in shell to make it look good as with Excal Umbra etc. So body language of infested isnt something you should search for in warframes because they were intentionaly striped of these properties and looks by their creators. Thus saying Nidus lost his infested body language is actualy nonsence because he shouldnt have had one even before. If you will hes experiment that didnt end as good as it should have. Thats why this skin makes a lot of sence when taking into acount that hes warframe and orokin would try to take to what they thought is perfection. So for them smooth good looking luxurious things so Nidus deluxe is propably another step in getting to that perfection. Thus he has some of the infested body language like more eyes and limbs but also not that much. If there was another series of deluxe skins as they said there might be the next nidus delux could look completely polished if we were to follow this logic.

PS: I did not consider it spoilers because as you said it was laready revealed in lore for some time and there are more important things in Sacrifice quest that shouldnt be spoiled.

We don't know the hands are material. We don't know whether they are part of the body, or immaterial projections similar to Nova Asuri's extra arms. They could be, in which case you'd be right, or they could not be, in which case I'm right. We don't know yet. We might find out when the skin gets released. This part is purely conjecture.

A few infested have more than the usual number of limbs, most do not. But none of them have translucent limbs, material or otherwise. Infested typically don't have protruding bone structures. They are predominantly fleshy. Some, like the Juggernaut, have a tough carapace, but still look infested. The structures on the Nidus skin don't have that look. Yet again, visual only. I doubt that the majority of the lights on infested are eyes, but I don't know. They don't look like eyes to me, they look like bioluminescent spots. If they look like eyes to you, fine. But they are all over the body. On the deluxe, they are only in one place, whether they're eyes or spots.

Yes, twisted normal anatomy. I don't think I ever said otherwise.


What the internal infestation proves is that the Orokin built armor around their infested soldiers. Great. So they ended up not looking infested, they ended up looking Orokin, and later Tenno. But we're not talking about warframes in general, we're talking about Nidus in particular. And again, you're making my point for me. It doesn't look infested. Because the Orokin didn't like that, or for whatever other reason. You're saying here the same thing I am. It doesn't look infested. Seems to me that we actually agree here. What's the contention?

1 hour ago, butka1998 said:

Thus saying Nidus lost his infested body language is actualy nonsence because he shouldnt have had one even before.

But he did have it. Doesn't matter why, he did. People noticed it, because it was pretty obvious in everything about him. And now the deluxe doesn't. And people expected, not the same, but similar theme. Maybe something more fungal than fleshy, I don't know. Something that suggested rampant, destructive growth, because that's what Nidus does. But DE went a different route, which is actually fine. I feel like I should point out I've seen very few people who said the skin was bad or they didn't like it, just that it doesn't fit Nidus. Which I'm sure means it doesn't fit their expectations of Nidus because Nidus looks infested. Because the design of the skin, though very cool, doesn't fit the infested design. Coming back, once again, to visual.

If you thought it was something already known, then why did you think it would change my mind?

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53 minutes ago, Archeyef said:

That is not what I said. This is what I said:

I'm saying it could be, or it could not be. It usually is, and the rest of the skin suggests a similar theme, so that's what I'm going with for now.

Moving on.

We don't know the hands are material. We don't know whether they are part of the body, or immaterial projections similar to Nova Asuri's extra arms. They could be, in which case you'd be right, or they could not be, in which case I'm right. We don't know yet. We might find out when the skin gets released. This part is purely conjecture.

A few infested have more than the usual number of limbs, most do not. But none of them have translucent limbs, material or otherwise. Infested typically don't have protruding bone structures. They are predominantly fleshy. Some, like the Juggernaut, have a tough carapace, but still look infested. The structures on the Nidus skin don't have that look. Yet again, visual only. I doubt that the majority of the lights on infested are eyes, but I don't know. They don't look like eyes to me, they look like bioluminescent spots. If they look like eyes to you, fine. But they are all over the body. On the deluxe, they are only in one place, whether they're eyes or spots.

Yes, twisted normal anatomy. I don't think I ever said otherwise.

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What the internal infestation proves is that the Orokin built armor around their infested soldiers. Great. So they ended up not looking infested, they ended up looking Orokin, and later Tenno. But we're not talking about warframes in general, we're talking about Nidus in particular. And again, you're making my point for me. It doesn't look infested. Because the Orokin didn't like that, or for whatever other reason. You're saying here the same thing I am. It doesn't look infested. Seems to me that we actually agree here. What's the contention?

But he did have it. Doesn't matter why, he did. People noticed it, because it was pretty obvious in everything about him. And now the deluxe doesn't. And people expected, not the same, but similar theme. Maybe something more fungal than fleshy, I don't know. Something that suggested rampant, destructive growth, because that's what Nidus does. But DE went a different route, which is actually fine. I feel like I should point out I've seen very few people who said the skin was bad or they didn't like it, just that it doesn't fit Nidus. Which I'm sure means it doesn't fit their expectations of Nidus because Nidus looks infested. Because the design of the skin, though very cool, doesn't fit the infested design. Coming back, once again, to visual.

If you thought it was something already known, then why did you think it would change my mind?

Im actually proving otherwise you said this skin had no infested characteristics. But it obviously has. Because yes infestation is mainly depicted as flesh but bones always have to support flesh no matter what. Otherwise it would be almost imovable glob of slime (out of water or low gravity enviroment). So no infestation isnt only fleshy its about transforming flesh and bones and anatomy itself (not only flesh or not only bones all of it). You cant talk about outside of things and leave out the inside its one thing. So if you think those infested have no bones i am pretty sure they have just because logic and even in Scifi setting you cant simply deny physics. So yes this skin because of its anathomical disorders fits only nidus as of now. In future it could fit other frames as well but it doesnt fit any of the existing frames. No other frame or deluxe skin shows such disorders. Yes there are small legs on trinity and oberon but not multiple or completely twisted legs and so on. 

And when it comes to those translucent hands. Im more than positive they are actual solid object. Why is that? firtst they connect to the body on the picture and second as i already stated they do not clip with body or each other (which is less but still important). When you look at nova deluxe you notice two things. Those hands are meant as syandana and arent conected to the body when they apear. They actualy disapear into thin air and never touch nova. Hands on nidus delux skin arent disapearing into thin air and are consistent. So if you look at tha difference yes the hands on nova are ghostly as you would say (actually are hologram). And hands on nidus are 99,5% part of his body. So if you compare the two they would have to look alike to be the same right? Yes i could still be wrong but everything points out theres a difference.

So to wrap it up this skin really fits infested theme even if its only semi-infested on the outside it has some of the infested body language. And this skin actually fits only nidus because of that. If you were to take away one pair of the limbs, eyes without eyelids on shoulders and Skull with brain like helmet it could fit someone like ash or nekros possibly because it would lose its infested looking parts. And notice those exact parts do not get covered in fully evolved ( in this case armored or carapaced ) version of nidus so its still aparent its him (the infestation themed one).

Výsledek obrázku pro nova deluxe skinVýsledek obrázku pro nidus deluxe

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1 hour ago, butka1998 said:


...It's clear to me that you're not really understanding what I'm saying. At no point did I say it was boneless. Infested do not typically have bony protrusions, that is, exposed bone. I have no idea where you got the idea I was saying they are boneless. That is absurd. Of course they have bones.

This skin does not have enough of the infested design aesthetic to qualify as infested in the opinion of the people who think it does not look infested. I've explained numerous times why this is, but you seem unable or unwilling to understand what I've said. I don't know why, and I'm not going to try anymore, because there's just no point. I gave it my best shot.

I don't know why you're bringing up it fitting or not fitting other frames. I never said it did, I never said it had to.

No, the hands on Nova Asuri are not supposed to be a syandana. They're an effect native to the skin, and appear regardless of the syandana equipped. And no, they do not have to look the same to both be ghostly, or holograms, or ethereal, or immaterial, or translucent, or whatever other word you care to use. Yes there's a difference between Nova Asuri and this. So what? That means nothing.

2 hours ago, butka1998 said:

And hands on nidus are 99,5% part of his body.

I have no idea what this means. Is the percentage your certainty? Because it makes no sense any other way.

Again, why are you bringing up the skin fitting or not fitting other frames? What does that have to do with anything?

Anyway that's it. I'm done, I'm tapping out. I set out to explain why some people think it doesn't fit the infested. I've attempted many times in many different ways to explain this, but there's no point anymore. I thought this argument had ended a month or so ago, and I had moved on. But apparently it won't end until I end it. And now I am.

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18 hours ago, Archeyef said:

...It's clear to me that you're not really understanding what I'm saying. At no point did I say it was boneless. Infested do not typically have bony protrusions, that is, exposed bone. I have no idea where you got the idea I was saying they are boneless. That is absurd. Of course they have bones.

This skin does not have enough of the infested design aesthetic to qualify as infested in the opinion of the people who think it does not look infested. I've explained numerous times why this is, but you seem unable or unwilling to understand what I've said. I don't know why, and I'm not going to try anymore, because there's just no point. I gave it my best shot.

I don't know why you're bringing up it fitting or not fitting other frames. I never said it did, I never said it had to.

No, the hands on Nova Asuri are not supposed to be a syandana. They're an effect native to the skin, and appear regardless of the syandana equipped. And no, they do not have to look the same to both be ghostly, or holograms, or ethereal, or immaterial, or translucent, or whatever other word you care to use. Yes there's a difference between Nova Asuri and this. So what? That means nothing.

I have no idea what this means. Is the percentage your certainty? Because it makes no sense any other way.

Again, why are you bringing up the skin fitting or not fitting other frames? What does that have to do with anything?

Anyway that's it. I'm done, I'm tapping out. I set out to explain why some people think it doesn't fit the infested. I've attempted many times in many different ways to explain this, but there's no point anymore. I thought this argument had ended a month or so ago, and I had moved on. But apparently it won't end until I end it. And now I am.

Ugh, good, go away. People don't want the same old stuff with every skin. People want a departure. Stop writing paragraphs on the internet and invest yourself somewhere else. :tired:

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1 hour ago, BlueCitrus said:

Ugh, good, go away. People don't want the same old stuff with every skin. People want a departure. Stop writing paragraphs on the internet and invest yourself somewhere else. :tired:

I'd love to. I had. You people keep bringing me back. Blame Butka, blame yourself. Goodbye. Stop quoting me.

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On 2018-06-16 at 5:54 AM, Archeyef said:

...It's clear to me that you're not really understanding what I'm saying. At no point did I say it was boneless. Infested do not typically have bony protrusions, that is, exposed bone. I have no idea where you got the idea I was saying they are boneless. That is absurd. Of course they have bones.

This skin does not have enough of the infested design aesthetic to qualify as infested in the opinion of the people who think it does not look infested. I've explained numerous times why this is, but you seem unable or unwilling to understand what I've said. I don't know why, and I'm not going to try anymore, because there's just no point. I gave it my best shot.

I don't know why you're bringing up it fitting or not fitting other frames. I never said it did, I never said it had to.

No, the hands on Nova Asuri are not supposed to be a syandana. They're an effect native to the skin, and appear regardless of the syandana equipped. And no, they do not have to look the same to both be ghostly, or holograms, or ethereal, or immaterial, or translucent, or whatever other word you care to use. Yes there's a difference between Nova Asuri and this. So what? That means nothing.

I have no idea what this means. Is the percentage your certainty? Because it makes no sense any other way.

Again, why are you bringing up the skin fitting or not fitting other frames? What does that have to do with anything?

Anyway that's it. I'm done, I'm tapping out. I set out to explain why some people think it doesn't fit the infested. I've attempted many times in many different ways to explain this, but there's no point anymore. I thought this argument had ended a month or so ago, and I had moved on. But apparently it won't end until I end it. And now I am.

First you said that infestation theme and body language was flesh but thats wrong on multiple levels because that means you leave out bones (visible bones are for example on juggernaut - his carapace). The theme is twisted anathomy, absorbing everything into one hivemind (one being) and for that changing its anathomy to suit this hivemind needs. Second of all you also said that there are more fitting frames for this skin than nidus if i recall corectly you named nekros. 

The difference means nothing? Oh i beg your pardon but it does. One thing is clearly meant to be hologram which is light particles (nova) that is what you would use word ghostly or imaterial for and then second is translucent which is usually property of material (gas, liquid etc) or anythign else thus there is quite the difference material and imaterial. So if one is clearly mean to be hologram and looks quite different from the other it suggests the oter things isnt just hologram but most likely material. Other thing that suggest that this is correct is that this thing stays always on unlike the hands on nova.

I brought up this fitting other frames nonsence because you have stated before that in your opinion or in opinion of others it suits other frames better and you agree with that.

And yes the percentage is obviously my certainty on the thing because as you said it doesnt make sence in any other way but i agree that i could have writen it in a clearer way. 

To be honest this has gone on for quite long and whole basis of it was that you said this nidus skin doesnt have infested parts which i hope you see now. And believe me i understood quite well what you were trying to say but to me it seems you dont understand concept of infestation and thus their body language you are trying to imply this skin should have. Because when you look at infested moas or Jordas Golem you can still see the robotic parts. So it doesnt matter how few fleshy and twisted bits there are be it more or less it still suggest infestation and some relation to it in warframe universe because theres nothing else does something like that. If you want to get right grasp of what infestation is like and what its body languge can possibly look like I recomend movie Anihilation. I will retain from spoilers but there is also something that causes things to get twisted and transforms them to its liking just like infestation and it can have many many forms. But you can still tell its that things doing by very few but constant signs and most pronounced is that it doesnt look natural which is also the most pronounced sign of infestation in Warframe.

So to wrap it up and end it as you wish to me it seams you still dont have the full view of what infestation really is and look only on its surface. But if you wish to end this than apparently we wont be able to agree so be it. I just wanted to show you that the skin actually fits nidus very well and doesnt stray from its infested origins. Hope you can understand that better now and can see it from my angle of view

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will nidus delux skin have new skins for his abilities because it will look kinda weird using infected themed abilities with a warframe that's kind of ghostly with those arms and a lot of gold and spikes,i wouldn't mind paying for a separate skin for just the abilities and if you wanted both you buy them as a bundle, maybe they could use some existing assets to make the ability skin faster

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his 1 and 4 would be metallic spike thingies while also having ethereal hands coming off from then. his 2 would be a giant spiky metal ball, the strings would be ethereal hands grabbing people, his 3 is similar to that 

this is my wish list for this 

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1 hour ago, GinKenshin said:

his 1 and 4 would be metallic spike thingies while also having ethereal hands coming off from then. his 2 would be a giant spiky metal ball, the strings would be ethereal hands grabbing people, his 3 is similar to that 

this is my wish list for this 

that sound so cool/badass

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