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Mag buff

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2 hours ago, (PS4)XephonixAwesome said:

now lets see you do it without any mods on the weapon and her


Ang warframe capable of doing what you're wanting is overpowered and needing a nerf.

You're also moving the goal posts when someone meets your criteria, knock it off.

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On 2018-05-15 at 6:12 PM, (PS4)XephonixAwesome said:

Ever since mag got nerfed, she has gotten thrown in the gutter and has to rely on her weapons to survive. One of my clan mates went into the simulacram to attempt to prove that she is still viable. Needless to say that it didnt go well. With a full power strength build it took him almost 20 times to strip a heavy gunner, while any other weapon (excluding crit weapons and fang prime) can strip it quicker than mag.

Conclusion: she needs a bit of a buff

Everyone says this until they realize that she doesn’t need to strip armor completely to be good. Mag is pretty good now and she just got a buff this year. She doesn’t need anymore buffs or else she would outclass every other frame. I know @MagPrime would enjoy that.

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12 minutes ago, (PS4)godlysparta said:

Everyone says this until they realize that she doesn’t need to strip armor completely to be good. Mag is pretty good now and she just got a buff this year. She doesn’t need anymore buffs or else she would outclass every other frame. I know @MagPrime would enjoy that.

Yes and no.

Yes because hnnng, yes.

No because that makes her a target for a nerf.

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The only weakness for a mag is a nullifier, because if one of them touches a magnetize bubble, it shrinks and doesn't explode. If she receives a buff, that's the only thing i can think off (make magnetize bubbles that were touched by a nullifier explode (with reduced dmg/range or something negative) instead of just shrink and do nothing). Besides, we can use a miter for the nullifier bubbles...

Other than that she is perfectly fine, all of her skills are good and usable... she is strong in defenses, survivals, excavations and interceptions (maybe defection too but i hate that type of mission)

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7 minutes ago, giglyfoot said:

With today's update/patch, bullets are attracted by magnetize "in a more logical way". Excited to test punchthru weapons with the new change.

I hope that fixes what I think it means.

Was getting a tad irritated aiming at a point so that the enemy was between the impact and the centre and getting... nothing.

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)XephonixAwesome said:

i have a freedom of speech so i dont have to knock it off

Freedom of speech only protects you from retaliation from the government, it does not protect you from the consequences of what you say.

Maybe read up on your countries laws before trying to throw them out as defense.

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Just now, MagPrime said:

Freedom of speech only protects you from retaliation from the government, it does not protect you from the consequences of what you say.

Maybe read up on your countries laws before trying to throw them out as defense.

freedom of speech allows you to say what you want along as it doesnt go against the law and induce public panic like saying bomb on a bus

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1 minute ago, (PS4)XephonixAwesome said:

freedom of speech allows you to say what you want along as it doesnt go against the law and induce public panic like saying bomb on a bus

Yes but it doesn't protect you from what others have to say in response.

Screaming "freedom of speech" doesn't change that you didn't do your due diligence of verifying the legitimacy of your claim that Mag needs a buff because you and or your friend kinda suck at using her, nor does it protect you from people informing you how badly you've handled the entire topic.


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Just now, (PS4)XephonixAwesome said:

freedom of speech allows you to say what you want along as it doesnt go against the law and induce public panic like saying bomb on a bus

This is... 

I don't...



You use excessive hyperbole, you ignore every case made for Mag being good, you make up pathetic arguments and you move goalposts when people refute your pathetic arguments.

Each of those is bad. 

But when you're told to stop being bad you retort with ''I have freedom of speech''? 


What's curious is that you can't tell MagPrime that they can't tell you to stop. The same law that you think allows you to say whatever you want must surely also apply to them, and subsequently allows them to say whatever they want to you. And you just have to sit there and take it, you have no argument against them.

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)XephonixAwesome said:

i didnt say it did

Then why bring it up?

When told to knock it off you said you can say whatever you want because of ''fr3ed0m ov SpeacH''. That is you using the law (that doesn't apply here) to protect yourself.

2 minutes ago, (PS4)XephonixAwesome said:

thats what me saying i have a freedom of speech is, its telling him that he cant

Don't assume gender.


And seriously. Do you not realise how revoltingly contradictory this is? I'll boil it down for you.

22 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

Yes but it doesn't protect you from what others have to say in response.

Mag to you, ''you cannot use it to protect yourself''

11 minutes ago, (PS4)XephonixAwesome said:

i didnt say it did

You to Mag, ''I didn't say I used it to protect myself''

3 minutes ago, (PS4)XephonixAwesome said:

thats what me saying i have a freedom of speech is, its telling him that he cant

Yet here you are, in this very quote you admit to telling Mag that they cannot tell you to stop.

That means that you are using ''freeeeeeeedumb 0f spooch'' to protect yourself.

And on top of that, you're telling Mag they can't say something. Which goes against your view on freedom of speech.

This is so ridiculous I'm actually laughing.

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Just now, (PS4)XephonixAwesome said:

how about you let "it" defend "it"self




I have freedom of speech as well, apparently, and can defend whoever I damn well please. :wink:

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