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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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11 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

You must be trolling because this thread is filled with tons of positive feedback explaining exactly what isn't working properly. It also contains dozens upon dozens of useful suggestions for ways to improve the current build.

I'm not trolling at all. I've been following this thread for the past 16 hours and yes there have been plenty of good suggestions, HOWEVER there have also been a crapload of "I dont like it put it back" type comments. My comment you quoted merely stated that the people that were making the latter comments were going to have their comments fall on deaf ears because going back to how it was simply will not happen, the devs have stated as much. I really am not sure how you think I was trolling with what I said.

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Jaztok said:

That is not an option at this point. The only thing people can really do is offer how to improve it by adding hot keys in certain areas. No, reverting it back is not a helpful suggestion because you are not working within the current system. Try suggesting something you would like to see like make it easier to access the relics and upgrade them. Something constructive instead of the ad nauseam of "revert it back". This is will be my only reply to you since it sounds like you are a troll due to the tone in your writing, and I will not waste my time with you any further.

Why is it not an option? Think about it. 


Yes it will take effort on their part, just like finding my other suggestions in this thread would take effort on yours. The fact that you are unwilling to put out the effort and would rather try and discount the suggestion instead of actually considering what I said, is pretty much the problem people were having earlier. 


Think about it. 

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Without being a word apple I'll start with the good parts of this cursor system.

+Browsing mods is easier.

+Navigation screen is slightly easier.

+Browsing the foundry and putting stuff to build is easier.

That's pretty much all I can think of, now for the bad stuff.

-Bugs around every corner.

-Using the arsenal is a nuisance.

-hard to use chat window(inviting players and such)

-annoying to select relics or initiate trades.

This new cursor needs to either be only for the navigation screen, or a optional feature for anyone more comfortable with a PC than a joystick, because for console players who are used to hotkeys like square to customise or triangle to mod, this is really inconvenient.

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Warframe "had" such a smooth feel to it playing on console vs PC. Now the UI looks bleak and washed out, it really looks unfinished. Before the little colored button markers looked nice, the way things highlighted was great. I really don't know who was smoking what when this idea popped. Turning up the cursor speed just makes you have to play the, "where the heck did my cursor go now game. 

I hated this game on PC because of control issues. Please fix this, we understand you can revert. But you can make it like a console game it supposed to act, and look. It really feels sterile, sad, and it really takes away from what was a very nice UI. Why fix things that aren't broken?!?

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Room for improvement: 

-I'm not liking how you have to double confirm your selection in the arsenal (press x once to preview, press again to actually equip). 

-In the arsenal, you have to move the cursor over to the character model to rotate it. It makes previewing syandanas, etc a bit more tedious. Having to move the cursor back and forth between the selection and the model. 

-I don't like the removal of the button shortcuts in the arsenal (square to customize, triangle to upgrade, etc). May just be a muscle memory thing, but it just feels a bit strange.

Things I like: 

-Being able to click on EVERYTHING in the starchart screen.  Not having to do the funky R1 to swap to the alerts menu, then press again to switch tabs. Plus, it gives the chart a sense of scale and space (punzzz) that it only had the illusion of before. So much potential there. 

-Accidentally discovered that you can drag mods in to place and I LOVE that. So much more satisfying than before. Not having played on PC, I didn't know what I was missing. Kept doing it just for fun.

-Generally, I really like the cursor concept. I'm thrilled that we're moving in that direction. It makes navigation tactile and works especially well from a "feel" perspective with the diagetic menu system. Getting closer to feeling like you're actually touching the menus.

-Warframe is a pretty menu-heavy game and I appreciate all the work that has been done to make the player feel like they are NOT in a menu most of the time. We spend so much time tweaking, modding, customizing, and it never feels like you've stopped playing a game. We're always in it. Looking forward to seeing how this UI thing shakes out. Great work!




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7 minutes ago, (PS4)BikerRider82 said:

Delete changes please or atleast allow us to choose to use it or not (The cursor thing just doesn't work for consoles imo)

this will not happen. As stated multiple times throughout this thread the devs have said that they cannot and will not go back to the old UI and switching between them is not an option. So instead we need to focus on suggesting actual ways to improve on the UI as it is now.

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13 minutes ago, (XB1)CrimsonPheonix8 said:

No I use controller, I used to play on pc and played warframe pc. I really liked how the game played on pc and wanted that implemented on consoles. I know its a mess right, but I believe when DE polishes this it'll feel really good, the game was originally built for pc after all. 

Yep, but a controller is not a mouse and never will be. they move completely differently.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

No problem at all, it just means that they can go ahead and "move forward" by figuring out how to add back the old UI/UX and make it so we can toggle it on or off. DUH. Simple. Easy. Make it so. Git 'er dun. 


That work for you? 

From a code perspective, your request is for them to take a clunky system and bolt on a clean system to create an even clunkier system.

The line of thinking they probably went through was something like this (because it's so common in the development world, it's cliche):

  1. Product Owner: "People want content updates faster, including a new UI, new quests and new types of activities."
  2. Developers: "The current system is clunky and getting clunkier with every new piece of UI we introduce. Changing things up without moving to a unified system is just a recipe for long development times and tons of bugs."
  3. Product Owner: "Okay, it's been long enough, let's build out a new UI."
  4. Developer A: "Okay, I have some new UI mockups. And the players are liking the new styles."
  5. Developer B: "Okay, I'll implement the new framework while you work out the visuals."
  6. Developer B: "(Later) Okay, I'm done with the new framework. We can get it in before Tennocon."
  7. Developer A: "Okay, I think I'm good as well. Let's target the June release."
  8. Developer B: "(Later) Okay, early feedback sent me back to the drawing board on some of the UI and it's not going to be ready before Tennocon."
  9. Product Owner: "Okay, what's it going to take to back out the cursor/framework changes?"
  10. Tech Lead: "We'll have to throw out a bunch of stuff for Tennocon and Saryn, particle FX and such will have to wait to be re-integrated. Cert will have to be restarted. You're talking about losing months of work."
  11. Product Owner: "What happens if we don't back it out?"
  12. Developer B: "The cursor changes go in without the new UI. It's going to be really clunky for console users until the new UI comes out. But we might be able to get some d-pad stuff in to mitigate the problem in the short term."
  13. Product Owner: "* sigh * Let's do that. Hopefully we'll wow them enough with Tennocon that they'll forgive us."
  14. Developers: "Well, there goes my evenings for the next month. But, we'll get it done."
  15. (Some) Players: "God, how could DE mess up this bad. Just put it back the way it was."

If it seems like I'm siding with DE on this one, it's because I've been in their shoes a bunch of times. Every eventual bad release is just the least bad thing people could think up at the time the crisis hit. I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that their major rework and refactoring didn't go according to plan and it was just them overreaching rather than being bad actors. Ambition is good. This was a game that no one believed in, but their belief in themselves and their dedication made it a success. They'll get back on track. They didn't suddenly become incompetent.

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20 minutes ago, (PS4)FurryZenJustice said:

It's also full of people saying (paraphrased) "hate it, revert it". Which are the people I imagine "Shad0w Rabbit" are referring to.

And they have a perfectly valid reason to not enjoy an update that strips down dozens of features and gives them very little benefit in return. Are you really asking them to be thankful for getting punched in the mouth?

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The controls are very unresponsive, please this is a console not a PC so no need for the virtual cursor. I love the interface but we need the triangle and square functions back, it takes ages to get things done without them. Also i haven't received my trinity prime and syadana and i have gone on twitch to claim them and yes i have a prime account linked to my warframe account. PS the loading music is very annoying and random 

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It sounds like DE is very aware of our frustration and are working on it. At this point, the constructive feedback all feels pretty universal. I think voicing your distaste is understandable and called for. There's no going back but moving forward needs to be a HIGH priority and let's keep the pressure on. Otherwise, I'd like to move the conversation to a new topic, though, called "how will DE make this up to us?" Wherein we will discuss how a free syandana or glyph will not cut it. How about a pack of five rivens, a bunch of free slots, and some formas?

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Personally, I don't find cursors working all too well with controllers in anything. My main problems with the new UI are that: the quick buttons in the arsenal are gone, and it feels a lot clunkier to select items, to change frame/weapon and to upgrade them, modding is very awkward with the drag n drop - what we had before worked the best, and that the d-pad is just a slightly faster select n scroll.

Desired changes: add in a toggle-able option for the cursor, make d-pad go back to how it was, modding drag n drop needs to go, when using the d-pad let it autoscroll as it used to, go back to having an item selected when you enter a menu (most prevalent in relic menu)

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14 minutes ago, (XB1)Shad0w Rabbit said:

I'm not trolling at all. I've been following this thread for the past 16 hours and yes there have been plenty of good suggestions, HOWEVER there have also been a crapload of "I dont like it put it back" type comments. My comment you quoted merely stated that the people that were making the latter comments were going to have their comments fall on deaf ears because going back to how it was simply will not happen, the devs have stated as much. I really am not sure how you think I was trolling with what I said.

You must be new to the Internet then because it is people's nature to complain. The trick is to try and figure out why they are complaining and thankfully there are hundreds of useful responses that explain why 99.99999% of console users are upset with the cursor UI. Let's not focus on the fact that players are upset and instead focus on the reasons why the new UI isn't fulfilling their requirements. The information is here, you just choose to focus on the wrong information.

Edited by (PS4)Hiero_Glyph
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11 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

Why is it not an option? Think about it. 


Yes it will take effort on their part, just like finding my other suggestions in this thread would take effort on yours. The fact that you are unwilling to put out the effort and would rather try and discount the suggestion instead of actually considering what I said, is pretty much the problem people were having earlier. 


Think about it. 

Reverting will likely take a massive amount of effort that will negate all forward momentum in the prior months. It will require people to unlearn new patterns and the new framework. It will stop all UI development for months and a lot of stuff that we just got (like FX particles) will have to come out for the short term. And it will kill employee morale.

However, keeping what they have and then adjusting it to address player issues won't have those problems. It's the reality of software development.

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26 minutes ago, (PS4)FurryZenJustice said:

It's also full of people saying (paraphrased) "hate it, revert it". Which are the people I imagine "Shad0w Rabbit" are referring to.

And these people are not beta testers, they are consumers. They have every right to voice their opinion when a product does not meet their expectations.

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2 weeks ago I started playing the console version of WF after a friend of mine urged me to join her on Ps4. I've been playing the PC version pretty much since just after the game went live and was always nervous about using a controller. Though I was pleasantly suprised how well the controls actually worked on Ps4, it was efficient and after a few hours of playing I had everything memorized. Now everything seems so....slow? It almsot seems everything either needs an extra click, or a flick on the right thumb stick to be able to scroll down further with the d-pad. Sure this will take time to learn, but I get frutrated every time I need to do something in the menu's now. Before with the old UI, even though I had never dared to use a controller with WF on PC before, it still felt very good on Ps4, now it feels like....S#&$. As far as I've been reading, most people have issues with the D-pad, I think fixing or reverting the d-pad back to how it was would fix alot of gripes that people have right now, me included.

Edited by (PS4)Liyern
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9 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

And they have a perfectly valid reason to not enjoy an update that strips down dozens of features and gives them very little benefit in return. Are you really asking them to be thankful for getting punched in the mouth?

no what they are being asked to do is give constructive feedback instead of just screaming "put it back to how it was" at the devs via the internet because the devs already said that its not going to go back to how it was.

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After playing for nearly two years now I was so adjusted to the previous UI that honestly it's mildly annoying using the new one but not in a bad way. It's just that you've learned how to do things but now it's a matter of relearning it. Overall once I've gotten used to it and such I don't see any serious issues with it personally.

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Console and PC are two different things. Don't alienate one group just because you are tired of having to deal with two separate control layouts. The response has been overwhelmingly negative. But are suggestions really going to help if you really don't want to have two separate control schemes?

Edited by (XB1)Shirosaki15
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