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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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Playing Warframe for two months and PlayStation since PS1. Two main things to say. 1. PlayStation is not PC so why we are forced to that change? This should be optional. Not funny, not cool very much unwanted change needs to be fixed ASAP. And that lead us to No.2 It’s first huge dissatisfaction and disappointment from DE. I guess DE never heard that Best is the biggest enemy of good. You have something good leave it, no need to chase the better one. So I hope DE will respect players who want to come back to old setup. Leave cursor for those who like it but give us option to switch it off. 

WTB cursor switch off mod 😂 1p 

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

You must be new to the Internet then because it is people's nature to complain. The trick is to try and figure out why they are complaining and thankfully there are hundreds of useful responses that explain why 99.99999% of console users are upset with the cursor UI. Let's not focus on the fact that players are upset and instead focus on the reasons why the new UI isn't fulfilling their requirements. The information is here, you just choose to focus on the wrong information.

I'm not new to the internet nor am I new to the inclination people have towards complaining (I'm a Marine veteran...complaining is kind of what we did all the time). Also, I've done my part much earlier in this thread to suggest ways to fix/improve the current UI. So no I am not focusing on the wrong information, I am merely trying to direct people to a more realistic option to have their voices heard.

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11 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

And they have a perfectly valid reason to not enjoy an update that strips down dozens of features and gives them very little benefit in return. Are you really asking them to be thankful for getting punched in the mouth?

No one is asking anyone to be grateful for this, or to like it.

What I, and a few others, are trying to get at is that asking for a way to turn it off isn't feasible and that they're going to be disappointed and that DE saying they can't and won't go back isn't them being obstinate, but just being honest about their reality. For the people who are upset and want change and who are only asking for a toggle, it would be helpful if they could express what they would change.

There are tons of people -- tons -- who are being very constructive with their negative feedback including just the things that they don't like. But specificity is key and more helpful than generic statements than, "I don't like it.". We all want it to be better. I don't like the new UI either. But what are they to do with "I don't like it, put it back" when that's not actually an option?

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Just now, (XB1)Shad0w Rabbit said:

I'm not new to the internet nor am I new to the inclination people have towards complaining (I'm a Marine veteran...complaining is kind of what we did all the time). Also, I've done my part much earlier in this thread to suggest ways to fix/improve the current UI. So no I am not focusing on the wrong information, I am merely trying to direct people to a more realistic option to have their voices heard.

You can't direct an angry mob. You can let them vent and hopefully stop being angry.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

You can't direct an angry mob. You can let them vent and hopefully stop being angry.

actually you can direct an angry mob...you block off paths you dont want them to go down which forces them into paths you want them to take...and that is literally what is being attempted by telling people to list out their complaints and to give suggested fixes.

Edited by (XB1)Shad0w Rabbit
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I think it’s clear they aren’t listening to feedback at all and we’re stuck with this unplayable game. I for one am very disappointed and believe If they really cared they’d switch it back ASAP. 

Its 34 pages of feedback and they just wanna pretend like nothing is happening???

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I cannot stand this cursor bs. Like... I seriously thought about deleting the game cause the cursor is probably gonna kill me quicker than if I did have cancer. No offense to people.

Leave PC out of consoles as they are two completely different operating systems.

I think they should just completely remove the cursor and switch back to the old UI cause this is aids af.

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)FurryZenJustice said:

No one is asking anyone to be grateful for this, or to like it.

What I, and a few others, are trying to get at is that asking for a way to turn it off isn't feasible and that they're going to be disappointed and that DE saying they can't and won't go back isn't them being obstinate, but just being honest about their reality. For the people who are upset and want change and who are only asking for a toggle, it would be helpful if they could express what they would change.

There are tons of people -- tons -- who are being very constructive with their negative feedback including just the things that they don't like. But specificity is key and more helpful than generic statements than, "I don't like it.". We all want it to be better. I don't like the new UI either. But what are they to do with "I don't like it, put it back" when that's not actually an option?

In business everything is an option. Don't pretend that DE hasn't gone back on what they said dozens of times already. The cursor UI is really, really bad in its current form on consoles. I do believe that DE will optimize it but the timeline for this has me incredibly nervous.

As for not being constructive, there are several reasons for this but so long as they aren't insulting DE let them vent. It's nice to see that thousands of other users agree with you and it helps to reinforce that DE needs to do something ASAP.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Filthy113 said:

I think it’s clear they aren’t listening to feedback at all and we’re stuck with this unplayable game. I for one am very disappointed and believe If they really cared they’d switch it back ASAP. 

Its 34 pages of feedback and they just wanna pretend like nothing is happening???

They are listening, its just that they cant switch it back to the old UI. It's been less than 24 hours since the UI update went live so it's gonna take some time for them to hotfix any of the improvements they have decided to try out due to the MASSIVE amount of feedback we have been providing. They do care and im very sure they are hard at work on this issue. There is no need to be so dramatic about it.

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Look to everyone that can tolerate or even enjoy the new UI congrats. But this change to the console version is uncalled for and not DE's traditional way of doing things. At the moment the only thing they've done is damage the console version of the game just before their upcoming Tennocon. I strongly suggest they go above and beyond to fix this UI by reverting back the whole update itself. There's other problems in this update in addition to the poor UI. If DE is hoping for a smooth Tennocon experience recalling this update is a must.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Jaztok said:

The problem with that though is that emotional responses of " I don't like it" lack detail the developers need to fix the issue. Yes, there are people here who are telling them what is exactly wrong with it, but when that group of people get yelled over by the "I don't like it" people, it causes issues because the developers don't have as much active detailed feedback which they need to fix the issues.

Expecting them to fix anything by the "I don't like it" emotional responses is illogical and creates more issues in the long run. If people calmed down and didn't post their pure emotional response, a lot more would get done because there would be more feedback coming in the developers can actually use.

What can be said that handy been covered already? You make it sound like having hundreds more posts detailing the exact same problems will get this issue fixed any faster. At this point DE has the information. Heck, they had it weeks ago when they put this update out on PC and got very similar feedback from PC users. At this point the only purpose of this thread is to bottle up all the responses so that they don't flood the forums.

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Why not have a combination of old style navigation and new cursor. For example, when in the arsenal, you can use the virtual cursor or the D-pad to navigate, or you can still hit Y to equip a new Weapon/Frame, X to customize, etc.

Alternatively, give us the option to have legacy controls for the menu, like what we have with Archwing.

I've got nothing against the new cursor, I just feel as though it was implemented too little too late because now I have to unlearn all my old navigation habits from the past 3 years.

At least, that's just me.

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Honest Evaluation:

The cursor update should have come with an apology.


I've implemented quite a few software and hardware systems in my time to healthcare providers.  Some are improvements, others are transitional that provide future benefit.  All deeply impact the daily life of the people using them.  Than being the case, here's my opinion.


I really, really hope that the reason for the cursor is that it makes DE's life significantly easier when transitioning code from the PC to PS4/XB1 platforms.  If it doesn't, this was a truly horrible idea.  The cursor provides no appreciable value to players.  It's a "like for like" transition.  That being the case, people hate it because it's new and makes reflex actions the brain has memorized no longer work.  It means relearning a new interface, which will take varying amounts of time (perhaps 6 hours of play to 20+ hours of play) to memorize all the same actions the players are used to making.  It lay not be a lot (a few seconds here and there), but it's extremely annoying and "steals" game time from players while they use an interface they aren't familiar with.  In some amount of time, all players will be used to it and it will be "just as good".  Until then, most people will hate it.  


Again, I really hope the change provides some ease of code transition for DE, because if it doesn't then this was just a waste.  Platform players will receive NO benefit from this.  It requires a time investment to learn to do the same actions, so it's a net loss (for players).  If DE isn't making up the loss in it's own time, then it's a net total loss total as well.  If it is making DE's life easier in some manner, the change should come with an apology to platform players.  "Sorry, we can no longer afford to waste 8 hours every update transitioning cursor commands to platform controls.  Here's some potatoes, please continue to defend the system. -DE"

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Here's my feedback. If console games were intended to be played like computer games, the PS4 would've come with a keyboard and mouse not a controller. Yes its possible because you've done it. But that doesn't mean it's optimal for the player. Even with adjusted sensitivity precision on a controller will never compare to that of a computer mouse so using the cursor will be time consuming. And getting a mouse is not an option for many of us. We like to play comfortably sit on a recliner, a sofa or bed and believe me using a keyboard and mouse that way might be possible but it's a horrible way to enjoy a game.

While using the d-pad makes it work just like the player-optimal previous UI we are missing hot-keys that made navigating the HUGE menus fast. The idea of having to drag a mod from storage to a slot on a console is stupid, plain stupid there's no sugar-coated way to say it.

I've read various posts that state DE team saying on live streams that this change won't be "rollbacked" it came to stay (I'm not sure how right this is because I haven't watched such if there are please do kindly tag me on them). If this is true, then I can say I am amazed and disappointed at the DE team. The reason I played this game was because I always heard that DE does listen to its players and what's happening now doesn't quite live up to what I heard before. Saying such things to the people that support you, it's not right because you're doing what you want and not what's best for the console player base, your customers (which in part is why I stopped playing Elder Scrolls Online, Zennimax Online Studios do whatever the hell they want and don't pay attention to feedback). If it's not true then let's hope DE reconsider this change.

If this will stay then make it seem close enough like the previous UI (add hot-keys, remove the drag & drop on mods) and just add the cursor heck on PS4 you can make it toggable with the touchpad on the controller. But I'd prefer if this new UI was scrapped and gone and the old one was back.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

In business everything is an option. Don't pretend that DE hasn't gone back on what they said dozens of times already. The cursor UI is really, really bad in its current form on consoles. I do believe that DE will optimize it but the timeline for this has me incredibly nervous.

As for not being constructive, there are several reasons for this but so long as they aren't insulting DE let them vent. It's nice to see that thousands of other users agree with you and it helps to reinforce that DE needs to do something ASAP.

Almost everything is an option, but many options are viable. And reverting a change this big isn't viable. It's not like this was a couple of weeks in the making. They probably started early this year or maybe even last year.

As for thousands of people agreeing with you: sure it's nice. But the mob has an unintended side effect -- it's incredibly demoralizing and ultimately unhelpful to your cause. I'd be amazed if they didn't know it stunk before they put it out there. Maybe I'm wrong on that point, but I'd bet money I'm not.

DE is full of creative types and while most people aren't directly insulting the people, having a thousand people tell you something sucks is probably about 900 more than were necessary to get the point across. There are actual people on the other side of this and dog-piling them with criticism because it feels good to be part of the mob isn't very nice and isn't going to get us what we want.

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9 minutes ago, (XB1)Shad0w Rabbit said:

actually you can direct an angry mob...you block off paths you dont want them to go down which forces them into paths you want them to take...and that is literally what is being attempted by telling people to list out their complaints and to give suggested fixes.

No, the only directing that is being done is telling them to give feedback in this thread so that it doesn't flood the rest of the forum. As I stated in another reply, DE already has the feedback they need. Heck, they had a lot of the same feedback when they released this update on PC weeks ago.

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3 minutes ago, (XB1)Shad0w Rabbit said:

They are listening, its just that they cant switch it back to the old UI. It's been less than 24 hours since the UI update went live so it's gonna take some time for them to hotfix any of the improvements they have decided to try out due to the MASSIVE amount of feedback we have been providing. They do care and im very sure they are hard at work on this issue. There is no need to be so dramatic about it.

They can change it back, the issue is that they don't want to since they've worked hard on this for months and now it's gone to waste. Archwing got changed back after the backlash, there's no reason why this can't be changed either, they've literally broken the console version of the game in one update. 

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)Hiero_Glyph said:

What can be said that handy been covered already? You make it sound like having hundreds more posts detailing the exact same problems will get this issue fixed any faster. At this point DE has the information. Heck, they had it weeks ago when they put this update out on PC and got very similar feedback from PC users. At this point the only purpose of this thread is to bottle up all the responses so that they don't flood the forums.

I would rather take a thousand posts stating the same fixes instead of a thousand torch wielding people trying to burn the building down. Yes, I know the point of the mega-thread is to contain it all here instead of the whole forums, but I would rather have it all actually be constructive just in case something was missed instead of pure emotional rage responses.

Edited by (PS4)Jaztok
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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Dova Seniorious said:

They can change it back, the issue is that they don't want to since they've worked hard on this for months and now it's gone to waste. Archwing got changed back after the backlash, there's no reason why this can't be changed either, they've literally broken the console version of the game in one update. 

Different scope. The control scheme for Archwing was pretty limited in terms of how many things were touched. This touches dozens of systems across the game and reverting it would be a nightmare.

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as an aside on the cursor, like it or hate it (me), I'm reasonably sure DE could see that, especially on console, accuracy ratings don't tend to be high, or even middle ground (I might manage a 30℅ on a good match) and coupled with tiny buttons (which don't need to be bigger) means many missed presses. 😕

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Just now, (PS4)Jaztok said:

I would rather take a thousand posts stating the same fixes instead of a thousand torch wielding people trying to burn the building down. Yes, I know the point of the mega-thread is too contain it all here instead of the whole forums, but I would rather have it all actually be constructive just in case something was missed instead of pure emotional rage responses.

DE is fine. They are not crying because someone said something bad on the Internet. Again, not everyone can be constructive to the same degree. I could write a 20 page paper on why this update sucks, or I could just say it sucks. In the end its up to DE to figure out why the update failed and how to improve it. There is no need to ask someone to be constructive, some will and some won't; just read the feedback and takes notes on what is being said.

In truth this update was going to fail regardless as it will take time to restore the features back into the unified cursor UI. DE knew this and if you think otherwise then you didn't read the PC megathread for the cursor UI.

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Yeah, I was rather surprised to find this change and actually found this thread looking to see if there's a way to revert the controls, I much prefer what it was before, it felt faster and more controller friendly, navigating with the mouse has felt slow and it seems like it takes that much more effort to do things like change equipment for example. And some things it can do don't make much sense, like being able to snap the the names and symbols of the warframe abilities when changing equipment, because they don't seem to do anything.
Overall, I just kinda prefer the simple button press navigation an option between the two would be a nice addition if that was possible

Edited by (PS4)Heratic611
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Allow us to rotate our warframe while customizing without putting the cursor on them, there’s no reason to have horizontal Right stick movements for scrolling.

Add the hotkeys to the arsenal again, like square for appearance, triangle for mods and X to equip a different item.

And make it so that moving the cursor to the bottom of a menu it will automatically scroll down, allowing one handed menu movement.


This is what I would change to make it more viable, however I’d rather see the old UI system again. It’s been like that for 5 years and worked perfectly, why would we suddenly want to change that? Everything is so slow now

Edited by (PS4)crammie
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