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(XB1/PS4) Virtual Cursor Feedback Megathread


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Just now, (PS4)Jaztok said:

Data always matters. Just because you disagree with that claim is irrelevant. If data didn't matter, nothing would ever get accomplished.

I know plenty about statistics and how people think the ones that scream loudest are always right. That is the farthest truth from reality as can be because more often times than not they are wrong or lack the data to properly see the whole issue. I am done with this conversation though with you. I do thank you for having it with me, but we are getting nowhere and just going in circles. I am ending it here. Ty again. /bow

I work in IS so I use data for everything but in this case it is irrelevant since the data is so overwhelmingly one-sided.

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27 minutes ago, (XB1)Dova Seniorious said:

The flaw behind all of this is the 'mouse-centric UI'. We're playing on console for a reason, it's so we don't have to use UI's like this as they are an inconvenience. Far too many options have been sacrificed with this UI change and barely any of it was for the better. Regardless of what they change the fact remains that Console Tenno would rather not have a cursor and prefer to keep what we already have since it works and functions perfectly. 

We already had a cursor -- in multiple places. Cursors aren't inherently bad on console which is why plenty of games use them. My fear is that this kind of reaction will actually have them make bad UI decisions because of how they might be perceived. Cursors can be good with the right kind of UI underneath. Or do you always use the d-pad in navigation and the web browser or in maps in other games?

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I'd maybe say whatever to this update if it was optional but nope this is appalling revert back to the old system and give option and don't force changes on us players players when its clearly not ready if you dont make it an option here are some things to improve it add auto scroll so when your at the bottom it continues to go down add shortcut keys to make navigation less time consuming make the cursor instantaneous. Apart from that thank you for the free content and patching the nuke trin have a good one

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)kickingthedog said:

P.S. Seriously? UI? Don't you guys have a priority list? Because UI changes, no all unneccesary changes should be placed solidly BEHIND stuff like Content, Enemies, Events, Loot, Mechanics, Music, Art, Playing with cats, Looking at memes, Looking at memes about playing with cats and Smoke breaks. Yesterday I'd be playing Warframe around this time, now I have to play internet warrior because I can barely get WF to work. I'd honestly preffer the former.

UI is always a part of new content. Nidus and mutation stacks, fishing and lure selection, the mining UI, focus school selection. New, interesting content frequently requires new UI. They're not unrelated endeavors.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)olVSATlo said:
1 hour ago, (PS4)Jaztok said:

Data always matters. Just because you disagree with that claim is irrelevant. If data didn't matter, nothing would ever get accomplished.

I know plenty about statistics and how people think the ones that scream loudest are always right. That is the farthest truth from reality as can be because more often times than not they are wrong or lack the data to properly see the whole issue. I am done with this conversation though with you. I do thank you for having it with me, but we are getting nowhere and just going in circles. I am ending it here. Ty again. /bow

Only a blind man could not see that it is completely 1 sided on what we want data in this situation doesn't






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DE is being selfish for pushing this on us. DE Steve literally said that the reason they did this switch is to make it easier on them. So screw what the players want and are happy with just so DE has it a bit easier... So incredibly selfish. You are disappointing many players with this move.

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Just now, (PS4)FurryZenJustice said:

We already had a cursor -- in multiple places. Cursors aren't inherently bad on console which is why plenty of games use them. My fear is that this kind of reaction will actually have them make bad UI decisions because of how they might be perceived. Cursors can be good with the right kind of UI underneath. Or do you always use the d-pad in navigation and the web browser or in maps in other games?

The issue is that the cursor isn't intuitive on consoles and is compounded by the default FPS controls. So in most cases we aim with the right analog (mouse) and move with the left analog (WASD). The problem is that the cursor is mapped to the left analog since we need access to the face buttons on the right. So now we have to switch hands mentally to swap aiming and moving the cursor.

Now add in the fact that the cursor is absolute in its position while menus change. So if you leave the cursor in the lower left of the screen it will remain there no matter which menu you open. So the options menu is on the left side, the mods are on the bottom, the arsenal is on the left, the relics are on the bottom, etc. So just finding where the cursor is on the screen is so counterintuitive it hurts.

This is also why the d-pad needs to be absolute and not reliant on where the cursor is currently positioned. If the d-pad started at the top of the menu then we could scroll just like the legacy UI allowed. Instead it relies on where the cursor is located so you can't even scroll through mods unless you put the cursor on the bottom of the screen. Also, the d-pad cannot scroll so it literally only works if you use the right analog, which prevents you from confirming your choice with the face buttons.

It really is a mess right now.

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22 minutes ago, (PS4)FurryZenJustice said:

We already had a cursor -- in multiple places. Cursors aren't inherently bad on console which is why plenty of games use them. My fear is that this kind of reaction will actually have them make bad UI decisions because of how they might be perceived. Cursors can be good with the right kind of UI underneath. Or do you always use the d-pad in navigation and the web browser or in maps in other games?

I already mentioned the cursor in other places, you clearly didn't read one of my posts.

While it's understandable that DE might be worried about changing the UI again because of this backlash, we've had devstreams for a reason. That reason being to show us what's coming and for them to receive feedback/ suggestions from the community. 

It's not a bad idea of changing the UI but without the contribution to its layout and options from the console player-base the outcome is the mess that we've currently been dumped with. 

Edited by (XB1)Dova Seniorious
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On 2018-06-05 at 11:11 AM, [DE]Danielle said:

The Virtual Cursor is live on XB1 and PS4 in Beasts of the Sanctuary: Update 22.20.6!

To read the full dedicated Dev Workshop head on over to: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/962550-dev-workshop-upcoming-console-virtual-cursor-changes-d-pad-functionality-for-all-platforms/

[Expand spoiler below for changes]

  Reveal hidden contents


  • Scrolling is now done using the right stick. 
    • Pretty straightforward! Move the stick up to scroll up and down to scroll down, move right for right and move left for left. 
  • Moving the new virtual cursor is done by moving the left stick. 
    • The cursor can move freely around any part of the screen, you are not locked to any one menu item as you would be using the D-Pad/Left stick prior to these changes.
  • Selecting items within the menus is now done primarily by using your default selection button (unless officially assigned in the UI - Captura for example). 
    • For example: Options in the Arsenal (Equip, Upgrade, Appearance, Abilities) are now all selectable by hovering your cursor over the desired tab and hitting X.
  • Windows with fields where you can increase values (ex: Sentient Core redemption at Quill Onkko) will require you to hover over the desired field with your cursor and use the bumpers to increase/decrease values. 
    • The bumper icons will “activate” when you’re hovering over an area to indicate which window bumper activity will affect.
  • Interacting with the Modding UI:
    • To equip a Mod select it by hovering your cursor over it and then drag it to a slot by holding down your select button.
    • Once you’re in the slot area you do not need to hold it anymore and will be able to move freely about with the Mod in hand.
    • Want to swap an already equipped Mod with one from your inventory? Drag and drop it over a Mod in your inventory! 
    • Unequipping a Mod is done by hovering over it and using the assigned button (triangle) - so nothing’s changed here!
  • You will have the option to change the UI Cursor Sensitivity (speed) in the “Controls” Options to your liking.
  • D-Pad interacts with the virtual cursor in the following ways: 
    • You can swap back and forth from the virtual cursor (and from keyboard/mouse inputs) using the left stick to using the D-Pad . 
      • The virtual cursor will travel with the D-Pad movement.
    • Using the D-Pad will snap your cursor to whatever button is nearest to it at that time.
    • This is also dependent on which directional button (up/down, left/right) you press. 
    • Scrolling will still be done by using your right-stick - the D-Pad will traverse over UI items but will not scroll if you motion to the edge of a menu.  


We will be closely monitoring your feedback/bug reports! These are some big changes, so we understand it will be quite jarring when you first get to moving around the UI. But with that said, we really do appreciate your constructive feedback so that we know where we can improve. If you are reporting a bug, provide screenshot/video where possible. 

Thank you for your time as Warframe continues to develop!

Known issues and notes! 

  • D-Pad not working on World State Window - will be implemented in a future update!
  • Can't rotate items in the Market   
  • D-Pad skipping over items in menu lists - will be fixed in a future update! 
  • Scrolling with the D-Pad - working to see if we can implement in a future update! 
  • Missing tool-tip for load-out from Navigation screen - working on a fix! 
  • Cannot interact with touch pad controls in the customize controller menu - working on a fix! 
  • Several issues with the new fishing UI - working on a fix!

ill keep this short since all the big issues have or will be mentioned, double click thing needs to be 100000% gone no saving that feature its terrible,  shorcuts back , option to roll back controls, i doubt that will happen and if u are sticking us to the downsides of mouse on controller give us pc benefits like typing in a number for trading plat selling mods donating to syndicates and such instead of pressing rb a ton

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Can we get option to disable cursor please 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

I'm a consol player not a pc and I absolutely hate it, if I won't to use muse I would play on pc! Simple

Cursor is putting me off the game and I won't be playing until is going to be fixed 

And whay you devs didn't bother to ask consol player's if they what something like that in first place? Why why why 

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First post ever, and only because I, too, want to state that this change feels utterly terrible and counter intuitive. Granted, first impressions, but those tend to stick 🙂

You had a perfectly fine console UI. Now, it feels like this game is a really poor PC port without any effort whatsoever. Which would be fine... if this was a really poor PC port for a new free to play game.. But you axed a solid, easy to use system for this?

I mean...drag-and-drop on with a controller? Seriously?? Come on... I don't look forward to modding...one of the key features and selling points of this game?

Sure, I guess I could get used to it after a couple of weeks of "retraining my muscle memory", as you so eloquently put it... but I really don't see why I should have to. This has no benefits for us, the console peasants... is this really because you don't want to (or can't) support two UIs?

Or did you come up with this awesome new UI for PC and somewhere along the way realised that it could not possibly be used with a controller? But then why change it now, before the new UI is finished?

I love this game, and I genuinely respect the effort of the devs, but sometimes, you really have to wonder...is there any planning going on?

This sounds overly dramatic, but... I don't feel like playing for the time being. Everything is just so...slow and unintuitive.


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Please revert these changes for us DE or at least give us an on/off switch for the cursor in the menus which cause the biggest issues... 

IF we go back to how it was without an on/off switch, consider leaving in the cursor inside of the chat window, not all across the screen.. like you open chat and the cursor activates. Learn from this experiment and keep it only in the menus where it makes a positive difference. This is just my advice.

Good luck with this situation DE

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Patch certification. Unlike on PCs Dev’s need to upload the finish patch to Xbox/PS4 for them to test it for exploits/viruses. It also costs money to do so.

So instead of being able to push out updates quickly and for free, it’s costly and slow. This is also why we usually don’t get small updates as it’s cheaper to wait and group them together in one big one.

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So what I'm getting from this is we're basically stuck with this cursor? Well let me know when it's adjusted to the point I don't hate being on my ship anymore. Spend my entire evening playing with one warframe because I wasn't in the mood to switch and go through the clenching experience of moving like a snail and trying to double click on stuff with a controller whose stick has a mind of its own because it's a little older.


I'm outtie. Hundreds of dollars wasted. GG it's been fun.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)ForNoPurpose said:

You and i disagree.

I think it does need to be said again that most people don't like this cursor.


Its ironic i have to fight against something i am soft loving because i can setup my ps4 for M&K. But this has be optional because it is hoooorible on controller.

I don't think mousrband keyboards support should be enabled on consoles at all honestly. It gives players an unfair advantage despite "player choice" argument that's bound to come from that statement.

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34 minutes ago, (PS4)Herculxs said:

DE is being selfish for pushing this on us. DE Steve literally said that the reason they did this switch is to make it easier on them. So screw what the players want and are happy with just so DE has it a bit easier... So incredibly selfish. You are disappointing many players with this move.

This 100%

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il y a 35 minutes, (PS4)Herculxs a dit :

DE is being selfish for pushing this on us. DE Steve literally said that the reason they did this switch is to make it easier on them. So screw what the players want and are happy with just so DE has it a bit easier... So incredibly selfish. You are disappointing many players with this move.

Making the code easier for them it's better for us because it will translate in shorter time between updates. I don't like the new UI system but calm down, guys. They need constructive feedback, not just hate comments.

Edited by (PS4)LPCHAZY
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We don't want to try and aim for stuff, we want muscle memory instant key strokes. I knew that options, two times up and x meant I leave a squad. Now I have to "fish" around the screen. To make it easier, let me break down the exact UI changes that if done will give us back most of the old scheme functionality, while retaining the positive elements of the new system.

1. Right stick functionality should be shared with the dpad. When on the edges of a list (vertical lists in arsenal and foundry or horizontal lists like in mods screens) pressing the dpad towards the edge should scroll further along. This should be your number one priority, it is probably the worst fun inhibitor.

2. If anything, shortcuts are now even more needed. With dpad you could skip them, most of the time you were only a couple of direction keys strokes away from anything. Now you have to drag along the cursor and try to aim for what you want to press.

3. Dpad should snap to some context sensitive stuff, like relic selection (which should also mean immediate review of the relic's possible rewards) and relic reward selection.

4. Add a toggle/hold functionality for the mods picking up, like with crouching or aiming, and, if possible, rework the ability to first select the mod slot and then the mod.

5. In options menu let us use the dpad to select leave squad. Like, PLEASE!

6. I 'd also mention the missions, but I understand you are working with this, so just add the dpad scroll functionality as well.

Thank you and I hope this update won't make me phase out of Warframe, because I love the effort you have put in it till today.

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