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DE, your development process needs a rework.


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5 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

IT doesn't. Your just pulling strings to push your agenda.

THE community delayed Khora.

My agenda? Of wanting DE to be better? Wow, you got me there.

The community pulled the plug on the IPS change? Arguable. We expressed how much we didn't like what they first offered, they scraped the whole thing, then pushed Khora out. 

And she's just awesome now.

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8 minutes ago, (PS4)vl_Monarch_lv said:

Sacrifice is included because its an ongoing problem. Remember when it was suppose to come before POE? Anyone?

The Sacrifice was never given a proper release date and still wasn't, just a time frame. Where are you getting this information from?

Honestly, I don't talk on the forums much but when blatant lies are being spewed I'm going to speak up.

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4 minutes ago, MadGrekon said:

I don't remember that Sacrifice was supposed to come before POE. Where did you get that piece of information?

Do you even know what was the set release date for khora?

You are being intentionally vague about information. Looks suspicious to me.

It was. They said it themselves on a devstream.

No idea. Did I mention that or in any way bring that up? No? Okay.

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Just now, 4ldrago23 said:

The Sacrifice was never given a proper release date and still wasn't, just a time frame. Where are you getting this information from?

Honestly, I don't talk on the forums much but when blatant lies are being spewed I'm going to speak up.


Unless it's from said devstream then, huh.

1 minute ago, LupisV0lk said:

That's arguable at best.

I'll give you arguable if you'll agree she's in top 5 worst.

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)vl_Monarch_lv said:


Unless it's from said devstream then, huh.

The only word from DE about the release date of the sacrifice before now is that it would be before Tenno con.

If you aren't gonna give an actual devstream number as evidence and just say DE said it in some random devstream, then I'm going to assume you're making this up because you're angry the sacrifice isn't out.

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1 minute ago, (PS4)vl_Monarch_lv said:

So Titania isn't bad, shes just misunderstood?

What, like Limbo before his rework? Or post rework(whichever one it was) Oberon? They were just misunderstood?

No. They were bad. Like Titania is bad. And Khora.

Subjective at the most.

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)vl_Monarch_lv said:

It was. They said it themselves on a devstream.

No idea. Did I mention that or in any way bring that up? No? Okay.

Thats your answer? "they said it themselves on a devstream."

Here's my answer: They never said that Sacrifice would come before POE.

You named khora update as an example of bad release pattern. The general complaint in this thread is that DE are not releasing it when they say it is going to be released. If I put those 2 things together I can conclude that you are saying khora release was delayed. But know it turns out you don't even know what the release date for khora was.

Are you ok? Maybe you should go to a doctor for a check up? Tell him you might have some delusions.


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1 hour ago, MadGrekon said:

Seems like someone needs his fix urgently. Hopefully you don't end up with some mental breakdown by the end of the week.


This thread is as productive as me spamming TROLOLOLOL all over the forums.

Feel like you just read the title then went straight to typing a response.

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2 minutes ago, Blade said:

Feel like you just read the title then went straight to typing a response.

Lol you made me go reread your first post to make sure there wasn't some hidden meaning. And yeah my point is still the same. You are butthurt that Sacrifice didn't release today/yesterday/wednesday.

Just for your information, thats what a lot of game developers do. They tease a game 1 year or even longer before its release.

You just really couldn't handle that Sacrifice isn't here yet and so you went and made a thread about how its a big problem that DE didn't release Sacrifice today.

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11 minutes ago, LupisV0lk said:

Subjective at the most.

Fine I won't "bad". They're "worse" than other frames.


8 minutes ago, MadGrekon said:

Thats your answer? "they said it themselves on a devstream."

Here's my answer: They never said that Sacrifice would come before POE.

You named khora update as an example of bad release pattern. The general complaint in this thread is that DE are not releasing it when they say it is going to be released. If I put those 2 things together I can conclude that you are saying khora release was delayed. But know it turns out you don't even know what the release date for khora was.

Are you ok? Maybe you should go to a doctor for a check up? Tell him you might have some delusions.



I brought up khora because, like the thread title states, "development process" is this discussions subject.

I'll put it plainly, just for you. Khora is borked, both thematically and in gameplay. She has little identity outside being the catlady(amazing, indeed), and does even less well. She was borked because she was rushed out the door when DE scraped the whole IPS change. She was dead on arrival, and it'll take a complete rehaul to give her any semblance of use.

It be delusional to think shes great as is.

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Just now, MadGrekon said:

Lol you made me go reread your first post to make sure there wasn't some hidden meaning. And yeah my point is still the same. You are butthurt that Sacrifice didn't release today/yesterday/wednesday.

Just for your information, thats what a lot of game developers do. They tease a game 1 year or even longer before its release.

You just really couldn't handle that Sacrifice isn't here yet and so you went and made a thread about how its a big problem that DE didn't release Sacrifice today.

No, that's not at all what I wrote. Try again.

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I wouldn't say months for umbra. More like years based on delays and putting it on the side burn.  Aside from that he doesn't because if they did and they were alittle late. Everyone riots. Then do it to soon and it has bugs and peoples game crash. Everyone riots again. I mean put it in there perspective. You get a loose , loose cituation where people are just gonna whine, riot , and complain like children because there impatient. Id rather have no bugs with good story plot that shows delivered work then some half done garbage because people can't wait.  De does give results when they take there time

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They're pretty confident it'll release on thursday. DE has made a ton of mistakes but they also learned (some a bit more than others) that givin' ETA's means trouble. Which means that they only announce IF the update is really close. If they announced that it'll be this week, one of them is saying that it's probable to come tomorrow, then you can just take a chill pill and wait 1 or 2 more days.


I've been around for The Wait Within (Been playin' since late 2014), and I know how troublesome and annoyin' the DElays are, but we can't forget that this is programming. This isn't a simple "Build a ship/house", they have to do codin' and bug fixing. The problem is that while coding is "fast" (-er than bugfixIng), bug fixing isn't. The thing with bug fixing is that you fix 1 bug, three more show up, and the list goes on.


I do however agree with something you've said, and that is something DE is yet to improve: Building hype. They build hype slightly too soon which leads to frustration and burn out, which I Think is the main point of this thread. Yes, in this part, DE needs to either give is more stuff to chew through with the hype, or start hyping closer to the launch date. Hyping with months yet to go, even a year to go, will create unnecessary hype that only does 1 thing: give players a burn out.

Edited by devildevil21
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3 minutes ago, (PS4)vl_Monarch_lv said:

Fine I won't "bad". They're "worse" than other frames.



I brought up khora because, like the thread title states, "development process" is this discussions subject.

I'll put it plainly, just for you. Khora is borked, both thematically and in gameplay. She has little identity outside being the catlady(amazing, indeed), and does even less well. She was borked because she was rushed out the door when DE scraped the whole IPS change. She was dead on arrival, and it'll take a complete rehaul to give her any semblance of use.

It be delusional to think shes great as is.

Khora isn't great in my opinion but we can't have all great frames. Be realistic about this. She still better than a bunch of them. I prefer her over titania, nyx, equinox, and loads of male frames.

Still, like I said the bad pattern isn't as bad as you make it out to be. I honestly don't even see that bad pattern.

5 minutes ago, Blade said:

No, that's not at all what I wrote. Try again.

I'm not going to.

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5 minutes ago, MadGrekon said:

Khora isn't great in my opinion but we can't have all great frames. Be realistic about this. She still better than a bunch of them. I prefer her over titania, nyx, equinox, and loads of male frames.

Still, like I said the bad pattern isn't as bad as you make it out to be. I honestly don't even see that bad pattern.

If you're going to start arguing the gradations of bad, then this isnt going to go much further. 

Edited by (PS4)vl_Monarch_lv
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16 minutes ago, devildevil21 said:


They're pretty confident it'll release on thursday. DE has made a ton of mistakes but they also learned (some a bit more than others) that givin' ETA's means trouble. Which means that they only announce IF the update is really close. If they announced that it'll be this week, one of them is saying that it's probable to come tomorrow, then you can just take a chill pill and wait 1 or 2 more days.

Nice! I haven't seen this tweet yet, good to know they're confident with this one.


16 minutes ago, devildevil21 said:

I've been around for The Wait Within (Been playin' since late 2014), and I know how troublesome and annoyin' the DElays are, but we can't forget that this is programming. This isn't a simple "Build a ship/house", they have to do codin' and bug fixing. The problem is that while coding is fast, bug fixing isn't. The thing with bug fixing is that you fix 1 bug, three more show up, and the list goes on.


I do however agree with something you've said, and that is something DE is yet to improve: Building hype. They build hype slightly too soon which leads to frustration and burn out, which I Think is the main point of this thread. Yes, in this part, DE needs to either give is more stuff to chew through with the hype, or start hyping closer to the launch date. Hyping with months yet to go, even a year to go, will create unnecessary hype that only does 1 thing: give players a burn out.

Oh believe me, I know. The intention of this thread wasn't to try and rush DE or complain about how long it's taken, it was moreso just voicing that I think they should be more cautious in announcing potential release dates, avoid shooting themselves in the foot by giving an unrealistical release date that they'll have to push themselves hard to meet.

My issue is not with how long something takes to develop, but rather about them knowing when to and when not to hype something up, so as to avoid hyping it up prematurely.


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3 minutes ago, (PS4)vl_Monarch_lv said:

If you're going to start arguing the gradations of bad, then this isnt going to go much further. 

I wasn't expecting it going any further. Remember my first post in this thread?

I simply am not seeing all this bad release pattern you are seeing is all. Instead I think you are overeager for Sacrifice to be released.

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4 minutes ago, Blade said:

Oh believe me, I know. The intention of this thread wasn't to try and rush DE or complain about how long it's taken, it was moreso just voicing that I think they should be more cautious in announcing potential release dates, avoid shooting themselves in the foot by giving an unrealistical release date that they'll have to push themselves hard to meet.

My issue is not with how long something takes to develop, but rather about them knowing when to and when not to hype something up, so as to avoid hyping it up prematurely.


Criticism isnt the most welcomed thing here, I've noticed.


2 minutes ago, MadGrekon said:

I wasn't expecting it going any further. Remember my first post in this thread?

I simply am not seeing all this bad release pattern you are seeing is all. Instead I think you are overeager for Sacrifice to be released.

Considering I play on PS4 now, that's a bit of a moot point.

Reading comp. It'll never let you down.

Edited by (PS4)vl_Monarch_lv
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There's an awful lot of petulant entitlement going in here. People don't even get this whiny when a movie or series someone wants is announced as entering production in the near future without any hard dates (Star Trek: Discovery ring any bells there? Talk about delays again.)


When all the complainers get jobs at DE and actually know how the company operates and can say with absolute certainty that their methods are useless, then they may have a leg to stand on. Otherwise, complain about methods & having to wait all you want, but it doesn't magically get anything done any faster -- it just makes you look snotty. And probably laughed at.

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