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Host Migration - Sanctuary Onslaught [Fixed]


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THANK YOU. I've been messing with this since the update. It's really annoying, since people don't know about this and actually lose their rewards. I've learned to wait to see what the host is doing before getting into the conduit, but sometimes there's nothing you can do (host crashes, host leaves while you are loading, the mission ends while you are loading)

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3 hours ago, Tridernite1 said:

Whenever I or any of my friends join an elite sanctuary onslaught mission and the host leaves. That pretty much ends the mission for us making us restart the whole game as we are stuck on the host migration screen for a long time.

rewards: none

No end screen as we are forced to restart the entire game. 

It is an old bug that returned. 

Basically - host leaves during SO - everyone else gets stuck on host migration. The workaround is to... talk to the host to leave the mission only by dropping efficiency to zero. It is annoying and not completely reliable (random DC may screw everyone over) but it is better than nothing.

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This seems to happen quite often after a major patch. But yes, when host leave, I will always get stuck on the loading screen. This happens 6 times, and it would be great if there's some kind of icon to know who is the host of a session.

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I had a weird version of this happened. Host mIgration, stuck on loading screen, quit, relog, found that I got all the stuff before the migration happened anyways (I had used up all my focus before joining the mission, and when I came back on, I had something like 35k focus, meaning I got more).

But yeah I agree this should be fixed. Especially since they did fix it, but it seems like this update reopened that old wound again.

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Tried sanctuary for the first time today - it's insanely buggy. Out of 10-15 tries I was able to extract twice. Host migration bug froze me in loading screen.

Spending that time only to lose your progress is insane, and makes this mode not worth playing.

Edit:I'm frustrated now, but when this mode works it is really fun.


Edited by aweesomebot
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Same. It's not worth putting the time in to farm Khora. If everything would go without bugs you would need 200+ runs to 8th wave, but with all the bugs, host migration freezes, getting stuck where /unstuck command won't work, it would take twice that time. It is time DE fix the host migration problem once and for all. this problem has plagued Warframe since it's infancy. How come they have not yet put in a backup feature that makes sure everyone got their own backup session for when host migration occurs.
When so much time in the game gets wasted it's not worth the effort...

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I've never ever "finished" a Onslaught XD Always a Host Migration that #*!%s it up, making me lose all the rewards. 
Dunno why they just add new content instead of making the current content playable. 

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Thanks for posting about it, was wondering if I was the only one that was having that issue again, I know they had it fixed a while back, nice that they threw that back in with the new content.. Something else that needs to get fixed again..

Hopefully DE will see this and do whatever they did the first time to resolve the issue.

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This really boils down to an issue that has been a problem in warframes since the beta, and that is when you crash, bug out, or get stuck in any kind of loading screen you basically lose all your porgress. So for example, say you are in a survival, and you are in it for an hour, but then something happens and everyone involve freezes, locks up, or is stick in some scenario. Forcing you to close out or log out and back in, ALL of your progress is not saved and you lose all your hard work. THIS is the issue that needs to be addressed, and has been an issue since forever. We need some way to track and keep our loot so that when this stuff happens we at least keep what we earned.  Alot of this wouldn't be as big an issue IF we got to keep our progress, so that we still felt like the time involved was worthwhile.

That's the main issue, the problem however i think is a fundamental issue with the way that warframes handles the data and the engine itself, and there may be no clear solution... But yea this is a problem i keep slamming into while doing onslaught and it's super annoying...

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Hi i'm a new player and just started playing two weeks ago.

I have just started to try Onslaught and found it to be one of the most lucrative modes for a new player. 

After the new patch, when the host for Onslaughts leaves, the host migration results in everyone else struck in loading screen and losing their rewards.

I played the mode twice after the patch and lost my rewards twice.

This is extremely rage inducting, especially seeing all these rewards the mode is promising and suddenly NOPE YOU SHALL NOT HAVE WHAT YOU EARNED.

This is a huge turn off in an otherwise excellent game.

There were a number of hotfixes but I did not see this getting fixed.

Please make the fixing of this a priority.


Edited by wtflag
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coolest host migration ever lost loot got something cool never seen before i hope it wasnt super rare i wanted to see what it was 😕


took a bit but i found what i lost it was a Synthetic Eidolon Shard

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