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Petition To have Teshin take over for mission dialogue rather than fake space mom.


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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Poison___Insect said:

she was forced to become what she is now by the sentials, don't you remember what Hunhow told us 

I do, but why she did it doesn't change the fact that she isn't around anymore and shouldn't be giving us directions. Because essentially, she isn't the lotus anymore, she is back to being Natah.  


Though I'm sure there will be a quest in the future where we turn her back. But that is probably years away. No way do I want to listen to fake lotus for that long. 

Edited by Dallyoop
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Ordis please. I want to hear him make those cute noises he did when we lose a tower in the Limbo Theorem. It was the best time I've ever had doing a mission. Hearing him tell me to murder them all was a much better incentive than Lotus telling me to do anything. Also, Ordis synthesizing her mission directives means she ultimately was useless to us. There is a system that Ordis can connect to that communicates alerts, and advises us on the ghoul threats, plague star, and bounty radiant missions. We don't need her anymore.


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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Poison___Insect said:

I really doubt that it will be in years, but maybe this year or next

It will be at LEAST 2 years. They have venus coming, Melee 3.0, then they would have to build the entire Tau system. It's gonna be years. It took them 5 months to do the sacrifice and they were rushing it. It's gonna take a lot longer than that to build an entire new system for us to explore. I mean, it's been years that they have been talking about a new UI and we only just got a chunk of it now. 

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Just now, Dallyoop said:

It will be at LEAST 2 years. They have venus coming, Melee 3.0, then they would have to build the entire Tau system. It's gonna be years. It took them 5 months to do the sacrifice and they were rushing it. It's gonna take a lot longer than that to build an entire new system for us to explore. 

s h i t


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Plus fill it with enough sentient variations that it makes sense for them to have multiple planets to run around in. Unless they decide not to have the Tau system and we intercept Lotus on Pluto or the void, before she leaves our system. 

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So...I'm guessing the OP is mentioning sacrifice spoilers with the "she tried to kill us and chose Ballas instead and is back to her sentient mind instead of Lotus/Margulis" statement?


Otherwise, I don't mind having static Lotus, maybe have her break down sometimes and Ordis' voice slips through until he mentions that the hologram is "repaired".

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3 minutes ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

So...I'm guessing the OP is mentioning sacrifice spoilers with the "she tried to kill us and chose Ballas instead and is back to her sentient mind instead of Lotus/Margulis" statement?


Otherwise, I don't mind having static Lotus, maybe have her break down sometimes and Ordis' voice slips through until he mentions that the hologram is "repaired".

That and also that she is gone now, she isn't Lotus, but Natah. So it makes sense for someone who is invested in the tenno succeeding in their mission take over giving them info. Then again, I would be happy with an option just to turn off fake lotus and have no in mission voices at all. 

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Thinking about it some more, I think I would be okay with our operator doing the talking as well, as an alternative to Teshin. We have grown quite a bit and I'm not sure we really need anyone at all giving us direction. Plus it would cut down on "My warframe is strong" being spammed at us all the time. 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

No, the spoiler applies to Apostasy Prologue as the beginning of "fake Lotus", which I can understand can get tiresome by some after a bit. Talking about sacrifice is different and unrelated to "static lotus is annoying".

Your problem, not mine. I did my due diligence and put the only spoiler tag they have on the thread. At this point you should assume that every spoiler tag is talking about the sacrifice. 

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7 minutes ago, Braken said:

Teshin, Darvo, Maroo, or the syndicate leaders. Any of them would work fine.

Pallimino (Spelling?) could be pretty cool too. Since she kinda owes us for helping Rell... though that was sorta our fault in the first place. 😛 

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1 hour ago, Gabbynaru said:

Since "Fake Lotus" is Ordis, I imagine DE has a proper excuse to create voice packs and sell them for plat. I've been asking for that since Apostasy Prologue. I want Worm Queen to belittle me in missions.

I vote for worm queen

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