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STRENGTH TO THE ENEMY Enemy additions/concepts, 100+'s of units, weapons; lore and pictures [NEW: Fall Of Kronos update! 2 NEW Factions: Daemons and the Riven! Daemon units (14 new powerful enemies)! Riven units (17 incredibly strong enemies)!]


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House Drakkar:



House Matriarch: Ela Drakkar, the Huntress

House Motto: "Take what is Yours, make Yours what is Theirs"

House Color: Maroon (RGB 128, 0, 0)

Unique Units: 

1. Drakkar Spektra

2. Drakkar Hound

3. Drakkar Widow

Unique Tactics: 

1. "Let the Hunt begin!"

2. "Precision and Vigilance"

3. "Trap Mastery"

House Drakkar is the epitome of Grineer high society. It's members are mostly either famous generals or lead overseers of most important and innovative projects within the Empire. Inclusion into this House is an incredible honor, but also a considerable danger, as competition within the "family" is fierce. Naturally, only the most genetically healthy clones can dream about joining nobility and amongst them, only the strongest could think about joining the Drakkars. This, compounded by the Matriarch's distrust of males, has lead to the House being nearly exclusively female. As men are not allowed into the Inner Sanctum, it only makes sense that most Drakkars live comfortably in that place. They do however possess a huge asteroid-based fortress orbiting Uranus, as they have close ties with the Regors. This friendship has lead them to initiate joint combat practices, which in turn jumpstarted creation of the Drekar corps (That's why those names sound similar 😉 ).

The Matriarch:


Old art:



Ela Drakkar, as the Matriarch of the Drakkars, is one of the most important Grineers in the Empire. Her status as one of the High Councillors has lead her to many conflicts with Earth's overseer, Vay Hek, who sought to overpower the whole Council. She believes that male Grineer are naturally worse than women, due to their inferior genetic code. This lead to her selectively denying men access to her House and also means her armed forces are more elite-female focused than others. The only man that has any value in her eyes is Tyl Regor, for his scientific genius and close ties with Sahra Regor, whom Ela likes a great deal. Ela's biggest focus is her Hunting addiction. She has collected countless trophies of animals and enemies alike. Heads (and other parts) of beasts, Corpus investors, traitors and even Warframes adorn the walls of her Uranus-based fortress. She is known to never stay in one place, instead choosing to travel around the system with her hunting team, consisting of lower rank nobles and elite soldiers. Ela is personally less interested in war and tactics, thus she prefers to fight only when she has great advantage over the opponent, which she likes to refer to as "prey".


Old art:



Ela enjoys technology and progress as long as it can be used to "hunt" in some way and is greatly egotistical. Due to this, her house holds a unique Cloaking Technology, which she'll never disclose to anyone, as it could let "prey" learn how to counter the invisible "hunters". Her personal troops not only use special weapons and tech, but also are treated with the best genetic therapies, or if that fails, best augments.

Likes: Hunting, High-class lifestyle, House Regor, Kela de Thaym

Dislikes: Losing, Vay Hek, Corpus, prey that fights back

Example quotes (used inside missions where House Drakkar is involved) :

"Ah, the prey has come!"

"Time to warm up our guns. The hunt is on!"

"How dare you, these are MY huntresses!" (when killing unique Drakkar units)

"Let's make this quick, I'm a busy person, you know?"


Other Members:

Anja Drakkar:




Once known as Anja Hek, she was an assassin who nearly wiped out the Grineer High Council in an effort to give Vay Hek full control of the Grineer military. This failed when she encountered the first person she coudn't kill, Ela Drakkar. Ela took Anja into her House and gave her the position of the Head Jager, the right hand of the Matriarch. But this wasn't enough for Anja who also joined the newly formed Earth-based Tusk Forces. She was promoted to the highest rank near instantly, even though she was considered a traitor, now that her allegiance was with the Drakkars. Her entire body is made out of weapons, as she is obsessed with the idea of being able to kill Ela Drakkar, the [Invincible, Greatest Huntress].

Grah Drakkar:




Grah is the result of an experiment where the genes of Drakkar and Regor families were combined. The resulting Grineer is very weak, as she inherited the same problems that plagued Sahra before she stole a Tenno body, but both her mind and her esoteric abilities are not to be underestimated. Able to wield Orokin artifacts and bypass their security codes with ease due to gene-compatibility, she is an amazing asset for the Drakkar's Grinjagr Vault-Diver Division. For some reason her body spontaneously generates plants known as roses.

Zula Drakkar:




Zula is the third in Drakkar hierarchy, right below the Matriarch and Head Jager. She is the leader of the Grinjagr, which is the main combat force of the Drakkar House. Zula herself is probably as powerful as a great chunk of the entire force. She is very eager to be the testbed of many weird experimental technologies (mostly conceived by Gaud Krup), such as her Warp-Munition Cannon, which can tear right through Sentient targets with it's adaptation-exploiting chemical structure.

(honorary member) Gaud Krup:




Gaud's name commands respect. This elderly Grineer Forgemaster is the mastermind behind many breakthroughs and innovations. Recently, he has become the personal weaponsmith of Ela Drakkar, making such awe-inspiring masterpieces as the Gustof, Malforn and Kruks. If that wasn't enough, he is also a genius armorsmith, the Drakkar family wears only the best of his gear.


House Special Tactics:

1. Let the Hunt begin!:

Missions against House Drakkar ALWAYS start with alarms already on. Nothing gets past their sensors.

Grineer Kuva Huntress unit has greater spawn chance than normal and appears in greater numbers every time. They have begun searching for you, Tenno.

2. Precision and Vigilance:

All units have greater accuracy and suffer less from accuracy debuffs. They have honed their abilities.

All units have longer detection radius, as well as ignore silencer-type mods as long as they are not 100% upgraded. They will find you.

3. Trap Mastery:

Drakkar tiles feature a larger than normal amount of traps, both conventional and unique.

All units are more likely to hide behind cover when alerted, as well as spawn in more difficult to see and reach locations.

Drakkar units have a chance to spawn as a unique "Stealth" Eximus. These units possess Cloaking Device, allowing them to become invisible at will for short periods of time.

House Special Units:


Drakkar Spektra:



Spektras' role in the hunt is simple: Surround the prey and corral it into a position, where it can be shot at easily by the other hunters. Against Tenno, they employ their invisibility and powerful close range weapons to quickly and quietly take them down. When alerted, no ability will allow a Warframe to fool these vigilant warriors.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Detect Invisibility: When suspicious or alerted, this unit gains True Sight.

Ability: Superior Invisibility: This unit can become Invisible at will. While Invisible, it's attacks deal increased damage, and it is immune to area damage.

Melee: Finisher: This unit can perform finishers.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Grineer Asteroid Fortress Hidden

Weapons: Rogga, Bastar

Abilities: Detect Invisibility, Superior Invisibility

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Cloned Flesh: 200


Alloy Armor: 400

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 40

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 200

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Kuva Ballista droptable

Drakkar Hound:



The sad fate of a Hound awaits any Grineer soldier that dissappoints Ela Drakkar or one of her protégés. These once regular Lancers have been reduced to beasts of burden and gun platforms in one. However, their loyalty still remains.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Alert Allies: If this units becomes suspicious of alerted, all nearby allies inherit that change.

Ability: Knockdown Charge: This unit can dash forward, knocking all enemies in it's path down.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Grineer Asteroid Fortress Hidden

Weapons: Senta Turret

Abilities: Knockdown charge, Alert Allies

Base Damage: PAWN

Damage Scaling: PAWN


Cloned Flesh: 150


Alloy Armor: 275

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Body and Limbs: 0.75x, Limbs: 0.5x

Base Affinity: 225

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Kuva Elite Lancer droptable

Drakkar Widow:



Widows are personally chosen from regular Grineer by Ela Drakkar. These elite snipers gain their status through a brutal one versus everyone trial of hunt: the candidate is required to hunt down their whole squadron in order to be admitted. Hence, the name of this regiment, the Widows.

This unit is an Officer.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Detect Invisibility: When suspicious or alerted, this unit gains True Sight.

Ability: Superior Invisibility: This unit can become Invisible at will. While Invisible, it's attacks deal increased damage, and it is immune to area damage.

Ability: Shooting Gallery: This unit can give allies extra damage while jamming the guns of nearby enemies. This power shifts between allies.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Grineer Asteroid Fortress Hidden

Weapons: Gustof or Malforn

Abilities: Detect Invisibility, Superior Invisibility, Shooting Gallery

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: QUEEN


Flesh: 600


Alloy Armor: 750

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 50

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 325

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Kuva Ballista droptable

Other Drops: N/A


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Edited by HugintheCrow
added other members of the house
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Hey Hugin! Figured I should start reading closer into your own concepts since you started looking into mine!

Well to start, I think what you’ve got here right now is super cool!

I couldn’t help but notice your little statement where you were saying the the Drakkar house or whatever you call it believes males are inferior, and all that. I don’t mean to be a stickler, but you know that all Grineer believe that, right? That’s why Scorpions are better Equipped than butchers, Heavy Gunners have the most armour, etc. Because the entire Grineer Empire is matriarchal in nature, females are higher on the social ladder. Of course, the reason why there are so many more males than females is likely due to the fact that males are, like you’ve said, seen as inferior, and better suited as Cannon fodder.

Hopefully I haven’t made myself sound condescending or rude! It just sounded to me like you were really trying to differentiate this house from the main Grineer forces using this as a main point.

All in all though, I really like your aesthetic designs. It really gives a sense of refinement to the usually ugly hack jobs found in standard Grineer architecture.

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1 hour ago, Almighty_Jado said:

Hey Hugin! Figured I should start reading closer into your own concepts since you started looking into mine!

Well to start, I think what you’ve got here right now is super cool!

I couldn’t help but notice your little statement where you were saying the the Drakkar house or whatever you call it believes males are inferior, and all that. I don’t mean to be a stickler, but you know that all Grineer believe that, right? That’s why Scorpions are better Equipped than butchers, Heavy Gunners have the most armour, etc. Because the entire Grineer Empire is matriarchal in nature, females are higher on the social ladder. Of course, the reason why there are so many more males than females is likely due to the fact that males are, like you’ve said, seen as inferior, and better suited as Cannon fodder.

Hopefully I haven’t made myself sound condescending or rude! It just sounded to me like you were really trying to differentiate this house from the main Grineer forces using this as a main point.

All in all though, I really like your aesthetic designs. It really gives a sense of refinement to the usually ugly hack jobs found in standard Grineer architecture.

Well, the whole man-hate (if I can call it that way) isn't really the biggest focus of the Drakkars as a whole, more of a personal thing for the Matriarch herself. You do make a good point, but consider this: In the Grineer Empire as we know it, Vay Hek was still able to rise to considerable power due to his wits and persistence, if Ela was a Queen, then that could have never happened no matter what Hek would do or achieve.

Also, thanks for checking my stuff out! Actually it was finding yours and Unus' threads for the first time that inspired me to start my own.

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5 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Well, the whole man-hate (if I can call it that way) isn't really the biggest focus of the Drakkars as a whole, more of a personal thing for the Matriarch herself. You do make a good point, but consider this: In the Grineer Empire as we know it, Vay Hek was still able to rise to considerable power due to his wits and persistence, if Ela was a Queen, then that could have never happened no matter what Hek would do or achieve.

Also, thanks for checking my stuff out! Actually it was finding yours and Unus' threads for the first time that inspired me to start my own.

Ah! Isee Isee!

The Hounds made from Grineer soldiers I find is also a really neat idea! It really reminds me of Kuva Jesters, and how they're literally just bottled heads with arms and legs- nothing created by the Grineer goes to waste when it comes to the war efforts!

PS. Maybe in the future at some point I'll draw some stuff for you 😉

Edited by Almighty_Jado
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House Spruk:



House Matriarch: Graka Spruk, the General

House Motto: "Even the Dead shall not Surrender."

House Color: Army Green (RGB 75, 83, 32)

Unique Units: 

1. Spruk Tortoi

2. Spruk Panzor

3. Spruk Martyr

Unique Tactics:

1. "Unending Service"

2. "Our Bodies as a Shield"

3. "Ready for a Sacrifice"

While originally a low-rank Noble House, the Spruk family has found itself very popular amongs the rank-and-file Grineer, which caused them to be elevated for propaganda reasons. Many different honors and military decorations were bestowed upon this House, but not many members were able to use them, due to a family tradition of never retreating, no matter what. In fact it has become a running joke between other nobles that whenever a Spruk leads their troops to battle, it will always be won, but the Spruk themselves will die in some sacrificial manner, earning yet another medal of honor. Vay Hek, known for having trouble with sharing power, prefers to have Spruk generals under his command. He knows they don't care about glory, all they want is to die doing their job. And they are damn good at it.



Old art:



Spruk Matriarchs obviously share the suicidal tendencies of the family, but are generally strong enough that they can survive longer despite them. Graka is a perfect example of that. Being quite old for a Grineer and definitely old for a Spruk, she has accrued a considerable amount of knowledge and understanding of the battlefield and while many would try and stop her from leading the charge, she is always first to fight. True to her House, she is always searching for new ways in which she could help the Grineer cause. This involvement however is mostly reigned in by other High Nobles, as among them, the Spruk are considered of the worse sort. While Graka lacks in political influence and skill, she has a powerful trained army full of maniacs ready to die at any moment. Since a dead soldier is generally a worthless soldier, Graka has invested into many different types of defensive technologies, which her units then use and abuse. While most noble armies usually only move out when the Queens directly ask them to, Graka constantly pesters generals across the system, asking if her forces can join in on whatever is happening. This, of course, only increases the fame that Spruks possess among the lowly Grineer soldiers, which in turn annoys other Nobles even more. But Graka doesn't care about that, all she thinks about is how can she and her soldiers fight and die better. 


Old art:



Likes: War, Weapons, Armor

Dislikes: Wasting time, Anything not Grineer, Non-frontline leadership

Example quotes (used inside missions where House Spruk is involved) :

"Time to die Tenno, you or me!"

"Combat Formation Bravo!"

"Another frontline, another day, let's end this!"

"Strength to the Grineer!"


Other Members:

No Data...


House Special Tactics:

1. Unending Service:

All units have a 1 second long grace period after dying, where they can still fight and act normally. Grineer never die!

The longer the mission goes, the longer this bonus can last (ramps up very slowly at 0.5 second per 5 minutes). They just go missing. 

Note: Stealth Finishers disable this.

2. Our Bodies as a Shield:

All units shuffle positions around to make it as hard as possible to finish off heavily wounded units, this movement takes priority over anything else.

This obviously means that they will use themselves as bodyshields for their allies.

All units have a chance to spawn as a unique "Reactive" Eximus, damage dealt to this unit causes radial explosions of damage around them. 

3. Ready for a Sacrifice:

All Melee units explode violently on death, all Ranged units can alert nearby units on death.

Graka Spruk herself can appear during mission causing it to be unwinnable until she is killed.


House Special Units:



Spruk Tortoi:



This hulking quadruped warmachine is incredibly well armed and armored, controlled by a heavily augmented multi-amputee residing inside. Several Grineer soldiers are waiting in the vehicle, able to be deployed at any moment. The Tortoi are suprisingly mobile and fast for their size, able to scale high obstacles by jumping over them with ease. Don't get caught below them.

This unit is an Officer.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Melee: Seismic Shockwave: This unit can smash the ground to knockdown all nearby opponents.

Companion: Deploy Troops: This unit can summon random Kuva Grineer units once.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Grineer Asteroid Fortress Hidden

Weapons: Autocannon Ramparts, Ignis emplacements, Ogris AT, Hek Cannon

Abilities: Seismic Shockwave, Deploy Troops

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: BISHOP


Cloned Flesh: 50

Machinery: 800

Alloy Armor: 650


Alloy Armor: 1050

Body Multipliers: Armor Panels: 0.25x, Legs: 0.5x

Base Affinity: 500

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Spruk Panzor:



Panzors are so heavily armored, most of their body is actually just augments meant to let them wear all those alloy plates. The armor itself is then augmented itself. Small pods on the surface of the Panzor's armor are actually miniature automatic cannons, able to intercept enemy munitions. Each Panzor has a limited amount of times they can destroy incoming projectiles (including hitscan weaponry). Additionally, they wield modified Ogris with all safety mechanisms removed (at the cost of turning homing abilities off), allowing them to rapidly fire volleys of unguided missiles.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Movement: Jetpack Dash: Using their Hrokgar Gear, this unit can quickly reposition themselves, gaining damage reduction on certain frames of the animation.

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Innate: Personal Point Defense: This unit automatically destroys any enemy-fired munitions near itself. Has a limit of charges.

Ability: Fortify: This unit can enter a brief channeled state, refreshing it's Personal Point Defense charges.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Grineer Asteroid Fortress Hidden

Weapons: Rapid-fire Ogris, Sheev

Abilities: Point Defense, Fortify, Jetpack Dash

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Cloned Flesh: 100

Machinery: 300

Alloy Armor: 400


Alloy Armor: 600

Body Multipliers: Head: 1.5x, Limbs: 0.75x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 550

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Kuva Bombard droptable

Spruk Martyr:



Martyrs are the oldest of the Spruk family, they have survived countless battles, but their clone lives are quickly coming to an end. In order to guarantee that they fall in battle, they are put into hastily put together battle-frames. Don't be fooled by their looks however, they can still fight, and possess powerful supportive abilities. A percentage of all damage taken by a Martyr is given a health to all nearby Grineer... and vice versa, a percentage of all damage dealt to nearby Grineer will heal the Martyr. Better choose your targets wisely.

This unit is an Officer.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Innate: Siphon Pain: This unit is healed for all damage inflicted on nearby allies. This unit heals all nearby allies for all damage inflicted on it.

Innate: Sacrifice: This unit explodes in a large radius on death, dealing damage to all enemies and healing all allies inside the radius.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Grineer Asteroid Fortress Hidden

Weapons: Vulkin, Mine-Arm

Abilities: Siphon Pain, Sacrifice

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: BISHOP


Alloy Armor: 800


Alloy Armor: 450

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Upper Torso: 2.0x, Anything else: 0.0x

Base Affinity: 400

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Kuva Bombard droptable


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Edited by HugintheCrow
updated art
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Decided to take a break from my current project to finally finally FINALLY get around to the fourth and newest member of our "council of continuous improvement".


Gotta ask, among your noble houses, is Hek regarded as a peon or trespasser of some kind?

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On 2018-09-03 at 2:51 AM, Unus said:

Decided to take a break from my current project to finally finally FINALLY get around to the fourth and newest member of our "council of continuous improvement".


Gotta ask, among your noble houses, is Hek regarded as a peon or trespasser of some kind?

I'd imagine most would see him as an overly ambitious underling, except for Ela, which hates him unconditionally. Then again he did become a de facto leader of the High Council in official lore (through manipulation and assassination of his opponents). This clearly means he has to have powerful allies somewhere in the Nobility, not to mention powerful enemies as well. While his larger than life persona clearly allowed him to achieve quite a lot, he has also fallen fairly heavily out of favor due to the whole Balor Fomorian thing.

Hek is a character I really like actually, and so that's why I mention him so much in my headcanon lore here. I've already made him some enemies (Nazol Fokk from the very first post in this topic as well as Ela Drakkar) and allies (Graka Spruk and her House).


There may or may not be some Law of Retribution-like quest/storyline somewhere down the pipeline.


On 2018-09-03 at 3:10 AM, (PS4)Elixz8247 said:

I like the idea of new enemy types, but also the addition of how depending on which House these units are apart of, influences the Enemy tactics. Been asking for AI improvement for years. This would be a cool way to implement it.

Yeah, I would really like the enemies to do more than walk towards you in straight lines and occasionally take cover.

Edited by HugintheCrow
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20 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

Yeah, I would really like the enemies to do more than walk towards you in straight lines and occasionally take cover.

Yeah the lackluster Enemy AI hasnt killed the imersion of many long time players. After yrs of a one sided slaughter players actually want a challege

Edited by (PS4)Elixz8247
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House Regor:



House Matriarch: Sahra Regor, the Priestess

House Motto: "To be Grineer is to be Greater."

House Color: Delft Blue (RGB 31, 48, 94)

Unique Units:

1. Regor Dragoon

2. Regor Angeloid

3. Regor Void Knight

Unique Tactics:

1. "Perfection Achieved"

2. "Veneration of the Womb"

3. "Ways of Old"

House Regor is one of the most famous of the High Noble families, and for a good reason. It's very own Tyl Regor, Uranus' administrator and Tubemen Project initiator is a hugely important figure in the Grineer Empire. But there is a less known side to this House. And that is it's engagement in Cult of the Void, a secret-not-so-secret group of Nobles that venerate the realm of beyond as their holy ruler (You've seen at least one of them already, hint: It's Vor). So many members of the House are also members of the Cult, that those two could be considered one and the same. The thing is, the group wasn't very influential. Everything changed recently, however. With the Balor fleet devastated, Tubemen dead, Elder Queen's body destroyed and overall chaos caused by Tenno, the organisation started getting closer and closer to relevance as more and more opponents fell from grace. And then, Korsars stole the Vitruvian from the Tenno. This was the catalyst. The Orokin knowledge inside was given to Matriarch of the House. Using it, she did the impossible, and with that, she stole the Worm Queen's heart. Now, with all the authority given by the Lonely Queen, the Regors are ready for the next phase. To be Grineer is to be greater.



Old art:



Sahra Regor, a blighted little thing, was created as a proof of concept for Tyl's Tubemen project. She quickly grew up and shown promise, so the project was green-lit. However, while her body was strong and healthy, her sanity quickly degraded, just like the Manics that would be made after her. Due to her delirious visions, members of the Cult saw her as a prophet, a holy child of the Void. This was the reason she became the matriarch. When Lua was violently torn back out of the Void, her troops were the first to reach it and land. There they found treasure beyond understanding, a Tenno child, still asleep. At first they wanted to kill it, but Sahra decided otherwise. She consumed their head, leaving the body intact, then ripped out her own head and used a small arboriform to connect herself to to the Tenno body. To everybodies' surprise, it worked. Sahra obtained a body of a Tenno. This made her incredibly weak, but the price was well worth it, as her Void visions became somewhat real. Countless Orokin towers and artifacts were found because of her.


Old art:



Sahra  became very close to the Worm Queen after the events of the War Within, interestingly, it was the cannibalistic orgies of the Cult that started this relationship. And when the Vitruvian was stolen, Worm knew instantly who could make the most use of it. Once bedridden and crippled, Sahra had an Orokin Void Engine built for her that allowed her to move by herself once again. And once again she hungers for Tenno flesh.

Likes: Ela Drakkar, Tyl Regor, Worm Queen, her minions and sympathizers, humanoid flesh

Dislikes: pretty much anything else

Example quotes (used inside missions where House Regor is involved) :

"Nice to meet you, it'll be nice to EAT YOU!"

"Tenno, Tenno, Tenno, what are you waiting for~?"

"Your upcoming death will be a great boon for us. You could say I'm a prophet of profit. *laughs*"

"Hey, Tenno... Could you give me YOUR GUTS?!"


Other Members:

Tyl Regor:



Do I need to introduce him? Tyl Regor, known as one of the most brilliant minds amongst the Grineer truly elevated his house into greatness, as before his intellectual, scientific crusade, Regors weren't exactly super popular. He is Sahra's "father", having made her at least partially from his own genes. While the rest of his house engages mostly in semi-religious practices as the Cult of the Void, Tyl is entirely focused on his research.

New Blood spoilers:


While the original Tubemen project was destroyed, he was still able to salvage it enough to begin the existence of the New-Breed Grineer, and yet more opportunities revealed themselves when Gaia Drull emerged from outside of the Veil. Tyl is not one of the Kuva Alchemists, but he cooperates with them quite a lot.


(honorary member) Zek Sakra:




Zek is a reclusive, asocial genius, who refuses to work unless she is given the orders by the only person she likes, Sahra Regor. It is pretty evident this feeling is pretty strong, as Zek attempted to make herself look quite similar to Sahra. Regardless of her emotional stability, Sakra is amazing at creating exotic weaponry and items (one example being the Sabra).


House Special Tactics:

1. Perfection Achieved:

All units have 50% chance to disregard a status proc of any kind.

All units have 25% chance to decrease crit level of any damage instance dealt to them by 1 (red becomes orange, orange yellow, yellow normal hit).

Duration-based Abilities have decreasingly weaker effects on all units.

All damage type bonuses are decreased by flat 10% points.

2. Veneration of the Womb:

Any low tier units are able to sacrifice their own health to heal a nearby elite (most commonly the Dragoons will heal Angeloids and Void Knights).

This is done by a unit channeling a healing beam towards the target (can be interrupted).

Elite units can sacrifice nearby low-tier units to defy death.

3. Ways of Old:

All units will attempt to swarm the Tenno at all times, attempting to move in groups and surround their target.

This movement is coordinated in a way to make Tenno mobility as limited as possible.

All units not unique to House Regor have decreased spawn chances, while Regor Dragoons have greatly increased spawn chances and always spawn in at least triplets.

Eximus units do not spawn when fighting this faction.

House Special Units:


Regor Dragoon:



These seemingly healthy Grineer soldiers are Sahra's favourite playthings. Inside those mechanical facsimiles of Sahra's body, there are hidden barely living, underdeveloped Grineer. These child soldiers are born already inside of the shell incubators that are then made into the Dragoons. The only contact with outside is a ocular sensor in the armor. Due to this, most of the Dragoon's "body" is redundant, only direct hits to it's chest can damage it. The complete isolation combined with brainwashing procedures has made these wrecks insane and in their madness, they continuously laugh and giggle as they kill and die, using Sahra's prerecorded voice clips. Morale damage dealt by these units has caused many Corpus Crewmen to abandon their duty, and life.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: We are Legion: Whenever a single Dragoon would spawn, 10 Dragoons spawn instead.

Ability: Murder Charge: This unit can charge forward, and if they hit any enemies, they will impale them and deal large amounts of True damage.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Grineer Asteroid Fortress Hidden

Weapons: Dragunok, Dragunok Bayonet

Abilities: Charge

Base Damage: PAWN

Damage Scaling: BISHOP


Ferrite Armor: 250


Ferrite Armor: 200

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 100

Body Multipliers: Anywhere but Chest Area: 0.0x

Base Affinity: 150

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 20

Mod Drops: Grineer Kuva Lancer droptable

Regor Angeloid:



Angeloids are Cultists who have gained favor with Sahra. Elevated from being measly Grineer, they are now closer to the Prophet's perfect form. In battle, they command the countless Dragoons and rain powerful energy attacks and abilities at the enemy. As opposed to the simplistic Dragoon strategy of "fire the whole magazine then charge with bayonets", the Angeloids tend to stay back and support their allies or even bring them back from the dead.

This unit is an Officer.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Movement: Teleport: Using their Teleport Gear, this unit can quickly reposition themselves, gaining damage reduction on certain frames of the animation.

Innate: Energy Spike: This unit siphons Warframe energy with all damage it deals. That energy is then dispersed into a damaging aura around the unit.

Ability: Disrupt: This unit can fire a disrupting laser at any enemy, scrambling their screen and stealing energy.

Ability: Void Eruption: This unit can create explosions of energy, dealing large amounts of True damage to all targets inside the radius.

Ability: Kuva Seeker: This unit can fire homing Kuva projectiles, dealing True damage.

Ability: Kuva Eruption: This unit can erupt several Kuva Pillars that deal continuous True damage.

Ability: Kuva Drain: This unit can leash an enemy and rapidly leech their health for themselves.

Ability: Rapid Kuva Bomb: This unit can chain-fire powerful energy bolts that explode on contact.

Ability: Dark Revival: This unit can revive it's recently deceased allies.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Grineer Asteroid Fortress Hidden

Weapons: Void Laser, Void Bomb

Abilities: Teleport, Energy Spike, Disrupt, Void Eruption, Dark Revival

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: BISHOP


Cloned Flesh: 200

Alloy Armor: 200


Alloy Armor: 200

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 100

Body Multipliers: Anywhere but the Head: 0.0x

Base Affinity: 400

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Kuva Guardian droptable

Regor Void Knight:



Void Knights are Sahra's favourite Nobles, whom she threw into the Void. When they came back, they became like Vor, immortal and changed. These giants are incredibly tough and powerful, but require a steady supply of healing from their allies, as their health constantly falls. Beware however, as if any enemy gets close to their bodies, they can instantly return to life.

This unit is an Officer.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Movement: Teleport: Using their Teleport Gear, this unit can quickly reposition themselves, gaining damage reduction on certain frames of the animation.

Innate: Void-Cursed: This unit constantly loses health, but if any ally is nearby, it will cause those allies to lose health in their stead. Targets low tactical value units.

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Melee: Seismic Shockwave: This unit can smash the ground to knockdown all nearby opponents.

Ability: Void Blast: This unit can create a slightly-homing projectile that temporarily shuts down a Warframe if it hits.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Grineer Asteroid Fortress Hidden

Weapons: Exalted Blade

Abilities: Teleport, Drain Health, Seismic Shockwave, Void Blast

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Alloy Armor: 800


Alloy Armor: 1000

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 100

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 750

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A


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Edited by HugintheCrow
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Oh, and a small, completely innocent and nonconsequential question.

To those who played Law of Retribution (Sadly I couldn't myself as my computer was not good enough at that point), especially those who played it in an organised group.

What was interesting or fun about the raids? What made you play them?

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They had some pretty cool puzzles like the pads one and the rewards felt nice to achieve (as well as the regalia you get for beating one for your first time.) They also had a harder mode with high leveled enemies which dropped better loot. Overall, it was just a fun experience to try out with friends!

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Just now, MadWizard03 said:

They had some pretty cool puzzles like the pads one and the rewards felt nice to achieve (as well as the regalia you get for beating one for your first time.) They also had a harder mode with high leveled enemies which dropped better loot. Overall, it was just a fun experience to try out with friends!

Thanks for fast response! I see, so puzzle elements combined with harder enemies, but with adequate rewards. And more organized experience, huh. Cool, definitely helps.

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Just now, HugintheCrow said:

Thanks for fast response! I see, so puzzle elements combined with harder enemies, but with adequate rewards. And more organized experience, huh. Cool, definitely helps.

One more thing, the end boss was pretty cool too. Felt like running towards the finish line. (not to mention the bosses themselves were pretty unique!)

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Just now, MadWizard03 said:

One more thing, the end boss was pretty cool too. Felt like running towards the finish line. (not to mention the bosses themselves were pretty unique!)

Alright! How did the missions flow into each other, was it like one mission -> return to orbiter -> next mission, or one full thing?

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1 minute ago, HugintheCrow said:

Alright! How did the missions flow into each other, was it like one mission -> return to orbiter -> next mission, or one full thing?

It was kinda weird as after completing 1 mission, it would take you to a whole new level and it did that about 2-3 times, then you went to the boss level and got your prize! In means of transition it would say mission complete then take you to the liset loading screen and drop you off in the next mission. If you failed any mission, you would be taken back to your liset and have to try all over again. If you beat the boss, you would get your prize in the items received in the mission complete list and drop you back into the liset.

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Just now, MadWizard03 said:

It was kinda weird as after completing 1 mission, it would take you to a whole new level and it did that about 2-3 times, then you went to the boss level and got your prize! In means of transition it would say mission complete then take you to the liset loading screen and drop you off in the next mission. If you failed any mission, you would be taken back to your liset and have to try all over again. If you beat the boss, you would get your prize in the items received in the mission complete list and drop you back into the liset.

Ah, ok. Interesting. So you were stuck with a single loadout for the whole thing. I see why it was mostly played with clanmates.

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Just now, Me.Church said:

This is so reminiscent of the type of content that DE use to release, it makes me want to cry honestly. I love all of it (though I mostly browsed it).

Now its all about #muhopenworlds =\ and I'm not the biggest fan of that.

Wow, thanks! I'm really glad you liked it.

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amazing idea and concepts, i really hope DE uses this ideas in some way or form and upgrades the kuva/greneer lore, as well as the kuva fortress ❤️ 

i also would love if this concept of ideas went to the other factions too, like elaborating on the Corpus board and how they work and an equivalent of kuva fortress for them.
and just imagine this concept applied to the infested, make a hive lord/mind in eris on some weird and gross tower of mutated flesh (an old orokin tower made infestation?) and also expand in the bosses from them (more types of juggernauts?).😄

and again, amazing concept! ❤️ keep doing this amazing work 

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11 hours ago, (XB1)johnnyawesom06 said:

..... Don't call me a h8er but I like copus more..... why? I love lazers... Is there a corpus one of these? Agen I m not hating if you like grineer stuff grate but I'm more of a corpus guy sooo is there a version of this for corpus?


7 hours ago, kaelvamp said:

amazing idea and concepts, i really hope DE uses this ideas in some way or form and upgrades the kuva/greneer lore, as well as the kuva fortress ❤️ 

i also would love if this concept of ideas went to the other factions too, like elaborating on the Corpus board and how they work and an equivalent of kuva fortress for them.
and just imagine this concept applied to the infested, make a hive lord/mind in eris on some weird and gross tower of mutated flesh (an old orokin tower made infestation?) and also expand in the bosses from them (more types of juggernauts?).😄

and again, amazing concept! ❤️ keep doing this amazing work 

I definitely agree Corpus could use some more love. The thing is, since I mostly use the official material to get inspiration, it's way harder for me to come up with ideas for them. We need more Corpus lore, is what I'm saying.

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9 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:


I definitely agree Corpus could use some more love. The thing is, since I mostly use the official material to get inspiration, it's way harder for me to come up with ideas for them. We need more Corpus lore, is what I'm saying.

As a sagestion I would say you could just do simple yet fun ideas like the corpus ships or something on it's crew or maby even true corpus thieries just a sagestion I suck a things like this but I hope it helps you!!🤣🤣

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9 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

I definitely agree Corpus could use some more love. The thing is, since I mostly use the official material to get inspiration, it's way harder for me to come up with ideas for them. We need more Corpus lore, is what I'm saying.

I know exactly what you mean. The Grineer have gotten the lion's share of lore, updates, and units. We've gotten Tusk units armed with new weapons like the Argonak and the Tusk Grattler, (playable Tusk Grattler when DE) the Nox (playable Nox gun with high status when DE)  Ghouls, the Kuva Fortress, (pretty much the Grineer capital) a bunch of lore that explains how the Grineer were once slaves to the Orokin, we've been face to face with the Grineer queens, we've had Ruk fighting Cressa Tal for control of the rebuilt relay...

And in that same timeframe, the biggest thing the Corpus got was... as far as I know... some synthesis entries from directly after the collapse of the Orokin Empire, and Ambulas. Well, that and the Fortuna update reveal, which is a massive update, but it's still not much compared to the massive lore outpouring of the Grineer. I'm just hoping that we get some more Corpus Lore with the Fortuna update.

If we can get something that redefines the Corpus in the same way as recent Grineer lore, that'd be great.

Hmmm. Idea. Apparently, Ayatan sculptures can house memories. I have a quest idea. Hold on to your butts for that!

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