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When high MRs leave half way through a PUB mission


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While I don't think splitting resources from players who left is a good idea either (though mostly for the potential abuse), I do think you all understand exactly what OP is talking about when it comes to people abandoning a squad. No, he isn't "greedy" just scheming for a way to take those precious salvage and other resources I'm sure any average player has millions of, what he wants is a way for people to stop leaving so much, which is at best an  annoying thing. What would be a better solution is a system many other games have which punishes players who quit activities too often. Sure, some may actually have a good reason to leave sometimes but that's just it: sometimes. For those honest players who really have something they need to leave for once in a while, being blocked from public games for a while for leaving too much in a set amount of time shouldn't be an issue. There's way too many players who leave for me to believe it's always for good reason. Now for how many times in how long a player should get punished, and how long that should last is not something I care to try and figure out. I just know this is an epidemic in warframe precisely because there isn't a system like this in place. Players leaving endless missions at the first extract opportunity is another personal annoyance of mine, but there's nothing "wrong" with that (even if it doesn't always make sense why there's always that one guy that leaves Akkad at 5 waves) so I'm not sure what could be done to encourage players to stay longer on regular activities. Much better rewards later in the mission could be an incentive to stay longer but every mission can't give out amazing stuff. As for those who are leaving because they don't like a certain frame's powers, that's the real self entitlement going on here. You're allowed to use yours whenever you want, but someone else can only use theirs when you're cool with it? Get over yourself. Even if someone was purposefully trying to to be as much of an ass as they can, you're also being at least as bad by leaving the other two players. You could also always just try asking nicely, it is possible to be sociable. But also remember, if you go on a rant or lecture someone, or are just rude they're probably not gonna do what you want.

Edited by thr33hunnitTrue
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1 minute ago, Zepp_ said:

People are tired of leeches and undergeared frames expecting a carry.  To everyone who qualifies under those, notice has been given.  You will be abandoned.

If they attempt to contribute and try to help out I don't mind. If they aren't dieing every minute then I don't mind. If they're sitting there in a corner, I'm out. This usually takes me time to figure out if they're just AFC or actually leeching. I don't mind helping new players but don't leech.

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4 minutes ago, (PS4)DicedSevens said:

Then give me a suggestions? I'm not arguing you. I'm trying to work with you on a good outcome for everyone.


I didn't say it was impossible. I can do it right now within 5 minutes if I intentionally focus on it. If you leave 3 within half an hour either your situation isn't allowing you to play consistently or you're being too picky where you need to go to recruiting and find either higher levels, better gear sets, etc. Or somehow you've hit the grand slam of trolls in which case ignore and report is there and doing everyone a favor by reporting them is good.

My suggestion is do nothing, there is nothing wrong with the system as exists

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4 minutes ago, thr33hunnitTrue said:

While I don't think splitting resources from players who left is a good idea either (though mostly for the potential abuse), I do think you all understand exactly what OP is talking about when it comes to people abandoning a squad. No, he isn't "greedy" just scheming for a way to take those precious salvage and other resources I'm sure any average player has millions of, what he wants is a way for people to stop leaving so much, which is at best an  annoying thing. What would be a better solution is a system many other games have which punishes players who quit activities too often. Sure, some may actually have a good reason to leave sometimes but that's just it: sometimes. For those honest players who really have something they need to leave for once in a while, being blocked from public games for a while for leaving too much in a set amount of time shouldn't be an issue. There's way too many players who leave for me to believe it's always for good reason. Now for how many times in how long a player should get punished, and how long that should last is not something I care to try and figure out. I just know this is an epidemic in warframe precisely because there isn't a system like this in place. Players leaving missions early is another personal annoyance of mine, but there's nothing "wrong" with that (even if it doesn't always make sense why there's always that one guy that leaves Akkad at 5 waves) so I'm not sure what could be done to encourage players to stay longer on regular activities. Much better rewards later in the mission could be an incentive to stay longer but every mission can't give out amazing stuff. As for those who are leaving because they don't like a certain frame's powers, that's the real self entitlement going on here. You're allowed to use yours whenever you want, but someone else can only use theirs when you're cool with it? Get over yourself. Even if someone was purposefully trying to to be as much of an ass as they can, you're also being at least as bad by leaving the other two players. You could also always just try asking nicely, it is possible to be sociable. But also remember, if you go on a rant or lecture someone, or are just rude they're probably not gonna do what you want.

This, I think this is the biggest problem

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1 hour ago, (PS4)DicedSevens said:

I'm only throwing out an idea to stop others from all just leaving.

...The encouragement to stay tends to be the potential for successful/timely/competent completion and rewards.

If people aren't staying, but could,  it's most likely due to questions regarding one of those.

Simply put, the best idea you could throw out to stop them from leaving is for the rest of the group to be competent.

1 hour ago, (PS4)DicedSevens said:

My whole topic was to stop people from being deterred on completing missions, new or veteran, because one or two people left. Sorry I phrased it as "high MR". Should have said "player base".

Here's the thing though... People will be deterred when folks start leaving because they are having to deal with higher spawn counts. In other words, they are going to work harder to accomplish the same things.

That's not so bad in and of itself though...Where it gets bad is when you DO pickup something in that mission you really want to keep but the marginal performance of other members of the group cause a mission fail instead.

Simpler to cut bait early and start over to avoid that occurrence.

But the folks that remain shouldn't be further incented for doing so either... Those that stay already get more than the person that leaves—Why would you deserve more just because you stayed?   

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3 minutes ago, thr33hunnitTrue said:

Yeah it's a problem but most of the leaving I see, doesn't seem tied to an "obnoxious" power. 

Ye, I got Limbo Prime about a week ago and I absolutely love him. I bring him into every single game I play and I do have a very big range for the Cataclysm,out of all my games so far not a SINGLE person has left because of me

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)IronMinecartFTW said:

Ye, I got Limbo Prime about a week ago and I absolutely love him. I bring him into every single game I play and I do have a very big range for the Cataclysm,out of all my games so far not a SINGLE person has left because of me

The only frame right now that I cringe to see in the loading screen is a Vauban. Nothing ruins a run faster than a Vauban that is trolling with the bouncing mines around the objective. That's the one scenario where I'll just quit because of the frame...but only after the Vauban has shown he's planning on trolling with them.

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26 minutes ago, Zepp_ said:

People are tired of leeches and undergeared frames expecting a carry.  To everyone who qualifies under those, notice has been given.  You will be abandoned.

New players and those leveling new frames need to play, get things, level at some point. They should not be lumped in with leeches. 

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7 minutes ago, thr33hunnitTrue said:

New players and those leveling new frames need to play, get things, level at some point. They should not be lumped in with leeches. 

I don't think he's talking about starcharting. You start up a sortie and someone is bringing all stuff to level...I'm bailing.

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15 minutes ago, SqualZell said:

You. Didn't. Ear. Them. Either.



I'm discussing the situation in which to incentivize the rest of the group to stay instead of feeling like something is wrong and they have to go. Team moral doesn't always just stay up when someone leaves. I'm not asking for free stuff just because free stuff but a system in which makes people not want to leave or those that remain to stay.


I only said that because people were treating me like I was stealing resources that they had reightfully earned. The first page of comments is basically all that @_@

Edited by (PS4)DicedSevens
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sometimes I enter a mission and I'm like ''you know what, this lag isn't that bad'' but after enduring it for several minutes I'm like ''you know what, I don't even want the resource and exp anymore, I can't stand this lag'' most common reason for me leaving matches

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2 hours ago, (XB1)Cooldog234jr said:

I won't leave but I find out that the 3 low MRs are leeching then I will not help them at all. Yesterday i was doing a PUB meso defense mission I had a rank 11 rhino (MR 4), rank 13 frost (MR 4), and rank 10 Ash prime (MR 5).

Here's what Rhino did, he tried melee every enemy to death and would spam emotes.

Here's what Frost did, he would stay in his snow globe and would run away whenever enemies entered it or destroyed it

Here's what Ash prime did, when invisible all the time and would run away if he didn't have enough energy.

So on the last round I decided to not help them at all and our conversation in chat when like this

Frost: Where did Hydroid prime go he's suppose to killing things for us

Me: I've been doing everything and I'm not using  my 4 or 1, let's see of you guys can do this on your own

Ash prime: Hydroid, just kill them for us so we can get out stuff and go

Me: No

Rhino: please 

Me: No

So we all failed the mission and all 3 of those Leechers were mad at me.

These players are the ones we need to teach how to play, mod weapons, and frames. Being toxic because you don't like what they are doing will not help better these players. You can either play solo or suck it up and play with them. If you had a friend that just started playing. You're going to help him/her. I can't lie it is annoying, but people are just trying to play the game. 

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3 hours ago, (PS4)DicedSevens said:

I don't know why but today has been rampant with high MRs just up and leaving a mission when half of it is done. It makes it so that no one else can join. It also usually leads to a domino effect where lower MRs or other players will either leave because they think the high MR did it for a reason or because now the mission will be completed slower. I'm always amazed when a high MR leaves because a certain frame, build, or abilities are being used that they just don't like or don't want to deal with. Instead of communicating that they leave. Don't join PUB and waste everyone else's time. Go to recruiting.


I would recommend that, because they don't get to keep these, the resources and experience they gained from that mission should be dispersed between everyone currently in the mission. This would help to lower the amount of people who leave the mission after one or more people have dropped out as you would lose all the extra resources. It also allows the few people who stay to not feel completely screwed over if it takes longer, harder enemies, etc.


This is just an opinion though xD feel free to add to it :clem:

Im at work, so although Im sure someone in this thread has already figured this out (unless in misunderstanding) I feel the need to point out that the resources you get are typically the same for all members of your party, not divided. If i go in alone and get 1,000 credits and an argon crystal if someone joined me they'd be able to find all the same crap on the floor, or if they joined and did nothing, the resources just exist there seperate for every player. I wouldnt change that, because it makes it vastly more fair for people who are just flat out unlucky. I'd prefer the same resources to be available to everyone.

If what you are implying was the case, people who were carrying low MR or new players through missions would just leave to boost their friends and give them more crap at the end of a mission, that would be the only result of this. It would just be something people use as an exploit to level faster and farm faster. Its unnecessary. People who leave, whether its out of spite, AFK, whatever, should not get any rewards. Not to spite the people who stay, but just because they shouldnt get anything and for the sake of there not being some arbitrary exploit (which is exactly what would happen) being added. If you want to punish people for leaving (which you shouldnt because there are just as many valid reasons to leave a mission; ditching leechers, joining missions accidentally public) then at most make it so people cant join for like a minute or something.


Leeching is just as valid a concern, if not more concerning as people who leave to spite you. To that end, id rather have an in-game reporting feature for people who go AFK in defense missions thinking you can do everything by yourself (coming from someone who isnt high MR).

You dont owe anyone you play with in public anything and they dont owe you anything. The weight should be distributed between people equally, and the rewards should always be the same.

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I'm probably on the weird side of the spectrum where I don't typically quit missions unless I'm out of revives or the mission is guaranteed to fail no matter how hard I try and carry. Even with a team full of first-time eidolon hunters who've never seen Terry before I still do my best to carry. Sure lots of people will call it leeching and it probably is, but there's not much in warframe that challenges me now except for absurd rivens or taking dragon keys into random missions. Do I expect more for doing more than everyone else? Hell #*!%ing no. I don't deserve to be paid more just for doing solo missions than in public groups. Most times I run solo is because I'm either : 1) looking for statues, 2) looking for syndicate medallions because not everyone wants them, or 3) doing a riven challenge that requires or is best done solo.


 tl;dr: I work the same amount when I run with groups of any size. I'm fine with how the game determines the scaling

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33 minutes ago, Bird_God said:

Im at work, so although Im sure someone in this thread has already figured this out (unless in misunderstanding) I feel the need to point out that the resources you get are typically the same for all members of your party, not divided. If i go in alone and get 1,000 credits and an argon crystal if someone joined me they'd be able to find all the same crap on the floor, or if they joined and did nothing, the resources just exist there seperate for every player. I wouldnt change that, because it makes it vastly more fair for people who are just flat out unlucky. I'd prefer the same resources to be available to everyone.

If what you are implying was the case, people who were carrying low MR or new players through missions would just leave to boost their friends and give them more crap at the end of a mission, that would be the only result of this. It would just be something people use as an exploit to level faster and farm faster. Its unnecessary. People who leave, whether its out of spite, AFK, whatever, should not get any rewards. Not to spite the people who stay, but just because they shouldnt get anything and for the sake of there not being some arbitrary exploit (which is exactly what would happen) being added. If you want to punish people for leaving (which you shouldnt because there are just as many valid reasons to leave a mission; ditching leechers, joining missions accidentally public) then at most make it so people cant join for like a minute or something.


Leeching is just as valid a concern, if not more concerning as people who leave to spite you. To that end, id rather have an in-game reporting feature for people who go AFK in defense missions thinking you can do everything by yourself (coming from someone who isnt high MR).

You dont owe anyone you play with in public anything and they dont owe you anything. The weight should be distributed between people equally, and the rewards should always be the same.

Actually I'm not sure the same resources spawning is true. I recently got my boyfriend to play (finally one actual friend to play with 😞 ) and we were looking for a specific resource for him since he's new. Well I found it, got him to come to my location, and it wasn't there for him. He had a few different resources there. I was actually shocked a bit.. we mark resources on our maps all the time for others. I was playing on the TV next to his so I saw different things there too.


We have talked about a time ban after a certain amount of abandonments within a short time span. Maybe 15-20 mins if you have 4 or more abandonments you're off for 5 mins. If you keep going within that singular in game day then the duration increases. However you should have to hit that number each time within the set time to get that.

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I've left in the middle of a mission with lower ranking players before. I don't care if they get repeatedly downed but if they intentionally do things like slow a mission down by doing some resource gathering during a sortie or just slowing the mission down to where me carrying them on my back isn't really worth it compared to doing it for people actively trying to help, I don't feel bad at all for leaving. I've already started leaving immediately when I see someone with umbra and a single digit mr for a mission not at all suited for them because it's already tiring to see them contribute so little (not saying excal can't but it's normally not in the hands of someone capable of using excal well in these instances.)

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It's just the nature of PUG's, you cannot expect any sort of commitment when you PUG. If someone wants to leave, they will leave.

There's no point in communicating you dislike a frame and don't want to play with it around (like Limbo), because what.. what do you honestly expect after that? That they stay anyway?

As for the rewards thing. Ehh, no?

Edited by Lanadra
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3 minutes ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

I'm beginning to think there's a group of people on this forum that go from thread to thread, disagreeing with the thread not for any particular valid reason, but because it's trendy. Or something.

I understand OP's feels.

Oooooor, there's people who can't take it when people disagree with them and get overly sensitive about it. I've encountered plenty of folks like that.

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4 hours ago, --Q--Voltage said:

People of all levels leave games at any point for any reason. Pick up games are just that. The point of a PUG is to not feel committed to a specific setup or to have to go a certain amount of time. While it can be unfortunate you experience this with high level players, there are plenty of people in every region at any Mastery Rank who leave a game for any reason.

On the contrary to your request to send people to recruit chat, you could also do the same to ensure commitment within your squad. You cannot hold players hostage because you want the mission done at a certain pace or with specific numbers of players within the squad.

This, plus, I've often just left cause I got so bored that I couldn't be bothered with the mission and went and played a better game. 

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