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So What Weapon Would You Go Back Too.


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Twin Vipers.


There's something about unloading two magazines full of lead to someone's face in less than a second that makes me feel so happy and contented about life.

I hear that! My Vipers have never left my side! I tried the Furis, didn't like it. Tried the Spectra, didn't like it but closer to what I liked. Viper...maybe...Twin Vipers...>:D These are the Chosen Ones!

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I am so excited for the armor rebalance and Ignus rework. I adore flamethrowers in games and was so disappointed that this one was such crap. Hoping it'll be competitive later game. I also love the Vasto and maintain that its the best side arm (aside from the godly Acrid) I'm hoping the upcoming rework will actually put some validity behind that statement. 

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I'll still be using my Ogris when playing on the Rhino. That Warframe simply demands a big gun in my opinion.


Forma'd mine 5 times, and when I finally get Serration to max it will be capable at obliterating a planet in one shot!! ^_^


Next to that I'll keep on using my Latron Prime and Reaper Prime.

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Incorrect my friend. DE is changing armor so that if you really like a weapon that is lower tier, you can mod it up and make is viable at higher levels; however, that weapon will still be outperformed by high tier weapons. Understand? A guy could use a Vulkar on pluto and the Vulkar could still do considerable damage, but a Flux Rifle would still outperform it.


yeah the problem is that many narrow minded people will say that makes everything not in the upper tiers is worthless, but hey with logic that says "if it isn't the best possible it isn't useful" I'm sure it's possible for DE to somehow eventually do something that will please us.

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If DE Does a good job with this armor rework, And re balanced everything to be viable everywhere. 

Meaning you don't need to use an Acrid or a flux rifle to take out high leveled enemies. 


- Twin Vipers 


; p 

Lato Prime

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Grakata, I'd love to see how it would do with an ammo converter 


The ammo converter mod for the Grakata is nice, but the gun loves spewing lead down-range like nobodies business.


Sure it's ineffective at longer longer ranges, but a beast when modded effectively. I've still got a couple weapons I need to get though. Namely the currently building Gremlins, and a part for the Braton Prime. :D

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