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I want a Prime Deth Machine Rifle :)


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Deth Machine Rifle is, well, not very good. It is impossible to make into even a mid-game sentinel gun (5% crit, 1% status, low starting damage). I am not going into comparing it to the other sentinel guns, lets just say there are "several better guns out there"...

But it sure is fun, it is very active, continuously rapping away at enemies near and far. And it has a nice sound effect. Feels like a trustworthy and eager little gun. Or should I say a BB gun...

I would like the possibility to make it useful, so that I could (and would) use it more. Every time I do, it makes me happy (disregarding the fact that it never really kills anything 😀).

Even if this needed a lot of formas and all kinds of "special" mods, it would be worth it. Instead of buffing the original a little bit, I would prefer a primed version. Or a Prisma (or a Vandal) version. The Deth Machine Rifle "big brother", so to speak. A version that COULD be forma'd and modded into something good & useful. Or even into something great. Of course, this means a new Dethcube version as well, but it is the gun that is the actual point.


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6 minutes ago, EDM774 said:


You just have to wait. 3-4 years from now I was dreaming for limbo Prime and here we are now so everything comes in time you just have to be patient.

i disagree, been waiting years for a second primed archwing yet here we are with the old one vaulted and no new prime/wraith/vandal archwing weapons/archwings aside from the 3 we have

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18 minutes ago, Licitaqua said:

i disagree, been waiting years for a second primed archwing yet here we are with the old one vaulted and no new prime/wraith/vandal archwing weapons/archwings aside from the 3 we have

You haven't been waiting long enough.

I'm in the same boat as you on that one we just have to wait some more.

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19 minutes ago, Licitaqua said:

i disagree, been waiting years for a second primed archwing yet here we are with the old one vaulted and no new prime/wraith/vandal archwing weapons/archwings aside from the 3 we have

Its not that popular mode, tho i believe with the railjack, DE might give some more attention to archwing stuff and increase the arsenal.

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Sentinels are forgotten and very underestimated. The devs should revisit them and add more weapons to the sentinels and prime those sentinels which missing their primes.

New sentinels also would be nice but they need to do something with the vacuum to be more universal and compense the sentinels - companions aswell. A complete companion 2.0 needed.

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Funny, back in the days when Latron (P.) and Flux Rifle were endgame dethcube was able to clear the whole starchart alone, that's powercreep for you.

There's always a bigger fish out there (or in the making) so I guess there'll come a day when the next best thing will appear.


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14 hours ago, PrimeDCookieMonstah said:

Its not that popular mode, tho i believe with the railjack, DE might give some more attention to archwing stuff and increase the arsenal.

i said this when jv was added, i said it when archwing movement was reworked. If and when the developers actually get off their ass to do something to help archwing i will believe it until then i think they want it to fail

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Deth Machine Rifle should really have a prime variant, or seriously buffed.

Even though I have 7 formas on this weapon with a good riven (+dmg + cd) and Primed Bane of Grineer/Corpus, I am still disappointed.

I only use Sweeper Prime (3 formas) and Vulklok (5 formas) depending on the situation.

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On 2018-08-11 at 6:29 AM, Graavarg said:

A version that COULD be forma'd and modded into something good & useful. Or even into something great.

General consensus among the player base is that sentinels shouldn't be good and useful in combat, much less great. That's the realm of the dogs and cats. Sentinels are there for vacuum and utility mods. If sentinels were good in combat, with strong weapons, and they had vacuum and their other utility mods on top of it... that would (even more so) sideline kavats and kubrows.

Maybe this will all change as pets see more iteration,  but that seems to be DE's take on things, and the majority of the player base seems to agree (with this being parroted every time someone asks for innate vacuum, or a vacuum mod for dogs and cats).

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On ‎2018‎-‎08‎-‎13 at 8:38 PM, (XB1)HAPPYHapyJ0YJoy said:

General consensus among the player base is that sentinels shouldn't be good and useful in combat, much less great. 


And you somehow "know" the general consensus of the player base?

Not that I necessarily disagree, it comes, however, down to the definition of "good". Already you could surf through low level mission using only your sentinel for kills, so it is actually only a matter of setting a line (in the sand) where sentinels sort of starts to drop out. Vulklok and Sweeper Prime also currently kills quite high level enemies (and are "good"), so I fail to see why Deth Machine Rifle "Prime" would or should be out of the question. It is mainly a matter of taste (as should be clear from my initial post). 

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12 hours ago, (XB1)HAPPYHapyJ0YJoy said:

It's not that hard to figure out.

Well, see, it actually is.

It is sort of kindergarden polemic to claim to represent "the opinion of the masses", without actually having anything to support it. Just check the daily newsfeeds...

In addition Warframe is, more than many other games, about diversity. So the idea that some sort of "player consensus" should dictate what is or is not acceptable (or good) is kind of ridiculous. Especially when it comes to equipment. Removal of OP weaponry is fine, since OP gear affects the gameplay for other players (like spin-to-win robots). But not adding "good" equipment to the game because "player consensus doesn't want it", come on 🙂 .

Among game developers, DE could (and should) be classed as "good" because they actually listen to players, however in practice DE is really a "great" developer since they tend to do what is good for the game and not what a bunch of players are screaming about (ironically quite often claiming to represent the majority while actually only expressing their personal views 🙂 ).

And finally this was my personal opinion (which should be pretty clear), so I couldn't give a flying about what a majority consensus possibly is. It is, after all, a human right to express one's personal opinions 😉.

I still want a Primed Deth Machine Rifle, because I like how it sounds and behaves and would like to bring it along a lot more. It doesn't need much, but currently it is quite inferior compared to the better sentinel guns.

For instance, my Vulklok does over 2000 total damage (rad + viral), auto-crits (104%), has a crit multiplier of 5.5 and on top of that a status chance of 92%. And in addition a punch-through around 1.2 (don't remember exactly). Compare that to a fully modded Deth Machine Rifle, it can't get even close, in any way, shape or form. Even if the Vulklok only fires around once every 2 seconds, the difference in dps (and especially in effective dps = dropping or controlling enemies) is quite huge...


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7 hours ago, Graavarg said:

Well, see, it actually is.

It is sort of kindergarden polemic to claim to represent "the opinion of the masses", without actually having anything to support it. Just check the daily newsfeeds...

In addition Warframe is, more than many other games, about diversity. So the idea that some sort of "player consensus" should dictate what is or is not acceptable (or good) is kind of ridiculous. Especially when it comes to equipment. Removal of OP weaponry is fine...


Firstly, use the search function. The support is there. Dozens of topics on this and related requests with people weighing in pretty consistently. There's more than enough replies, and no inherent bias to the area they're collected from (this general forum,  not from one which would be specifically pro or anti sentinel or kubrow) to skew the sample. Polling is a thing, and quite useful.

Secondly, we ARE talking about making something OP within the current system. The reason "OP" things are bad is that they invalidate other options and shoehorn the player base into one (or a more limited selection) of options. The options, obviously, need to balanced to avoid that.

Currently the (relative) balance between the companions is that pets are good for combat and combat buffs and generally worse at utility, while sentinels are good for utility (being the sole source of any amount of vacuum that isn't laughable mainly), and are generally worse at combat.

If you make a sentinel good (or great) at combat it upsets (what passes for) balance and would lessen the reasons to use a kubrow or kavat, the same way giving them vacuum would lessen the reasons to use a sentinel (and is the universal objection levelled against the idea by sentinel fans when kubrow/kavat fans suggest as much). That's the (rocky) balance within the current system. Obviously this could be changed, and DE could certainly alter the balance and homogenize the companions so they're all kind of okay at everything, but they haven't done that yet, and this topic doesn't suggest altering the balance as a whole, but at targeted changes which would affect the balance that exists now.

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On ‎2018‎-‎08‎-‎16 at 8:49 PM, (XB1)HAPPYHapyJ0YJoy said:

Firstly, use the search function. The support is there. Dozens of topics on this and related requests with people weighing in pretty consistently. There's more than enough replies, and no inherent bias to the area they're collected from (this general forum,  not from one which would be specifically pro or anti sentinel or kubrow) to skew the sample. Polling is a thing, and quite useful.

Secondly, we ARE talking about making something OP within the current system. The reason "OP" things are bad is that they invalidate other options and shoehorn the player base into one (or a more limited selection) of options. The options, obviously, need to balanced to avoid that.

Currently the (relative) balance between the companions is that pets are good for combat and combat buffs and generally worse at utility, while sentinels are good for utility (being the sole source of any amount of vacuum that isn't laughable mainly), and are generally worse at combat.

If you make a sentinel good (or great) at combat it upsets (what passes for) balance and would lessen the reasons to use a kubrow or kavat, the same way giving them vacuum would lessen the reasons to use a sentinel (and is the universal objection levelled against the idea by sentinel fans when kubrow/kavat fans suggest as much). That's the (rocky) balance within the current system. Obviously this could be changed, and DE could certainly alter the balance and homogenize the companions so they're all kind of okay at everything, but they haven't done that yet, and this topic doesn't suggest altering the balance as a whole, but at targeted changes which would affect the balance that exists now.

1. No, I will (of course) not use to search function to evaluate your unproven claims, that would just prove that I am dumb. This is more of a put up or shut up-situation, which means the need to prove that what you are saying is true is on you 😉. The really real world doesn't work the other way, that someone makes unsubstantiated claims that have to be disproven.

2. We are specifically NOT talking about making anything OP within the system. From the start the wish has been to raise the Deth Machine Rifle to the same level as the other sentinel guns. Maybe reading a bit more carefully before commenting would be a good thing? Unless this is meant to be another kindergarten argumentation trick, that is claiming that someone said something and then disproving what you claimed they said (it is an example of a classic logic fallacy, can't remember the name though, might be a "straw man argument").

3. Yes, though this is not as narrow as you claim, pets are more of a singular fighting force (like a specter) while sentinels are a support function for your warframe. But sentinels do have guns, and mods that affect the behaviour of how the sentinel uses its guns, and the guns are moddable as well. Of course this isn't just for show. But the basic point is still that I, personally, would like to se a better version of Deth Machine Rifle (and so would a lot of others).

4. This has absolutely nothing to do with vacuum, and nothing to do with kavats/kubrows. All it has anything to with is that Deth Machine Rifle currently is a lot worse than the other sentinel guns, and there are a bunch of us who would like to see a version that can be about as good as the others. Because we happen to like it. What I do not understand is why this rubs you the wrong way, why would that affect you negatively?

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