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Ask A Cephalon, Nov 24


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Every now and then Tenno approach Cephalon Cordylon with questions that only a being of such vast intellect could answer.


Questions like, 'Who provides Cordylon with the most unusual bits of information?', 'Do Cephalon have a physical presence?', and 'Do Corpus keep pets?'


Want to know all the answers?  Find out what Cordylon has to say on this week's Ask a Cephalon and let us know what's on your mind in the post below.  We'll be sure to get your questions to Cordylon -- provided they're filed with the appropriate paperwork.



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Ah... Um...


GOOD answer, Cephalon. Good answer. Don't want him angry at you.




Cordylon- What kind of power source did the Orokin use? I have seen ancient Orokin reactors, does that mean nuclear fission? Nuclear fusion? Antimatter? Something even odder?

Edited by Kalenath
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If the Tenno can communicate are there friendships or love between the Tenno? (i dont mean clans)


Please answer.


Hi, I did some datamining (I totally didn't steal this information from Cordy and if I did you can't prove it) and found this old Pre-Great War record about the subject of love.

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"Dmkrodan Asks: Cephalon, what is the most peculiar experience you have had in regards to the Grineer, or Corprus? Surely you have interacted with something outside of the Tenno?"



Minor Typo there, nothing huge.


Onto my Question, I attempted to ask you oh great cephalon this question before months past and I shall ask it again for I am quite curios of the answer. Is the name "Cephalon" have to do anything with the "Diencecephalon"? I am curious to see if they are related. The Diencecephalon consists of two parts. The Thalamus and the Hypothalamus. The Thalamus processes sensory information from the nerves and the nervous systems. The Hypothalamus is in charge of regulating Sleep, Body heat etc.


 I know it doesn't make much sense for Cephalons but I'm curious to see if you were named after an ancient study known as "Psychology" 

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Ordis has some scars or cracks on the left side of his ,,face". What does that mean? Is he damaged or is something wrong with him? Or is it more symbolic?


(sorry for mistakes, English is not my mature language)

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Rhino Asks: Where is my Palatine Skin?

As you are well aware I do not handle the manufacturing of Warframe components -- however it would appear that regular updates from researchers at our Combat Aesthetics Division have been logged and are suggesting that this 'vintage Warframe look' will be available this week.

It is certainly good news for Rhinos across the sector. I anticipate my databanks quite busy responding to Tenno sending me visually appealing entirely complimentary color combinations to record.

- Cordylon

Rhino rework + skin confirmed for tomorrow.

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Why is there water everywhere in Void towers? Seems like Orokin needed a lot of water for their ships to function...

And another question.

They talk about Gaia's Tragedy a lot. New Loka speaks of restoring Earth. Earth itself looks... different to say the least.

So what happened to Earth? Any info would be really helpful as we know literally NOTHING about the New Earth.


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