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  1. And the thing I was getting at is that out of all of that, the cycling is the smallest part of the entire thing....and the thing that if they improved it wouldn't even really affect the total time or the overall grind in any real fashion. The time spent farming for requiem relics (which comes from a very limited mission type that you have to spend actual time waiting for the missions to eventually cycle and if you can't sit in game for hours at a time waiting for the kuva fortress to move then you are literally spending days just farming for relics) and then having to farm for the mods themselves is already many times greater than the 10-30 minutes needed to go through every single weapon that liches have to offer. Honestly out of the entire system the 10-30 minutes of trying to get a specific weapon to actually spawn from a larvaling is the easiest and least noticeable part of the entire affair! The only time that it becomes a noticeable time sink is a player who already has all of the requiem mods, has a stockpile of all 4 of the requiem relics, and is looking to valence fusion up a specific weapon to 60%. And even in such a situation the dealing with constant low roles on the weapon and having to spend an hour plus on each lich from start to end, the 10-30 minutes again isn't even approaching a quarter of the time spent grinding through such a situation. So to complain about the time sink of the smallest part of the entire system is just missing the forest for the trees.
  2. And, please tell me, how in the hell is this supposed to work? Especially on a controller, which already has every button mapped out and very little to spare in terms of what could be over-written while the ability is in use. What button are players going to need to hit in order to play the note and how are they going to do anything else in the game when they have to spazz out in a corner to hit the various modifiers to the notes? This basically tells Octavia players "Hey, go sit in a corner and be completely unable to interact with the game so you can play whatever song the game gives you to play if you actually want to get anything out of her since you won't be able to walk or fire or do anything else as you vainly attempt to hit the notes at hte right time with all the flashes and other effects completely obscurring your vision!" Which the actual octavia player won't be able to partake in as they have to spazz out and hit all these other buttons on time....meaning that they can't get the buff they want? After all in order to get the buffs you need to focus on playing your music meaning you can't actually take advantage of your buffs since you have to constantly just focus on the song notes and nothing else..... Conversely: Unlike Dante, who has a nice and easy method for dictating what abilities go off and can cycle them quite comfortably, even on a controller, Octavia will need to sit in a corner and play a careful timing minigame instead of actually playing the game in any meaningful way. Dante works because he is simple. You cast two abilities and then can use a third based on what you cast before. And you have limited combinations. The idea you have here? Much too complicated and requires the player to essentially do nothing outside of playing a timing minigame in order to actually get the benefits of their abilities which precludes them from doing much else in the game. Also this makes the various mandachord customization's to the songs you want to play impractical due to how they would completely change what notes you have to hit and when....meaning you are even more limited because if you pick a song with a bunch of notes you need to hit to do anything you have even less of a chance of participating in the mission! meanwhile if you pick a song with the absolute bare minimum number of notes, even if it sounds annoying to you and everyone else in the mission, you might actually be able to do things between notes! And if you have some way to avoid the "Sit in a corner and pay attention to these notes in a timing minigame that makes your screen even busier and harder to see things on, to buff your squad instead of actually doing anything else....." please share because what you describe would lead to that to being the best way to play octavia.
  3. You're acting like cycling a lich or sister is some great time sink or something that takes you hours upon hours to get through. Meanwhile if you run quick missions with them you can cycle through all weapons available very quickly, even if you are unlucky and have to go through all of the available weapons, which at most should take 30-40 minutes. From most of the players that I interact with it's usually 10-15 minutes and they have the weapon they want and are ready to start actually going after their lich. And sure, you might go "But sisters are slower!", which is true, but due to the smaller amount of weapons largely takes around the same time even with the extra minute or so (at most, if you do the bare minimum number of kills then slightly less) tacked on to doing the initial rift portion. The part of actually trying to get the weapon you want is the least of the systems timesinks and I don't really see a reason for trying to complain about that with how quickly you can go through every single weapon they have. And if a 30-40 minute startup time at most (again this is usually quite a bit shorter) is going to be the part that annoys you, I can't see you being able to stand the rest of the system at all.....
  4. it was added later on and works by removing the weapon from the possible pool of weapon if you down the larvaling and then finish the mission, not abort. Each time you do that it will remove that weapon you just skipped on from the pool and this will continue on until either: A) you accept a weapon B) you cycle through every single weapon In either case you will then be able to go through the full list of weapons again. Depending on your luck it could take 1 mission or at most 17 missions to get the new guns as long as you finish each mission. On the other hand if you take out the larvaling and then abort the mission? Well then every single mission will have a 5.88% chance of having the weapon you're after, meaning that it could potentially take you lot longer than just 17 missions to get the gun you want to finally spawn. DE hasn't changed it, and you are lucky. I had a clanmate that actually had to go through 17 runs of cassini to get a sobek and then 7 corpus missions to get the glaxion. It's all RNG, but at least that RNG has a hard limit placed on it as long as you finish missions. And it's honestly sad seeing people like you have a coincidence and suddenly jump to "Bug? Bug?!? Bug!???" without any actual evvidence or testing or anythin to back it up.
  5. Please tell me this: How can an enemy that is 100% locked down from the second it spawns to the second it dies "still be a big threat"? Because that is seriously what you're asking for. We would just lock down the entire tile and then proceed to kill the turned off enemies without anything in our way. The only reason that overguarded enemies can actually be a threat is that they are immune to the CC and can't just be turned off like every other trash mob on the map. On the other hand outside of a few instances, namely the eximus stronghold missions, these enemies are the minority and therefore aren't an overwhelming presence that goes "CC can't do anything!!!!" like some people like you are trying to make it out to be.
  6. What issues? Honest question here. Can you walk through the issues you have with 2fa enabled that won't happen if it's disabled? Please define "everyone", because I seriously doubt it's everyone. On the other hand if you are facing an issue where it would need to be disabled, such as losing access to the email it was set up with, you can contact support, as outlined in the Warframe Two Factor Authentication FAQ But could you please walk me through why you would want to disable 2fa or why it would be necessary to do so? Why would you need to turn it off? What does having 2fa enabled prevent you from doing legitimately?
  7. Nope, separate weapons entirely. A good way to check this is Rivens. If a riven for one weapon works in the other they are considered the "same" weapon and therefore the rule you're thinking of in the cave applies. On the other hand if you can't use the riven of one weapon in another weapon then they are counted as "different" weapons and therefore both have a chance to show up in the cave. In this case the Mutalist Cernos, which fires an arrow that creates a gas cloud, counts as a different version than the Proboscis Cernos, which pulls enemies inwards with tentacles and explodes into viral damage. IIRC (and I could be wrong) the checks in the cave are: -Incarnon application -Mod capacity used (as if unlimited mod capacity and no forma) For example you have the Gorgon Wraith and the Prisma Gorgon. One has incarnon and one doesn't, the one with incarnon will be the one to show up in the cave. This one can override the upgraded check for sure as if you have a base Gorgon with Incarnon that will be the one to show up instead of Wraith or Prisma. Both have incarnon? Then it chooses the one with the most mod capacity used. I don't know if the mod capacity check will change whether you get the "upgraded" version or not, as in can you get base Lato instead of Lato Vandal/Prime (assuming all other parameters including incarnon are equal), but I do know how it works between gear of the same "upgrade" level. E.G Vandal vs. Wraith vs. Prisma Theoretically Umbra/Prime should work the same, but I don't have the time to apply a bunch of forma to excal umbra and then run circuits endlessly until it appears as an option in the cave.
  8. This is the reason. Any frame with an exalted weapon can't complete that incarnon challenge. Bit of an annoying oversight.
  9. And that will achieve nothing. After all they just used a throw away account to buy the plat using a stolen credit card and then transferred the riven and such away through a network of other trades. So what will hitting the original account that did the chargeback do? Further, can you prove that you weren't in on a RMT deal? After all their system shows that someone traded a large amount of plat for a single item, nothing else. That honestly does look like a part of an RMT. Especially with how wide a spread the stats on a riven can be to be considered a "god roll" (whatever that really means...you'll have arguments all day over the specifics). When you get into the "But they should just ban the accounts doing the chargebacks and not take the plat back..." I have a question: How many links should they ban from said account? As in how many deals have to be between you and the bad account before you're "safe" and won't be banned? If it only ever bans the bad account, then nothing is achieved and people now have a way to generate infinite plat! While at the same time costing DE money (because chargebacks do cost the company that they are put against in various ways). If it's a within a trade or two? Now you're just potentially banning people who directly traded with the bad accounts for no fault of their own, and scammers will still generate infinite plat this way. DE removes the plat from the economy for a reason: They didn't receive any money for it and actually got penalized for it. Plus for the people that are engaging with RMT and buying cheap plat, they lose said plat, and no infinite plat exploit. Good news though, if you have plenty of documentation of said trade you might get DE to give you your riven back if you can actually reasonably show that you were operating in good faith. Finally a small tip: Pay attention to the accounts you're trading with. Is it a low MR with low play time on their stuff and not a lot to their name outside of a massive amount of plat? Likely a scam. Is it a higher MR player with a bunch of crap? Less likely to be a scam.
  10. Two things: 1) They do not have reduced stats for abilities if someone is MR30. Their abilities are at full strength the entire time. The only thing that is lower is their health/shields/energy totals Which leads to point 2) This can actually be beneficial for the first or second mission because whenever a warframe levels its health, shields and energy are capped out. This means that sometimes it can actually be beneficial to bring a rank 0 frame because you can actually spam harder in missions where you can't use energy restores or rely on other frames giving you energy. Sure in deep archimedea this would likely only last for the first and second mission depending on affinity gains, but it would still be a minor benefit. So really there isn't an issue at all with people joining any mission with gear of a lower level...outside of people like you wanting to be a control freak.
  11. Without actual knowledge about warframes financials you can't just disregard points because you don't like them. You can't just go "I don't like this system so they shouldn't have it and I don't think it should matter how much money it makes!" It just makes it out to be you're whinging instead of having actual points to use.... Further you're missing a very important piece of why crafting time is a thing and is in a 12/24/etc. pattern instead of just an hour or something like that: Player retention. Crafting times force the player to come back the next day, and the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that, etc. After all you want your new weapon? New frame? Forma to make your stuff better? Come back tomorrow and continue playing then. Do that for long enough and the game starts to become a habit. Once the game becomes a habit you are far less likely to drop the game and far more likely to continue to sign into the game day after day after day, even if you don't have anything crafting in the foundry, simply because the game has become a habit to do that by that point. The building of items gives you a new goal, a new point to focus and wait on, as you do other stuff in the game and end up with a massive backlog of items that are waiting to be built and claimed. It gives you something to look forwards to and go "Oh yeah, in just a few days I'll have something completely new to try out!" Except that's not what the game is telling you at all.... And if you're the type of player to go "I'll completely ignore everything that I can do in the game because I only see this frame and nothing else!" then you're not the type of player that would stick around in warframe anyways. Even if you had a dozen instant craft frames, what would you do? You would build them, have them leveled.....and then what? I mean it doesn't seem like you want to actually play the rest of the game, you just wanted to build a few items....and nothing else. After all if you actually look at the game there is tons of stuff to keep the players busy and doing things while the frame is building. Having a weapon or frame crafting doesn't lock you out of the game in any way, and there are tons of things that new players need to do in order to actually make the new frame and weapon worth a damn. After all you have mods and resources and levels and factions and open worlds....and so much more than that. Especially since you can easily have a weapon or two in the foundry by the time you have your first frame crafting, meaning you have something to come back to tomorrow and likely the day after. And then guess what happens after that? Oh yeah, the new frame you were so hyper-fixated on. You're making arguments like the only thing that new players have to do is build some stuff when that can't be further from the truth. They have so much more to focus on that a crafting time isn't really that noticeable because you have blueprints to buy and farm, weapons to start farming resources for, factions to start leveling, mods to farm, open worlds to explore, missions to do, quests to complete, etc. And if the players can't see any of that and are turned off of the game because they can't have a Rhino instantly and that's the only thing they can focus on and pay attention to, they won't stick around warframe regardless because they'll get Rhino....and then what?
  12. Ok, so please tell me: How do you reverse consumables? Or spent forma? Or similar items? Just do a full account revert? With an "Oops, someone traded you bad platinum 3 days ago so we are rolling back your entire account 3 days?" What about other trades made in the interim and other corner cases and issues with a revert like this? What if they bought forma, then spent that forma on clan stuff? Here's the thing: If you have negative plat and you spent that plat on cosmetics or other 'permanent' items DE will work with you to reverse those orders to get you back to the positives. You blew it on a bunch of consumables, such as boosters, or similar items that can't really be 'reversed'? Yeah, you're going to be on the hook for what you used as DE can't easily just reclaim the items.
  13. Here is what generally happens to create "bad" plat: Someone steals credit card information (or generates a virtual credit card number) Someone uses that information to buy platinum from warframe They trade the platinum around to various people (usually, though not always, a form of RMT) The original owner of the card sees the purchase and issues a "charge back", where the card company will just take the money back from DE and give it back to the card owner. Note that this can cost a company like DE more than what the plat sold for due to overhead, etc. AND it puts a 'mark' against the company, too many marks and credit card companies are less willing to deal with the company and will charge them more for payments, etc. At this point DE has platinum in the system that was never paid for, so what can they do? There are really only two options: They can let the players keep the plat, in which case there is now essentially an exploit to generate infinite plat with throw away accounts and virtual credit card numbers. Obviously a company wouldn't want to do this because it's just costing them money. They can take the plat back out of the system And this is what DE does. They take the plat back, and they will trace this through the trades and take it back from the various players that it's been traded to. And if you've already used the plat? Well now you have to either negotiate a reversal (if you bought skins/decorations) or buy enough plat to balance the account Why can't DE just ban the account that did the charge back? Thing is that they already do (as do pretty much every game company if you ever do a charge back)...but the barrier to entry of getting an account to the point where you could buy the plat and spend it on trades and such is ridiculously low. And doesn't prevent things, especially since plenty of card companies offer "disposable" virtual card numbers you can generate and cancel at the press of a button. Why does DE remove the plat from the accounts that it was traded to? Because good luck proving your innocence, or that you didn't engage in RMT or similar behavior. And you're asking a company "Hey I know this is a hassle and a problem for you that costs you money....but trust me that I'm a good an innocent player!" Again, this is also costing the company money, and they want to be compensated for what you spent the money on. Finally, if DE only removed the plat from the initial account (which is likely a throw-away mule account) it doesn't solve the issue aside from banning one mule account out of however many the person doing this has. The person who generated the bad plat likely doesn't care if the account that started it was banned, it was a burner account from the start that they expected to get banned at some point. So for them to have an account lockout of "you need to pay this plat back...." means nothing and will never get paid back. Besides that, the original account would have already been banned for issuing a chargeback (and most game services, consoles, etc. will ban an account that does a chargeback), so removing the plat from an already banned account does what exactly?
  14. If you ignore the weapon/frame limitations the points just for taking on the other effects gives you 15 points on the normal mode. This gets you 2 reward (equivalent to running 2 netracells) and some lathorns (of debatable use but still) IF you have elite unlocked the same setup means getting over 20 points which is 3 netracell rewards. So absolute worst case of "You don't have any of the gear to do the personal gear limitations" and it's a break even proposal where you don't lose anything. If you can equip at least 2 of the selections from the gear limitations you can get 3 rewards from the normal deep archimedea, meaning you benefited from running this mode over spending the searches on normal netracells, If you have elite unlocked it also adds in 20 vosfor and an additional reward for a total of 4 pulls from the rewards. Regardless you can either break even, or come out slightly ahead even without any of the gear limitations.
  15. To be perfectly honest and fair this can be mitigated by using Vazarin. Sure it's a limited number of revives per round, but if you can't use your kid mode anyways what's there to lose from switching to vazarin and enjoying instant revives? And if you can set it up beforehand, having multiple people with vazarin just makes the instant revives stretch a little further and makes reviving people in the mode a piece of cake. And part of the idea of the mode is changing your loadout (which includes your focus schools and such) to make the mode as easy as possible.
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