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  1. I don't run into those toxic players very often in-game. Once in a while you find one, but I don't even ignore them, unless they are messaging me directly. I mostly do "late game" content though, so maybe there are less of those types present there.
  2. Thanks for the overall LoS improvements across the frames. Looking forward to trying out Nezha's augment now that its range is manageable.
  3. Thanks for looking into this and I do look forward to these changes being applied to other frames suffering from LoS issues. That said, I do not agree with the Dante nerfs. Obviously, I don't have the stats that DE has to determine how successful or overplayed a frame is, but it seems like Dante hadn't been out long enough to determine whether he was "dominating" or not. I would think that you would want your new frame to be getting a lot of players, that is a sign you made an interesting frame to play that people like. I guess I'm waiting to get Jade for a while to be sure I'm not wasting resources.
  4. I wish they would pick a lane on LoS. Either all frames have it or none do. I've played forever and even I find it confusing that some frames don't need LoS and others randomly do. This is also why I never invest in new frames until they have been around for a while. I never know when a frame will get nerfed hard.
  5. Permanent bunny ears? Sold! Awesome update.
  6. This is a great change. Kahl missions are probably fine if you do them a bit to get the cosmetics, but they are terrible for weekly content. Moving shards somewhere that has replayable content is preem.
  7. Thanks for this part especially. I was holding off my netracell missions just in case I needed them available.
  8. If you nerf Rev, you'll have to nerf Nezha and Rhino, because people will just use those instead. You might also have to nerf Wukong because he can sort of circumvent death and also, possibly Inaros if this rework turns out well. Ultimately, it doesn't matter what other people play, with the possible exception of Limbo because he is actively interfering with other players. If you know what you're doing, you can carry the whole team everywhere, whether they contribute as you say, or not. I don't play Rev, but I don't have any problems if that is what people are into.
  9. This seems like it could be really good. Looking forward to playing Inaros again.
  10. If you want all the kills for yourself, you have the option to solo. I like it when people bring nuke builds so I can just collect loot and finish missions faster.
  11. At least they are quick and easy. My RNG there has been pretty bad though.
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