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Everything posted by MauVasconcellos

  1. So, you know when you are using Photoshop/Illustrator and you have those specific layers you do not want to move? You may select each one and LOCK them (padlock icon) in order to continue working with the rest (meaning those layers are sacred, never to be tampered with again). Why not add that option in our Arsenal Modding menu? In Warframe there is already so much adding/replacing/removing mods in order for our weapons/frames to fit specific mission types (and/or factions) that MAYBE a mod-locking system could come in handy for some people. Some mods are well known and usually never get moved again anyways, honestly leaving us with just a few slots to tinker before facing specific factions. On the other hand, a well organized player could spend some time locking mods beforehand which he/she already knows are a CORE part of a weapon, leaving then just 2 or 3 adjustable mod-slots so the player knows could be swapped on the regular. Locked mods could receive a 10~20% grey-ish tone covering its artwork (or maybe a tiny padlock icon beneath) as to pinpoint which are marked, unmovable. That option (and let me rephrase, this would be an OPTION) could make things much faster and intuitive; for example, say we are playing with a group, and in between tasks we are given just a few extra seconds before the host sets up the next mission. Who here hasn't gone through that before? Finishing the last touches while listening to the countdown? With the lock-system, a player would just hop into the Arsenal, ignore all the grey mods and focus solely on swapping those 1 or 2 mods for specific mission types. No need to keep searching. All those rows of text descriptions, the colors and overall "visual pollution" could finally be put aside with this type of solution. Anyways. That is my suggestion of the day. Thank you DEVs!
  2. Yesterday I experienced this bug for the first time while doing the "Boreal Archon Showdown" mission (aka, the third and last) on Earth. I was going solo and using Revenant. Most of the time I am a solo player because I use Wi-Fi and my group missions are an endless parade of freezes and lags... so, while going solo, I do not experience these bumps. Don't know if any of this data is relevant to you DEVs, but there we go. The problem: Whenever I would do a transference-out from my (Warframe) -> (Operator), the kid would pop out facing my left side (almost 90º degrees anti-clockwise). It was so unnerving to try and do slingshots because I'd always be thrown into a different direction I was originally facing (in other word, instead of WF bullet jumping and operator dashing ahead, I'd instead almost do a U-Turn with my WF bullet jumping ahead and operator dashing to my side, forcing me to realocate my screen and finding the objective icon again and again. The problem persisted all through the mission. And then, it was gone. Next mission everything was back to normal again. Thanks for your consideration.
  3. Exterminate does the trick for me, seeing these missions as exact duplicates as the ones from Zariman (and the Angel Plumes). Just kill the enemies, be done with the pre-requisite, and explore the map to your heart's content. EDIT extra: I run my Exterminate Farming missions with Xaku. He has his guns dealing with enemies on auto-pilot while I can just move around freely, and also, when faced with big rooms, just cast Xata's Whisper which is a mini-AOE nuke by itself. It always destroys all furnitures/boxes around, leaving only the Voca icons for you.
  4. I would like to join, but I do not know exactly how many hours of game I have at the moment (I'm at work). But I'm MR Leg2, been here since early 2015, so, pretty sure I got that pre-requisite covered. I'm a quiet player. 40 year old father. As long as you guys do not force newcomers to be online on Discord full time (mind you, I have no microphone) as some other clans have doing around here, then, it would be a pleasure to join the clan. Thank you. EDIT: Just checked at home. I got 1720 hours on record.
  5. Oh, no worries. Thanks for point out the phrase you wanted to discuss. :) So yeah, Rift Walk and Cataclysm both use Rift, but the difference is: during one instance you are completely isolated in your own dimension, and the other instance you're basically opening the front door to your Rift House so everybody can enter. Both scenarios still use Rift, sure, but Cataclysm allows for enemies to come in, while Rift Walk is sealed tight only for you. Way I see it, an Eximus shouldn't harm Limbo if he is merely Rift Walking. I also agree this would indeed need an exception added to his core mechanic in order for that to happen, but he should be untouchable as long as he does not "Banish" an enemy unit to join him in Rift (because, then, this enemy could fight toe to toe with him while in there). Rift Walk is a sealed environment, its not an "open house", which leads to the next point. Cataclysm also uses Rift, but its an open space inviting all enemies to come in. Its a DIFFERENT mechanic that also negates your own Rift Walk if you go in and out. Finally, we have the Eximus, and they should INDEED 100% be able to walk inside Cata as long as they are fully armored. But as I see it, only then, only while they are inside, should their abilities harm Limbo and allies. After all, Limbo is not Rift Walking anymore, but hiding Cata. An Eximus ability attack should not harm anyone while they are inside Cataclysm.... that makes absolutely no sense to me. Conclusion: There is a key difference between Rift Walk and Cataclysm. An Eximus cannot squeeze his way into Rift Walk, and thus, should never harm Limbo. On the other hand, Cataclysm is wide enough that enemies and Eximus can raise hell if they step in it. But not while outside. I hope I was able to explain my dissatisfaction about this small hole on his kit. And indeed it is small, as I'm well aware a good player can manuever Limbo around enough to deal with any Eximus threats.
  6. I honestly cannot see the "conditionals" and "ifs and thens" you are referring to. Out of everything I wrote, it basically boiled down to how "Rift" makes us immortal against 90% of all enemies, but fully exposed to the 10% which are Eximus. Rift should not be removed as the condition on itself already hinders a Limbo, forcing him to face single enemies at a time (Banish), which is utter injustice when paired with other TRUE god-tier Frames who reach immortality for far less effort. Again, as long as we are Rift walking we should be immortal. That's all I meant. By the time we drop Cataclysm and invite enemies to walk into the bubble, then yeah, its our own choice (and demise) to expose ourselves to enemies and/or Eximus and face consequences. Rift walking by itself means nothing to a full fledged gameplay based on TTK (say "Survival") because, at the end of the day, we'd only manage to banish one single enemy at a time and that sort of mechanic never allows for a proper game flow anyways. Hence, that is why Cataclysm should fully protect Limbo and allies which are inside from external Eximus abilities.
  7. There must be at LEAST a dozen other frames who get immortal status when facing Eximus for much MUCH less effort than Limbo does. The famous 1 button "Press to Win" frames. Limbo on the other hand still got to work in order to be able to go against any high-level Eximus and not be 1-shotted (aka being in Rift and/or setting his Cataclysm). Nullifiers are a prime example of how we still need to put the effort when dealing with specific enemies. But then, there are other frames who roll around scott-free with their immortal status and DEVs are ok with that. Revenant. Valkyr. Nezha. Trinity. Rhino. The list goes on. I'm just saying, a Limbo player has got to work in order to survive, and because of that, I also vote that his Rift walk SHOULD protect him against Eximus abilities. Now, that scenario differs when he drops his Cataclysm and, of course, there are other Eximus already inside, because that situation is completely different (if a Limbo player is crazy enough to drop a Cata containing 3+ Eximus inside, he is basically commiting suicide for nothing). Also, I agree that Eximus cannot be frozen with "Stasis" until we remove their armor, but, again, see how this is a different approach to strategies here? If we are solely moving around in Rift (no Cataclysm anywhere) and its just us, then, it shouldn't matter if an Eximus uses an ability because no one else is being pulled inside the Rift beforehand. Teleporting each individual enemy using "Banish" is already a cumbersome task, so, of course if we decide to teleport an Eximus, this unit SHOULD indeed be able to use Eximus abilities and harm Limbo as they are both in there. But not while Limbo is rift walking by himself. It doesn't make any sense for an interdimensional being to be affected by exernal forces.
  8. No one has called my attention about the lags as of yet (seeing this situation is pretty recent for me), but I did inquire about THEIR lag while I was hosting, and all of them confirmed they experienced some kind of lag. I don't want to be the one responsible for spoiling their fun, so, if I don't have to host, so be it. It shouldn't be too hard for the DEVs to add this feature, should it?
  9. Olá, estou prestes a deixar um outro clã que está basicamente inativo, e gostaria de fazer parte desta familia. Meu nome no jogo é o mesmo desse post: Mau Vasconcellos Obrigado.
  10. Guys, I tried fiddling with the options and following your instructions, and "alright", ok, it did help me lower the chances of hosting (I have tweaked the options as to find matchmaking with players with just 100 ping, the lowest possible). Now I just have to try to find a way to connect a network cable to my modem and shove it inside the telephone wall socket in order to then push it aaaaaall the way around the house till it finally pokes out of the office socket and into my PC. Joining public groups via wireless is torture. Total hell. Seeing your team mates and enemies freezing and teleporting all around you is nerve wrecking. I can barely shoot an enemy that is "not there anymore". This whole ordeal is happening because I've just moved into a new apartment, and I'm coming from a home where I had internet cable connection and ping was NEVER an issue, so missions ran smoothly for almost a decade for me. But anyways. I'll find a way to work something out here. Thanks everyone for your ideas. Much appreciated. :)
  11. Thank you for your ideas on how to improve the quality of life around here, RLazinger and also Myscho. Though I have no idea how to "fidle with Ping", I shall have to do some research about it. Can I adjust this via in-game menus? Heh, I wish I could just move my Wi-Fi box and be 1 meter away from it. If that was the case, I'd happily buy a internet cable and just plug my computer there. But the box stays on the next room, some 6~7 meters away from me, and there is no way I can stretch a cable that far without messing with the house structure first (drilling holes between doors and the sort). As for your last 3 tips, I'll study each case separately and try them later. I just find it amazing there isn't just a simple On/Off button for hosting. That would help so many people! Thanks again.
  12. This shouldn't be a major issue for DE to implement. 3 options: A) Always be host. / B) Never be host / C) Traditional, let your client decide due to availability.
  13. The title says it all. I play using Wi-Fi and whenever I host, players suffer greatly because of my faulty connection (lags, locked doors, frozen enemies, etc). Because of that, I do try my best to hop in and out of new missions till I find an ongoing group. But this process can be very time consuming unless I decide to go solo. My question is: is there such a straightforward option which you can toggle in Settings? On/Off? I just don't want to host anymore. Simple as that. Thanks everyone.
  14. Oh, but there IS a game mechanic here needed for doing Kuva Siphons. Dealing with the KUVA GUARDS. The whole "Operator Void Dash" to disarm + killing it after is introduced during the New War quest. Sure, the Lotus comms might tell you how to deal with such Guards during Kuva missions (I honestly cannot remember if she says anything about it), but, this is the type of game mechanic I am referring to. And like you said, the Public Matches already prove to be a lottery. Lots of bad players (veterans even) running around like gooses without a clue how to operate certain devices or activating basic game mechanics. So how about we broaden the odds of finding even MORE unexperienced players to join in? These who payed to reach endgame the day prior? You might have your opinion and I fully respect it. I just believe we should allow players to grow inside this game. They do that through practice over months of doing quests, challenges, bosses, Void Junctions and overall farming/grinding. Let's see what the DEVs will decide in the end.
  15. I vote "No". And I don't mind players who willing ignore the plot (Lore) just so they can play the game. It IS a game, after all, and people shouldn't be judged if they just want to have fun and do random missions to enjoy their day instead of watching cinematics and/or reading pages of text. But the problem does not lie there. The issue lies with "quest tutorials" which are naturally imbued within said quests. The lore progression is not just about providing story, but also teaching the gameplay mechanics. A newcomer might know how to do parkour or bullet jump thanks to the first missions, but all the other aspects which make WF gameplay so vast and complex awaits within the next storyline quests. Take all the "War" related missions for example, how would a newcomer learn about the core mechanics of an Operator if he does not fight Kuva Guards, does not learn Void Sling, Drifter melee mechanics, Duviri and so on? Sure, drop a newcomer from a parachute straight into Duviri territory and see how he'll deal with the Dax Horse Warrior all by his/her lonesome (took me a while to grasp the ins and outs of parry, and I am an old WF player). Will you at least keep the Warframe individual quests available (Yarelli, Limbo, Inaros, etc) so they can have at least some degree of practicing? And "practicing" is the word I was waiting to use, because here is the real problem: Practice is something I still see lacking even amongst veteran players nowadays. Public missions always have a chance of going south if one player does not know the core mechanics. Sure, let's "carry" the guy along and be done with it, but, where is the fun in that? And the most important: how does this player feel when he/she does not understand certain aspects of missions due to lack of practicing? Sure, everyone can do "Exterminates" or "Survivals", but, go ahead and try specific missions such as Lua Rescues, Spy (lemme add a colorful sticker to Orb Vallis stealth missions here, when you gotta use Operators to move around), Kuva Siphons, Orphix, Isolation Vaults on Deimos... you got the idea. So, please, do not open the gates so even more inexperienced players may arrive to confuse and slow our public missions. Let them go through the official quest line and learn the ropes first. This game is too good for newcomers to skip it. Thank you for your consideration.
  16. That's basically it. Last year I have mentioned the same thing, seeing this as a clear bug when Daughter Kaelli jumps into her Naberus costume while on Deimos, BUT, just as you head to Kahl's Garrison and/or do their Narmer missions, she is not dressed up for the Halloween occasion during missions and video chats. Hopefully you guys will provide her a proper character rig and animation for 2024? Thanks.
  17. Definately gonna try that out tonight. Piercing Roar. Sounds fun. THanks a lot, mate. :))
  18. I see, thank you very much for the detailed information. Now I am considering swapping my "Duration" red shard for an "Ability Strenght" one. But I don't believe I'd drop the yellow "Casting Speed" ones, man... geez... Lavos sure is slow with his animations. Do you use any Helminth ability on him?
  19. That is where it gets confusing. Mazifet mentioned "Status Duration" for his abilities as well. Wouldn't "Duration" help with those extra ticks? Thanks a lot.
  20. Right, I see what you mean. I shall keep the "Duration" red shard, then. As far as "Ensnare" goes, it just helps to group enemies together when throwing your 3rd "Transmutation Probe" and resetting all your countdowns at once (not to mention its great to have them close in order to shoot your Cedo). I don't much care for mobility, as I am not a rushing type of player, so, his 2nd "Vial Rush" has to go. ;)
  21. Hello everyone. I love Railjack, and I love going in solo with my Lavos. But I was wondering if I could hear your thoughts on your builds of choice for this matter, naming which Archon Shards you've chosen for the alchemist pilot. Should I go for power? Range? What? So far I managed to install 2 Ember shards for "Casting Speed", 1 Azure for "Armor" and 1 Crimson for "Duration"... but here lies the question: some reddit forums will tell you he does not benefit from "Duration" at all, while others guarantee it does help with your 3rd ability cooldowns (Transmutation Probe). I am confused. Oh, by the way, I've subsumed "Ensnare" (Khora) replacing his 2nd ability (Vial Rush). Any help is greatly appreciated.
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