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Posts posted by MobyTheDuck

  1. 9 minutes ago, XaoGarrent said:

    they also apparently removed a damage multiplier they were gaining

    I might be going crazy, but it feels like the enemies do MORE damage now.

    Either the enemies are getting more levels per zone or there are more heavy units spawning, because I used to get to zone 6 without effort, but now I get instantly shredded the second I stop CC'ing them.

    I know they have far more health and armor than they had, though. A level 50 ancient healer took about 15k damage to be killed, Corrupted Bombards/Heavies also have massive damage reduction (8k crits doing 700 damage)

  2. Before the recent "great" changes, the mode was easy to start, but hard to keep up. But now:

    - Enemies have more health, armor and damage. They are harder to kill, so you are getting less efficiency.
    - Efficiency drains UNHOLY FAST. What was written as 'past wave 10' is actually 'since wave 1'
    - Eximus and ancients now spawn WAY more often. Which means more enemies with 99% damage reduction and you having 0 energy. And eximus and heavy units still give the same efficiency as a maggot/crawler.

    Unless you abuse hard nukes/cheese/meme strike, good luck getting past zone 6 with 50% efficiency. Dont even try to solo.

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  3. This map in a run ender. Enemies spawn all over the place, mainly on the three side rooms and on the lower levels, and they dont know how to reach your or how to use stairs.

    Dont helps that they messed up spawns since the last hotfix.

  4. I know what I want and what I dont want.

    And what I dont want is this.

    Rotation A  
    Khora Chassis Blueprint Rare (3.16%)
    400 Endo Uncommon (18.97%)
    Lith T1 Relic (Radiant) Rare (3.16%)
    Lith N3 Relic (Radiant) Rare (3.16%)
    Lith Z1 Relic (Radiant) Rare (3.16%)
    Lith B2 Relic (Radiant) Rare (3.16%)
    Lith C2 Relic (Radiant) Uncommon (18.97%)
    Lith H2 Relic (Radiant) Uncommon (18.97%)
    Lith S7 Relic (Radiant) Uncommon (18.97%)
    Lato Vandal Receiver Rare (2.01%)
    Kuva Fortress Crevice Scene Rare (3.16%)
    Lua Balcony Scene Rare (3.16%)


  5. The drop rates in this mode are disgustingly bad. Like, what the hell? 

    Void Onslaught (Easy)
    Rotation A  
    Khora Chassis Blueprint Rare (8.33%)
    300 Endo Rare (9.17%)
    Lith T1 Relic Rare (9.17%)
    Lith N3 Relic Rare (9.17%)
    Lith Z1 Relic Rare (9.17%)
    Lith B2 Relic Rare (9.17%)
    Lith C2 Relic Rare (9.17%)
    Lith H2 Relic Rare (9.17%)
    Lith S7 Relic Rare (9.17%)
    Corpus Ship Freight Scene Rare (9.17%)
    Grineer Sealab Centrifuge Scene Rare (9.17%)
    Rotation B  
    Synthetic Eidolon Shard Rare (7.69%)
    Khora Neuroptics Blueprint Rare (7.69%)
    300 Endo Rare (7.69%)
    Meso N5 Relic Rare (7.69%)
    Meso G1 Relic Rare (7.69%)
    Meso T1 Relic Rare (7.69%)
    Meso T2 Relic Rare (7.69%)
    Meso N5 Relic Rare (7.69%)
    Meso O2 Relic Rare (7.69%)
    Meso G1 Relic Rare (7.69%)
    Meso T1 Relic Rare (7.69%)
    Meso T2 Relic Rare (7.69%)
    Grineer Settlement Artillery Scene Rare (7.69%)
    Rotation C  
    Khora Systems Blueprint Rare (5.64%)
    Khora Blueprint Rare (5.64%)
    600 Endo Uncommon (15.49%)
    Neo S7 Relic Rare (5.64%)
    Neo K1 Relic Uncommon (15.49%)
    Neo B4 Relic Rare (5.64%)
    Neo M1 Relic Uncommon (15.49%)
    Neo Z1 Relic Uncommon (15.49%)
    Neo B2 Relic Uncommon (15.49%)
    Void Onslaught (Hard)
    Rotation A  
    Khora Chassis Blueprint Rare (3.16%)
    400 Endo Uncommon (18.97%)
    Lith T1 Relic (Radiant) Rare (3.16%)
    Lith N3 Relic (Radiant) Rare (3.16%)
    Lith Z1 Relic (Radiant) Rare (3.16%)
    Lith B2 Relic (Radiant) Rare (3.16%)
    Lith C2 Relic (Radiant) Uncommon (18.97%)
    Lith H2 Relic (Radiant) Uncommon (18.97%)
    Lith S7 Relic (Radiant) Uncommon (18.97%)
    Lato Vandal Receiver Rare (2.01%)
    Kuva Fortress Crevice Scene Rare (3.16%)
    Lua Balcony Scene Rare (3.16%)
    Rotation B  
    Synthetic Eidolon Shard Rare (9.48%)
    Khora Neuroptics Blueprint Rare (3.69%)
    400 Endo Rare (9.48%)
    Meso N5 Relic (Radiant) Rare (3.69%)
    Meso G1 Relic (Radiant) Rare (3.69%)
    Meso T1 Relic (Radiant) Rare (9.48%)
    Meso T2 Relic (Radiant) Rare (9.48%)
    Meso N5 Relic (Radiant) Rare (3.69%)
    Meso O2 Relic (Radiant) Rare (9.48%)
    Meso G1 Relic (Radiant) Rare (9.48%)
    Meso T1 Relic (Radiant) Rare (9.48%)
    Meso T2 Relic (Radiant) Rare (9.48%)
    Braton Vandal Barrel Rare (3.69%)
    Braton Vandal Receiver Rare (3.69%)
    Lato Vandal Blueprint Rare (2.01%)
    Rotation C  
    Khora Systems Blueprint Rare (3.16%)
    Khora Blueprint Rare (3.16%)
    750 Endo Uncommon (15.18%)
    Neo S7 Relic (Radiant) Rare (3.16%)
    Neo K1 Relic (Radiant) Uncommon (15.18%)
    Neo B4 Relic (Radiant) Rare (3.16%)
    Neo M1 Relic (Radiant) Uncommon (15.18%)
    Neo Z1 Relic (Radiant) Uncommon (15.18%)
    Neo B2 Relic (Radiant) Uncommon (15.18%)
    Braton Vandal Stock Rare (3.16%)
    Braton Vandal Blueprint Rare (2.01%)
    Lato Vandal Barrel Rare (3.16%)
    Peculiar Bloom Rare (3.16%)

    Why are Khora and Vandal parts on SINGLE DIGITS drop rate? Why Khora parts drop rates LOWER on the Elite mode? Why some relics have a drop rate 5 times higher than everything else? Why some relics show up TWICE in the same table?

    Do we really need yet another mode with 90% of the "rewards" being relics and some endo? This is literally just like Infested Salvage, once you get Nidus, you dont have any reason to do it anymore.

    Barely managing to do 4 waves to get a shard that gives ONLY 5K FOCUS is insulting.

  6. This update is showing how terrible the AI pathfinding and aggro is.

    They spawn in the middle of the rooms, right in front of you and take a few seconds to notice you are there, and if they spawn far away, they never reach you because they either didnt draw aggro or they got stuck in some wall.

    Meanwhile in survival, hordes and hordes of enemies go to where you are, even while invisible.

  7. The spawns are too low in solo.
    Effiency drops too fast on early waves.
    One drop each 2 waves is dissapointing.
    Drop tables have way too much trash.
    Some maps are WAY WAY WAY too big, enemies spawn far away and dont run after you or get stuck in corridors and door, like the Europa, Lua and infested ship ones.
    Efficiency gain is the same for every enemy. A Bursa/Nox/Tech shouldnt give the same efficiency as a crawler or a crewman.

  8. As the title says.

    Was doing a Syndicate mission on Uranus and everytime I had to jump into water, my melee speed was severely decreased once I got out of it.

    I was using a polearm zaw (Plague Kripath, Kroosta, Ekwana Jai II), so I have no idea if that also affects normal melee weapons.

  9. My screen gets locked in a fixed axis, I can only move left/right, ascend and descend.
    The decoration gets stuck under my frame, mouse moviment does nothing.
    No decorating options seem to do anything, cant even remove existing decorations.


  10. Staggering Beat, Mallet Aug: Mallet gets a damaging wave that orbits around it, dealing a small % of the absorbed damage and staggering enemies. (Kind like the damage wave during the Suda-Hunhow boss battle)

    Roller Derby, Resonator Augment: Shooting the roller while it carries Mallet makes the damage the same kind of your weapon, 10% base status (depends on number of beats)

    Revebrate, Metronome Augment: Doing the actions nearby allies will give them half of the buff progress, same works for Octavia

    Low Note, Amp Augment: Amp now follows Octavia/Can be picked by roller, but decreases in range and power over time.

  11. rzspN5d.jpg

    He just stood there AFK for the entire mission, invincible. Teammates didnt want to leave since the mission (sortie 3) wasnt that hard.

    I'm sorry, but why can a frame have such a massive troll/cancer potential?

    When something can stay afk without the fear of dying or getting kicked AND can make 2/3 of your weapons useless when it wants, something is REALLY wrong. Why I'm being punished if someone picks Limbo?

  12. As title says. If you lose connection during a bounty, even while you are playing solo, you wont recieve a reward or standing for the current mission.

    Learned that the annoying way, after spending the 8 toxins and losing connection during the Hemocyte fight (where the game didnt warned me with a 'network not responding' message) and then after returning to Cetus, I only had recieved 525 standing.

  13. 1 hour ago, Neptlude said:

    Still doesnt chage the fact that Ember isnt as good as the other frames at higher level....


    Also I love the changes on Saryn and Mag, and wish they would make frame like this than just a 1 button wonder... (I dont use ash even before the rework) 

    I guess you didnt read the part where I said Ember cant do higher levels with WoF alone. She works just fine on all levels, you just need to know how to use her.

    People need to learn that Ember can kill with guns too. Heat damage has terrible falloff against armor, but all that people see when Ember got kills = WoF is op. I could clean rooms just as easy with a Nidus and a gun with punchtrough, a well placed Octavia, Rhino with a good melee. Pretty much everything is viable (unless you are trying to do high levels with the Flux Rifle and a Loki modded for STR)

    As I said, these threads are all the same. Someone with Ember goes on a low level mission and kills everything, someone goes to the forum and makes a thread about 'ember is easy mode, rework her so isnt one button to win!' Every. Time.

  14. 1 minute ago, Neptlude said:

    We want change not a nerf....

    Make her play style more  interactive. Ember is one of the best looking frames out there, but her skills are flat out boring... she needs some good balancing from low level to high levels.

    I've played enough to know you dont "want change" because of "boring skills".

    Mag, Ash, Saryn. All these suffered from the same problem people attack Ember now. Rework came, nerfed skills, made synergy overcomplicated, but didnt fix the problems they had.

    But its ok, they cant make low level content trivial anymore! As I said, if they do "rework" Ember's 4, people will go after Equinox, Frost, Gara, Nova, Nezha, Rhino, Excalibur, etc etc, because they can get kills easily on low level missions.

  15. Yet another 'please nerf Ember, she kills more than me on low level missions' thread. I'll copypaste what I said on the other threads.



    Ember cant steamroll mid/high level content with WoF alone. If anything, a competent Ember player that put a few formas on her knows how to use her skills with weapons equiped with heat damage.

    The synergy around her skills is what makes her strong. While Ember loses damage pretty fast due armor, she still has amazing CC potential with both heat procs and Accelerant. Weapons like the Ignis also helps her to keep that damage high, you really wont go far with only WoF. Any frame with good CC and a Ignis can just destroy everything (even faster with a good riven).

    Even if they did nerf Ember, people like you would then go after Frost because 'lol avalanche has huge range and requires no skill', Equinox (Day Mode) because its 'press 4 to win, no skill lolololol', Excal because 'lol he can just cleave everything, no skill', Nezha because 'lol his 4 goes through walls, no skill', Nova because 'her 4 plus 2 is easy mode lol no skill', Octavia because 'lol she only has timers and deployables, no skill'

    If you play on public, you are agreeing that anyone can bring anything, no matter how easy it makes the current mission. You are also free to leave the mission any time you want.


    And to add to that, Ember does has a cap, she can only hit around 4 or 5 targets.

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