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Posts posted by MobyTheDuck

  1. You need to be some sort of masochist to enjoy self damage that much and make an argument about risk/reward. What is my risk of getting my Ignis/Mesa and just destroy the entire map?

    Its not a vocal minority, most people do hate it, pretty much everyone in my clan/alliance hates it, people on global chat hate it, pretty much the entire chat on the stream was "finally" when they said it was going to be removed, with some going "BUT ABOUT MUH EASY CHROMA STACKS" (which they said, it was one versus all the other frames).

    You can live without it, its not like its going to..... hurt.

    • Like 3
  2. Please dont try to fix what isnt broken.

    The end mission screen is FINE. We dont need more epeen stats, non relevant info, even less item labels and 70% of wasted space.


    I dont want to click two buttons and then hover over the "Purchase" or "Blueprint" option to see a weapon stats! 90% of the screen is literally wasted space!
    We dont need big panoramas and fancy hover text, WE NEED INFORMATION TO BE ON THE SCREEN, NOT HIDDEN BEHIND A HOVER/HOLD OPTION.

  3. On 2020-01-19 at 6:06 AM, ES-Flinter said:

    Would it be a problem for you, if just the timer for the explosion goes away (so explosion on contact)?

    Explosion on contact would be a blessing for me. At least I would have to be careful on what I'm doing right now instead of trying to predict the next moment.

    That or just make the explosions an alt fire.

  4. 5 hours ago, ES-Flinter said:

    Did you try it with an corrosion build? This little thing can easily kill enemies from low to high level content with out any problems. And because of the (delayed) explosion you don't even need "shred" anymore, if you want to hit multiple enemies.

    Don't get me wrong, but this argument doesn't make any sense. It's make as much sense as I would say, that the arca plasmor is to weak against enemies who are 50m away.

    Yeah, I usually go corrosive/fire.

    And that is the problem, the explosion might as well not exist.
    In normal leveled enemies, the bolts kill the enemy, then the delayed explosion only makes so you blow yourself if you dont wait EVERY TIME to move.

  5. The more I use this weapon, more I learn to hate it.

    The delayed explosion and lower damage really doesnt helps me and usually ends with it damaging or killing myself

    The weapon is dangerous to use at close range, since if you miss a shot and it hits a wall or the enemy just walks over to you, you will take damage.
    The lower base damage means more arrows to kill, which means more delayed explosions and more chances to kill yourself with.
    Even then, the explosion damage isnt worth it and you would rather shoot another bolt than waiting for the explosion.

    I feel like the weapon should get a revision. Maybe change the normal fire to the normal Zhuge (with proper upgrades to the original), then give it an alt fire that costs 5-10 ammo to shoot an explosive bolt.

    • Like 2
  6. 20 minutes ago, Descent-of-Damocles said:

    gonna have to downvote you there bud. I feel like the RNG does in fact make your railjack feel less generic and more "your" railjack. The problem was always the range being too diverse, making the items feel either "your" reactor vs "225" dirac

    RNG stats dont make your ship any more unique than anyone's else. RNG have no place in equipment. This is not Path of Exile or Diablo.

    Shields and Engines having random stats its the same as if Warframe parts had "+15% shields" or "+.50 move speed" tied to them.
    Reactors having RNG stats is the same as if using a Catalyst or a Reactor gave from +1 to +30 mod capacity to your stuff, that also controlled your base energy.
    Turrets having RNG stats is the same as if a weapon blueprint had a "+10% firerate" or "+40% damage" on them.

    RNG rolls should stop at Rivens. Lich weapons only had RNG stats so people would keep hunting them, otherwise any sane player would stop at one or two, because its a terrible, boring and broken chore of an unfinished mechanic.

    • Like 6
  7. First go back and fix everything that is wrong with the game first, like Stealth and Adaptation being broken for months, doing an actual good UI that shows information instead of wasted space/ABOUT/icons without names, Liches being unfinished, the Universal Medallion still not being usable in conclave and mutagen samples still being rare in Eris.

    Then you guys have to worry about stuff like:
    - Scrapping the entire Railjack system, starting from scratch and doing the stuff showed at Tennocon. 90% of what you guys promised wasn't added, what the hell.

    Since that wont ever happen, you also could:
    - Make the UI better
    - Significantly increasing end mission rewards
    - Putting instant looting in Railjack. Please remove whoever is afraid of adding bigger looting range from the team.
    - Remove relics from rewards or reward then as radiant/in bulk.
    - Increase drop rates for parts or add them from other sources
    - Remove the 30 blueprint limit
    - Make the UI better
    - Remove intrinsic limitation, let people per-farm for command
    - Reduce crafting costs
    - Instant looting
    - Make a better way to get repair drones
    - Remove nerfs from Particle and Cyro guns
    - Remove nerfs from archguns
    - Reduce armor and health from units. I dont want to only use meta stuff because otherwise I cant do damage or die instantly
    - Add shield gating
    - Make the UI better
    - Did I said instant looting? Just because someone had fun spending hours picking pebbles one by one, I dont want to do that in a game.
    - Make the UI better please, you guys already have the mod system, just copypaste it.

    I expect nothing and I know I will be let down. The goodwill I had from 2018 is gone after Liches and Railjack, all I can expect now is to Duviri Paradox crash and burn what is left of it.

    • Like 1
  8. Anything above 100 ping causes several bugs like not being able to enter turrets, infinite death loops, stuck into a grey area, item loss, stuck doors, weapons that lose mods, vacuum stops working, unable to see models of a lot of stuff and infinite loading.

    Please test your game in simulated 100+ ping situations instead of only testing at 0 ping, connected straight to the game server machine.

    • Like 2
  9. The intrinsic gain is way too low and not balanced by role. People that actively destroy ships or pilot get FAR less than people that fix holes.

    Capping the intrinsic gain to stop people from getting command 10 when it releases in Railjack 2.0 in 5 year is pretty stupid and just shows you guys planned stuff without knowing how long it would take.

    The stealth farm 'fix' is a clear case of selective fixes, because you can still get affinity and focus from aborting missions. Instead of taking away the crutches, heal the legs first.

    Most of the skills are bad. There is no point to get level 10 since they either dont work or make it worse for you to play.

  10. The insane costs to craft everything, RNG rolls, not recovering all the resources by scrapping, low drop rates and drop inconsistency (as in, you cant be certain which enemy drops what and how often) is just artificially inflating the play time and wont lead to player retention and increased play time like you guys wish, but cause player burnout faster and cause the playerbase to drop (which is already happening since last year).

  11. I have no idea what made they think that 2k credits were a good reward for Railjack missions, but swapping that for relics didnt improve much or fix the problem.

    The thing is that we have DOZENS of nodes and other ways to get relics. Why would anyone spend 20+ minutes on Railjack missions and be happy they got yet another meso relic instead of a try for a good ship part? I can spend 10 minutes in a defense mission, Sanctuary (which gives RADIANT relics even) or doing bounties and leave with 2-3 of them.

    There is literally no reason to have relics as """rewards""" in Railjack missions. That is not a reward, that is literal garbage, a middle finger given to the player saying "too bad buddy, spend more 30 minutes to try again for a ship part". The bonus drops dont even help, the so called 'significantly increased drops' rewarding 15 rods or 10 trachons is extra salt.

    When I play Diablo, Borderlands, Path of Exile or any looter game, the game rewards you for the level of the content you are doing. Its like expending one hour in the Rifts in Diablo 3 and being rewarded a white weapon, 100 gold and a common potion (which got removed, but still)

    • Like 1
  12. Was playing a Veil mission with a friend, suddenly my gave freezes and closes, without any crash logs or anything. 

    I take one whole minute to start the game again, the game gives me the prompt to reconnect...... and I find that someone already took my spot, on a mission that was almost done with the extermination part.

    All my resources, post mission rewards, parts, avionics and experience, gone. Words cant express how annoyed I am.

    Could we get at least some minutes to return to the game? Like 5 minutes or so?

  13. I have a found a rather weird glitch that was caused by rebinding stuff to the mouse wheel.

    I have bound melee attack to wheel scroll down and primary fire to wheel scroll up, since it helps with weapons that have high attack rate or semi auto with high fire rate.

    The thing is, if I use the melee on the scroll wheel, then scroll up enough to shoot ONCE, the game will understand as if I'm holding the fire button. Charge weapons like the Drakgoon will keep holding the charge and automatic weapons will keep shooting until I scroll or click the button again.

  14. We have the Grineer, Corpus, Infested and Corrupted. They added a Grineer, Corpus, Infested and Corrupted resource.

    Obviously, you get the Grineer resource from a Corpus Planet, the Corpus resource from a Grineer planet, the Infested resource in ore veins in the Plains and the Corrupted resource in the Vallis.

    Why this was made so backwards? Wouldnt be that simple to just put them as a resource drop from that faction eximus, instead of limiting it that much?

  15. 29 minutes ago, (XB1)alchemPyro said:

    Not sure if anyone mentioned this yet: Kuva Liches with a Tonkor are far deadlier than most other variants. The Tonkor's explosion is practically a one-hit kill, and hard to avoid as the grenade itself is hard to see. This is kinda troubling as the fight automatically ends if you get downed.

    I have found that the Tonkor Liches have the same annoying mechanic from the arbitration grineer grenades.

    Doesnt matter if you have damage resistance or damage immunity, it just instakills you. Mine was a Rad Tonkor, so its not like it was bypassing shields, but it was also was bypassing Revenant's Mesmer Skin, that blocks everything. I wasnt dispelled, I know that much because I was paying attention to my stacks and they were still there until the point I just drop dead from a sudden explosion.

  16. On 2019-11-11 at 4:39 AM, RobWasHere said:

    What is elemental bonus of your Lich, toxin maybe? Not sure if they apply to their weapons but might be the case.

    My Lich with electric Tonkor was tickling me with explosions on level 5.

    It was Rad. And even if it was toxic, it wouldnt bypass Mesmer Skin since it blocks any and all attacks.

    But nope, it shoots an invisible projectile, explosion and dead.

  17. Due how the Liches territories work, they cant spawn on most Uranus nodes due the 'submersible' part.

    This REALLY limits choice if your lich spawns there (three times in a row, in my case), since you can only play Survival, Defense, Interception and Disruption, since they are the only nodes without underwater parts.

  18. Happened several times now.

    Was with Gara with 90% damage resistance. Dead.



    12083.615 Game [Info]: MobyTheDuck was downed by 1,100 / 1,099 damage from a level 80 KUVA LICH

    AGOR ROK using a AIKuvaTonkor


    Was with Mesa with Shatter Shield. Dead.


    17025.652 Game [Info]: MobyTheDuck was downed by 435 / 434 damage from a level 80 KUVA LICH

    AGOR ROK using a AIKuvaTonkor



    17707.180 Game [Info]: MobyTheDuck was downed by 1,264 / 1,263 damage from a level 80 KUVA LICH

    AGOR ROK using a AIKuvaTonkor

    Was with Revenant with full Mesmer Skin stacks. Dead.


    18465.523 Game [Info]: MobyTheDuck was downed by 1,550 / 1,549 damage from a level 80 KUVA LICH

    AGOR ROK using a AIKuvaTonkor


  19. It seems that Rivens on chat links/reroll screen are showing with a neutral disposition (x1.0), but show the right disposition on your mod screen/arsenal (0.5x for Catchmoon)

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