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Posts posted by MobyTheDuck

  1. The adaptation thing is weird. I can confirm its blocking more than one damage type at the same time (Orb Vallis seems the best place to test due the shock moas), but if you are take two or more damage types AT ONCE (like, standing on a burning spot while getting shoot and both 'damages' hit you at the same time), sometimes only the first damage type will count.

  2. Something that is happening ever since the update. Missions, usually crossfire, captures or spies are playing with literally no enemies aside the target.

    The way point to the target works fine, then it breaks when it shows the extraction. Remains broken until you reach 2-3 rooms before extraction.

    Also, a few doors are either missing parts or are clipping with each other.




  3. So yeah, Melee finishers apparently are now tied to the "Interact" bind and there is no way to rebind it to the same button as melee attack.

    Kinda messed up my muscle memory as I keep attacking enemies instead of using a finisher. Even worse that blind enemies dont show the finisher prompt so you have no idea you have to press "interact" to do so.

    Could only Parazon finishers be tied to "interact" while every other normal finisher work like it was since forever?

  4. 5 hours ago, K4RN4 said:

    But different damage distribution still matters when evaluating a weapon, there will still be a desirable and an undesirable end of the spectrum, your suggestion just makes the weapons worse without solving the problem

    The point is more so the player doesnt feels like he is losing any damage/got a worthless weapon because of a low %.

    Of course, it would be better to just give the weapons a set%, but that wont happen because we all know DE wont remove the random mechanic from the Kuva weapons, they will dig their feet in and nothing will happen.

  5. At first I thought it was related to high ping, but noticed that even on low ping or when I host, the Antimatter Drop wont work like it should.

    I have noticed it:

    - Not moving at all, then exploding
    - Not increasing damage upon being shot
    - Exploding when hit by a projectile weapon

  6. Something I have noticed after the update.

    On extermination missions, enemies now spawn from thin air, literally behind you or in the corner of your vision, usually on rooms you already cleaned.
    On missions like Capture, they stop spawning after sometime, which makes fissures impossible to complete.

  7. You have early Disruptions that dont give anything special and will probably be overlooked by players in one side.

    And on the other you have Ash, a frame that only drops sometimes, from a single enemy, from a single faction, in some missions.

    Put Ash parts as rewards for Rot C, same as Gauss. Bam, two Zephyrs with one large rock.

  8. The Quartakk started pretty much as a shotgun that used rifle mods, but due how innate multishot works in this game, the damage and status chance was 1/4 of what the stats showed.

    After some time, they updated it to a REALLY FAST 4-burst fire (Which is the thing affected by fire rate mods), with a delay between shots. I dont think you can decrease that delay, but its been a while since I last used it.

  9. Just had the weirdest glitch happen.

    I was doing an Invasion capture for the Nightwave challenges, but I pressed tab JUST as I entered the extraction zone.

    The cutscene played, but I was always hearing the 'whoosh' sound you do when you fall. The screen blacked out, but didnt start a loading for my orbiter.

    Instead, I was still in the mission, but with a black screen.


    I could hear the grineer shooting, notice that I'm in the extraction zone in the map.

    After jumping off the platform, the screen returned, but the end of mission report was stuck in my screen, pressing tab did nothing.


    I was completely immortal. While I could hear the "out of shields" and "shield recharging" noises, I couldnt die. I also couldnt abort the mission, the button did nothing. Had to Alt+F4 out of the game.

  10. Had that happen twice in a row just now. The thumper jumps and when it lands, it just vanishes.

    The two times that happened, it jumped into the direction of ghoul site, but I believe there is a cave under it due the resource icons on the minimap.

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  11. With the addition of ephemeras, I believe its about time for some changes on how a few frames are obtained or how unbalanced the drop chances are, but I think Ash is the one that needs it the most.
    Yes, I am kinda annoyed I sold about 500 parts of random frames last year because I thought "Why would I ever need these" and yes, I am annoyed after trying to get a Frost systems and getting 7 neuros out of 10 missions (the other 3 were chassis).

    He only drops from a single rare unit from a single faction, about 30% of the time, and of course the system is around twice as rare as every other part. This wasnt a problem when raids were around due the sheer amount of Manics that spawned there, but these are long gone and might be a while since they return.

    If I could bet, I would say Ash was one the least built frames by new players. While Oberon can be easily found with Eximus sorties, Ash has no luck since Manics only have a chance to spawn 15 minutes into a Grineer survival mission or about 5-6 groups into Defection.

    Hell, I would be fine with a sortie/nightmare modifier where mostly Manics spawn. Or even make Ash parts tradable, like Nezha was when he was sortie only.

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