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Posts posted by MobyTheDuck

  1. 20 minutes ago, [DE]Rebecca said:

    Fixed built Exilus Adapters being offered as Rare Invasion rewards instead of the Blueprint.

    How is this a 'fix'? They were built because we can get the bps from Simaris.

    Then what about removing the 2 forma requirement to build one and giving then the same requirement as a Catalyst?

  2. So yeah, its been quite a wild day today. I didnt want to make multiple threads, so I decided to put everything in only one.

    First: No terminals spawned on a Kuva MD mission on Earth.

    The Datamass spawned, but the terminals didnt, there was no marker showing up the next terminal and the Hud showed '0/0 Data Terminals'. A host migration didnt fix it.



    Second: A Bursa destroyed a Kuva Siphon during a Flood mission.

    The bursa used an lightning attack, which instakilled me AND vaporized the Siphon. The braid counter reset to zero, the clouds never showed up again, the guardiands didnt despawn, I didnt get any Kuva and Worm never said anything.



    Right where I'm facing should be the Kuva siphon, you can see the marker on the minimap and you can also see a Kuva guardian still jumping around.

  3. I think they took so long to release these mods after they hinted it, that they became worthless even before existing.

    Neutralizing Justice: they planned it way before the Nullfier changes. Why I would waste a mod slot with something that affects ONE unit from ONE faction (two if you count the Orokin controlled) and that doesnt even works 100% of the time? Honestly it should just be the PVE Thundermiter with working damage scale.

    Avenging Truth: I expected nothing and I'm still let down. Charge attacks are bad, blocking is bad, channeling is bad. All this so I can get ONE stronger hit? Pass. Make it do something more, charge attacks throw an Exalted Blade-like wave with reduced range that deals pure Heat damage.

    Stockpiled Blight: Copypasted from the Embolist one (which is also terrible because doesnt increases max ammo). The default Kunai stops being useful pretty fast and just more magazine size wont help it. It should be something like extra flat crit chance/damage, kinda like the Supra mod that gives a flat status chance.

    Disarming Purity: 40% chance to disarm isnt a lot and really doesnt helps when you have a bunch of enemies around you. The time you take to disarm an enemy you would already have it killed with a good weapon. A cool effect would be 'chance to proc a random status'

    Entropy Detonation: Not bad, but not amazing. Shame it only works with ground finishers, instead of all kinds of ground attacks (like the ground slam).

    Voltage Sequence: Flying enemies only already makes it meh. If it was 'Fully charged headshot kills', then it would be useful all around.

  4. 38 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Animo Beacons in the Ambulas boss fight on Hades are now End of Mission rewards in an even amount of 20, as opposed to hacked drops from the Ambulas boss. Please keep in mind that this change allows the Ambulas boss fight to follow suit with how other boss rewards are given.

    But we were getting 30-40 from hacking all 6 Ambulas. Was this nerf just so you cant replay the mission right away?

    Its not like you could farm beacons there, you were almost always using more to enter the node than getting them from the Ambulas.

  5. 1 hour ago, Lirene said:

    You know score is not amount of beacons, its a score listed at top of mission summary?

    The leaderboard scores are based on how many beacons you got in a single mission. Mine is 33, but I have around 300 beacons in total.

    Some players got more than 2000 in a single run, in less than 7 hours, I guess there is some serious exploit/bug going on, because rushing Narcissus would take around that much to get only 800 beacons.

  6. Invisibility doesnt means invincibility. Just because they cant see you, doesnt means they cant kill you. Napalms, Sappers, Toxic Ancients and a few others, these are all a nightmare to low health frames, usually the ones which invisibility are their only way to survive.

    Loki is squishy and has no damage skills, modding for duration hurts his most useful skill, Disarm, which isnt affected by duration.

    Ash cant depend on his invisibility since it has the shortest duration in the game, and focusing on it hurts all this other skills.

    Ivara gets slowed to a crawl and cant use unsilenced weapons, also her health isnt the best around.

    Octavia actually has the best invisibility around, which works well since all her powers require duration, but you need to play Dance Dance Revolution for every time you want to cast it.

    Shade's invisibility only works when some enemy is in range, and pretty much everything breaks it. I think the Kubrow invisibility works the same.

    Naramon's could be considered unbalanced, but it takes several minutes so you can activate the passive, plus you gotta keep using melee to stay invisible.

  7. They will probably never fix or put a limit on -100% stats, because that forces you to play more to get kuva to reroll it again.

    What amazes me is that only weapons with strong disposition get negatives that high, the weapons that rivens were supposed to help to be usable on late game.

    They already fixed several glitches that happen with -100% stats, so they know it exists.

  8. Thats due the '-40% multishot' stat. It basically gives a 40% chance of the weapon not shooting.

    Getting a negative stat too high (usually past 100%) on a riven can make your weapon completely useless, and DE still has to fix or at least limit how high these numbers go.

    As far as I know, having a negative stat past than 100% gives:

    Negative multishot = weapon doesnt shoots
    Negative damage = weapon does no damage
    Negative firerate = infinite time between shoots
    Negative ammo capacity = no ammo
    Negative IPS damage = removes that damage from your weapon
    Negative crit chance = removes crit chance
    Negative crit damage = does no damage on crits
    Negative status chance = cant proc status
    Negative status duration = any status other than corrosive isnt appiled
    Negative magazine size = reduces weapon magazine down to 1, can break weapons that need more than one ammo to shoot

    The other 100% negative stats dont break the weapon that much.

    Negative flight speed = shot goes REALLY slow, only works on projectile weapons
    Negative reload speed = weapon takes almost 3 times the time to reload
    Negative damage to faction = doesnt exists, even the highest disposition will reach 50% at most
    Negative zoom = either gives no zoom while aiming or unzooms the screen while aiming, probably the best negative stat
    Negative recoil = depends on the weapon, weapons with no recoil get no penalities, weapons with recoil jump around like crazy

  9. The nerf should have been made on rewarding people for keeping enemies inside the Cataclysm, instead of just spamming to open and close it.

    More time the enemy stays inside bubble = more damage it deals when it ends, make the % damage scale with power STR => has synergy with stasis and other skills

    The first nerf, where it deals more damage if the Cataclysm reaches the smallest size was already going to kill several Limbo spammers, but changing the damage equation to such a limited one just killed all the scaling it had. The damage Cataclysm deals on its own is so pathetic that it cant break resource piles.

    Doing average health damage also pretty much makes sure it NEVER scales, as it always will do the same average amount of damage. Doesnt helps that it gets reduced by armor.

    Right now, most Limbos will use a high range/duration build to Stasis a big part of the map, annoying pretty much everyone that wants to use guns.

    That is, until enough people complain, where DE will break Limbo's arms and throw his broken carcass into the corner, where it will weep until his second rework.

  10. I got a similar problem a few days ago, although I didnt lose anything.

    Was trading a riven for another riven, when the trade was accepted by both sides, it gave an 'Unknown error' and the trade closed. The other guy said the trade when through, but I still have my riven on my inventory and not his.

    When I interacted with the trade post, the trade resumed from where it left off, and then we traded the rivens correctly this time.

    On case with trading plat, I'd say that its for the best to always select to cancel the trade if someone tries to pull that.

  11. Getting kicked from the region chat is temporary.

    The Kickbot has several triggers to stop people from requesting trades, recruiting for squads and selling/buying items. Sometimes even using words like 'trade', 'platinum', 'recruit', 'buying' or 'selling' is enough to get kicked.

  12. 1 hour ago, PrVonTuckIII said:

    They need to rework the combo system, add innate punchthrough, buff the crit stats, and reduce the zoom/sway. 

    Nitpicking - The Opticor most certainly does not weigh two tons. And considering light is massless, it sorta makes sense why its relatively easy to fire.

    Was only an example. No weapon other than snipers have sway while aiming or heavy accuracy penality while not aiming. Even the Dual Cestra and the Twin Grakata have a better hipfire accuracy than snipers.

  13. Like I said on the other thread, all the nerf did was remove the damage/scaling potential of Cataclysm.

    Limbo Nuke was something that needed changes, but he didnt deserve to get both his legs broken.

    Its a shame that overnerfing happens to be a common thing on this game. Sometimes even buffs comes with non-sensical nerfs to 'not spoil us'.

  14. 2 hours ago, Buzkyl said:

    The cataclysm nerf happened exactly how i expect, people who only saw Limbo for a nuker now find him useless and likely will move to the next easy Nuke frame in their roster

    The problem is more that he was overnerfed rather than balanced. The damage that Cataclysm does now is so laughable that it cant even break resource deposits.

    The change on the full sized bubble doing only 25% damage would already be a perfect balance, you would have to wait for the bubble to end to get full damage, but the further nerfing with changing the damage calculation just totally killed any damage AND scaling it had.

    Its kinda like what they did with Mag. They nerfed her Shield Polarize to work with like a increasing wave, like Nova's MP, and that would already nerf the nuking potential by a lot. But they went further and made the skill do a capped amount of damage, making it useless with Corpus enemies past level 30, unless you add all possible STR mods you have. They also barely changed her other skills, making Mag a one trick pony with Bullet Attractor.

    Always bring a good melee, because will start to see more max range/duration Limbos spamming Stasis

  15. Snipers need a (second) rework at this point.

    They have bad DPS, average crit chance, no innate punchthrough like bows, terrible hipfire accuracy since their first 'rework', the combo system is useless since snipers have low magazine sizes and/or long reload times (made worse when they added a bandaid mod instead of fixing it), sway while aiming (but we can fire a 2 ton laser cannon without moving an inch) and insane zoom for a game that is mostly has close/medium range combat in rooms and corridors full of obstacles.

  16. Honestly, they should take away the primary fire. It does the same damage as the regular Braton, with weak status chance and weak crits.

    Make it a full railgun. Or give a different firing mode where it launches the disc like an explosive (like a Spinfusor).

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