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Posts posted by MobyTheDuck

  1. Good update and all, but everything feels like 'why bother'

    Why should I bother with spending hours on bounties for a really small chance for a Gara part or anything useful, if I can spend that time to get Prime parts, sell them and buy Gara with plat?

    Why should I bother with spending hours fishing, mining or doing bounties, for a pityful amount of standing that I can only spend to get stuff to farm more standing, if I can spend that time to get Prime parts, sell them and buy the resources with plat, then trade the resources for the cool stuff?

    Why should I bother hunting the Eilodons if all I'm rewarded with is a laughable standing/core exchange rate (25 per core), when the only thing I can spend that standing is on more things to hunt Eilodons?

    The amount of time and effort you need to put is huge, and you can still be "rewarded" with a single Ayatan star and barely no standing. And to make things worse, bounties have a 2 hour wait before you can do them again.

  2. Do bounties.
    Get a good amount of standing per mission. (As in, way way more than the 100-200 we get right now)
    Find random medalions during bounties that you can trade for standing.
    Trade standing for new mods and Gara parts.

    - Reduces unreal grinding
    - Basically the so called 'token system' that is never implemented
    - Makes so the time/effort is actually rewarded instead of getting 2 Ayatan stars for spending 30 minutes on several level 50+ missions that can glitch or softlock at any moment
    - Players feel rewarded, but still got to work towards rewards
    - People can explore more instead of spending hours doing bounties so gather enough standing crumbles to get the early fishing spear/mining tool

    - Whales may not sink as much plat [Idea was banned due this post]

  3. 2 hours ago, fredaven said:

    "Its the only way to subdivide the model until the brushes can put enough detail or should I just skip that and try to learn Substance Painter?"

    yep. thats how its done. bring in LP-. and Sub-D til kingdom come.

    Guess I got to get used to it then. Been trying to do that so I got the Zbrush 45 day trial, but it 'finds a problem' and closes itself randomly.

    No idea what could be, reinstalling didnt help, so I can only assume its overloading.

  4. Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask, but its something I've been struggling to learn.

    I wanted to sculpt models to generate the normals based on them, but I cant find a way to smooth them without heavily changing the model itself. I know how to use Blender and know the basics of Zbrush.

    Its the only way to subdivide the model until the brushes can put enough detail or should I just skip that and try to learn Substance Painter?

  5. 7 hours ago, Crimson-Tenno said:

    Riven disposition is affected by the player base usage :facepalm:

    Its supposed to, but the changes depend on DE making them.

    I barely see people using the Hikou and yet it has a 1/5 disposition, while I see the Opticor quite often and it has a 4/5 disposition.

  6. IIRC, they nerfed the Focus gain a LOT when they increased the daily cap, but then added these Convergence things so you could get slightly more focus than you used to.

    Basically, it was part of DE's 'every buff/rework must come with 2 nerfs' policy.

  7. 20 minutes ago, AlexAl3x said:

    This is how I feel right now...about all the replies lol

    Because this thread is stupid. It was done a million times and everytime someone makes a constructive point, the OP jams his fingers on his ears, trying to gather any 'positive' replies so he can feel he is right about something.

    Ember cant steamroll mid/high level content with WoF alone. If anything, a competent Ember player that put a few formas on her knows how to use her skills with weapons equiped with heat damage.

    The synergy around her skills is what makes her strong. While Ember loses damage pretty fast due armor, she still has amazing CC potential with both heat procs and Accelerant. Weapons like the Ignis also helps her to keep that damage high, you really wont go far with only WoF. Any frame with good CC and a Ignis with a good riven can just destroy everything.

    Even if they did nerf Ember, people like you would then go after Frost because 'lol avalanche has huge range', Equinox because its 'press 4 to win lolololol', Excal because 'lol he can just cleave everything', Nezha because 'lol his 4 goes through walls', Nova because 'her 4 plus 2 is easy mode lol'.

    Stop being a baby and learn how to play solo. If you play on public, you are agreeing that anyone can bring anything, no matter how easy it makes the current mission. You are also free to leave the mission any time you want.

  8. Long story short, found a rare container on the Rescue sortie today, the '30-minute Credit Booster' popped up on my screen and I finished the mission in about 5 minutes after that. But then, the booster icon didnt show on my hud, finishing the third sortie only gave me 50k credits.

    A clanmate said this happened with him earlier and I'm sure that this happened with me before.

  9. As the title says, the Uranus Extermination sortie is having the ages old problem where not enough enemies spawn.


    A clanmate had the same problem, but the mission required him to kill over 500 enemies.

    On the same sortie, which is 'Sniper only', I decided to bring Excal and was suprised to find that Exalted Blade was attacking REALLY slowly, doing low damage and not proc'ing status. I know the sortie unequips the weapons for the mission, but I remember one update where it was stated that Exalted weapons would still benefit from mods during these sorties.

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