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Posts posted by MobyTheDuck

  1. Quite the overnerf to Cataclysm, without fixing Limbo's troll potential.

    He can still lock enemies inside the rift forever and turn 2/3 of your weapons useless if the player feels like it. What is stopping me from making a max range/duration build and just keep recasting Stasis?

    All the nerf did was remove the scaling potential of Cataclysm. The damage change by bubble size was already enough to make Cataclysm spam not efficient, but changing the scaling just killed it like Mag's shield polarize was killed.
    You should have reworked it to give players a reason to keep the enemies inside the cataclysm for longer, instead of just popping it on and off repeatedly.

    IMO, I would fix it by making the enemies 'charge' with every second they stay inside the bubble. Longer they charge, more damage they take/deal once Cataclysm ends or they step outside the bubble.

  2. PBR on Immortal skins and Proto Excal when?

    Will Frost and Mag get unique Prime models?

    The last new Prisma weapon was released almost 2 years ago, but several Prisma models are unused in the game files, do they have an expected released date?

    What happened to the new Syndicate mods teased months ago?

    Is a Secondary/Melee weapon pass in the plans?

    Will a passive rework happen? (Chroma, Mag, Nova, Rhino, Ember, Oberon)

    Is there a possibility of have a Riven transmute system? I would gladly fuse a lot of my rivens into random ones, since noone in their right mind would pay to have something like a single Bronco riven.

  3. I'd say that a way to help this would be making Kuva drop as a normal resource on planets that the Fortress is nearby, kinda like Omega Isotopes drops in a planet that the Fomorian is nearby.

    Kuva right now is a massive chore.
    - Gives too little per mission, even if you get a resource booster
    - Limited number of missions available. What, you limit how much I can get per mission and then limit how much I can farm too?
    - Gets boring way too fast. Start mission, look for thing, hang around with CC until the clouds spawn, yadda yadda, extract, repeat. As I said, becomes a chore.
    - Having to listen to the same lines on every mission YES LOTUS THAT THING IS A KUVA SIPHON LIKE THE OTHER 300 MISSIONS I DID AND YOU ASKED THE SAME THING
    - Looking for the siphon is boring, doesnt helps when it spawns after the Sabotage room or the Rescue jail
    - Eris Kuva missions. Having to find the Red/Black cloud on dark, red/black rooms. Might as well do it blindfolded.
    - Being forced to use Kid mode is a massive pain in the butt. Sure, I'll turn into this slow and fragile flesh bag, instead of using all that stuff I forma'd, to dash into a cloud or into Siegmier because lol forced invincibility
    - Spending several hours so your Riven ends with +zoom/+flight speed/-damage.

  4. Basically, her 1 and 2 have no synergy with each other.

    Mallet gets damage by being shot at. Resonator makes enemies not attack. The fix would be as simple as making Resonator draw fire from enemies when it gets the mallet, and only charming them while its alone.

    Its funny because in conclave, Resonator has a bullet atractor aura so mallet can stack damage.

  5. 1 minute ago, rampage787 said:

    I was not sure if that was possible, if it is I am sorry for my ignorance.

    In my experience, Stalker always dropped at least a mod, usually Molten Impact, Heavy Impact or Blind Justice.

    If noone got any reward at all, I really have no idea, might have been a serious case of desync/bad connection

  6. 1 minute ago, (PS4)Briginds said:

    So in other words, I have to complete the Jordas golem raid without the antiserum?

    Yes. If noone has the Antiserum on the raid, you reach a blockade and are forced to go to extraction. You can grind for fragments before extracting.


    11 minutes ago, rampage787 said:

    I ran into a similar version of this yesterday. I was playing a Void Defense mission and the stalker attacked and targeted me. My team defeated him and I never went down, but after he left he did not drop anything for me or my team despite saying he failed and reaching 0 health

    Stalker only drops weapon bps with 50% chance, only his mod drops have 100% chance.

  8. 26 minutes ago, MJ12 said:

    2. It exacerbates the self-damage issue that explosive weapons already have (especially if you have a -Flight Speed Riven on them-it is, as I recall, theoretically possible to move so fast that you literally blow yourself up with your own projectiles).

    You dont even need a -Flight Speed riven, playing with a bit above average ping is already enough to kill yourself with the Tonkor, if you walk forward while shooting.

  9. I'm fine with keeping the Pentatonic scale because we all know people would make their entire 'songs' a jumbled mess of disharmony, with mismatched notes every second only to give people headaches.

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