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Posts posted by MobyTheDuck

  1. 2 hours ago, VerinESC said:

    Please rewatch, with just the riven and without Kinetic Ricochet the projectiles have no problem reaching the target. My objection isn't to the lifespan of projectiles but the way these 2 mods interact is what I am trying to bring up

    Ah, sorry, I ended skipping up that part.

    I'll take a guess that Kinetic Ricochet works by checking the bullet speed, like 'if bulletspeed < X, then do ricochet'

    Since your Riven reduces the flight speed by a lot, what happens is that the Kinetic Ricochet triggers every instance, killing the bullet once it reaches the max number of bounces.

  2. 3 minutes ago, BCOOPS22 said:

    They really don't though. Strun, ignis, latron and that's off the top of my head.

    And that's a skin sold by Baro exclusively you can't just buy it when you want.

    Sorry, I meant to put more stuff there but I accidentaly pressed CTRL+Enter.

    The Quanta has the Aufeis skin sold by Baro.
    The Strun, Furax, Latron, Braton, Twin Vipers, Karak and Gorgon have Conclave skins, which are pretty dope, if you have the time to grind for them.
    The Dera has the Shock Camo skin.
    The Braton, Gorgon and Imperator have the Day of The Dead skins during Halloween.
    And the Braton has a bunch of other camo skins, but I forgot the names.

    Also, I believe they said on the last devstream that they are working on making Vandal/Wraith stuff paintable.

  3. I believe that all projectile weapons have a lifespan for their projectiles, thats why putting mods that increase flight speed makes them go further and also why people like to combo the Lanka with Mag's bullet attractor, since it's projectile has a VERY long lifespan.

    Since your riven removed a lot of that flight speed, the shots are 'dying' before it can hit the enemy.

  4. Everytime I see threads like these, the problem never is because the thing in question is overpowered/unbalanced, but because it can easily do low level content and/or get more kills than the guy that started the thread.

  5. As the title says, if you have a multishot weapon (either by default like shotguns, or with mods like split chamber), unless a single bullet/pellet is strong enough to kill the enemy in one hit, it breaks the stealth multiplier.

    Even if they die in one shot, they 'get alerted' between the nanoseconds it takes for the bullets to hit.

  6. My problems with the current stealth system are:

    - Killing a large amount of enemies in a single hit breaks/ends the stealth multiplier, because one enemy can notice the other dying within nanoseconds of it happening.

    - Enemies can detect THEMSELVES being killed.

    - When using multishot weapons, unless a SINGLE BULLET kills the target, it breaks stealth and ends your multiplier.

  7. Faction: Tenno

    Brief Description: A Swordwhip/Whipsword. I always liked the Dark Split-Sword system where the weapon changes with the stance, but then nothing else was added like that. It works pretty much like the Dark Split-Sword, you use a longsword stance for the sword mode and a whip stance for the whip mode. I based it on these ceremonial 7-edge swords.


  8. 6 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    So I agree that in general game developers need to stop making the mistake of basing their expectations for clan events on a full clan with all the members logging on at least for a bit every single day. It is simple unrealistic. 

    Its pretty simple to fix this.

    They already have a system that knows how many players in that clan are eligible to help with the score, use that to figure out the score needed.

    Your clan has 140 players on the Operation start? Then your goal will be 'X points' times '140'. Your clan has 561? X times 561.

  9. This whole event is Hema 2.0.

    Grindy, repetitive, clans that arent 100% full and/or dont have 100% active players get buttscrewed.

    My clan needs 37,800 points only for the for the Ignis bp, but since the clan score is based on the sum of all best scores, that means all the 30 or so active clan members need to score at least 1260 points each, which becomes 315 rescues in a single mission.

    They literally didnt learn anything with the Hema and threw all the feedback into the nearest bin.

  10. I noticied this too. Your sentinel just explodes and never comes back, Regen is completely useless right now.

    I have no idea why it happens, during today's last sortie my sentinel died while fighting Hek, but regen never triggered. I'm not sure if it died while I was using Focus or if it was while I got proc'd by Hek's magnetic beam.

  11. 2 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    The Artax is no longer eligible for Riven mods. This weapon does negligible damage on purpose, so most Riven Stats won't positively affect the weapon. Anyone with an existing Artax Riven will keep it as is - you are now the owner of a vintage Mod!

    Yeah, thats cool and all, having one less Sentinel weapon in the pool, but doesnt the Deth Machine Rifle has a whooping 0.1 higher damage (Which is 100% physical) than the Artax, yet still exists in the Riven Pool?

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