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Posts posted by MobyTheDuck

  1. Was doing a Nitain mission on Jupiter and found this:



    Looked around and that room wasnt connected with any other place, I couldnt enter the room since it was right behind a out of bounds zone.

    I could break the Salvage container in the second image by shooting at it, but the mysteries of what was inside the floating door will always be unknown.

  2. 29 minutes ago, -Fe-McHamm3rShot said:

    This is a great question-

    If I'm not mistaken, mission difficulty in regards to enemy scaling is done by our "total conclave value".

    So if you're solo it's your conclave x1, 4 peeps it's our combined conclave number.

    If we were allowed to set the conclave value in solo play, that would be fun.

    The default would be our 'base conclave number' of 1, then we could select 1 thru 4 for solo play maybe in the game settings of the menu.

    I think the 'Conclave value' sets the enemy level, using leveled gear with more mods makes the base enemy level higher, while the number of players sets the enemy density, which is why some defense missions can be done in 5 minutes solo, but take far longer with a full squad.

  3. 1 hour ago, RistN said:

    Actually you can reroll them infinitely till you get desired stats that you gonna get sooner or later.

    Of course, sooner or later can mean you can get a good roll in between 1 and 842 rolls.

    And since the average kuva mission, without boosters, gives 600 Kuva (1200 for Floods), it takes an average of 5 missions to roll a riven, once, with no guarantee that will get several good RNG rolls for it.

    Anyway, the point is, this slot machine already has a lot of slots (Sortie Reward, Riven Type, Unveil Mission, Mission Modifiers, Weapon, 2-4 stats, hidden multiplier).

  4. I'm pretty sure that Sabotage missions dont have locked doors until you destroy the reactor.

    From all the Kuva Sabotages I did, I always could go past the reactor and even reach the level extraction. Unless you are playing with impatient/uninformed pubs that blow stuff first and think about consequences later.

    The one mission that does have locked doors are Rescue ones, if the Siphon shows up after the rescue room, you will have to get the Kuva while protecting the dead weight.

  5. Swapping normal lenses for random arcanes would be something cool.

    Since getting a group for a raid is annoying and most of the time you cant complete the raid due several progression stopping glitches.

    Remember when normal lenses were going to be Syndicate offers but you guys backed off like you did with sortie tokens, damage 3.0, mutagen samples, reducing grinding, not being able to get endo 3 times in a row, more ways to get stances, etc etc.

  6. 2 hours ago, Katinka said:

    Are you serious?  You can't combine farming Hema with anything?  Really?  I'm always surprised when I see threads about people not having enough Neurodes, maybe it's because I have plenty from farming Derelicts.  People have also suggested farming Corrupted mods to sell and then buying Hema but that involves going to Derelicts where you get Mutagen Samples.  Derelicts are also a source of Orokin Cells which are required for almost every Prime Weapon.  Derelicts are also a source of wild Kavats to scan for DNA to make your own Kavats.  ODD and ODS can give Relics that might be useful depending on what Primes you still need.  If you have new clan members maybe they need to farm for Nekros.  There's a new rare mod that only drops from Crawlers, maybe go to Derelicts to fight Infested for that.  About half of Maroo's weekly Ayatan missions are in Derelicts.  Yeah, never getting Mutagen Samples without specifically farming them...

    I'm not going to mention the things you can farm from Eris because the drop  chance there is low but to say you'll never get Hema without specifically going for it is flat out wrong when there are reasons to go to Derelicts, even for long time players.

    Flawless logic, but the truth is, unless you are grinding for resources/Healing Return, you wont want to stay long on the derelict.

    Corrupted mods and Ayatans, people will just rush in and rush out.

    Relics? Derelict is a joke to get them, the time and effort you have to put isnt worth the small chance to get relics there.

    Kavats? Maybe you will get a few mutagen samples from stmpoing other stuff while scanning the cats, but its still not worth it.

    Healing Return? You are better doing other lower level Infested missions, since crawlers stop spawning pretty fast on derelict.

    I cant say for other players, but 99% of my neurodes and cells were from other planets, even more with the resource piles everywhere.

    Either way, that isnt the actual problem. The real problem is that its a SIMPLE THING to fix, yet the devs refuse to do so due money. No, its not because a few clans finished the research (which they wont show the percentage) and 'due respect with them' bullS#&$.

    If a problem affects 90%+ of your playerbase, a dev with half a brain would size with that huge amount, apoligize and fix said problem. They wouldnt pull an excuse from their bottoms and say we should deal with it.

    What is even worse, Steve, the guy which EVERYONE had faith on, just put us aside for money. He basically repeated the terrible PR that happened right after the Hema got released. "Just do derelict". Did THEY do derelict to see how long it takes? With a Nekros and no boosters, you barely get ONE mutagen PER MINUTE.

    Obviously, they saw an increase on the purchases with plat for the weapon or boosters, so thats why the plugged their ears and ignored everyone and then said that due 'positive feedback (???)' they will do more stuff like this in the future.

    But oh well, why must I wear my fingers here, I'll just pretend the Hema doesnt exists (which pretty much doesnt, I never saw anyone using it, and the ones that do own it are back to their meta weapons, since the Hema is just mastery fodder)

  7. 32 minutes ago, TaintedReality said:

    Steve actually said they wouldn't increase the drop rate? Well that's hypocritical, seeing as in the previous Devstream he said he would. How nice to go back on his word..

    Dude I was one of those people in the previous threads raising hell over the Hema situation. I've noticed this trend for a while now. Steadily increasing resource costs and implementing new resources to grind for. I know. But right now. I don't see what good this thread is going to do.

    He said he would 'look into increasing the mutagen drops' on his tweet. Then he just went back and said they wont change anything at all, if you want the Hema go do Derelict (His actual words)

  8. 2 minutes ago, TaintedReality said:

    I don't see the point of this thread. Let the drama die and wait for DE to increase the mutagen sample drops. There's nothing else to do. Talking about it, reopening wounds and rubbing salt in them won't help. Save your energy for the next time they screw up.

    They pretty much said on the DevStream that they wont do ANYTHING about it

    Wont change Hema costs, wont increase Mutagen droprate, wont make Mutagen drop in packs, wont fix the droprate from Mutagen on Eris being infinitely smaller than Derelict, wont make Mutagen drop from other planets.

    But you know what they WILL do? More crazy stuff like that, just like Steve said, due the 'good feedback' from the Hema.

    Remember Iztal? Wukong? Knux? Vauban Prime? Sibear? What all these had in common? Insane research costs or insane build costs. On EVERY SINGLE one, the community complained, they said they would take that feedback into account on future stuff and nothing happened. We let it pass, they do it again, we complain, they say that we should deal with it and do that again.

    We always lose.

  9. Resume:

    We are removing 2k endo from sorties! AND replacing them with Ayatan statues!

    BUT DONT WORRY, we are removing the credit cost from Maroo! BUT we are also nerfing the hell out of Secura Lecta!

    IN OTHER NEWS DELUXE SKINS AND TENNOGEN, Steve say something about Mutagen while I load this

    "Uh......Mutagen? We are not changing anything, go do derelict, bring a few nekros" TENNOGEN GIVE US MONEY


    Quite disaponting stream.

  10. Well, I cant say I'm surprised. Its not like they play their own game to know that mutagen dont even drops from Eris (The 'rest' of the game aside derelict, where mutagen drops).

    And we will have to expect more crazy stuff into the future due this massive shtifest? Great! I expect my money going into several other publishers since I wont @(*()$ bother doing the same mission over and over again to get a billion of the same rare resource because the devs refuse to fix or reduce ONE SINGLE THING THAT AFFECTS 90% OF THE PLAYERS.

  11. 'Bring her home' shows as 'evil' path, but its actually the neutral path.

    'Let her decide', which everyone would agree its a neutral point of view, shows as neutral, but rewards 'evil' karma.

    Now my Path meter thing is slightly off center, since I was playing only with neutral choices.

    Can my Mass Effect karma thing be fixed?

  12. We are talking about the devs that refused to reduce Knux and Sibear costs and that would 'take that feedback into account for future weapons'

    Well, I guess that feedback went straight into the trash, like most feedback given this entire year. Its like talking to a brick wall.

    They will stay silent and just say 'its intentional', not changing anything for the better.

    The only way to make them listen and change something is to STOP BUYING PLAT, TENNOGEN, PRIME ACCESS OR STEAM PACKS.

    DONT buy plat to buy the new things, if you do you are doing exactly what they wanted and then they will keep up this mess.

  13. 4 hours ago, Top_Kekkonen said:

    Javlok requires 1000 Detonite Ampules. I just want to point that out.

    Yes, but Detonite drops on many other planets AND its an uncommon resource, while Mutagen drops on really few planets and its a rare resource.

    I have almost 2k hours and got 10k+ of each detonite and fieldron samples, but only 2k mutagen.

    The devs were smoking some serious crack when they gave this excuse. As people said before, you would have to hae a FULL clan, which EVERY SINGLE player being ACTIVE every day and having time to grind 500 mutagen samples EACH.

    As everyone knows, they just did this to make people buy plat to buy the new stuff, then pulled this excuse about 'clan cooperation', 'its easy, just do derelict with nekros' and 'new mechanics'

  14. Simulor is ok on any other frame, but the way it works with Mirage makes it really powerful.

    So they either nerf/rework a weapon due one frame or nerf/rework a frame due one weapon. Noone wins.

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