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Everything posted by (XBOX)YoungGunn82

  1. Agreed, with Starfield and Armored Vl downloaded I won’t have any room for Warframe on my hard drive.
  2. Have you read the rest of the thread and how others are commenting? Or my entire post? Was looking for a little conversation. Not state the obvious. The comment, “it’s and update” is clearly disingenuous and is someone just being an obtuse ass imo. Anyone that has spent any amount of time playing warframe knows it’s a goddamn update. Or are you new here?
  3. Because I’m looking for a little more than “it’s an update” , like no S#&$ Sherlock.
  4. I’m confused as to what Warframe 1999 is supposed be. Is it a spin off game like SoulFrame? Or is it in the same universe as Warframe? Or is it a completely new game? Is the operator story coming to an end and or are they going to stop making Warframes and Operator story and development? I don’t understand the hype. Some please explain what this Warframe 1999 is and will be moving forward. I suppose to me it’s It appears to be a new story quest in Warframe that takes place on some sci-fi version of Earth in 1999... which, in terms of Warframe's main world state, would be the very distant past. Seems like it is going to tell the story of the first scientist to ever discover the Void, and that it is going to spiritually kind of be a remake of Dark Sector that reimagines that game as a piece of the Warframe timeline.
  5. I would probably splurge if they ever did a Mesa Heirloom. But yeah that’s probably not gonna happen. So no I won’t be participating.
  6. And with Frost being in the condition he’s in(garbage), it’s an easy pass. I’d be more inclined if he got power reworks from the ground up. And that’s a hard maybe.
  7. I mean to me not worth it at all. But If they ever did a Mesa Heirloom I’d really have to think about it, and contemplate life.
  8. Didn’t they say times exclusive would never be a thing again after Excal Prime?
  9. They already have 3 premium skins money making bundles (prima access, Tennogen and Deluxes) Is a fourth more expensive FOMO exclusive one needed too?
  10. Or DE isnt as successful as everyone thought. Their Prime access bundles must be hurting.
  11. Why does DE need to do this? Is prime access sales hurting? Couldn’t imagine why that would be…
  12. Why now with this obvious whale hunting bundle? Is DE hurting for money? Is prime access not successful source of income anymore? I thought they were successful and swimming in money…. I’m so confused. Why does DE need to do this.
  13. Meh I stopped giving them my money along time ago. And honestly moved on to other games. Tired of the loading screens after loading screens and more loadi NG screens.
  14. Why sell these heirloom skins? Is prime access sales hurting? I thought DE was successful blah blah blah.
  15. saw this on TikTok thought I’d share. If there is a prize for best cos play at TennoCon this year, this guy has already won. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8FBUo72/
  16. We’ve done this song and dance many times before over the years bub. And you are still disingenuous AF. Or you’re trolling and being sarcastic. Either way you and I both know Pressing 4 on Mesa just activates her PMs. Then she just stands there. That’s not “press-4-to-win”….even then if your claim was true win what exactly, the same resource you do?
  17. Mesa Prime Trailer when? Here I’ll help. Just have Ballas say “ They outcast, The Vagabond”( as Mesa Prime looks up and draws her Prime regs to shoot some grineer). Then Ballas says…Meeessssaaaa.. roll credits. Take a bow. See that was easy. /s
  18. I mean come on devs what more inspiration do you need? This is a perfect opportunity for a Mesa Prime trailer to kick this Elden ring Drifter Scrolls lite thing off. Also to make her chaps a toggle auxiliary slot so Mesa fans can toggle them on and off for fashion frame. @[DE]Pablo 🤠
  19. Maybe I’m alone. But watching this game play of what looks like a slower discount Elden ring knock off mobile game. Just not feeling it, and doesn’t get me excited. I can’t get over the fact that this doesn’t feel like Warframe anymore. Just more not Warframe and vary slow and clunky gameplay. this took DE the better part of 5 years, 5 YEARS to put this together. Yikes. what is everyone else thoughts here? Does this gameplay excite you? Are you looking forward to it? Why or Why not? Edit: tried it, and yes this is Elden Ring lite. I just can’t. If I wanted to play Elden Ring lite I’ll go play Elden Ring.
  20. It’s sucks, serves zero purpose and is really ruining my game experience.
  21. Prime Sigils are still not prime Sigils! There is nothing metallic about where the "prime" metallic should actually be "prime" metallic. Many purchased a prime sigil expecting it to have Prime characteristics such as (i.e. metallic, shiny gold bits) but that does not exist on these "prime sigils" So fix when?
  22. Dragon theme skin for wyrm prime please?!
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