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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. I searched the internet, and the most specific answer regarding server cost was ~$1,800 per 7000 active connections. If we believe this estimation and average daily Warframe players at 50000 per day, we get almost $13,000 a month for only server upkeep.

    Source: https://www.quora.com/How-much-would-it-cost-to-get-servers-for-a-MMO-RTS-game

    I assume Tennocon cost is around $100,000. Internet sources vary on convention costs, but this I think this is a safe assumption. And ticket and merch sales probably cover the cost of the convention and more.

    Even if the numbers I provided are off it is not worth to set up dedicated servers when you can spend the money elsewhere – software, staff, voice acting, equipment.

    5 minutes ago, VanFanel1980mx said:

    OK, then it is as I suspected, they only break even with the game as it has been for years now once again, wait, so we actually know how much they make and how tight the budget is? I thought we wouldn't know, anyway that's a shame.

    "Suspected". You don't suspect anything if you have no idea about their finances.


    Have a quote: In 2018, the Group’s performance achieved considerable growth. Driven by the flagship product Warframe , the total revenue for the year reached US$227.7 million, representing a year-on-year increase of 36.6%. Gross profit margin slightly reduced from 66.4% in 2017 to 62.1% in 2018, and gross profit increased by US$30.7 million year-on-year to US$141.5 million; profit attributable to the owners of the Company and the Group’s EBITDA were US$20.4 million and US$67.0 million, respectively, increasing by 131.8% and 39.3% over 2017. Such increases were mainly attributable to the growth in gross profit. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Ka1nih said:

    But im getting Sony music group striking me for Other players. And it's my fault?

    As a content creator it is your responsibility to make sure you don't infringe on copyright, no matter if it is other people who play music or if the rues are ridiculous.

    Try disputing a claim. Tell them that it is a cover of a song and it falls under fair use, and they might do something about it.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Nexeroff said:

    Why make the Wolf spawn at higher lvls if you are just going to make him super easy to kill, that makes absolutely no sense at all.

    Because it is a problem when people abandon missions when wolf spawns. You wrote it yourself – he was more difficult to kill at level 20 than he is now at level 120. Not everyone runs meta builds and not everyone wants to bother with a super tanky pest when there are better things to do. 

    Also these alerts address the problem raised by players – some of them never had the opportunity to even meet the Wolf over the course of 10 weeks.

  4. 40 minutes ago, _Behemot said:

    It felt dungeon in a sense, clearing enemies out enemies to get to the next room

    A foreshadowing of future mission structures, perhaps? Would be nice to have more of something like that.

    • Like 1
  5. 21 minutes ago, Viges said:

    Ok, not 3 years. It peaked at oct 2017 at ~62k avr. players and since then has been around that. So just 1.5 years of staggering then. But they were not growing, they doubled their players once, and then were just trying to hold that. So my point stands.

    Averaging at 60k players for 1.5 year is pretty good. Warframe is currently 8th most popular game on Steam, according to the charts.

    You can't have infinite growth. Going by your logic, Dota 2 has been staggering for 5 years, Counter Strike for 4 years, etc.

    • Like 1
  6. This is what you're looking for:

    "Addition of a system which allows you to play missed Acts after you have completed the current Acts for your given week. This will only apply to Weekly and Elite Weekly Acts. When both Weekly and Elite Weekly Acts are completed for a week, a ‘missed’ Act from a previous week will be available to play and complete"

    But this change is going to be live with the start of series 2, which is no sooner than May 15.

  7. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)drollive96 said:

    De is just focused on the wrong things, I believe if they get their priorities straight they can still turn things around

    The biggest problem in my opinion is the rewards. Even the best game mode in the world won't be played if it is not rewarding. But other than that I have no problem with the game's direction. 

    7 minutes ago, rapt0rman said:

    How on earth did you come to this conclusion? There was months in between the first Orb boss and the second, obviously there's going to be months in between the second Orb boss and the third. No indication at all that they forgot about it.

    I believe during devstream 126 they said they had started working on the final orb. 

    • Like 2
  8. 7 hours ago, Darkmega18 said:

    Part 1: Less time, more effort.

    I agree that rotations should be more frequent, but I don't see the point of doubling them. It would be fine if they stayed ABCCC..., but with frequency as in other game modes. Scaling also could stay normal, but enemies should start at higher level. Or even better, they could be replaced with elite variants, like in Orb Vallis, if DE were willing to create an elite variant for more units in the game.

    7 hours ago, Darkmega18 said:

    Part 3: More interesting Arbo-Drones

    There should be more drone types, but please no nullifiers. Instead of taking away from the player, they should buff enemies. And I was thinking about something more simple, like drones that give enemies specific damage types. Or we could have drones that affect the environment, e.g., drone that generates fog or magnetic clouds in an area until we destroy it. Also, why not add drones that support players? When you find and activate one, you get increased resources drops for as long as it is alive.

    There could also be mini-bosses every rotation.

    7 hours ago, Darkmega18 said:

    Part 4: Worthwhile rewards. "Power to the tenno"

    To add to your ideas, arbitrations could have secondary objectives every wave, like bounties. For example, don't allow enemies to capture any radio tower for the duration of the wave, or kill X enemies on a minute.

    I like your ideas for rewards, although I'm not sure about relic transmuter. Sounds unnecessary. I don't know.

  9. 14 minutes ago, Kaimera_Prime said:

    Also Nora night got massively annoying after the 1st day. i am not "the once and future bad ass" for doing a dam emote. this needs a mute option placed on the night wave window. It just drives people up the wall when she talks now.

    Try disabling hint transmissions in the options.

    I don't have that many problems with nightwave, it's mostly positive, but I can agree that some challenges do seem like work.  We're gonna have to wait until the next series to see what changes.

  10. The Wolf is badly designed. I wouldn't have any problem with him being a sponge if he wasn't immune to status procs and abilities. I get that he is a boss and should be resistant to some forms of CC or some status procs (like radiation or viral), but not damage abilities. Leave the damage reduction, but give us more options to damage him, or slow him down, or even stun for a while.

    Instead of spawning randomly he could use system similar to Stalker acolytes – the star chart would inform us of a planet he might appear on and then he would spawn randomly on any node on that planet. Then he wouldn't interfere with gameplay that much and give more opportunities to consistently fight him.

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