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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. While I enjoy the new melee changes, I don't think the removal of manual blocking was the right decision. Not only did it reduce interactivity, it also removed some nice utilities, like melee aim glide, and made some mods at least inconvenient to use (Guardian Derision and Electromagnetic Shielding). It also wastes energy when channeling is on.

    My suggested change is to move blocking to alt fire and move channelling to reload button. Why like that? Channelling is now a toggle and will most likely stay a toggle after it is reworked, so there is no need to have it bound to alt fire. I know we will lose the ability to reload from melee, but I think it is worth it. 

    Alt fire then will receive blocking and all gliding-related features, essentially everything RMB does but without weapon swap. I think alt fire is in a relatively comfortable position for blocking.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Lojien said:

    first: im talking about things we need and we can't get like Aura mods and Nitain extract that we don't enough wold cred to buy what we need !

    You get 50 wolf creds in tier 3 of nightwave, which is more or less a week of play. Maybe 2 if you really don't rush.

    For 50 wolf creds you can buy either:
    - 2 aura mods
    - 1 aura mod an 10x Nitain
    - 15x Nitain

  3. 14 minutes ago, Azvalk said:

    Why is the main pose not visible in our profile ?

    It's bugged, it used to be visible.


    7 minutes ago, ToaMimrik said:

    You can restore your Operator's idle animations by equipping a Codex or Synthesis Scanner.

    This works in captura, but in normal missions the operator will assume the default position regardless of chosen animation. Unless it has been fixed.

    Operator animations are a mess right now. For example, did you know that when you hold RMB in air and press right the operator will start spinning?


    6 minutes ago, Autongnosis said:

    - remove the kickslide and replace it with Limbo's dash animation

    I don't mind the current kickslide, but this sounds much better.

  4. So, melee. I think the changes are generally for the better, but I have a few issues.

    The first is channeling – it shouldn't be a toggle. It is too easy to forget about or activate by accident. And it is not visible enough to actually see if it is on or not. I think the previous version was better – hold to activate. I know channeling is going to change anyway, but for now I'd prefer the old system.

    I'm also not sure how I feel about the removal of manual blocking. It takes away interactivity from melee weapons. What is uncomfortable for me is the lack of melee aim glide (that didn't zoom in the camera). I also liked the idea of shorter dodges while blocking that was previewed last year. What @Ascarith wrote also seems like an annoying problem.

    If I had to choose between manual and automatic blocking, I'd choose manual, even if it meant an additional keybind. But here's an idea – when new "devil trigger" channeling gets implemented, we can have block on alt fire (that would essentially work like old blocking) and channeling would be activated by holding weapon swap. Or by pressing reload button with melee equipped.

  5. 6 minutes ago, JackHargreav said:

    Problem is, people complaining that they don't have the time for the already existing tasks and how unfriendly Nightwave is towards begginers. If you make it less easy then more ppl will complain.

    I don't want to make all the tasks more difficult, only the elite ones. I think beginners have better things to do than tackle high-end content.

  6. It is too easy to rush through the challenges. It would be better if there were more dailies and fewer weeklies, some weeklies should be converted to dailies (like "Complete  3 capture missions"). And weekly challenges could be designed so they can be completed alongside dailies, for example "Kill 2000 enemies".

    Elite challenges could be used to promote endurance runs since their aim is to cater to the most advance players. So I'd expect stuff like Arbitration for an hour, or reaching a specific wave in ESO.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Simca1640 said:

    There is literally no other way to obtain the alert-only items besides the Wolf Cred store, though, so a new player is looking at a multi-year grind to get a decent collection of items compared to what used to take a couple months of casually doing a handful of alerts a day. Also, you don't socket ayatans, kill eidolons, do invasions, bounties in the plains, do sanctuary onslaught, or do sorties while progressing through the star chart. There's only like 5 acts that can be organically completed right now. Adding them all up, it's just barely over a rank worth of points.

    When new players are going on Week 3 without even having gotten their first Aura mod, are people still going to be defending this as fair and a vast improvement?

    You guys just don't seem to realize how heavily gated Wolf Creds are and how ungated Alerts were. You only needed planet access for Alerts, and even that was only if you didn't have a friend I think. For a decent rate of accumulating Wolf Creds, you need almost the entire game open to you and you need to be doing activities across the entire game.

    As if there were multiple ways to obtain alert items previously. You had to wait and hope the thing you wanted wouldn't pop up at 4 AM. With alerts it was much more difficult to get auras for this particular reason. Now you do some challenges, get the creds and can choose (!) even 2 auras. You will wait a week at most to reach tier 3 to get your first 50 creds, provided you care enough to do challenges.

  8. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)NEWinsu2025 said:

    I just put here because more peole come to general discussion more often and the more the merrier 😆 

    Uh, okay, fair enough. Just keep in mind the devs won't see it.


    7 minutes ago, Niogth5 said:

    I completely agree with you, the new alert system is fantastic. Though, the slight "issue" with it could be that you aren't rewarded for being lucky here. I know people will disagree, however, I found that as a good part of the previous system. So whenever I got something rare, or good I felt good. That is what they removed. The new system isn't bad at all, in the underlying mechanics.

    I assume this is why there is a new field boss with rare drops.

  9. 19 minutes ago, Simca1640 said:

    For a new player, this is devastating. Instead of getting half a dozen different items or more per day from rewards that improve your game in many different ways (you can simultaneously get a helmet, a mod, credits, and resources all from just a few alerts), you have to devote a substantially greater amount of time away from your core task of unlocking the star chart in order to receive -wildly- less quantity of rewards. 

    But you will unlock rewards anyway while progressing through the star chart. That's the point of this system.

    People ignore the fact that tasks are easy and can be completed organically while doing other things. On top of that you get free equipment slots, forma bundles, and catalysts, which should be much more important for new players than alt helmets anyway.

    There is also no risk that you will miss an alert and have to wait who knows for how long for the next one. I took me over a year to get Vauban.

    • Like 2
  10. 54 minutes ago, Ambivadox said:

    I'm a new player as well.  Hit MR7 recently.  The only thing I don't like about the new system is there aren't enough dailies.  It's all weekly or ellite/beyond my capabilities.  I've yet to find a clan and mostly play solo (or duo with a liability) so the elites won't happen.  Had the dailies, and quite a bit of credit towards a couple weeklies, done in one run.  3x the daily count and I'd be happy with the whole setup.

    I always missed the alerts.  Want an Aura?  Too bad.  Want that?  it ends in 22 minutes and you're at work for another 30.  Want this?  Too bad you had to sleep this week, better luck next time.

    Long story short:  ^^ is false.  I'm quite pleased.

    Welcome to the forums, then. You will learn that people here like to generalise and blow things out of proportion.

  11. 9 minutes ago, LameoveR said:

    and complain about this.

    i've finished my "this week" Nightwave grind, what to do now?

    Now that you're here you could give feedback and provide ideas how to fix things. Coming here and saying "it bad" helps no one.

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