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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. 15 hours ago, AegiBlade said:

    The connection being that we have never seen their facial details above their mouth/nose. (Like I said, these theory's are probably terrible and based off of very little)

    In the case of the Lotus, we did. And Nora's black, Lotus isn't.

    15 hours ago, AegiBlade said:

    2) The Man in the Wall is the Tenno's Father?
    I feel like this idea has slightly more possibility than the previous one... very slightly. Both The Man and the Tenno's father have been known to refer to you as "kiddo" (with the Tenno quoting something they remember their father telling them: "There's something out there kiddo, watching us.").

    That's a stretch, it's like saying my mother and Rebecca are the same person because they both call me a loser. The man in the wall calls the Tenno kiddo because their father called them that. There's something out there, watching us = the man in the wall, who was most likely listening to this and every other conversation on the Zariman.

  2. 3 minutes ago, SprinKah said:

    bruh, he already had almost all of his infestation cured in second dream, only thing left was the purple scar but I mean, if he could fix his arms and legs which were pretty much rotten infested flesh, twised and full of sports, he can fix a lil scar.

    Also, the Wolf of Saturn Six is occurring right now, why would Nora be talking about something that happened in the past? There's no indication of past tense in Nora's "story-telling" either. 

    Spectres of the Rail shuffled quests and all the infested Alad V stuff happens after Second Dream. The quests also seem to ignore past operations like Tubemen of Regor, where Alad V was looking for the cure. I think DE simply decided to retcon his background and maybe in the future they will rework Patient Zero and infested Alad V fight as well.

  3. 6 minutes ago, Critiamat said:

    Baruuk's passive is literally up to 50%damage reduction, how is that bad? :^|

    I never said it was bad, it's just not a passive ability, it's a part of the restraint mechanic. Same as Atlas that has additional armor from rubble, but he also has a passive that makes him immune to knockdown.


    11 minutes ago, (XB1)The Neko Otaku said:

    Wait....it is?

    I was wrong about that. He has other passive related to the plains, and I mistook that for his actual passive. The knockdown works (at least it does in simulacrum), but has rather short range

  4. 15 minutes ago, (XB1)RDeschain82 said:

    Exactly why there should be options.

    Alerts should have never been removed. And there should have been at least 1 elite challenge for vets to complete for at minimum max standing for that week. 

    I don't think it was worth to keep alerts.

    But let's imagine alerts make a return. What rewards should they offer? I doubt DE would add Nightwave rewards to the pool. So either a separate system with completely new rewards, which would spread both alerts and Nightwave thin, or keep old rewards. The second option would make alerts redundant, because Nightwave offers the same stuff.

    Another problem with alerts was that they were not very engaging. Sure, we could get stuff instantly, but then there was not a lot to do. Very often I logged into the game to see nothing interesting and then logged out. Nightwave was a remedy for that. For me.

    I understand arguments that it might be too time consuming and demanding to play weekly or daily, but I don't think alerts are the right answer. Maybe reduce rep requirements to reach new tiers faster or add more challenges per week.

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  5. 1 minute ago, Krion112 said:

    Says a lot about DE's ability to design games, if the only way to motivate play is by dangling 'rewards'; Heaven forbid they design something with interesting and engaging game-play.

    This is the problem with Nightwave; it didn't make the system better, and it didn't make the game more interesting or engaging, it just changed how it worked to twist the player's arm to have to play more consistently in order to get stuff, which is antithetical to why Alerts existed in the first place.

    No, it didn't make the game more interesting or engaging for you. It is impossible to satisfy everyone.

  6. 47 minutes ago, uberfu said:

    SIDE NOTE: I vaguely recall there being another "Act" inbetween the above 2 where another set of expending 3 Forma to receive X Points occurred but I did not specifically pay attention and could be imagining it.

    Yes, you are imagining a lot of things in this thread. Get your facts straight before posting.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Basalto said:

    And can you position yourself over water on foot without being thrown back on land? This game has some really broken mechanics, but I didn't find that to be one of them. Besides, it's not like fishing is supposed to be part of rushframe. You move, you stop, you fish. You don't just sprint around desperately aiming at a fish and crossing fingers to hit it.

    I also don't need to put myself over water when fishing, fish spawn well enough from the shore.

    I went and tried hovering over water and I have to admit that it is not that uncomfortable, but it's not that great either – might just be my personal preference.

    I also checked the conservation stuff and I learned that you can use both the tranq rifle and echo lures from archwing. So one thing actually works. Huh.

    You know, whatever, if one thing actually works, the rest might as well, I rest my case.

  8. 27 minutes ago, Basalto said:

    As much as I bash archwing on a nearly daily basis, it's in no way uncomfortable to just stand still over water and aim downwards with a screen that is barely cluttered by your warframe or archwing. The biggest issue for fishing just so happens to be the visibility in the water itself. The idea of being able to use archwing means you'll be able to more reliably chase a fish that fled to the middle of the lake, since that usually has you stuck on a rock while tracking its name through a water that is cluttered by refraction, displacement and sunlight. Anything that improves the gameplay is worth the effort.

    Yes, you can hover over the water, but once you move it takes some time to stop. It would take much less time to position yourself on the ground.

  9. 14 minutes ago, ShichiseitenYasha said:

    Prepare to be merged into the megathread where 90% of the people, including me, said the same thing. 


    Sure, I'm prepared. I was hoping to get some attention and see what people might think about this idea before that happens; my post would get lost quickly in a megathread. And I can't really be bothered to go over 20+ pages to see if someone had the same idea.

    What you suggested sounds like an entirely new keybind, you wrote that you'd like it usable at any time, which I assume would include while holding gun. I don't think we can afford any additional keybinds when we take controllers into consideration.

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