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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. 1 minute ago, Vivian said:

    have a fair progression system that lets you play longer and earn the content at a pace.

    Which is literally what they did.

    I fail to see your point. You say you don't want to wait to get stuff, but then you say we need progression.

    9 minutes ago, Vivian said:

    Remember the times where we used to get new stuff every other week? Mods, Weapons, Cosmetics etc That was content.

    Times of weekly updates are over. And things like cosmetics wasn't really content if the only way to get them was buying with plat. Now for once there is an incentive to actually play the game.

    6 minutes ago, Vivian said:

    Put it on market


  2. If you look at those threads you will see that response to any form of battle royale is generally negative – most people don't want pvp in Warframe and there are technical issues that would make it difficult to implement and even more difficult to play (e.g., lack of servers).

    And search function is your friend. I have a feeling like we have a battle royale thread every week now and the response is always the same.

  3. 30 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    Channeling is not useless, it’s tied irrevocably to some of the strongest melee sustain builds in the game, and what I smell now is that Life Strike is toast. I have the worrying feeling that if you said to Steve “Hey, what’s gonna happen to Life Strike?” his first response might just be “Life Strike? What’s Life Stri-oh! Right, yeah, Life Strike.”

    It will be either bound to the new "devil trigger" channeling or charge attacks, either of those won't be as effective as the current Life Strike. But we'll see, they might come up with something. Would be nice to have a workshop on the melee changes.

  4. 1 hour ago, Doraz_ said:

    Normal warframes are merely approximate attempts at reconstructing one. Weaker as we lack the Orokin's knowledge and expertise.

    I don't think it is entirely true. Take a look at these quotes from the codex:

    "This enhanced version of the first Archwing prototype takes the design to its theoretical limits"

    "The Dakra Prime is a Tenno forged weapon, crafted during the Time of the Orokin. It is renowned for speed, power and the ability to hit multiple targets"

    "The sensual lines of these golden Kamas have long been celebrated as a masterwork of Tenno weapon smithing"

    "One of the finest examples of Tenno craftsmanship, the Boar Prime offers a higher rate of fire and clip size with a slight decrease in per-shot damage"

    Then these:

    "A set of ceremonial daggers from the Orokin era, the Fang Prime's blades resonate violently as they strike. This allows them to pierce hardened materials like armor with ease"

    "Reaper Prime is an ornamental scythe, with a blade forged from tempered rubidium"

    "The Sicarus Prime is an ornamental firearm that fires rounds in rapid bursts, providing a balance between the lethality of auto-pistols and the accuracy of semi-automatic pistols"

    And these:

    "This Orokin variation of the Ankyros is superior to its successor in every way"

    "Once thought lost to the ages, attempts to reengineer the Burston Prime never fully replicated this weapon's power and agility"


    These quotes tell us a few things:

    1. Some primes are based on non-prime counterparts. So warframes and archwings would fall into this category, since both are exclusively Orokin tech, primes being rare, presumably reserved for the elite. Weapons – not necessarily

    2. The Tenno were able to craft primes using Orokin tech. If you apply R&D logic here, you would create superior versions from the standard ones, with a few exceptions

    3. Some weapons are described as ceremonial or ornamental, which, for me at least, would suggest that they were also based on standard designs.

    4. Finally, there is a category that explicitly says that non-primes were based on primes. So they were either already crafted as primes or didn't survive until the modern era outside of Orokin vaults.

    In conclusion, I would say that primes were developed after non-primes, with a few exceptions. But considering that Orokin tech was so rare it didn't survive the fall of the Orokin.


    54 minutes ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

    So if Warframes need a human host to be infected my the helminth virus then doesn't that mean that whoever made these bootleg versions (the Tenno or the Lotus presumably as they would be the only ones with the knowledge to do so) are guilty of preforming human experimentation? Also by human I mean something that looks like human I suppose since Orokin and Ostron and such aren't technically 'human' anymore

    I would assume that once a template from the original is created Helminth can recreate it from other stuff, like all the neural sensors we collect.

  5. With Blazing Chakram (especially with the augment) you will drop more health orbs than you will ever need. 25 health is not much, but when you have 20 of them it is already 500 health and with 90% damage reduction you will hardly need that much healing, unless doing very high-level content with lots of nullifiers. 

    About the bonus to armor, you lose it only when you get damage to health. As long as you have shields they will prevent the buff from being removed. And even if your health gets hit, you lose 1 stack after 3 seconds. Even with base shields it is possible to keep the buff up.

  6. 1 hour ago, KilgoreAM2 said:

    This is the thing though. It is not similar, it was better. You could stack a higher count, you got invulnerability in and out of it, and it is a quick cast. Why can't we have nice things?

    Except 100% damage reduction is not always good and losing some health can be beneficial in certain situations. For example, if you decided to use Equilibrium on your Nezha, picking up health orbs would grant you additional energy. And additional armor if you used Health Conversion along with it. And this in turn gives Warding Halo more health. So if your halo expires and you recast it with additional armor stacks, you will get more base health on the halo because you had 90% damage reduction instead of 100%. As a result you won't have to recast it that often.

    The ability is not perfect and you can die if you are not careful, but damage reduction is not everything it is about.

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  7. Nezha has his mobility and crowd control for a reason. If you try to mitigate all the damage just with his halo, then you're not using his kit to the full extent. And the halo was changed because it was too similar to Rhino's iron skin.

    If you have problems with taking damage, try using Health Conversion. Nezha can cause enemies to drop health orbs like it's candy, so you should have no problem with keeping armor buff on you. Reaping Chakram also goes well with it.

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