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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. I have a few more things about blocking in case DE decide to leave it automatic:

    1. Blocking in air should not force us into gliding. If I want to glide, I will press RMB.

    2. Weapon swap mechanic should be removed from exalted weapons (and scanners/mining drills for that matter). I don't activate an ability so it can deactivate on its own when I decide to glide or use wall latch. And it makes some abilities – like Hysteria – less useful. Not to mention, the energy is still drained while the ability is in its inactive state. Why? Energy shouldn't be drained when the ability is technically off.

    3. Finally, auto block should be one handed. As it is now, it interrupts some charge attacks. Or make it so charge attacks are prioritised over blocking so it doesn't interrupt.


    Those 3 are my biggest issues right now, they remove input from the player. But I still think that blocking should be manual. Just assign it to alt fire and move channeling to reload button. It is not used while in melee mode anyway.

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  2. 25 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    2. Yes that is a needed change I hope they will do. The current system makes Hysteria broken to an unplayable state. Can neither glide nor do block combos without risking getting one shot. And yes, add standard zoom if carrying a sniper

    At the very least they should disable the new weapon swap on exalted weapons. But I want manual blocking back, too.

  3. I like the fight, but it has a few issues that make it annoying.

    The first is the grab attack. It is unavoidable, there is no signposting, and there is no way to escape it, at least when playing solo. I usually died during the grab attack because I could not do anything. It would be nice if we could attack the eidolon's hand to excape.

    Then the nullifying scream. It would be okay, if the eidolon did it once, but at a certain point of the fight it spams it, which leads to 1-hit kills from the enemies, often for no apparent reason. I think the scream should be limited, or at least on cooldown.

    Adds should spawn with a delay after the mid-fight cutscene. Combined with the nullifying scream you can die immediately after the cutscene, without chance to dodge.

    Grabbing the ropes is quite awkward, especially when we need to run on them to win the fight. Increase the range of grab back to what it used to be, maybe? And disable the "grab" prompt from the eidolon while it is on the ground. It happened a few times that I wanted to grab the rope, but the game decided I wanted to grab the eidolon instead.

    The lore is great, but it gets old after the n-th time. It would be nice to have a choice between the full mission or just the boss fight. Maybe after completing it once divide the node into 2, like with nightmare mode? One could be full mission, the other just the boss.

    And finally, give this thing more health. As it is now it dies too quickly.

    • Like 1
  4. 5 minutes ago, evilChair said:

    Ordis is dead. He has no body, not since he became basically the Orbiter's first mate. He is a set of instructions whose personality, the part that can live and develop, is suppressed quite well, despite the occassional "slips". Unless we give him a warframe to call a second body (which would be extremely dangerous to the Operator if his old hatred of the Orokin resurfaces from the time when he was Ordan Karris), he's going to be a personality kept on a mainframe bank in some kind of personality-stasis.

    So what? The ship is Ordis' body. Biological life can also be boiled down to a set of instructions with personality. If anything, in Warframe universe one's consciousness can live on after body dies (like cephalons or Silvana).

    8 minutes ago, evilChair said:

    The Operator is sentenced to death, one way or another. After Chains of Harrow, we know that we will suffer the same fate as Rell, and that Wally is scooping out the Operators' sanities to use them as proxies. It's a slow process of corruption, starting with being a taunting apparition.

    We don't know that. We don't know what the man in the wall's endgame is or if he even driven Rell mad on purpose. Natah even says the Tenno were saved by the void. 


    The Lotus might not be coming back, yes, but the rest is conjecture.

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  5. 13 minutes ago, DerGreif2 said:

    They are not random ideas. They are really big problems. Not all feedback is good but most of them are. I would agree when it would be some random things that pop up and then never seen again. But this flowing around for months if not YEARS! So its not fitting at all.We find it everywhere! They HAVE to address it or give us answers.

    And really big problems require careful solutions. They already said they are going to address some of the problems problems this year.

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