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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. Currently there is no reason to do it.

    There have been a few nice ideas for it, however:

    – Bounties from captured  points could give reputation above cap

    – You could have access to the arsenal and could revive companions there

    For me the biggest drawback is that once you leave Orb Vallis the whole map is reset, so captured points don't remain captured at all. It would be more interesting if they didn't reset so quickly and we had opportunities to keep them for longer for additional rewards. And there could be missions where we defend them.

    • Like 4
  2. Why do you guys just paste a video and then want to discuss whatever? At least make an effort and summarize his points.

    2 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    Why is this youtuber what's right for this game?

    Because the OP agrees with him, obviously. That's the rightest of the right.

    • Like 1
  3. Imagine standing there on a guard duty, you just stare at the beeping console in hopes to kill some time. Then suddenly an invisible force opens the console and starts hacking. What are you supposed to do? Sound the alarms? Shoot? You were not trained for this kind of situation. You just stand there petrified, hoping it is just a bug, or maybe somebody's idea of a joke. So you stay still hoping it's not a Tenno that is going to kill you when done with the console. Maybe it will ignore you and go away.

  4. 7 hours ago, Paracosmer said:

    I am begin childish by trying to spend my money wisely... okay

    and how many times do I need to explain this ? theres nothing subjective there ! god damn it look at them and compare them with the tennogen and the in game stuff , they're bad

    ugly and low quality, so much that not a single die hard partner youtuber is praising or endorsing them .

    Literally everything about your original post is subjective. How come you don't get it?

    I understand you might not like the accessories pack, but being a jerk about it is not okay.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Tyreaus said:

    I have to take issue with this specific idea for a brief moment. If mandatory mods are a representation of player progress, they're so stupendously limited that, I dare say, they're one of the worst measures of player progress imaginable. As far as I know, you can get and max them before the Second Dream quest, even in effective potato'd and forma'd builds. You finish the measure of progress long before reaching any semblance of "end game". It's contradictory.

    I won't say "we should drop mandatory mods" because, despite my personal preference to make the modding system for modding rather than linear buffing, most people do still want them and I find little point to beating a brick wall without something at least interesting to say. But this particular rationale just irks me.

    (Not you personally, @Genitive - just the idea. You seem decently cool. Had to quote you for the phrasing.)

    Maybe I should have specified it as early- to mid-game progression because of the reasons you stated. Other that that, I can't disagree, really. Progression through mods is limited. 

    To expand on my previous post – it is better to have a progression through mandatory mods (even if it can be finished quickly) and then move to focus (which could be built upon like I mentioned earlier), rather than have nothing to make players feel stronger and then get bombarded by multiple trees to improve everything in every direction. Having multiple systems might sound nice, but in the end it just oversaturates the game with unnecessary stuff. 

    Even mod progression could be expanded. Just take missions we currently have, such as ESO, add a new material to farm there that would allow us to upgrade mod quality for more power. I saw someone on the forums suggest making ESO similar to rifts in Diablo 3, which is not a bad idea.

    I hope I make sense.

  6. I'm generally against removing mandatory mods because they represent player's progression through the game, which is generally a good thing. However, I would get rid of most, if not all, multishot mods and buff base damage mods to compensate. That way power level would stay more or less the same and there would be place for more builds diversity.

    Additional trees and systems will just overcomplicate the game, when you can just improve the existing ones.

    If you want to have something to work on beyond rank 30 I suggest expanding current focus trees. Remove capacity, because it is an unnecessary focus sink, and add various nodes that would improve your performance with weapons and warframes. You already have a few, such as Madurai's damage increase, so why not go further? You can have bonuses to holster speed, reloads, regenerating energy per headshot, adding overshields, whatever. 

  7. I don't think you need to explain why you listen to what you listen.

    Anyway, I'm guessing you mean this:

    Nakak: By the Unum, you've done it! The lost one is reborn, made Revenant. A Warframe, infused with the powers of an Eidolon! That's a scary thought, isn't it? But I worry, it's a power we'll soon need. I had a dream. Something new, stirring within the ground. Seeking a body to call its own, longing to strike those who sent it to the grave... If you need me, I'll be in at my shop, surah.

  8. 12 minutes ago, Jarriaga said:

    Yes. I got worried I heard that. All the tease and build-up at "something for veterans" and something big would be quite disappointing if it turned out to be balanced in such a way new players can find a way to make it. That is, unless that Scott was not talking about combat when he said new players could still participate and help.

    If the fight includes running around bases and hacking stuff then maybe, but I'm leaning against the idea because it will either be too easy or new/undergeared players will be carried. And complaints about lack of serious endgame will start over.

    There is nothing wrong with gating content. If endgame activities are available right out of the gate content will become stale more quickly. Because why should I collect gear and level up mods if I can join a group that will essentially play for me?

    If DE want to engage new players into fighting orbs it would be better to add a special kind of mission that would indirectly affect the actual fight. Generate buffs for players or weaken the orbs. Kind of like a community-driven event.

    • Like 2
  9. Not telling about adjustments was on purpose.

    On 2018-11-08 at 9:24 PM, [DE]Connor said:

    Releasing these changes without warning is our way of discouraging market exploitation, which may have occurred if some players knew change was coming, while players who didn’t visit the Forums would be unaware.

    But I agree with the rest. Rivens are not very well introduced and there should be more info on them in game.

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