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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. The biggest problem with energy leeches I have is the fact I can't see them. Every other eximus unit has an aura that helps to distinguish them, leeches are only colored differently and are hidden somewhere in the crowd, which makes dealing with them very annoying.

    Maybe it's time for eximus units to get their own unique models?

  2. I would like to see melee amps. 

    4 hours ago, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

    The only skills they use are Void based, meaning something they can channel through the frame.  If we added melee, they'd have to be physically there.

    The Wat Within dialogue suggests that operators are indeed there when exiting the warframe. Here is the quote I'm talking about: 
    Elderqueen: Stupid child. You don't give up, do you? But coming here in the flesh? That was a big mistake. Guards! Kill this Warframe and bring me my new skin!

    If they were just projecting themselves I don't think standard amps would work either, as they are not void powers, just modify them.

    But even if this was not the case they could use void energy to project energy melee weapons of some sort.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Vilemyre said:


    Some users on tumblr are doing something to influence to bot changes with one use being known as friendzoneningmisandranist or misan

    The chat mods/guides are actually doing hypocritical things one saying the n word with a hard r (shadow) and now de has the choice to kick that person out for doing so (if they want) but could make them look like they are targeting a demogrpahic (white males)

    and a bunch fo other stuff but thsoe are two key parts

    I could likely break a bigger rundown if this thread is still alive.and will likely add more as i watch this again


    Looks like a drama to me. Nothing to see here, then


    But thanks for the summary.

  4. Some of my thoughts.

    Right now the biggest issue is the necessity of running after spores to keep them going. I like that Saryn is more engaging now, but I don't think chasing spores should be her theme at all. It would be better if the damage os spores was toned down and if they could spread on death. Sometimes enemies die too quickly and you need to recast immediately and lose energy, which would not be a problem if spores still could spread on their own, even at a small range, to take some pressure from the player.

    Maybe bring back the ability to detonate spores so detonating them would spread them further?

    I also think that decay is too quick, there is not much difference compared to the previous spore version. 

    And I don't like that she is so energy hungry. Now that spores are recastable maybe that energy regeneration that used to be there could come back.


    @[DE]Pablo A question. If the intent was to make spores scale, wouldn't it be possible to make them scale with enemy health, similar to Oberon's smite? If spores were to damage each enemy separately rather than from a single "damage pool" there wouldn't be a need for restrictions such as not spreading or death or damage decay. And they would scale more reasonably across all levels. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, tprx said:

    Are the relays the Tenno's property? I guess Maroo's relay is hers, but I thought the Relays were some kind of common market place with different factions co-existing in peace.

    Even if that's the case we have enough firepower to pacify Simaris, or anyone in the relays.

  6. 14 minutes ago, (PS4)alvian00 said:

    would you be willing to cross the line and turn off you're moral compass in order to earn a bit of extra coin?



    14 minutes ago, (PS4)alvian00 said:

    would you be willing to attack anything that is grineer or corpuse? like wiping out steel meridian or perrian sequence just because they are former Corpuse or Grineer? in your eyes they are irredeemable and be better off dead.

    Also no. 


    I generally enjoy being a good guy in games.

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