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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. 1 minute ago, Deshiel said:

    So all the games that already introduced this are in fact insulting us?

    What I mean is if you want to introduce a minority representation in a product you need to do it in a correct way. Wall-running obese ninjas is nothing more than ridiculing overweight people. Introducing a representation just for the sake of it being there is demeaning both to the represented group and us as consumers. In other words, this is a stupid idea.

  2. What Chroma needs the most is Spectral Scream buff. I would also add some innate way to regenerate health since he kind of depends on having his health reduced. Switching elements on the run would also be a nice addition.

    His appearance is a matter of personal taste, but I would welcome a new skin.

  3. No one is forced to use a Carrier. People use it for convenience, it is by no means life-saving. Seriously, it's not like the loot lies somewhere in the far corners of the maps, it is usually scattered in the middle, where you would run anyway.

    That being said, Mag's passive seems a bit underwhelming, especially when you compare it with Volt's new passive. It would be better if she had a chance to apply magnetic proc with each hit or would regenerate health or energy when magnetic proc is applied to her. Or something.


  4. 1 hour ago, Lendalas said:

    Can you even imagine what a 10k toxic proc would do to enemies?




    Don't get me wrong, I don't think Toxic Lash is a bad skill, but it could use more versatility. There could be a way to make it work with all weapon types without making it too powerful. 

  5. Just now, arch111 said:

    This is confusing. The "rhino" had Void powers. The only ones we know of who had them was the Tenno at this time.

    I am suggesting that it was a clone because of that fact.

    What you suggest, is that the Orokin created Infested humans or something,  and somehow gave them voidpowers?

    Please elaborate. 

    What makes you think the monster had void powers? Just because he can use Rhino-like abilities doesn't mean it is powered by the void. Remember that the infestetion was created as a weapon; no wonder the infested subjects had certain abilities.

  6. 6 hours ago, arch111 said:

    I will say though;  the Proto Rhino MUST have been a cloned child of Zariman - because it had powers.

    Why? Tenno serve as batteries, they don't have warframe-specific powers of their own. Imagine it like this: I have an mp3 player that plays music. It is powered by batteries. Can the batteries play music? No. They just power a device that can. It's similar with warframes.

    The thing in the Rhino codex entry was not a warframe or a proto-warframe. It most likely was an infested golem designed to fight the Sentients, but it broke free. Then they happened to reach the place where the Tenno were being kept and discovered transference.

  7. Excalibur codex entry states that frames were created after the Zariman incident, with the Tenno in mind. And Excalibur was the first. No matter how vague the Warframe lore is, this is specific enough to infer that there were no warframes before the Tenno. Warframes were most likely created from the infestation; that's why the monster in the Rhino codex has Rhino's powers - the Orokin used the infested as a template for warframes. Why? Because the Tenno proved they were able to remotely control them. This gave the Orokin the edge over the Sentients - they had a virtually infinite army. All they had to do is build more warframes, without fear of losing their soldiers.

    Furthermore, there is no mention of warframes being suits. From the beginning they were remote puppets. Limbo and Mirage quests are an exception, but we don't really know why. Maybe the operators died from shock, or the Lotus just tried to keep up her lies. I suppose some parts of the lore were written before DE came up with transference and that's why we have some discrepancies.

    Even if this theory was true, we would get some kind of foreshadowing, just like we did with archwing in the Mag codex entry.

  8. First of all, you need to be mastery rank 3. Then, if you do Uranus missions, you have a chance to encounter Oculyst drones. If you scan one you start the quest.

    If you aren't MR3, the drones will not appear for you.


    After you've completed Natah you can start The Second Dream; after finishing it you will unlock Moon missions.

  9. 34 minutes ago, EmptyDevil said:

    It is fun but does highlight some pretty bad problems. Some things i'd do would be:

    - Nerf and rebalance obviously broken powers/tactics that have nearly zero counterplay(map wide blinds through walls, extended invulnerability, and etc).

    - Cap enemy armor scaling at a reasonable place but allow health and other things to scale at a different rate.

    - Implement a shield gate for players, so there is a chance to survive heavy damage to gtfo or devise a counter in that second.


    This Tenno knows what's up.

  10. 30 minutes ago, DaftMeat said:

    I just took that to mean the Operator was controlling the Warframe without touching it or making direct contact.

    I also think that. We know from the Rhino codex that Tenno don't have to touch warframes to control them. I mean, it might have been the warframe acting on its own but we should be careful with taking it for granted. Buuut it was more likely the operator moving the warframe remotely.

    It's an interesting theory nevertheless, though it argues with the Kuria poem. The characters are most certainly the queens, but we don't know anything substantial about them. Maybe the younger one is the clone of the twin that died. For all we know the queens might also clone themselves repeatedly to achieve immortality.


    Also, since the queens seem to know about the operators hints that they were born before the Tenno were created. I don't think they are Tenno because of how they refer to them. In the trailers thay call them 'dreamers', as opposed to 'the rest' or 'the others', which leads me to believe they are not Tenno.

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