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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. I took the Machete to the Conclave and boy, can it hit hard. That is, if you manage to hit anything with it...

    In Warframe, Machete don't text. Machete don't kill either.

    And don't let me even start on that stance.

  2. Just now, Rubastax said:

    Yes, yes it is.

    Criticism exists for a reason, and players should be free to criticize the developers without having to carefully structure what they say so the overly eager moderators do not witness heresy.

    I disagree. It is possible to criticize withouth using emotional language.

    As for your picture, that user already had a few warnings, so it is expectable he would be watched more carefully.

  3. 3 minutes ago, NinthAria said:

    They have too much personality to be mindless husks, in any event.

    Except they don't have personality. True, you have hints of personality in descriptions, but that's it. You can say the same thing about a car - it's wild and cunning, whatever, but it's still a car.

  4. 10 minutes ago, PUR3K1LL3R said:

    About the people who are mad about the outcome of the Second Dream?

    Don't judge me...


    On a serious note, I don't think warframes are independent. At least not yet. The only possible hint at it (that I remember) was at the end of the Second Dream, when we broke War, but it was rather the Operator's last effort.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Tekka_Croe said:

    I guess since we're talking about operators...

    I love the concept.  I like having a customizable, unified "face" behind all my Frames.  I am however somewhat ambivalent about the execution.  The lack of appearance options isn't really the issue, I figured they were going to add more over time.

    What bugs me is our inability to customize the way our Operators interact in-mission  I'd love to able to select what kind of dialogue they use.  I imagine my Tenno being very matter-of-fact and mission-oriented, so it'd be nice to be able to remove all the inane remarks from her dialogue pool.

    I also find it odd that our Operator transmissions don't show up for other player's who have completed The Second Dream.  I figured that the Operator transmissions were meant to simulate in-mission chatter between teammates, so it's weird that only we see them.  I'd love it if when my buddy tags a target, I'd get a little transmission from his Operator saying "tagged an enemy" or something similar.  I think that having everyone's operators reacting to context-sensitive stuff like that could really enhance the feeling of team-play, especially when hopping into a game with randoms.

    I would like to use voice commands, like 'I need help/ammo/mana' or something. Right now only few of the transmissions are not silly.

  6. 11 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    They need to sound approximately 500% more space-samurai. More falling cherry blossom metaphors and sober reflection on their sad duty to slaughter hundreds of upstart Grineer. Yes indeed. DE pls. 

    Tenno need to speak in haiku!


    I think to myself

    The Grineer are so ugly

    Like a dead kubrow


  7. On 12.03.2016 at 8:06 PM, SniffYoBunnies said:

    but I cant help thinking that he does very little things that lots of frames do better/faster

    He's good at what he does, there's no point in arguing that frame A does something better than frame B.

    The only skill that needs a buff is Spectral Scream. It's useless and should be changed. Generally Chroma is fine, but I like some of your suggestions. Just leave Vex Armor alone.

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