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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. 9 minutes ago, PikeOrShield said:

    Do NOT spam Miasma.  The damage does NOT stack.  It just resets the tic timer on enemies already under the effects of Miasma.

    Unless you want a hardcore CC fest. I once had a Miasma spamming marathon to save that final console in a sortie. One minute is my personal record. And it worked!

  2. You can try using Ignis to pop spores, it works quite well and you don't have to aim that much. Spores spread like crazy if you do it right. Toxic Lash also gets the job done, but it's easier with some ranged weapons.

    The thing is Saryn requires large groups of enemies to be effective and the current Molt makes it harder, as it dies too quickly. I really don't know why Molt hasn't been buffed to the Snowglobe level yet. Many other skills allow much more damage mitigation. Look at Hall of Mirrors - clones are duration based and you can stand still at high level missions and nothing can hit you.

    There is also the matter of broken scaling. After a certain point enemies get simply to tough. Hopefully the issue will be resolved with scaling rebalancing. The game needs it.


    4 minutes ago, (PS4)WINDMILEYNO said:

    But can you use a Saryn without using some sort of health regeneration? That is the question.

    No, but that can be said about every other frame.

  3. I had problems at the beginning, when I didn't really know how to deal with him, but in the end he is not that difficult. I mean, he can kill you quickly if you don't watch out, but his attacks are quite easily avoidable. Just don't approach him or he'll stagger you to death. I didn't notice his shields recharging very quickly, though. But it's true that they will have the same resistances after they start regenerating (although I think it shouldn't be the case). Also, he can adapt only to four damage types at once. So if he adapted to all you three elemental damage types (if you use three different) and slash, he won't have any resistance to puncture and impact.

  4. Try putting some power strength mods (I use Intensify and Transient Fortitude), they help. Armored  Agility and Natural Talent are not necessary, especially the latter one. And put that Stretch back. You might also want to use the Exilus slot for either a drift mod (they drop on the Moon) or Handspring (which I strongly recommend).

    As for damage, did you try to spread Spores at all? There is no need to spam them as long as you can pop them with your weapons. It's easier at higher levels as enemies don't die so quickly. Or you can try putting Spores on Molt and the enemies will pop them for you. By then you should have viral procs all around you, which will cut enemy health in half. And Miasma deals more damage to enemies with toxin or viral proc on them.

    Toxic Lash restores energy if you pop Spores with it, but I find Rage/Regenerative Molt combo more comfortable. And I don't have to use Life Strike.

    I don't have really many problems with Saryn, but I can relate to the squishiness at higher levels; Molt just dies too quickly. It needs a Snowglobe treatment and maybe a small stun when it explodes. But just this invincibility period would do wonders for me. Anyway, Molt was buffed in a recent update, so maybe eventually it will receive it.

  5. Just now, p3z1 said:

    TBH I prefer them coming out at the same time.

    Imagine this scenario:

    2 Arctic Nullifiers and 1 Nullifier decide to stack their bubbles. In a sortie. With a sniper-only restriction. In front of an isolator bursa.

    See how painful it becomes?

    Yeah, you have a point.


    We've all been there, haven't we?

  6. Having some cosmetic rewards after quests would be nice indeed.

    A big no to Telos Boltace. 

    Yes for point 3, but that will come in time.

    As for Tau, I don't see it coming soon, if at all. But who knows?

  7. 29 minutes ago, Xianos_Chaos said:

    We are all continuously trying to figure out what the warframes are made of, but we can agree that they have intelligence, they can think for themselves in certain ways.

    I've been wrong before, but... no, we can't agree. We can suspect they might have some degree of intelligence. We know from Vor's Prize they have a nervous system and used to act on their own, as seen in the Rhino entry (although it wasn't really a warframe). But there is little evidence for their sentience apart from what happened during the Second Dream. I don't think warframes even need to act on their own (as in they might break free and cause trouble). Also, the Rhino entry showed that transference can occur without the Tenno touching the warframe. I think that what happend at the end of the quest was done by the operator, or even by the Lotus. She was able to control our warframes before, during Vor's Prize. But who knows.

  8. 6 hours ago, p_ar7hur said:

    Due to the reasons stated above, I think it would go without saying that the rules of Conclave would apply to make it balanced and generally more fun.

    Why not make it a part of the Conclave then? Mixing pvp and pve wouldn't really work, but a similar concept would probably work as a Conclave mode.

  9. No. You have no idea how many threads about it there have been. Why is it a no? Because such a thing would not work in Warframe. For one, not everybody likes mixing pve and pvp. Secondly, it would be broken beyond belief. Conclave is balanced for a reason. Normal weapons and abilities are far too powerful to be used in pvp. Hysteria, Exalted Blade, Invisibility, the list goes on.

  10. I agree. Right now commanders are a niusance that doesn't do anything interesting. Not to mention they are not distinctive enough to recognise them. At the beginning I thought the random teleporting was a bug. I like your idea in general; there could also be various types of commanders.

  11. I don't have a problem with slots, however, I do have a problem with the game not telling me about them. When I was starting playing I learned about slots from the wiki. There should be at least a window with basic information about how to handle the equipment (and the interface in general).

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