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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. I didn't play the game when the original charge attacks were a thing, but as they are now they are useless and shouldn't have been implemented in their current state. Initial swing before a charge, messing up some of the melee combos, not being able to charge with quick melee with all the weapons - these things really break charge attacks. On top of that, charge attacks don't do that much damag and there are no mods for them. Right now I have only negative things to say about them.

    A step in a good direction would be to rebind charge to a different key, but I have seen numerous arguments that it might be problematic for the console players. So yeah.

  2. Can we not talk about Saryn in an Oberon thread?


    Anyway, I'd like Oberon's Smite to do more confusion procs. It should proc on each Smite hit, not just the initial one. Renewal is fine and so is Reckoning, although it could use more range. As for Hallowed Ground, it should be replaced. Or at least should be changed from a stationary ability to an aura-like ability, similar to Chroma's Elemental Ward.

  3. 3 minutes ago, (XB1)SgtFunBun said:

    I killed him with Smite somehow (I used the beacon and he was vulnerable to my powers why???)


    From the wiki (on DIspel):

    • The ability itself requires the Stalker to perform an animation in order for the Dispel effect to work on his victims. Despite the short casting time, teammates of the victim can use this opportunity to dispatch the Stalker quickly.


    You might have been lucky enough to hit a window.

  4. 1 hour ago, (PS4)official_79 said:

    I can admit I personally do not know how to use Saryn, I want to learn the insides and outs of this warframe but as of now I don't see the point.

    So instead of trying to learn how to play her you come here and complain about how bad she is. I'm not claiming she's perfect or doesn't need some buffs, but it's like I came here and made a thread that Loki sucks because I'm not good at playing him.

  5. Naming and shaming is against the rules. You might want to remove that player's name from your post before you get in trouble. And for the record, making posts like that will not make the community a better place. If you have problems with a player it is better to talk to a community moderator or the support.

  6. I didn't even know they were able to do that. The more you know... Anyway, Dual Toxocysts are a weapon for those people who like, and are good at, landing headshots. If you need to rely on a bug to make a weapon viable, try using something else. Moreover, not being able to use a weapon to its full potential does not mean it is mastery fodder all of a sudden. I agree with some of the previous comments that it is better to learn landing headshots rather than to depend on a random proc. 

    Headshot damage from status procs or AoE explosion makes no sense anyway. And yes, that includes things like the Tonkor.



    On a different note, I agree that Toxocysts could refresh their counter with each headshot. It would make the weapon much better.

    On second thought, scrap that idea. It would make it OP.

  7. 6 minutes ago, ArmyUnit said:

    >Operator: "That was a close one!"

    >I'm running around as Valkyr while in hysteria with full energy

    Operator pls


    Also any time he says "We fought with honor".. That line just never fits ever

    I know, right?

    But this can be extended to other transmissions as well. Like when doing a crossfire mission you enter the room where corpus crewmen spawn, and the Lotus says: The Grineer are on their way. You look on the enemy counter and you see 100/100.

    So it's not just the operators, but they have the biggest issues.

  8. 17 minutes ago, AEP8FlyBoy said:

    Other ideas can be inferred from their speech as well... such as the fact they refer to their Warframes while speaking to them using pronouns like... "Us. "We" implying that they are in-fact two separate entities.

    Although this is inconsistent. You have things like this: I will consider what I have learned from this skirmish; I wonder what's down here. But then: We've been damaged, need to heal; Right, we're on our feet.

    Most of the things operators say are supposed to reflect them talking to each other during missions, then you have them saying things in first person, and then things I underlined - we've been damaged, rather than I've been damaged. Either the writing is off or there is something going on. I don't know.

  9. Effigy could have lower drain, but it is sustainable with proper mods.

    Vex Armor shouldn't be recastable because of the buffs it gives, but I don't see the reason why Elemental Ward isn't.

    Spectral Scream requires a rework; as it is now, it is bad and has hardly any uses. Damage is poor, crowd control is poor, range is poor. On top of that, it slows you down. 

  10. 4 minutes ago, KYVampire said:

    2. YOU are the character. The main character is faceless or is meant to be a representation of YOU. Games such as Bethesda's Fallout and Skyrim (to a lesser extent Halo) go by this model where they give you a character customization screen and you create your own representation in the game. Like I said before, the Operator is a representation of the player (hell they give you a character customization screen).

    And this is precisely the reason why operators do not have personalities. We are supposed to project ourselves onto them. True, it is difficult with the current customization options and some poor lines, but still. I'm personally more comfortable with mute protagonists.


    1 hour ago, magusat999 said:

    (I guess Hayden as the first Tenno, who actually did "wear" a Warframe is just for us to forget?)


  11. As far as I remember the devs acknowledged there being lootcaves, but rather than having one farming spot, they want to create some alternatives. Which is fine, because it will encourage players to visit more than one node. How this will work out, we shall see.

    As for the map, the current one seems like a waste. It's quite boring (and not really a map), whereas the new one looks like it's going to be more dynamic and overall interesting. 

  12. I kind of see where the OP is coming from, but threads like that will only perpetrate more toxic behaviour. If you're unhappy about the forums that's fine, but meta complaints lead nowhere and make you look like the bad guy. It's much better if you just stop posting without making a fuss, otherwise you also add your share to said toxicity.


    Obligatory /inb4lock, I can already see what's going to happen to this thread.

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