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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. Just now, Nazrethim said:

    Also, equip Enemy Sense, Enemy Radar or Stealth Drift, REMOVE your kubrow or sentinel (because both are dumases who will alert the whole world) and equip a one-shot capable silent weapon. Presto, you can stealth with or without invisibility.

    That will work until you meet your first clump of enemies. It is possible to do as you say, but difficult given poor AI and spawn mechanics. These two things need to be vastly improved before we can talk about real stealth.

  2. Nullifying is a gimmick that should go away. It hampers gameplay and is plainly annoying. Only modular units are more or less fine, because you can easily cancel their ability.

    But Corpus in general could use more unique enemies and should reduce the number of crewmen. We should see more robots, since it is supposed to be the Corpus' thing. Hyenas should be introduced as regular enemies, there can be proxies that go invisible, snake-robots, etc. They can even get warframe-like units,the Zanuka project was there for a reason, wasn't it?

  3. 2 minutes ago, ThePunkyReason said:

    I am all ears buddy, when you're ready, I have pencil and paper in hand.

    Well for one thing, syndicate warframes would likely come with a syndicate effect, which would mean they would proc very often with using any weapon (because half of the affinity gained goes to warframe then). You could lock the effect to warframe powers only or don't include it at all, but then there's no point in a syncidate warframe. Better to make a skin.

  4. On 22.03.2016 at 1:11 PM, Ryouhi said:

    I'll just reiterate the points i have made in the last few threads...
    I swear to god i'll just copy it this time and save it somewhere so i can just copy-pasta it next time >_>

    Also, while the DEvs said it is possible, they still said it's probably not happening

    1) Genderswaps would deprive the Frames from the last bit of character they have - this is pretty much why i hate the idea of Alt-Genders the most.
    i wouldn't go to the League of Legends forums and demand Alt Gender Skins for champions, cause that would totally ruin the point of creating a character with set characteristics, including Gender/Sex, in the first place

    2) If DE were to make the Skins themselves, it's a HUGE investment of ressources and time - imagine the time needed to create skins for almost 30 Warframes, as well as their Primes... Also they would be required to make Alt-Genders for any upcoming Frame/Prime, which would mean releases would take roughly twice the amount of time
    Some time ago, they also said, the time and ressources needed to make an Alt-Gender is almost the same amount as creating a completely new Warframe, so i'd rather see them create new Frames personally.

    And regarding the picture you posted, i know it's only a rough Helmet swap, but to me that looks terrible. It's not as easy as just pasting a pair of Breasts on a Frame and making them a little thinner. They would need to remake the complete Frame so it actually looks good.

    3) If it's TennoGen what are we gonna do about consoles?
    As far as i am aware TennoGen is a purely PC, or rather Steam thing - consoles would be left out, which would be another problem all together

    4) Locking Gender behind a paywall is a terrible terrible idea
    Especially from the view of a new player getting into the game:
    Say you justed started playing the game and are now choosing which Frame you want to play. You can't quite decide between Volt, because you like his electricity theme and Mag, because you usually like to play as female characters. You choose Volt in the end and play the tutorial and realize you really like to play him.

    Now, back in your Liset you find the Market and browse a little, but there you find an Alt-Gender Skin for Volt...
    What do you think a new Players reaction would be in this situation? Especially considering that genders are usually FREE to choose, if you have ever played any other RPG.


    Anyway that's just my take on this whole thing.



    This should be quoted every time a new gender swap thread is created.

  5. 33 minutes ago, Megakruemel said:

    Are you actually implying mesa is not playable? Because she is totally playable and enjoyable.

    Now you see, that's the problem. One ability overshadows the other three so much that some people don't see anything past that one ability.

    The one thing OP doesn't notice is the fact that nuke frames like old Mesa ruin fun for people like me. I don't really enjoy a game when one ability kills everything in range and I'm left with nothing to do. And that other player does nothing at all apart from pressing 4. I fail to see the point of playing a shooter where you don't have to do anything. Or any game at all in that matter.

    Another thing is that we don't know how the Bladestorm rework will turn out. I strongly suggest waiting until we get it before we start with doomsaying.

  6. 4 minutes ago, arch111 said:

    Geoff:"Very unlikely."

    Scott and Sheldon:" Who knows? We say NO to alot of things.  Syandanas for example."

    TennoGen is what is discussed, not in-house production, they have said no to that.

    * thread lightly * when calling someone ignorant.

    True, they said opposite gender warframes would be no for the time being; they might change their mind, but it's unlikely.

    But if you want to know my opinion, such a thing is unnecessary. Each and every warframe has its own style and it there is little point gender bending. I'd rather welcome more skins and helmets. Additionaly, I don't think opposite genders would fit some of the frames we have.

    Instead give us more operator customization options. 

  7. People seem to forget Saryn can spread her damage very quickly. Sure, EB deals more damage, but it can't eat several rooms at once. 

    Saryn might seem weak at higher levels, but it is the fault of broken scaling and EB being too powerful for its own sake.

  8. 35 minutes ago, Inmemoratus said:

    Her 1 needs to do a percentage of enemy health per tick. Yeah sure, the viral proc scales. Doesn't matter since it's easy to get viral procs using weapons. The damage itself should scale because it's a long duration DoT so it needs to have something over burst damage.

    This is a nice point. I actually hope for something like that in the (hopefully) close damage and scaling rework.

  9. angry-no.svg


    The old parkour system was broken. I remember struggling to wallrun up to a vent, but my warframe kept backfliping all the time. Now you have much more control over what you're doing. Sorry to hear you don't like the animations, but they're here to stay.

  10. 1 minute ago, R34LM said:

    However, there are some endurance players that consider endgame to be 1000 and up because they have the time and energy to go that far.

    But such missions are usually not completable without specific builds and cheese tactics, so right now it is 80-100. Maybe in the future enemy scaling changes and it will be possible to go further without much ado.

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