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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. 7 minutes ago, LordOfScrugging said:

    They are currently "discussing" this issue. best possible outcome: they get rid of the point toll. Worst possible outcome: they make it so you need to do endless to get enough points. most likely outcome: They will reduce the amount of points you need to like 10-25.

    10 points wouldn't be that bad. Any more is just silly grind.

  2. It is funny how difficult people find the new event when yesterday I saw numerous posts about how easy it will be to defeat Kela's forces. Nevertheless, OP hit the nail here. The event could be fun, and to some extent is, but heavy grind and enemy design prevents it.

    Just now, Stouty22 said:

    Serious question. Why do people complain about grind in a RNG based game? It should be expected.

    This is a completely different level of grind. It's grind within a grind. First you grind the arena to get to the boss, then you grind the boss, then you go back to grinding the arena in order to grind the boss. Phew.

  3. I partially agree. I'd like to enjoy the event more, but there are a couple of things that are plainly annoying. The grind for points, which is ridiculous; enemy scaling, which doesn't make fights harder, only longer; the healer that provides invincibility and appears in every single match (call it bad luck); and that drone that one shots you, no matter what you run. How is that good? I know it is easy to escape, but most of the times I simply don't see it. One shoting like that should not be a thing. 

    Acolytes were fun because I at least got to do different missions while looking for them, here it is the same thing until you reach the boss. It's better to just do the Conclave, players provide much more variety and unpredictability to matches. 

    And then we have non-universal mods for quite obscure weapons as rewards. Some of them seem nice, but why limit them to just one weapon?

    To finish on a more positive note, I like the design of some of the new enemies.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Noamuth said:

    War within: maybe alluding to the implied sentience of our Warframes and how the Tenno have to fight the 'frames to control?



    I'm in two minds about it. On one hand it would be fun to run fight your own equipment as the operator, on the other I don't really like the sentient warframes theory. But I guess I will be happy with any outcome DE provides us.

  5. 17 minutes ago, LordOfScrugging said:

    They can move with their powers obviously, but what the operators are doing is a physical movement. They must have gone through some form of rehabilitation in order to be able to move freely once more. I also wonder what role the operators will play during Lunaro. maybe they can be an assist of sorts? like say your frame cannot just reach the "ball" as we'll call it and the operator comes in and assists the frame.

    Maybe the operator IS the ball?

    I would be surprised if superhuman space wizards weren't able to recover from who knows how long stasis. Anyway, Lunaro looks interesting. I'm hoping for space quidditch.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Weidro said:

    the only pay to win i see in the entire game is actualy in conclave

    but its not mods

    its skins

    by using a skin thats designed for a normal weapon on a primed weapon u get an advantage thats only available for money

    The skins give you little to no advantage because primed weapons do not necessarily have to be better than their non-prime counterparts. Differences between primes and non-primes in conclave are minimal. And you're not going to ponder whether the other Tenno has a Braton or Braton Prime - you will be focused on actually dodging the fire.


    If the skins altered the stats, that would be a different thing. But they don't.


    2 minutes ago, JeyciKon said:

    no-one will lose against you just because they think you are using the vanilla version.


  7. Having mods as rewards is only expectable. Some kind of progression is required and mods give you the feeling that you are getting stronger. Besides, it's not like they give huge advantages; it mostly boils down to a frame and a weapon you choose, and your own skill. Gaps between players' skills in Conclave can be huge. Mods are not game changers in this case.

    What is more, as you stated, you need to progress through Conclave to obtain stuff. It's not pay to win.

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