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Posts posted by Genitive

  1. As far as I remember the devs acknowledged there being lootcaves, but rather than having one farming spot, they want to create some alternatives. Which is fine, because it will encourage players to visit more than one node. How this will work out, we shall see.

    As for the map, the current one seems like a waste. It's quite boring (and not really a map), whereas the new one looks like it's going to be more dynamic and overall interesting. 

  2. I kind of see where the OP is coming from, but threads like that will only perpetrate more toxic behaviour. If you're unhappy about the forums that's fine, but meta complaints lead nowhere and make you look like the bad guy. It's much better if you just stop posting without making a fuss, otherwise you also add your share to said toxicity.


    Obligatory /inb4lock, I can already see what's going to happen to this thread.

  3. I don't think she's hated, but rather frowned upon because of Hysteria. Overreliance on it makes her dull. She has other cool abilities, but they pale in comparison with complete invulnerability. On the other hand, take that away and Hysteria becomes a pretty weak skill.

    She has the damage counter, but if it actually threatened her in a way, it would make her far more interesting. Basically she should be obliged to do damage with Hysteria to reduce the counter, otherwise she would die. 

  4. 53 minutes ago, Littlerift said:

    Just thought I'd reiterate the fact that we don't know what the Warframes are, or how Transference works, or whether the Warframes are Sentient, and as such anybody claiming that any of their opinions on the matter are a fact is wrong. 

    It is safe to assume that warframes are made out of infested flesh based on the Rhino entry and some infested transmissions. Whether they are sentient or not, it's debatable, but I'm more inclined to believe they are not. There are a few reasons to believe that. One reason is that there is hardly any evidence to support it. The Rhino entry shows an infested being that is not a warframe, it was probably just an infested susceptible to a Tenno mind (I will talk about the Second Dream scene later). Another reason is that making a sentient weapon controlled by another sentient being wouldn't make sense from the point of view of its creators. The Orokin had lots of problems with the infested, so it makes sense that they tried not to make the same mistake again and produced vessels with a nervous system but without a functioning brain, or rather a sentient brain. I'm pretty sure warframes have some kind of a brain, but it is there to accomodate the mind of Tenno, rather than warframe itself. Then there is the process of making warframes. We create them in a foundry, which is just a glorified 3D printer. Even if warframes had their own minds they would be completely empty, devoid of knowledge, experience, or instincts. Unless of course Ordis uploads basic information, which is unlikely.

    Then we have the scene with the breaking of War. Why do I think it was the Tenno rather than a warframe? For one thing, we were in the transference room after activating the somatic link and we were being killed by the Stalker. The destruction of War might have been the last effort to save ourselves and the link between the operator and the warframe was probably much stronger. Also, while we don't really know how transference works, the Rhino entry shows that it can be remote. The Tenno in the entry were locked in a room and still one of them managed to possess the infested creature. We can't even say if the operator was surprised by the course of events because thay had a hood on. Then there the possibility that it was the Lotus who saved us. After all she has the ability to control warframes for a while and she appeared in the ship after the Stalker disappeared. I saw some people asking why we didn't stand up and kill the Stalker when we had a chance. The answer is that we were weak and dying, so there was probably little we could have done beyond breaking the sword.

    There is, however, one thing that intrigues me and I haven't seen it anywhere. During the Second Dream, when we're approaching the Reservoir, we can hear voices from the past and one of them says this: "This will stop the voices from taking hold. You will have to dream, my angel..." What are the voices? Are warframes talking to us or maybe it is the infested who want us to return to them? Or totally something else. I'd appreciate if someone helped me, I haven't seen any discussion about this particular quote.


    Anyway, this is my take on warframes, I hope it makes sense. Of course nothing is set in stone and I might be completely wrong about everything, but I'm going to stick to my interpretation until the game provides us with more lore.

  5. 6 hours ago, CadenFall said:

    DE decided to make Dark Sector cannon right?

    Is was said in one of the devstreams that Dark Sector is not canon; only some elements are taken from it, like unit designs. You could consider it a spiritual predecessor. Other than that, I agree that we, the operators, are immue to the infestation. Even if it gets too close to the somatic link, we can blast it with our void powers. Along with a half of the ship.

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