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Posts posted by Koldraxon-732

  1. To me this restricts Chroma into a static form of gameplay, which breaks his gameplay archetype. If this was on Vauban, then it would be different since Vauban is all about deploying things to make getting from A to B impossibly hard for enemies.

    In this spoiler is a copy-paste of what I'd do for a Chroma revisit, since he's asking for one dearly due to how ineffective his 1 and 4 are at killing without Saryn and Nova to weaken them enough for the damage from either to be of any potential.

    I hope what you'll find in here gives you a better idea of what I feel would perfect Chroma as a Warframe.



    Chroma Revisit.

    Passive: Sentient Adaptation:

    Whenever Chroma takes damage, he will begin to negate one damage type until another damage type does more damage. Applies only when pelt is on or within affinity range of the Effigy.


    1: Spectral Scream:

    -Tapping would cause Chroma to scream, stunning enemies for a duration and opening them to finishers.

    -Holding this will cause him to enter the original Spectral Scream; an exalted weapon mode which can be disabled by swapping weapons or holding the ability again.

    -Tapping the ability after entering the weapon mode will cause Chroma to buffet the area infront of him.

    -Holding the trigger causes him to exhale both his chosen element and the element he has been negating.

    -Aimgliding while in this weapon mode is infinite, and unbound by gravity, but drains energy; the Pelt's wings will be present, and flap appropriately to explain this visually.


    2: Elemental Ward.

    -Tapping will cause Chroma to switch through his base elements, removing: any combined damage acquired from using 1, all (de)buffs, and disabling powers for one second. During this time, Chroma's passive will not function and his energy will refund itself from all powers, damage, and (de)buffs attained.

    -Holding for a time will activate a buff related to the damage type you've received most, and the chosen element's buff.

    -It will also heal you if you are taking direct health damage.

    -Element icons can be used to represent each element he can swap to.


    3: Vex Armour:

    -Tapping will activate it as normal. Recasting will stack it's previous buff on top of a fresh one. A stacking combo counter will display above it.

    -Nullifiers cannot nullify this so long as the pelt is equipped; recasting within it's duration discounts energy cost if pelt is also still equipped.


    4: Effigy:

    -Tapping will spawn the Effigy. Tapping again will cause it to use Chroma's scream at no extra cost, at the price of the stunned enemies not being finisher-enabled (duration is doubled).

    -This extra-tap function is overriden by the 'move Effigy' augment. Any damage taken within an area around the Effigy (or by Chroma himself) will be redirected at the Effigy. The Effigy adapts to damage and will switch elements instantaneously, and at random; can be affected by Chroma tapping his 2 to force it to pick that element.

    -Hold to reclaim Effigy.


  2. 19 hours ago, ganjou234 said:

    [Frames with sentience but aren't Umbras]

    [Warframe Project timeline]



    Alternative non-Umbra frames with their own unique sapience, like shown with Umbra, are currently not possible to manufacture; the only things we've gotten from them were blueprints, and that includes the Primes. Umbra, as a series, is and will be unique because we will find them in pieces, physical ones, and rebuild them even if Ordis says no.

    However it is true that the 'Ur-Warframes' or first common-type Warframes, such as Chroma, Inaros, and Mirage, do have the ability to retain memory and act without Tenno guidance. Perhaps, Warframes could be removed of their restraints and given the ability to attain actual memory and become their own person? I suspect some will use this for... personal intentions.

    I am under the belief that our Operator may end up being a biological server for the Umbra series. Imagine if the next Umbra we found was coincidentally Nyx? Imagine what crazy possibilities could happen when she is rebuilt and Excalibur (Umbra) is prepared to restrain her. It could get very awkward very quickly. In a good way.


    Regardless, the Warframe creation timeline to me is as thus:


    Infested golems > Transference Surrogates (powerless frames used by Tenno to interact, pre-Warframe Project) > Umbras and Primes > Low-cost variants > The mindless combat shells we throw at our enemies on a daily basis.
    Mindless monsters molded in crude humanoid shapes forged from living beast-flesh thrown at Sentients as combat forms. Failed, went mad some more.
    Golems, but driven by Tenno minds. Ballas described them in a similar manner. They would possibly be able to adapt their shape to mimic the one controlling them to a degree.
    Dax who either signed up or were punished by Ballas, transformed into sapient Warframes with memories preserved, with one given excess weight; a burning memory of a tragic or maybe glorious moment. This description has me thinking Stalker could've been one of the willing ones who underwent this procedure. Building one requires it's original components and detailed scans and analysis by Cephalon, as the blueprints essentially do not exist anywhere besides Ballas' Vitruvian 'diary'.
    [Unspecified types]:
    Pre-release versions of Warframes that failed to meet specifications and thus were refactored into a new Warframe, recycled -partly or entirely-, preserved due to potential which would be unlocked later, or destroyed due to absolute failure to meet requirements. Whichever Warframes don't get a Prime are ones that meet this 'failed' criteria.
    Release versions of Warframes during the Orokin Era which are simply perfect. They remember nothing.
    Cheap versions of Primes that function rather effectively, in spite of the low-quality materials used. The original versions of them likely had imperfect Transference restraints, allowing them to gain sapience and remain active without their Operators. Unfortunately all cases of these 'imperfect restraints' we know of thus far have been destroyed.
    Low-cost and Prime versions, without any sign of sapience except crude instincts and vague echoes that somehow linger deep in the blueprints.

    See spoilers for details.

  3. Maybe a sub-menu from 'invite' would be a useful UI feature:



    Invite to...
    Squad, Orbiter, Clan, Chat. 

    With an automatic bias to 'Squad' if you click on it again while the drop-sideways list is open.


    However freely allowing people to visit your Orbiter? That has complications; maybe have it so people can request an invite to your Orbiter, like this?:
    [Tenno_Skoom] wants to visit your Orbiter.
    Yes | No

  4. There's also apparently a reload bug related to this weapon. I haven't gotten it yet because I'm waiting for the plat prices for them to dive down or haven't gotten the relics to get the parts to build it.

    Based on this I would like the weapon to have an 'extra procs = significantly more duration' (meaning each stack, once the timer drains, resets down one until all the stacks deplete, allowing the weapon to operate in it's enhanced state almost indefinitely).

  5. Warframe operates on a tileset system for almost everything besides Quest-specific missions and Landscapes, which are prebuilt (to an extent, regarding Quest missions). You will not encounter the same Tower/Derelict Challenge Room twice in most cases but there's only a few variations. You can find them on the Tower and Derelict if you explore on occasion and try them there. You'll learn how to navigate them either way.

    However, if you really are one of those people to quit over not managing to get an Ayatan Sculpture, which is typically viewed as a niche thing beyond it's Endo value, then you'll find a lot of things to quit over. Answer me this; for what reason will you endure?


    Reasons to endure: One of mine was Umbra.

    Hint: use bullet jump, a lot. Get creative with mobility.

    Side-note: the treasure hunt isn't the only way to get Ayatan sculptures; they spawn randomly, and encountering them is a boon for those who have trouble stocking up surplus mods, endo, etc... 

    Last resort: if you need endo but can't get the sculpture, run Relic Fissures, trade parts with people for plat, buy the sculptures directly from others.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Em0K1d1998 said:


    Galatine is among the best early/mid weapons, but becomes a very powerful blade with Cleaving Whirlwind or Tempo Royale as the stance. I recommend you try and snag the components and blueprint of Galatine Prime while they are still in high quantities. War or an Ostron heavy blade Zaw (since that's possible now with the huge scythe-like blade and polearm grip) are potent alternatives, when you're able to make them.

    Generally, get everything, build everything, dispose of what fails to meet your 'works with my way of combat' criteria.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Em0K1d1998 said:


    My inquiry remains unanswered: What weapons do you run with? If it's still a Lato and Skana, then I suggest you complete the Second Dream and run Elite Onslaught (or otherwise, if you could, ask in Trade Chat to purchase Lato Vandal) if you want weapons that are essentially upgrades by comparison. If not, then I'd like to know out of curiosity.

    Regardless, I'm glad that I've at least been of help.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Dr.Evergreen said:


    Excalibur Prime was locked behind a limited-time precursor to Prime Access alongside Lato and Skana Prime and DE has vowed to never bring that back (in the Global Build; Chinaframe's version of The Sacrifice may have Excalibur Prime in the place of Umbra is my guessing is at all accurate). The Founders who bought the pack for the shiny golden things are angry because Umbra has more gold than Prime.

    DE specifically said Umbra is not Prime, however. One unique other way Umbra could have it would be to have the Death orb forcibly combust, giving Umbra energy but also a magnetic proc which drains it down to half as much or so.

    Nonetheless I don't see DE reverting the change at all. Maybe to a halfway point as I said if they're pushed/coaxed/persuaded by the Founders and community who approve of Umbra, but even then I do not see them reverting this change.

    As a solution to not getting energy from Death Orbs I have a build for you for Excalibur. It can be described as as 'Angry perpetual self-healing channeled Exalted Blade'.


    Warframe0113.jpg The build:



    -You can opt to swap Hunter Adrenaline for Rage, and Streamline for Primed Flow if you want more energy.
    -Arcanes and Aura are a personal choice.
    -The Exalted Melee configuration for elemental damage is not static; you can alter it as required.
    -If you somehow do not have the Umbra mods or are using Prime or normal Excalibur instead or because you somehow got rid of Umbra, swap Umbra mods for common or Primed counterparts. 


  9. So far, the Alignment system has merely provided a more personal way to affect the story, or at least what's said there and then, though DE has been thinking about expanding on the system but currently they aren't that sure as to how last I heard.

    I am under the assumption that the alignment-side choice for words in Sacrifice were intended to offer an opportunity to 'balance out' the alignment again if you were to go full 'dark' or full 'light' in the previous quests.

    I have just checked the War Within wiki page; the Alignment is as follows: Sun, Neutral, and Moon, respectively. The meanings of which are up/sideways/down or down/sideways/up or... ...for interpretation and speculation.

    In my opinion on the subject, the actual meaning of all this should be self-conceived with a prioritization of making the reason the dialogue available make sense to enough of a level that you no longer feel perplexed when you face the potentially inevitable 'no/maybe/yes'.

    DE however, when asked on the subject, have said that they do not want to use this system to lock people out of choices. Here's a theoretical example:
    Abandon [Quest-awarded gun] for [Quest-awarded sword], but have no way to get either after the Quest is completed (much like how you can only pick a Mk-1 Braton/Paris Lato/Kunai Bo or standard Skana, but minus the ability to get the items from the market or any source).

    Why DE chose to say no is clear; locking people from Mastery Rank XP (beyond the Founders' exclusive content which was and will remain a separate matter which should not be brought up beyond this comment for the sake of keeping to subject) is bad because people want to be able to get at that Mastery to rank up further.

  10. DE removed the Prime Passive because, I am guessing, Founders were getting worked up over Excalibur Umbra being 'superior' when in truth he's merely better-oriented to mass-murdering Sentients and is capable of 'doing stuff without guidance'. Now that Umbra lacks the Prime passive (again, since he's Umbra, he is not a Prime) and has had some fixes to various gameplay elements, he's more of an option.

    Founders can pick:
    A: Excal P, if they have him, for his slightly superior-to-normal stats, Void passive and 'absolute obedience'.
    B: Excal U, if they don't try to delete him, for his unique anti-Sentient variant of Radial Blind, and his ability to 'do stuff without guidance' which in some cases is a hinderance.
    Non-Founders would have the normal Excalibur, if they didn't bin him when they got Umbra.

    However, personally, Umbra should have a variant of the Prime Passive where the Umbra only gets 1/2 as much energy from the Void orbs. This would meet a compromise for both parties and comply with the fact that Umbra is Orokin-made, for lack of better words.

    Also: Umbra is not immune to Helminth cysts, and his near-elbow arm fin things are not properly connected to the forearm; deluxe skins such as the Proto-armour do not hide the Umbra visuals (Umbra visuals should have a toggle).

  11. What weapons do you use?

    In general, I'd say this:

    For your melee, I would highly recommend fitting Condition Overload on it and Drifting Contact so your combo counter can remain up longer and so your status effects increase damage. Add status chance + damage elemental mods (these mods would typically be gold and would add a bonus to status and elemental damage).

    For your sidearm, it's a lot more complicated. If it's crit chance is over 25%, add critical damage and chance mods. Add mods like Barrel Diffusion for multishot which adds more damage.

    For technically any weapon, you must consider:



    -How much status chance it has.
    -How much critical chance it has.
    -How much critical damage it has.
    -How much damage it deals in comparison to what you already have.

    Status chance is related to how often the damage types on your weapon 'proc'; each damage type has a unique effect, such as slash causing a small damage over time effect, puncture making enemies do less damage, and radiation confusing enemies into shooting/attacking anyone and everyone. 

    Critical chance and damage go hand-in-hand; the higher the chance, the more often the damage is yellow, orange, or when it's way over 100%, red. Critical damage however amplifies how much damage is dealt when those critical hits happen; some weapons manage to make it proc far more than you would expect. 


    For Excalibur specifically, however, I have a configuration you could run on him. It involves the following mods:



    Warframe: Vitality, Vigor, Gladiator Resolve, Rage (or Hunter Adrenaline), Intensify, Flow (can be swapped for Streamline), Continuity, and Augur Secrets - all maxed.
    Exalted Blade: Copy your melee weapon's build, but ensure Life Strike is on this weapon.

    Side-note: The Sacrifice is out, and with it, Excalibur Umbra - who is in several ways superior to his common counterpart.



  12. What can the Operator do that frames cannot?



    -Tear down Eidolon Fragments' shields and permanently kill Vomvalysts.
    -Hack and pick up objective objects while in Void Mode.
    -Revive people in Void Mode.
    -Dash long distances if Naramon's Waybounds are unbound and enabled.
    -Sneak past enemies due to Void Mode rendering the Operator invisible and impervious to almost all forms of damage.
    -Use their Focus Power. Unfortunately this is removed and does not come back after completion of War Within, for reasons that are loosely explained. I would like to be able to use my Focus School ability again as I miss it's utility.

    Where should anyone who completed Second Dream, and subsequently War Within, do this?
    -Out of line of sight of others (pre-War Within).
    -At least a room or two away from everyone else who is below MR5 (post-War Within).

    What else can benefit this?

    Complete The Sacrifice.



  13. 2 minutes ago, blink8888 said:

    I wonder what's his reactions when he knows about Ballas's betrayal.

    Stalker would more than likely defect to our side to destroy or cripple the Sentients responsible - Natah and Hunhow respectively, but also reclaim the Lotus.

    "As I awake, so will They. They will say you are Riven, and want to reclaim you. I will not be able to stop them." - Hunhow, Natah Quest.

    Now that I look back, this particular line has new contextual meaning.

  14. That moment was, for all accounts, a spiritual epiphany - a moment of mental enlightenment.


    This also reveals that a mental plane can be manifested. Theorizing future Umbras will cause the Tenno to turn into a bio-server to house their unique selves and enable them to interact, much like a family or team.

    I believe future Umbra-frame quests will use this Quest as a template, and unlock more Vitruvian secrets as more memories are seen.


  15. Spoiler


    Only Dax - or anyone who knew of Ballas' plot can become Umbras, either via signing up, or being punished into it, much like Alad V's Zanuka Program.

    Primes and normal Warframes are like Grineer; they have been 'cloned' and so all memories, save for raw instinct, have been lost. Umbra is different, since we took the actual physical pieces of him and had Ordis reconstruct the rest of Excal U's body, even though he warned us not to.

    To my understanding, all 'original' Warframes have sentience. Chroma is one visible example, and every Questframe has a story behind them, leading you to believe that they -were- like Umbra, but probably without the 'single burning memory'. Subsequent Foundry replications which don't use the source materials and 'release (Prime) versions' do not retain any memories. Examples of this include the synthetic restoration of Chroma, Inaros, Atlas, and Limbo.



  16. 2 minutes ago, Lannen said:


    Teshin is a high-ranking Dax. Umbra is a superior-to-Teshin Dax. Stalker's chassis is an Excalibur's, Stalker has a burning memory of the calamity after the victory ceremony, Stalker being unable to talk during said ceremony; Stalker could've been a low-ranked or different division of Dax who either forcibly transformed himself with the Umbra Mutation Toxin or by Transference into an Umbra-Prime (since copies of originals do not retain memories, unless it's direct recovery of the original parts like with Umbra), and his Shadow-chassis is the same as Umbra's. Or so I've come to believed based on all available information.

    That aside, I would've liked unique dialogue from characters regarding Umbra, such as:


    -Ordis asking the Tenno NOT to use Umbra too much, and Umbra shaking his own head in disapproval.
    -Teshin getting the option to be asked about Issah when using Umbra, prompting Teshin to examine the Warframe closer, and then asking the Tenno who the Warframe was; Umbra would then reveal a part of his face, causing Teshin to be amazed and terrified in equal measure.
    -Stalker trying to persuade Umbra to defect, and failing.
    -Simaris wanting scans of Umbra from Ordis when he sees Umbra for Sanctuary, and Tenno/Umbra rejecting the offer citing that the information would be too much for him.
    -Other characters being intrigued by the Warframe in general, but having no idea about what/who it actually is.
    -Alad V freaking out big-time when he sees the face, going "They were Dax all along?! The Orokin must've been insane!", to which Tenno/Umbra would say that it only applies to Umbra Warframes.


  17. Excalibur Umbra is different enough from his Prime version to warrant keeping and using the Prime version. Also, Umbra's melee does not operate with the classic 1h-sword stances and he does not come with a sidearm which surpasses Lato Prime or Vandal. His Exalted Blade deals no more damage than any other Excalibur's, and has two Umbra polarities that cannot be Forma'd back in. If I - like numerous others - was a Founder, I would've rather asked DE to make Umbra's cosmetics interchangable with his Prime's, since fashionframe is endgame, if not merely allow for Founders to wear Excalibur Prime's cosmetics on Umbra.

    That said, I will proceed to list the differences:



    0: Umbra is free for everyone, even you.
    The Quest which he comes sheathed in, so to speak, is also quite deep and surprisingly spiritual. I personally did not expect him to bring a Nikana until the last trailer revealed it, but people expected a 1h sword or 2h katana. I still believed it would be a Nikana.

    1: Umbra's sapience passive.
    This is a benefit and a drawback. In some cases, this is more drawback than benefit. Add the current bug of Transference Static with Umbra as a client (not host), and you get two drawbacks making Void-dashing across Plains and other places a little slower due to having to wait for Umbra to catch up somehow.

    2: Radial Howl.
    It is slower in cast time, eventually people will use that cast time to plan ahead if nothing changes.

    3: Skijatai, AKA Shadow Born.
    This can be used on Excal P with no ill effect. It's stealth passive would make a fine addition to any nikana collection.

    4: Non-removable parts.
    The scarf and Umbra-specific attachments across his body can get in the way of some things but cannot be removed. Also, currently, his inner-forearm crescents are not properly attached which irks me personally.

    That said, using Umbra is itself a sacrifice, and so having the Prime counterpart puts you at an advantage - allowing you to choose if you wanted an Excalibur which acted on it's own with the risk of being dragged out of Operator mode, or to use the Prime as always. Also, Umbra gives an opportunity to experiment with mod configuration variants you could later refactor onto Prime - a benefit many don't have, and most would likely rebuild the common Excalibur to achieve a near-same level of choice.


    On that note, I would recommend you a build for Excalibur. It's in the spoilers below.


    Depicted below is the Excalibur Umbra build I am currently running with. It's main focus is to feed itself, and give Exalted Blade's channeling mode a utility bonus and a drawback.

    Image of build:



    The build works on all Excalibur types, but you'll have to supplant the Umbra mods with their common/Prime/something you feel is more fitting. I've not included the Arcanes I use because they are 1: not maxed and 2: may not be your choice.

    The elemental mod arrangement is also up/down to your preferences, but Life Strike is essential to this build's effectiveness. Additionally you could forgo Streamline for another :zenurik: / --- polarity and slot Primed Flow for more capacity, though from experience, this isn't essential but more of a preference. You could otherwise use Rage to forgo the Forma requirement for Primed Flow.

    The build operates as follows: Excalibur receives damage to health, generates energy, maxes energy and becomes at risk of dying. Activates Exalted Blade, begins channeling and mashing [melee button] until health is restored, then he can stop channeling so the ability uses less energy. Such a build allows Excalibur to recover health.

     The basis of this build requires Rage + lots of health, and Life Strike on the Exalted weapon, and to channel it when you need health.


    You believe that DE broke the Founder's Oath, but that is rather false. DE cannot do that and have said so many times that they wouldn't've that you can't miss them saying it.

    The closest thing you'll find is what's going on in Chinaframe - the Chinese-exclusive version of Warframe which is region-locked and operated by a nearly unrelated development group.

  18. Just now, BladeWielder65 said:

    [Stalker =/= Umbra type]

    It's not beyond reasoning to believe that, other than Transference, he could've injected himself with the 'Umbra Mutation Toxin' as I'll call it and then forged an Excalibur shell for himself, while making a helmet of his own design to stand out. Besides, being a 'Low Guardian' could've been his interpretation of a low-ranking 'Royal' Dax given the overall purpose of putting themselves in the way of anything that would do the Orokin Emperors harm.

    To be truthful I theorized that a Warframe would try to strike Ballas but then get stuck at the bit involving trying to make the edge meet the flesh. I was both correct and incorrect on many details.

  19. Just now, BladeWielder65 said:

    [Curiosity about Rhino Umbra]

    Reply in spoilers for compression:



    I think Rhino Umbra would come after DE have done the starter Umbra-frames, though having Nyx as the next in line, then Volt, then Mag, then Rhino, would add an intriguing atmosphere.

    Think about it; the Operator has just effectively merged with Excalibur Umbra - a former legendary Dax. What if the next Umbra was his wife that he thought was killed?

    Imagine the change in atmosphere, and how delighted they'd both be at seeing eachother again, despite what had been done to them. This would also give the Umbras as a archetype a unique saga, where the Tenno begins to unite a squadron of Umbra-frames, each one fitting into a mission-critical role; Excalibur denying the enemy and cutting them down, Volt projecting barriers, Mag disrupting weapons and machinery, and Nyx preventing opponent cohesion. Though the arrangement of Umbras is merely theoretical.


    Just now, TANK102703 said:

    [For that to happen, Dax must become Rhino Umbra]

    Reply in spoilers for compression:



    On that note, I am under the belief that all Umbras had once been Dax. This theoretical pseudo-fact also applies to Stalker due to the undeniable visible evidence; the chassis, the sapience, the burning memory, the inability to speak, even.

    The Kuva Scepter was our control over them being pulled from their long-gone Orokin overlords, and into our hands. Excalibur was the first, and the first again; Teshin reflects these Umbras by giving us a choice; to do it ourselves, or for him to act for us; as Umbra can and would likely be more than glad to.

    However as I mentioned initially, I believe the Tenno has, for lack of other descriptions, 'assimilated' Umbra; when they're in the Orbiter, Umbra's physical body would comply and be static, but the Tenno? The Tenno is both Umbra and themselves now.

    Therefore I now know the Sacrifice actual: having more Umbras will have a heavier mental toll due to acting as a biological server for their minds when they are not engaged.



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