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Posts posted by Koldraxon-732

  1. 8 hours ago, Lanadra said:

    You expect so much effort from DE? All kinds of new conclave modes and a server browser.. for something that is largely dead and definitely largely unwanted..?

    It's 'largely dead' because there's no server browser to avoid landing in a 'ghost' server. Besides, DE has already experimented with several gametypes before as seen with the Variant events. Sure, it's unwanted by most, but there's two sides to it. As an example, imagine if you ran out of PVE things to do and wanted to have a go at Conclave but were over the 'starter ranks' in the system, and had the ability to avoid the ones who, by their own will or by accident, caused Conclave's supposed demise via server selection capabilities.

    Besides, DE has a dedicated Conclave division and Conclave isn't as bugged to unfixability as Raids were - merely out of balance due to parkour abuse by the ones who accidentally gave it a bad reputation.

    To that end, when DE finds a way to bring fan-servers to PVE modes, then they would be able to reinstate Raids with more stability thanks to fan servers and the new tools Sanctuary Onslaught have introduced (the ability to connect different tilesets or mission locations and ditch loading screens entirely).

    To return to topic, the server choice ability would mean the ones who dedicate days to Conclave can fight among themselves, freeing up Conclave for a new population and a new perspective.

  2. Allow me to explain. In short, only Warframes reconstructed from scavenged, physical remains of Warframes, may have memories. 


    Warframe creation timeline to me is as thus:



    Infested golems > Transference Surrogates (powerless frames used by Tenno to interact, pre-Warframe Project) > Umbras and Primes > Low-cost variants > The mindless combat shells we throw at our enemies on a daily basis.


    Mindless monsters molded in crude humanoid shapes forged from living beast-flesh thrown at Sentients as combat forms. Failed, went mad some more.


    Golems, but driven by Tenno minds. Ballas described them in a similar manner. They would possibly be able to adapt their shape to mimic the one controlling them to a degree.

    Umbras: Sacrifice Spoilers within. Do not open unless you've played it.


    Dax who either signed up or were punished by Ballas, transformed into sapient Warframes with memories preserved, with one given excess weight; a burning memory of a tragic or maybe glorious moment. This description has me thinking Stalker could've been one of the willing ones who underwent this procedure. Building one requires it's original components and detailed scans and analysis by Cephalon, as the blueprints essentially do not exist anywhere besides Ballas' Vitruvian 'diary'.

    [Unspecified types]:

    Pre-release versions of Warframes that failed to meet specifications and thus were refactored into a new Warframe, recycled -partly or entirely-, preserved due to potential which would be unlocked later, or destroyed due to absolute failure to meet requirements. Whichever Warframes don't get a Prime are ones that meet this 'failed' criteria.


    Release versions of Warframes during the Orokin Era which are simply perfect. They remember nothing.



    Cheap versions of Primes that function rather effectively, in spite of the low-quality materials used. The original versions of them likely had imperfect Transference restraints, allowing them to gain sapience and remain active without their Operators. Unfortunately all cases of these 'imperfect restraints' we know of thus far have been destroyed.


    Low-cost and Prime versions, without any sign of sapience except crude instincts and vague echoes that somehow linger deep in the blueprints.

    Umbra specifics:


    -Umbra was resurrected by reclaiming his parts from the location of his demise after scanning them. This is why his parts aren't there after you revisit the location in-Quest and in Captura.
    -Umbra's fast craft time and requiring no other parts is because we took what was left of him and literally glued him back together. It would be like taking Vor, scanning him, and putting his remains through the Foundry to resurrect him; the process is no different either way in either of these two cases.
    -Copies made 100% from blueprints will retain no such thing as 'memories'.


  3. 12 minutes ago, ----Legacy---- said:

    Imo, a match/server browser would be a greater addition than ways to trivialize conclave even further. It could also be expanded to PvE later down the road.

    This server browser feature would save Conclave from it's current state of assumed dead. However, Conclave Variants personally deserve to make a comeback in full, with more variants reflecting other gametypes (like an Infection, King-of-the-Hill, I'm the Stalker/Dargyn (where one person is this; if they are killed by another, they take their place), and other modes, such as a particular 'balanced mode' which locks loadouts to Braton/Lato/Skana, and disables powers/passives/bullet jumping.

    As for boosting in Conclave? Officially, I've heard people get banned for using a friend as target practice, but if you have a group of 4 and you fight eachother like you would fight Specters in PVE, then it isn't boosting; it's an even fight.

    However, there are people who have skills that some may describe as 'unnatural'. Either because my reflexes are terrible or because I use a controller or they have done nothing else but play Conclave at all times, I cannot feasibly adapt to them even if I tried mouse-keyboard.

    When the server browser hits, though, I honestly hope that the ones who have these deity-class skills fight among eachother and allow Conclave to have a fresh population of people so it can actually live again without the stigma of flying sniper/bow/whatever-kills-in-nearly-1-shot-bombers or current-meta weapon cheesing.

    To me, the reason Conclave has seemingly no population is due to:


    A: no server/session browser. 
    This browser should allow you to see who's in what session, so you can better avoid the aforementioned legendary stigma-inducing elements, or suffer at their hands if you are that kind of person who enjoys instantly dying from any and all angles instantaneously while raging that you can't adapt because they essentially maxed the 'evasion' stat, so to speak.
    B: lack of people wanting to play Conclave.
    The stigma surrounding Conclave, which I have, crudely and basically, outlined earlier has shunned and expelled any potential, untrained participants.

    Not to mention there needs to be a minimum Mastery requirement to join Conclave matches so players get some time to gear up and have a varied arsenal to work with when they feel like Conclave.

    ...Then again this has probably been said before in general, in other ways, by other people.

    Also, my most recent session of Lunaro was a laggy, one-sided mess.


    Short version:
    -Yes to Server browser.
    -Yes to Conclave Variants, maybe via a voting system?
    -Irrelevant notes about recent experiences; you can ignore them if you wish.

  4. Tigris Prime should kill everything, but if you happen to have Akstiletto Prime then use that, as for melee, if you still have Galatine Prime, make use of that aswell.

    There's a lot of weapons that can easily kill level 100's with the right mod setups, even old Braton Prime/Vandal with a viral/hunter munitions setup can do it.

    Almost any melee with a few dual-stat mods and Condition Overload can kill anything, though adding Drifting Contact, Organ Shatter and Blood Rush on critical-oriented weapons as well as that Condition Overload setup will make the melee capable of killing more anything, except you'll have to abandon attack speed and range mods for the build to fit and be viable.

    If you have an Excalibur, put Rage on him, focus him on health. Put Life Strike on Exalted Blade. You'll find it very useful, and it will save you when you have a moment to draw out Exalted Blade.

    Also, Excalibur Umbra is a thing. Complete The Sacrifice to get him. Keep him (not that you have a choice; he and his signature nikana are immune to being sold). Do not Forma out the special polarities he and his weapons have.

  5. 4 hours ago, TGDM said:

    So what you're saying is we could rebuild it if we wanted to?

    Yes, but he wouldn't howl or be self-aware like the one we resurrected. You probably(?) missed the other important elements which help explain why Umbra actual, by comparsion to any Warframe we built from mere blueprints and files, remembers things. In effect, 3D-printed replicas that don't include actual original parts have 0% memory; he would be the same as Umbra Prime from Chinaframe.

    Here's an example to help make sense of all this. Let's say you manage to kill the Stalker and tear him into a few pieces, and take those dead pieces to your Orbiter after scanning them so Ordis can compile him back together again. You rebuild him and he gets out of the Arsenal and...

    Get the concept now? Only reason Umbra is a living, sapient 'best of the Dax(citation needed)' or 'Master Dax' who remembers is because we took what was left of him and pieced him back together, with help from Ordis to synthesize the rest of the missing body.

  6. Orthos Prime is both a decent looking weapon if you're one for simpler looks, and highly viable as a melee. The build I run it with is a Condition Overload/Blood Rush/Drifting Contact combo for maximum effect, but I forgo range and speed mods entirely in favour of damage and dual stat mods, though you may have a different concept for what build you want for it.

  7. 33 minutes ago, TGDM said:

    Which you 3D printed in 10 seconds flat for chump change in resources. Should be easy enough to make another one if you end up missing it later.

    We didn't merely 3D print him. We reassembled him from both A: the parts we scavenged from the scene and B: Ordis' reconstruction subroutine.

    While the dialogue didn't explicitly state that we did take the parts home, the facts that we didn't have to use excessive amounts of resources or craft the chassis, systems, and neuroptics separately, in addition to a 0-plat rush and effectively no wait time seem like evidence to the point that he was reconstructed - like taking a corpse and filling in the gaps before waking it up.

    When we get to replay this quest, consider these points when you scan the scene. In addition, when you revisit the scene at the conclusion, and in Captura, Umbra's parts are missing, which further imply that you -did- take them to the Orbiter to recompile Excal Umbra and by extension explain why he even remembers anything at all.

    If we had to '3D print him', we would've had to:
    1: fetch the blueprints from somewhere.
    2: build the blueprints, which may have required a normal Excalibur set of parts, not unified into a built Excalibur.
    3: use significantly more resources and wait 84 to 96 hours in total if you built all the blueprints together and didn't rush them.

    And Umbra wouldn't've remembered anything; he would've been the same as any other Warframe or Excalibur in that case.

    Given these things and that he is essentially the first of the 'Cinematic Questframe' kind, and that replaying Questframe Quests awards you nothing, you'll be unable to get a replacement anyway because he has no marketplace entry.

  8. Excalibur Umbra is-and-was the best Dax (n)ever known. Why would anyone want to sell what is essentially, lore-wise, an amalgamation of Master Chief/117 (Halo), Doomguy (circa DOOM 2016), Prophet (Crysis series) with a hint of Batman? It would essentially make numerous future quests unplayable and likely kill the Tenno in the process of 'un-linking' with Umbra, meaning permanent game over.

    If Umbra can't be sold, Founders may ask why Prime could and why they still can't put Prime's cosmetics on him; why haven't they made a poll about this yet?

    Gameplay-wise, he may be required to help tame future Umbras and may have some specific gameplay element in future content (like the Tau System or Sentient installations).

    Story-wise, I already said 75% of why, but the other 20% is 'what if there's other Umbras who remember him?', and the last 5% being 'what if a female Umbra can fall in love with a male Umbra and...' .

  9. 31 minutes ago, --XanTerra-Alexandria-- said:

    how to allow him to use excalted blade?

    i tried and press every button on my keyboard, nothings seems happend

    Excalibur Umbra currently can't use sidearms or Exalted Blade on his own. You can't make him use Exalted Blade if you're not in him, either, even if you activate Exalted Blade or swapping to sidearm before exiting him.

    If you are in him and somehow Exalted Blade isn't working, make sure he has at least 70 energy before activating it because without that extra energy, the blade would appear and then disappear by itself.

  10. I am in favour of having those cinematics rendered ingame and viewable via Codex. Same should go with Warframe Profiles (which need revisiting, again).

    Speaking of cinematics and animation, would DE consider adding 1:1 sized Articulas for Captura and introduce all the objects/lighting tools the Dojo and Orbiter have to it so you can build scenes?

  11. A spoiler tag would help those who haven't completed the Quest avoid some spoilers.

    A bug Excalibur Umbra currently has is that the bigger forearm crescents/curved U or C -shaped things are not attached to the arm properly and I'd be overjoyed to see that fixed.

    As for him doing his own thing:


    -In missions, add a toggle option (interaction button) to stop him from going anywhere so he can take up reliable positions and wait for you to complete the Spy Vault or stand on pressure pads (like in one of the Lua Challenge rooms).
    -Allow him to use equipped sidearm and weapon alt modes.
    -Allow him to use Exalted Blade in small bursts.

    In the Orbiter, however he would:


    -Try to fuse, transmute, and build, causing Ordis to set up an 'authorizations queue' so the Operator can ensure no sapient other than themselves can waste their resources.

    -Pet the companion.

    -Sit on the couch if it is not occupied by objects.

    -Delay arsenal response time due to running/parkouring to it or getting there from his own pause menu, which gives time to load higher-quality assets.

    -Interrupting him during his lounge-time on the couch may prompt a game of Komi, hosted by Ordis on a simulated board. If you have a friend on your Orbiter, you and them could approach Umbra and prompting (via the interaction button) him together at the same time, like opening a '2 people must click at the same time' door, which would cause you to play against your friend instead, with Umbra projecting the game board instead of a pause menu.



  12. Pre-Sacrifice:
    Very unlikely, doubt it'll happen. The most we'll see is Hunhow Fragments trying to deny Tenno from awakening on Lua, and Eidolon's Fragments trying to attack the shield or resurrect another piece of Eidolon, followed by garbled Sentient dialogue talking about how 'We must rise anew for the inevitable soon approaches' or something along those ominous lines.



    Prime-armed Corrupted with Sentient support causing new Crossfires on Eris, Derelicts, and Dark Sectors. These Corrupted will be black with Prime Accessories where viable.

    These upgraded Corrupted will act as Elite versions of normal Corrupted, and would often come with Prime Specters acting as minibosses and Eximus instead of having any Eximus, and would be found in a new section of Lua and the Void.

    There would be a new type of Invasion where Tenno can aid a joint operation of Grineer, Corpus, and Syndicate forces in repelling this new Orokin-Sentient force. You'd find a mashup of known Corpus/Grineer/Syndicate forces fighting desperately against Sentient/Corrupted forces which will turn some Corpus proxies against them - though these proxies are only ones that had their restraints removed, and force most of their laser/energy weapons to be unusable because Sentients are immune to them, or because the projectiles turn back against the weapon's user.

    You'd be the only combatants able to use any weapons as you please against the Sentient-Corrupted force, and you'll find the factions using a mashup of weapons because of the Sentient Tech Hijacking threat - like Corpus Bratons and Somas in addition to Vectis, instead of Deras, Supras, or snipers. In rare cases, you'll also find Infested trying to fight the Sentients alongside these forces, and then fleeing before they get obliterated by the joint effort against the Sentients. 

    Supporting these invasions will drain from the Grineer/Corpus invasions, fueling an initiative where both heavy forces (Fomorians/Razorbacks) are being employed against known Sentient and Corrupted bases, trying to stop them from building or doing anything that would make them harder to stop than they are now.

    Upon a successful repulsion of Sentient forces in any Invasion of this type, you'd get two different rewards. 

    When this joint effort reaches a full circle, you can opt to support their retaliation against Sentients - escorting Fomorian and Razorback units to Sentient installations and ensuring the Sentients do not sabotage or destroy them. Doing so awards you with... something. Maybe hefty sums of credits and endo, at least? Doing this three times while this event is up would lead to getting the equivalent of a Sortie's rewards - Reactor, Catalyst, a trio of Forma, 6k Kuva, a pair of Anasa Ayatans, or boosters at least.



  13. 23 minutes ago, Kasa_ said:

    It can't be that. If you look very closely you can see that the ship is facing toward my ship, so it can't be a bugged departure sequence.

    I'll still presume it as a bugged Landing Craft, or a template entity for others to copy from - like how cutscene assets are pre-loaded and hidden outside the playable space until called by the cutscene itself.

  14. Could be a bugged Landing Craft flying by stuck at the last part of it's departure sequence. There's been a few instances where people found miniature Landing Crafts in mission tiles but this is new, or hasn't been noticed earlier.

    Speaking of which, Landing Craft Articula when?

  15. While you howl for it's release and await it, I highly recommend you focus on getting your Operator and Warframe as well-kitted as possible for fighting while prioritizing stockpiling of Endo and Credits. This will be necessary when the time comes.

  16. 3 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    that is untrue. Virulence always gives you the same Energy back, relative to the Cost. if you add Efficiency, the Ability costs less, and gives less Energy back(or visa versa for reduced Efficiency). but hitting 4 Enemies at once is Energy neutral at ALL Efficiency levels.

    Ah. I misinterpreted how that worked, but it's why I don't run Efficiency on him since he gets enough energy anyway from taking damage by running a Rage build as he, like Inaros, has (heard of) no such thing as 'shields'.

  17. If you want weapons for Nidus, I've got two to suggest upfront:



    Hirudo - a melee that gives health as you keep hitting an enemy - is a decent melee compliment and fits his Infested style. If you want a weapon with the ability to expose enemies to finishers, however, there's Caustacyst - a double-headed Scythe which has a charged attack that throws a pile of Infested goo and deals a nice chunk of damage and can be used as a makeshift cannon with the right setup.

    There's other weapons, though.


    As for his gameplay, he is the weapon. Just don't give him efficiency mods since those will damage his 1st power's ability to give back energy (test in Simulacrum: hit 4 enemies in a row with Nidus' 1) and make sure he's got a lot of HP, energy, strength, and Rage.

  18. The only solution is to kill the Nullifiers as the appear and have a fellow teammate bring Frost, Ivara, Gara - or some other Warframe that can keep the objective safe while you go and murder said Nullifiers.

    I sympathize with how annoying it is that Nullifier bubbles don't react to abilities. Personally I'd like to be able to Spectral Scream at it and force it to buckle and break from Chroma's sustained screaming - since Corpus tech surely shouldn't be able to entirely negate powers that hit it, because if that was so then they could just shield their ships and bases in the stuff to make any Corpus mission - especially Spy - neigh-impossible in particular cases.

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