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(XBOX)R3d P01nt

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Posts posted by (XBOX)R3d P01nt

  1. 30 minutes ago, Kozu12345 said:

    and what's ironic is that i'm using unranked equipments. And that is one of the criteria for him to turn up.

    No, it's not a criteria and it's unrelated to the chance that Stalker will appear.

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  2. 20 minutes ago, el_chanis said:

    when you can completely ignore a big chunk of the map, wich, oh my, is also the very end of it, then it's beyond meaningless.

    I've been playing the game for over 4 years by now. The void used to be important. Now i go only to get argon. Thats a deep falling from grace, the kind of falling that registers as "useless and forgotten" meaningless.

    People who have been playing for 4 years are able to ignore a large part of the starmap, yes.  That's because we have stores of materials to use and don't have much need to smack around enemies that we can easily kill.  That's why things like argon crystals and relics for vaulted items appear in the Void, to give a reason to be there.  It might not be a reason that appeals to you, specifically, but it's a reason for others none-the-less.

    This is really off-topic BTW, so we should probably stop.  If you want to continue, then perhaps make a thread to present your ideas?

  3. 2 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    It's a random reward, yes, that happens while the fissure is active. You get anywhere from 6 to 30 as a reward per Reactant.

    But from what I've observed in missions you don't get that random amount if you pick up the Reactant while the Fissure is closed, thus giving you less for that mission.

    No, that is not correct.  If you got 6 to 30 per reactant, then you would end up with 60 to 300 traces at the end.  After you've collected 10 reactants, you get a random reward of 6 to 30 traces.  It's not a case of getting the 30 unless you pick them up at the wrong time, thus giving you less.  It's a case of getting an RNG amount.  Try with a squad of 2 and stick close to the other person so that you pick up the reactants at the same time and they'll get a different number of traces than you will.

  4. On 2019-07-12 at 12:37 PM, Avienas said:

    So i was gonna wait a few days before i throw up another feedback topic but then i decided to actually take the time to look around on trace farming and tried doing a proper long run survival solo fissure without giving 0 cares about that rolling bit. Apparently to nutshell: It seems like trace gain consistency is stronger in solo vs being in a group, but it could just be me being lucky.

    The amount of traces given is RNG.  There's no correlation to number of players and the amount of traces rewarded.  Go into a mission with multiple people and you'll find that everyone receives a different amount of traces.

    On 2019-07-12 at 5:10 PM, Birdframe_Prime said:

    Just to stick my oar in from the way I believe this is being adjusted; Void Traces are gained per Reactant you pick up while the Fissure is active. What can happen on public runs is that the players can spread out, and Corruption can happen to enemies, but the Fissure that spawned them can close before you get to them or the Reactant. This would mean that you're not picking up the Reactant while the Fissure is open, and thus not gaining the Traces from it.

    No, that is not correct.  It's a random reward.

  5. 5 hours ago, (XB1)RandomDoDoBird said:

    Hi I was wondering if anyone can help me report someone that was extremely rude and toxic typing kys, I'm a trash human being, etc. over a little mistake i made in a tridolon hunt (I forgot the lures and the eidolon teleported during a tridolon hunt which it ended up teleporting right next to me in a pond after he started to rage in chat while he was waiting for me to exit POE so he can go to cetus and do whatever he was going to do). I have screenshots of the chat and I have tried zendesk but I cannot log in because the Xbox One login option won't work for some reason at the moment. Thanks!

    Yes, that is the correct course of action to take.  Please do send the screenshots to support and thank you.

  6. 10 hours ago, (XB1)SpeedyKhan44 said:

    Thanks I thought the affinity percentages changed for warframes when you have less weapons equipped. I added images but it might  just be a visual glitch

    Only the shared affinity that goes to your weapon makes a difference when you have less weapons.

    In the pictures, I think it may be displaying that way because you already have no weapon selected, so there's no need to give the option to have none when you can just back out and still not have a weapon selected?  I'm not sure.  I'd have to check on my system next time I'm on.  I'll try to remember to do that.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Chaosmaster2k3TTV said:

    Unfortunately many people have submitted tickets and they said that all eligible accounts have receive their  drops and went on about some nonsense so no drops 

    Many people have put in tickets before the 7 days have elapsed, which if they watched the stream they would have known not to.  But, I digress.  They might mean that all the rewards that have been processed so far have been given out.  Again, without official word - and, no, a form letter from support is not a DE official statement - I would follow what DE officially asked people to do.

    It also occurs to me that that form letter may be intended for use after the 7 days are up, but because people are jumping the gun on sending in tickets, they are receiving the form response early.

  8. 10 hours ago, (PS4)TheRedDeadEye said:

    OK I play on ps4 and had connected my twitch account, got my lotus ephemera, watched the tennocon stream and watched the 6:00pm part, saw red text in game and in stream. Since then i still havent got Nekros Prime. 

    Is it just taking time to get sent out or did I get skipped over?  because this is giving me a lot of anxiety.


    They stated to wait for up to 7 days for the rewards to be given out.  If you haven't gotten the rewards after that time, then put in a support ticket.

  9. 7 hours ago, (PS4)CaliguIa said:

    I was watching with my buddy on twitch.. and he got it right after the 30min in on Tennolive 2019 stream @ 6pm. Now we both live in the same country and watched it together...yet i don't get one.

    It's not so straight forward in how their algorithms work to give out the rewards.  They said it can take up to 7 days to get all the rewards out.  If you haven't received your rewards after that, then please submit a support ticket.

  10. 9 hours ago, (XB1)NexusSPARK01 said:

    I've done the synthesis quest 4 times now but after each scan it says my progress is 1/3. Is there any way to fix this? I want to get this quest done so i can move on in the game. 

    Are you making certain to scan the specific target that Simaris gives you in the mission with a Simaris scanner?  If you don't get all 4 points and see the target dissolve, it will not count.

  11. 15 hours ago, (XB1)SpeedyKhan44 said:

    I went on hydron to level my warframe with one weapon but after a while I relised it  was not giving me enough xp, after 15 round I only went up 6 levels from 17 to 23. after messing around with my loadout I saw that its acting like I have two other weapons equipped, it will allow me to switch weapons but does not give me the option to select none to unequipped them

    Just to put this out there...https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Affinity

    If you were killing with your warframe, then none of the affinity from that went towards your weapon.  You would only have gained affinity from shared affinity.  If you killed with your weapon, then you get 50% of the kill affinity regardless of how many weapons you have equipped.

    I'm confused about what you are seeing in your loadout.  Can you take screenshots?

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