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(XBOX)R3d P01nt

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Posts posted by (XBOX)R3d P01nt

  1. 11 hours ago, (XB1)RevJynxed said:

    And what about support telling those of us that have received one but not the other the drops have all been given.

    If support has told you that, then I would still wait the week, then submit a ticket if you don't have the items.

    10 hours ago, (XB1)VORTEC SMOKA said:

    I have that exact problem, got the Lotus but no Nekros and am hearing the rewards have been distributed. I submitted a ticket and will report back what I hear. 

    Hearing from whom?  Hearing from someone in chat is not an official word.

  2. 4 hours ago, (PS4)Ghent96 said:

    Also... I have no drop yet from watching the entire TennoCon 😕

    Please be patient, it can take up to a week for the rewards to all be given out.

    If you haven't received them after that time and DE has not updated, then I would suggest putting in a support ticket.

  3. 19 hours ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

    You try to join the mission which opens the relic selection screen.   Only the very first thing that happens is a pop up saying "would you like to continue WITHOUT a relic equipped.."??  WTF is this???  Is this a bug causing this or is it the only way for you to allow people not to use relics??

    It's likely a bug.  We get it on XB1 as well.

    19 hours ago, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

    -The host should be able to STOP the countdown without having to disband the entire group.

    Unless something has changed, this feature already exists.  If the host is in "Invite Only" they can stop the countdown.


  4. 3 minutes ago, (XB1)yoavdude11 said:

    1. How is the community on the Xbox platform?

    Depends on what you're looking for from a community.  I believe the player base is smaller on XB1 than PC.

    3 minutes ago, (XB1)yoavdude11 said:

    2. Can you transfer accounts from PC to Xbox?


  5. 4 minutes ago, TenDen said:

    So, those who are against are saying a 17+ age game should have stricter chatroom policies and punishments than most countries have for public speaking?

    I'm saying that people who are 17+ should know how to act in a mature way and follow the chat rules.

    1 hour ago, GuiJay said:

    And what about not-jokes that simply contain an auto-ban word that's taken entirely out of context by the Kickbot? I was banned for a (I presume) a week for saying death threats are not acceptable and I have no recourse. Meanwhile, people can tell other people to "commit death" simply because it avoids the word list. Who's at fault here?

    Without knowing what was said in chat, I can't really say much about your specific case.  When you see people behaving badly in chat and no moderators are around to deal with it, take screenshots and send them to support.  They are better equipped to deal with people in chat than you.

  6. 2 hours ago, (PS4)AmberPhoenix42 said:

    I can assume we are all adults here. So why are you all trying to treat eachother like children. I can certainly see nobody in this thread acts like one. Including me.

    And DE treats us that way by expecting that we will act like adults in chat and use our chat privileges in a mature way.  Telling "jokes" that violate the chat rules is not acting in a mature way.

  7. 12 hours ago, TenDen said:

    What I say by freedom of speech is that it is fine if punishment is given that restricts our PUBLIC speech rights. However, our private speech rights should not be included in that punishment as it does not apply to freedom of speech. Squad, whisper, clan, alliance chats are NOT public chatrooms, they are private chatrooms and therefore should not be restricted during bans. Only the other parties in said chatrooms should have the right to mute or ban members from that chatroom.

    DE owns the servers that all chat is conducted on, including clan/alliance/squad/PMs.  It is still not completely private and using those chats is not a right, but rather a privilege.  Abuse of chatting privileges can get one's privilege to chat revoked on all DE servers.

  8. 10 minutes ago, (PS4)JoocyMan said:

    I do not leave the Orb Vallis. I land directly there, talk to the Solaris United Agent standing outside of Fortuna, and get my bounties from him. When I finish a bounty, I take another from the same guy, without ever entering Fortuna.

    Definitely seems bugged.  Is the progress tracked?  Does it say 1/6 and never update?

    Have you put in a support ticket?

  9. 1 hour ago, (PS4)JoocyMan said:

    This is unfortunately not the case. Not only have multiple people reported otherwise, but I've just tried it myself and can confirm it is not working despite doing 5 different bounties in the allotted time.

    Are you leaving Orb Vallis to return to Fortuna?  I believe that resets your progress as well.

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