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(XBOX)R3d P01nt

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Posts posted by (XBOX)R3d P01nt

  1. 1 hour ago, (PS4)TANGOjBRAVO said:

    Hi im new to warframe and absolutely love it however i seem to have bug where i cant access my mods to do fusion on them at the mod station allthough they are all visible in the armory ?  Many thanks for any help.

    If you can see the mods in the armory and not in your mod station, then it is likely that you have filters set in your mods station that are not allowing you to view the mods you want.  Check the filter settings and make sure they are set to see all mods.

  2. 6 hours ago, (PS4)Kiero_Ashkore said:

    As the title states to this topic, there was no Clem mission for me after reset even though it is part of the nightwave weekly. I even counted the days since I did it and it has been well over a week and a half.

    The weekly reset does not restore the Clem mission.  After you complete the Clem mission there is a 7 day cool-down timer before it is available again.  Are you certain that it's been over 7 days since you last completed it?

  3. On 2019-07-16 at 8:09 AM, krc473 said:

    I always figured you could only get one of these at a time. Certainly when I got Smoking Body there were no other blueprints dropped. Maybe I am wrong about that (pics please)?

    Not sure, but the drop tables seem to indicate that the Ephemera is an "Additional Item Drop," which I believe means it is independent of whether he drops a BP or not.  He has a 50% chance to drop a BP.

  4. 5 hours ago, (XB1)Jaxol731 said:

    I would like the developers to add a "Stuck?" button which allows us to teleport back to the last safe spot.

    It already exists.  Open up a chat window and type "/unstuck" to get out of places like that.

    5 hours ago, (XB1)Jaxol731 said:

    Edit: Another suggestion, if you want to make it a little easier on us players doing this mission, I would like it to add up the Total Caches that I have found on Uranus.

    It may actually already be like that - I'm not sure.  The 2 you found wouldn't count since you aborted the mission, however.

  5. 16 hours ago, Swagernator22663 said:

    Well you at least have clem mission .. mine is nowhere to be found ...


    14 hours ago, Matvey_K said:

    same problem, I have Maroo mission but Clem isn't asking me for help.

    Did you run the mission recently?  Once you've done the mission, it has a 7 day cool-down timer.  Once that is up, the mission will be available again.

  6. DE is not responsible for power outages on your end, so it seems doubtful that you would get those items.  If you have evidence (video/screenshots) you can try to put in a support ticket.

  7. On 2019-07-12 at 1:22 PM, (PS4)DarkCrimson24 said:

    I've been tryna play Warframe for the past couple of days an all of a sudden during missions I can't pick up or attack anything it'll work sometimes then stop over tried resetting my networks but that doesn't help. What gives !?

    Are you using Limbo when this happens?

  8. 1 minute ago, Gabbynaru said:

    I have a question though. Are you playing solo or with pubs? Because the more people are in the group, the higher the chances of Stalker to show up, whereas in solo, it's one static chance, which, yes, according to my anecdotal evidence, makes him look like he's very biased towards unranked equipment, including frames. I always meet the Stalker when ranking a brand new frame. Wisp? Check. Hyldrin? Check. Khora? Check. Revenant? Check... any new frame I use seems to attract him like a shark to blood.

    I run mostly solo, so there you go.  Your anecdotes are counter to mine.  If you are meeting Stalker and your frame is below Rank 10, then that is a bug.

  9. 3 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

    Based on my experience, i disagree


    Just now, Gabbynaru said:

    If it's just RNG, it is still biased towards unranked equipment. Cause I always meet the Stalker when I rank up my equipment, while he barely shows up when I'm fully geared.

    I didn't mean for this to turn into a thing since it's off-topic.

    We can all fall victim to confirmation bias.  There is nothing in the wiki or in DE's files that indicate that Stalker has any other criteria than simple RNG.  The only rule that DE put in place was that Stalker wouldn't come for you if your frame is low ranked, which is counter to your suggestions that lower-ranked gear increases the chance of Stalker.

    If your anecdotes count as evidence, then my counter anecdotes should count as well, as I seem to meet Stalker far more often when I have fully ranked gear.

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  10. Just now, KIREEK said:

    Actually, stalker likely uses the old conclave ranking system, were equips, warframe and the mods determine said value, based on my experience, this value is read at the start of a misison to determine the likelyhood of the stalker appearence, entering alone into a mission or without mods makes this value so low that the stalker chance increase.

    I have seen this happen many, many times, literally

    It's RNG.  The criteria is the number of players in the mission who are marked by the Stalker.  Nothing more, nothing less.

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