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Posts posted by ShogunGunshow

  1. 33 minutes ago, Vorxnyx said:

    While the 5 seconds was probably a bit much, it was also the first time in over 10 major patches that a Helminth Charger felt good or worthwhile to use.  It looks like the Helios crew felt similarly.  We've been advocating for a companion overhaul for ages, but it probably isn't going to work out if the majority of your effort goes towards pushing us back to the status quo.

    tbf we're supposed to get a Part 2 of the companion stuff at some point that will look at the balance between the companions. So maybe we'll have a reason to use Charger in the future.

    Luckily there are some sentinels and modded abilities that can get you relatively frequent free casts with the cooldown reduction bond.

  2. I assume if it was simple, Yareli would have gotten the changes by now. I also assume when they made the K-drive, they didn't really account for Warframe abilities, and all of Yareli's were designed as specific exceptions - because Merulina is just a k-drive port.

    So, short of going in and designing a similar exception for every single helminth ability every single time a new one is added, they might have to do, like, a redesign of Merulina's code from the ground up, so that it's not a k-drive with a few exceptions, but an ability that just happens to very much perform LIKE a k-drive but doesn't lead to lockouts.

    Unfortunately that would be the kind of thing DE would be like 'we'll save that for Prime so there's even more reason to come back and play her.' 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Yunjuwo said:

    I saw the math two weeks ago, as soon as I read the patch notes for the mod changes. I'm surprised Elemental Ward's helminth version wasn't the only one on the receiving end of the nerf, as that would've at least let Chroma himself have some fun. 

    People would've been happy to see a Chroma with Everlasting Ward and that's not allowed. 

    • Like 5
  4. 9 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:
    • Fixed Tenacious Bond not taking Hunter Synergy’s +30% Critical Chance-Link  into account. 

    Nah you didn't. I just tested this in mission with my Kubrow with Hunter Synergy and Tenacious bond and a critical chance on the kubrow of 55%, and you still get nothing.

    • Like 1
  5. AFAIK stance modifiers for attacks don't result in getting the benefits as if you did multiple hits. A hit could have a stance modifier of 600%, but it'll still count as one hit for the purposes of things like Shattering Impact. So multi-hit stances scale things like Pack Leader better. 

    • Like 1
  6. The answer is just to make characters do a generic canned animation instead of a full-body one if they're in a state where the normal animation isn't possible. Like the 'flashing hands out to either side with palms down' animation.

    It might look odd with some abilities, but I think almost every player would take 'it looks odd in these extremely specific niche circumstances' to 'it doesn't work at all in those niche circumstances.' 

    • Like 1
  7. Doesn't seem like a lot of projectile melees are having their attacks count.

    Glaives count for the normal throw but not heavy attacks. Sigma+Octantis shield throw counts.

    Fan knives from arum spinosa/quassus don't count. Stropha projectile attack doesn't. Redeemer/Sarpa projectiles don't. 

    This is pretty inconsistent since traditionally, AFAIK, the expendable projectiles from projectile melees have always been counted as melee attacks. 

    • Like 3
  8. 7 hours ago, SteveCutler said:

    Didn't read the whole thread, but I'd rather see more Helminth survivability/tanking powers. We have plenty of armor strip options already, but no good DR power. Defy is worthless. Eclipse is unreliable. Null Star only works on health and needs a max duration build that only really fits on Gauss. All we really have is Gloom, which is powerful, but isn't exactly a tanking power; it's just CC and healing. I want actual DR.

    Sometimes on dev streams they release usage stats, showing the popularity of weapons, warframes, etc. I'd like to see stats like this for Helminth powers and Archon Shards...


    Also, they could easily unnerf Defy on the Helminth without issue. The idea that 1500 armor would be OP in Warframe in 2023 is just such a relic. 

    • Like 2
  9. 12 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    That's not how the new shield gating works, though.

    Shield gate duration is based on how many shields you had on the last hit that struck you. You could have 1,150 max shield capacity with the 2.5 second shield gate, but if your shields were at 1 shield point and something hit you, you'd only get the minimum 0.33 second shield gate.

    Or is the actual shield gating post wrong?

    Fwiw kyaii is a content creator on yt, and they posted a shot supposedly from the private creator's part of the warframe discord that has clarification from @[DE]Zach that the gate is based on the highest level of shields you were able to attain since the last shield break.

    Which yes doesn't seem to be the language in the workshop post. 

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