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Posts posted by ShogunGunshow

  1. 11 hours ago, Kaiga said:


    Do you think people decide what content to farm weekly based on speculation of future updates, particularly when zero hints of something as specific as this were ever dropped? Or did they just consult the crystal ball
    How were people supposed to know there'd be an expansion to the shard system, that it would consume existing shards, and that it was arriving this year, so that they'd be motivated to not skip?
    Awareness of what? A nonexistant future expansion to the system that the devs said nothing about until now?

    No, really, where did they drop any hints at all that this was coming? For most people, kitting out their most used frames with taus or finishing off their rosters was the rational extent of their investment into the system, not a speculative hoard of shards they currently had no use for, because they saw this in the tea leaves like you're suggesting.

    The other problem is, this system is still a time gated RNG FOMO machine, and now we're adding more layers into it without addressing any of these issues.

    Anyone that is familiar enough with Warframe's development process and looked at the colors available could take a reasonable guess at what the future would hold, yes. The archon shard system was very simple and ripe for expansion in exactly this way.

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  2. It's going to be nice on current heavy attack builds like glaives, but until we see the tennokai bonuses I remain skeptical. A lot of heavy attacks kind of do the opposite of what you want (levitating dudes away) and tbh in almost all content you want to buzzsaw your way through enemies in single swings, and anything that's tough enough to take a melee swing at full ramp is probably going to survive a heavy attack, too. 

    Maybe one of the tennokai will be 'forced bleed proc on free heavy' and that'll be nuts. 

    • Like 1
  3. On 2023-10-29 at 1:55 AM, Marvelous_A said:

    Frankly Charm simply doesn't belong here in the first place. What were they thinking? At this point they probably should just make it universal too all kinds of companion, instead of losing out the free boosters as a player.

    If they did this, you would very shortly find all future grinds require 2-3x the amount that they would have before, because everything would have to be made with the expectation of Charm being present. 

    This is, incidentally, why Charm is getting nerfed in the first place, because the only reason why not-everyone was using Smeeta pre-patch was because keeping companions alive was annoying. Now that that isn't the case, they would have to design grinds with Smeeta's presence in mind, or make all grinds based off of things that Smeeta can't boost, like end of mission rewards or something, limiting design space.

    • Like 3
  4. Don't like it. You should make the ramp for new players better/easier, not just offer them a buyout.

    If you have to offer a skip because you care about new players so much, make all the stuff you get with the skip untradable, and just offer the skip for free. 

    • Like 3
  5. I'd rather have them rework the ramped introduction for players so that new players AREN'T faced with an obnoxiously layered sediment of grind grind grind.

    Also, like, given how complex and unintuitive Warframe can be at times, I feel like new players that pay to skip are probably not likely to stick around? I imagine if I was thrown into, say, Lost Ark as an example, and just paid to skip to the endgame, I'd quickly go cross-eyed and decide that playing something else is more fun than spending the next dozen hours learning even half of what I'm supposed to be doing. 

    It's also REALLY hard to ignore how this comes on the heels of the Heirloom pack debacle, and seems to be another brick in the foundation of modern day exploitative monetization, where DE has less incentive to fix old grinds because they can just sell you a skip later - in a game that already has lots of 'pay to skip' stuff already.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Waeleto said:

    Literally how is revenant even affecting your gameplay to ask for a nerf ????

    One frame having essentially no-hassle complete invulnerability from damage is a problem from a game design standpoint, because it makes it pretty hard to justify nerfing other forms of survivability when everyone can just point to Revenant and say "oh, so it's NOT okay for me to get 90% DR from X effect or Y seconds of invincibility from Z buff, but it IS okay for this guy to just be invulnerable for 40+ seconds per cast?"

    Other frames have to at least pay a little bit. Nyx becomes much less agile (and the damage is redirected to an energy-over-time cost instead) and is channeled. Valkyr's is also channeled and while better than nyx, also sticks you with the claws.  Loki's switch teleport augment has frustratingly low duration and your allies will hate you if you try to get a longer duration by using it on them. etc.

    Revenant will eventually get a nerf, but it'll probably be something like halving the invulnerability time between each stack consumption. 

    • Like 6
  7. And to be fair to DE, Warframe is an enormously complex game built on layers and layers of added systems and reworks over a decade. Like, I give them S#&$ about not catching the Chroma Elemental Ward values ahead of time, but it's, like, the only ability that works that way, in a roster of over 50 warframes and 200+ abilities. I only caught it ahead of time because I had been fooling around recently with Chroma and remembered that it boosted base values.

    But also to be fair the other way, it's really embarrassing when it's clear sometimes that they only tested something in graybox once. 

    But it's also really hard to find QA for a game that's as complicated as this, because unless they're avid players themselves, they likely can't know all the various interactions and systems in depth enough to break it like we do on the regular.

    Which SHOULD mean that DE should leverage its playerbase's experience and have a test server. Which DE did do, like ... once? Twice? And then stopped. That was years and years ago, though, and I think they would actually get a lot of value out of a PC test server that they can rapidly iterate on for fixes before it gets pushed to live. 

  8. On 2023-10-24 at 12:08 AM, (PSN)haphazardlynamed said:

    it's pretty obvious that glitches are piling up the last few updates faster than they're getting hotfixed.

    It's gotten so, so much worse since they implemented simultaneous updates between console and PC.

    Used to be, console was lagged an update or so behind PC. So, DE didn't have to wait for the process of console certification whenever code needed to be changed with a new update on PC. DE would do lots of code changes and fixes for a few weeks before moving onto the next update, and all those fixes would be already in place when that update was rolled to consoles, dramatically reducing the need for further code updates and cert being a problem.

    That is no longer the case, but DE doesn't really seem to have restructured their internal testing to account for the change. Because of console cert, DE gets maybe one or two swings at code changes to fix problems with whatever their latest update is before the devs get dragged away to work on the next update. Piling onto that that their QA testing is among the worst I've seen in the industry, and it's no surprise we've been standing on a steadily accumulating mound of bugs. And 'hire more devs' or 'hire more/better QA' seems to be a thing they just refuse to do. 

    You are only guaranteed to get a fast fix on something when it's a bug in the player's favor. 

  9. 33 minutes ago, Vorxnyx said:

    While the 5 seconds was probably a bit much, it was also the first time in over 10 major patches that a Helminth Charger felt good or worthwhile to use.  It looks like the Helios crew felt similarly.  We've been advocating for a companion overhaul for ages, but it probably isn't going to work out if the majority of your effort goes towards pushing us back to the status quo.

    tbf we're supposed to get a Part 2 of the companion stuff at some point that will look at the balance between the companions. So maybe we'll have a reason to use Charger in the future.

    Luckily there are some sentinels and modded abilities that can get you relatively frequent free casts with the cooldown reduction bond.

  10. I assume if it was simple, Yareli would have gotten the changes by now. I also assume when they made the K-drive, they didn't really account for Warframe abilities, and all of Yareli's were designed as specific exceptions - because Merulina is just a k-drive port.

    So, short of going in and designing a similar exception for every single helminth ability every single time a new one is added, they might have to do, like, a redesign of Merulina's code from the ground up, so that it's not a k-drive with a few exceptions, but an ability that just happens to very much perform LIKE a k-drive but doesn't lead to lockouts.

    Unfortunately that would be the kind of thing DE would be like 'we'll save that for Prime so there's even more reason to come back and play her.' 

  11. 2 minutes ago, Yunjuwo said:

    I saw the math two weeks ago, as soon as I read the patch notes for the mod changes. I'm surprised Elemental Ward's helminth version wasn't the only one on the receiving end of the nerf, as that would've at least let Chroma himself have some fun. 

    People would've been happy to see a Chroma with Everlasting Ward and that's not allowed. 

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