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Everything posted by TheMostFrench

  1. It would be cool if sentinels would just fire at the same time as you, at the same thing you were aiming at, so as to enhance your damage. I'd also like to see a behaviour mode toggle for pets and sentinels (passive, aggressive, defensive) - this means that if you want your pet or sentinel not to fight then you can do it without needing to unequip their weapons or attack precepts (in the past I removed guns from my sentinels to make sure they wouldn't attract aggro, and stay alive longer). I agree with people saying that the animals are too slow. When I made a Kubrow I was expecting it to be a lot more intense, but it was very gentle and not impressive in a fight, I thought they would be able to charge groups of people over. The Kavats are just more interesting in general IMO. - Stronger Dogs - Faster Cats - Behaviour Toggle (passive, defensive, aggressive) - Sentinels shoot where you shoot (behaviour toggle would make this easier)
  2. This reads like "How about instead of the current game, we had a different game." Lots of the time invested in designing new PVE content would be spent on making PVP work properly instead, which means that both will take longer to complete. While it would be interesting to see a developer make something that was PVP focused with a Warframe aesthetic, Warframe is designed and balanced for PVE. It would be heaps of work to re-balance the weapons, abilities, and the basic gameplay which is all designed around fighting computer controlled enemies with your team of human controlled friends. It's just not made for people fighting against other people. So many of the mechanics like damage resistance, armour, shield and health regen, evasion, blocking, rivens, etc fit around powering up to beat the different enemy factions and boost the types of equipment you might use against them. There are so many frames and weapons based around big aoe attacks, specific damage types, enemy mind control, damage over time, and holding or stunning enemies in place. Some of the Warframe abilities are just total invisibility or immunity to all damage which is really boring to fight. All of these mechanics are incredibly frustrating to deal with when you are fighting against a person, to the point that people avoid certain boss fights because it's just so tedious to go through those invincibility phases.
  3. An SOS mode might be worthwhile if a person knew what they were going to be rewarded with before they started, or to be able to select from a small list of guaranteed rewards. Hopefully it would be enough incentive to give a person a reason to stay even if they ended up doing a mission or game mode that they didn't like. The game Helldivers has an SOS mechanic where public games get moved to the top of the list, and waiting players can see the current progress in that mission. There's also an option to take a random loadout which gives a bonus reward. The obvious difference is that Warframe doesn't have a visible public lobby. Some of us might remember that the Empyrean gameplay demo advertised an SOS style mechanic where a person could put down an SOS beacon, except that request would be for people needing help in Railjack missions, and be put down by people in open world areas. This mechanic never appeared in the game (26:56):
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