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Everything posted by Cerikus

  1. It's baffling to me that we still don't have universal vacuum and that the companion rework is basically a waste of time because the vacuum STILL goes away when the companion is "downed" which is basically the same as on the live build. I will literally buy the highest priced Heirloom pack, if DE gives us univac.
  2. Exactly. All I currently care about is vacuum and loot detection. Unless I can keep is for 100% of the time, I won't even give this rework a chance. It's baffling to me that after 10 YEARS they still refuse to accept that losing vacuum is the worst thing in this game. It's a LOOTER-SHOOTER. Why do the still refuse us to allow us to collect loot comfortably ??? If I'd know I won't lose my vacuum to idiotic companion AI and random insta-kills I would actaully love to give the rework a chance and try EVERY. SINGLE. companion to find my new favorite. Otherwise it's a waste of time. EDIT: Since we recently learned this: I am adding this edit. It's absolutely amazing and it means that all companions can now freely be explored and tried out without having to pay attention to your basic gameplay needs. I am super hyped to try every single companion and find the one that will make me the most happy and not the one that's most likely to survive and provide basic functionality. It's going to be great. Thanks DE for this and for listening.
  3. Pablo said that when companions go down you lose Vacuum and Animal instict temporarily. I will say this: If this is how it's going to work, then all that hard work team has put into the rework was a WASTE OF TIME. EDIT: Since we recently learned this: I am adding this edit. It's absolutely amazing and it means that all companions can now freely be explored and tried out without having to pay attention to your basic gameplay needs. I am super hyped to try every single companion and find the one that will make me the most happy and not the one that's most likely to survive and provide basic functionality. It's going to be great. Thanks DE for this and for listening.
  4. Yeah, true, but except for the PA accessories none of this is content that was obtained with money. When they talk about not taking from players they mean not devalue player time investment. Afaik it's very difficult to push them to make changes that would do that. But bringing back event exclusive items doesn't really fit the description. It's 100% true about the PA, but it took a huge PR debacle to force them to change it. Yeah, and higher-ups usually think their employes are less inteligent then them and don't even think about it. Employe comes and says: "We cannot do that, it will bankrupt small developers" and the response is: "Yeah, sure, as if you know what you are talking about, haha." -> Stupidity. Well drama in this thread is definitely not done and since drama is my trade I'd like to stay. :P What I meant is that DE are done. They said and done what they were willing, so we can discuss further, which can be useful, but I am not expecting anything to come out of it.
  5. Sure. That's true. The question is wheter the management was really aware of what they are doing. I am not saying they were not trying to make money, but I am not sure, wheter they actually wanted the system to be soooo bad. Because the current proposition seems like it will make a lot of money for them and it is reasonable, while the previous proposition was just horrible. There is actually this funny story I wanna tell, but you can skip it, if you don't want to read it. I am not saying this is what happened with Unity, but it's just something it reminded me of. I feel like the higher-ups simply didn't know they are stupid and that their plan is stupid. You can be greedy and want to make money a do it in a way that people will gladly give you money, but you have to be smart. Yeah. Not going to happen unfortunately. DE sadly has that weird philosophy of "never take anything away from players". That's why Hema and Sibear is still nonsense. That's why the game is bloated with hundreds of nonsense mods and items that shouldn't exist, etc. "What if there is one person that would be sad, if we lowered build requirements, or removed Diamond skin mod... OR if we removed the timelimitation of the packs... I consider this philosophy stupid. They don't want to fix it now, because they fear they would insult whales who bought it solely because it's timelimited premium shiny. And there are people who are stupid who think owning something like that has some kind of actual value. And DE unfortunately cater to those people. For me the heirloom pack drama is done. They said what they said, I get why they won't do anyting, I disagree with the approach and I don't care anymore. If they lied and will repeat this again, they can be sure we will quote this thread.
  6. That'd be a fair point, if I didn't find plenty of time to be in this thread and provide feedback. When I am unhappy, I come and say my piece, but I refuse to doom and gloom 24/7. Unfortunately, I fail to see how it's a new low. It's bad, but I feel it's quite consistent with how DE were doing things for years. There has been plenty of time-limted fomo things in the game. There has been plenty of overpriced nonsense. There has been plenty of bundles and collections that prayed on fomo. There has been plenty of bundles and collections that give you unique thing if you waste enough plat/money. This game literally lives on time limited fomo overpriced cosmetics in Prime Access. And resurgence is not an argument. How many years will it take for let's say Hildryn prime accessories to appear in resurgence? And we both know how DE completely ignored community, when prime accessories pack didn't exist. And it had to be Jim Sterling that made a big deal about it, which finally forced DE to do something. ONLY because it was a bad PR. They are still the same, they never changed. That's why my comment was not disingenuous. It's disingeneuous to act like they crossed a line they never crossed before or that they sunk too low. It's good that we are outraged and angry and that we complain, but please, let's not pretend like Heirloom packs are something new.
  7. 1. It's a company. I don't trust them. All I trust is that they will behave like a company. 2. I don't care about future. I will judge their decisions based on what comes, but I don't have the room in my everyday life to have feelings about possible futures. 3. This is hardly the first time DE did something like that and imho they did worse things. Could you show me where I said it does? Because I didn't. The era where DE was a small studio is so far in the past, reminding anyone they used to be small is silly. DE is a big studio and has been for years. I strongly belive that they are currently more open to feedback and commuication than they've been say 2019/20. Just remind yourself how bad the atmosphere inside the community was and how there was zero communication when all that drama around community chat moderators and guides of the lotus happened. Don't forget the series of updates, which were attrosious and DE were refusing to listen for months. You've spoken several times in this thread about Prime access, Regal Aya and other problems and some of those issues I would consider much worse than Heirloom packs. I really don't like this kind of revisionist point of view, where we are suppose to pretend like DE were so much better and now, NOW is the historical moment, when they finally did something so horrible, we should all cry out in agony, because the pure relationship we had with the developers is forever tainted by this horrid evil. I would be very careful about saying this. Because in case of Destiny 2, you couldn't be more wrong. It's absolutely NOT the same there.
  8. I don't think so. I think that the vocal minority is simply a sample of a whole. My friends who play the game and don't care about reading forums, nor about contributing to the discussion fall very easily into one of the "school of thoughts" on the matter. And this is true about everyone. And because the discussion is obviously two sided and very balanced, you can't say it's just a vocal minority that has one opinion. This whole thread is a perfect sample of a general sentiment. Really? That's surprising to me. Like I am unhappy about it, I will still probably buy the pack like you did (if I'll have money), and I would strongly recommend DE to roll back the ideology and actually fix the packs... But I don't see how it can "shatter the remaining good will". DE would have to do this at least 5 more times to "shatter" anything. DE is a cute little kitten in an industry full of sabercats and sometimes it bites or scratches, but it's so inconsequential in a grand scheme of things... I am angry, but nothing has been shattered... The game is still great and completely f2p as far as i know. Good points. I really wonder if the Unity fiasco was due to greed or just stupidity, because it seems like the latter. Afaik the biggest issue was that the small devs would be hit hard and unreasonably, which is something that they could've easily overlooked. Same goes for DE I think. They often miss obvious issues and overlook serious problems IN GAME that can be predicted easily in advance. How often we get a message: "well we didn't know this new ability can do this, even though it's obvious, so we have to nerf it". I wouldn't be surprised if Heirloom packs were just someone not thinking long enough, just like Regal Aya. But I am of course not denying the possibility that it's just greed and a bad attempt to test the waters.
  9. One more question for devstream: Is Abyss of Dagath update going to finally adress the survivability of Excavators? (Especially in Circuit) Once you get to 1000+ enemy levels the excavators are fequently getting instakilled across the map.
  10. I honestly commend you for this approach and I actually share it, however I am not as optimistic about majority of players. I may get some heat for this, but I will say it: Most people are sheep with memory of a goldfish. It's the same everytime. Just look at how Blizzard and Bethesda drama went. After 76 and predatory microtransactions everyone sweared the will never support Bethesda... Everyone bought Starfield. After Grand Milk Theft, the sexual abuse and all the predatory systems put into Heartstone, Overwatch and all the drama with WoW, everyone hates Blizzard. Look how many people bought Diablo 4. It's always the same. Sad.
  11. Unfortunately that already happened. That is simply how it works. It's not that people accepted it, but there is only a limited amount of energy a normal average human can put into complaining about something so inconsequential. It's a problem about virtual nothing in a videogame. People have enough real life problems to care about this for more than a few weeks. It is what it is.
  12. You need SteamDB, this: and a few functional braincells to make an informed guess about Warframe player population. It would be something like: "more than 500k, but less than 750k". If MMOpopulation is able to use other sources together with it's main source (SteamDB) to give better approximation, good. Also, it's 2023, AI algorithms can sweep the web in a few seconds and learn a lot only by analyzing trends, searches and web requests. Pages like warframe.market can easily provide a lot of info about player activity. The figure on MMOpopulation is absolutely not precise, but even if the deviation was 50k, the info you get from it is still good enough.
  13. Subsciber is their general term for someone who turned the game on at least once. They are gathering data from everywhere to approximate actual player numbers. Steam is only able to tell you player concurnecy. Nothing else. SteamDB has no real information about total population of games. Basically thanks to MMOpopulation we know that Warframe has approx, 645k active players. SteamDB tells us only the peaks of players that were online at one time. Also compare the plots of those two datasets. You wouldn't know that Warframe is STILL steadily growing. That is something that is not apparent from SteamDB.
  14. I don't see a problem with saying I would fire someone who makes up random figures to prove their point. Especially if that person claims to have worked in finances before. Just bacause your preface your statement with "I might be wrong and this is theoretical" doesn't mean you statement cannot be scrutinized. I actually admire @(XBOX)toughdragon17 for their persistence on this matter, because most people were either satisfied with the changes, or they stopped caring already. A lot of people will forget completely once the next update drops. Outrage lasts only like 3 weeks and memory of it lasts only like 3 months. Being able to continue the cause is admirable, but making up random stuff that's not based on any realiable info is silly.
  15. This is pure conjunction. You are just making stuff up. I have a hard time beliving this is true. If I employed you and you started making stuff up, just so you can prove your point, I'd fire you.
  16. I don't know any other reliable source unfortunately. What is good about this site is that it tracks active players and not concurrent players. It also pretty nicely shows how the game is steadily growing, which is something that's not aparent from other stats (steam stats for example). Steam stats only shows the amount of the active players that are playing in a certain time period, not how many of active players is there.
  17. Question for devstream: As discussed in this thread: Are there any plans to give Circuit an evergreen track that will be relevant to players after getting all the incarnon adapters? Currently, after you get them all you can easily abandon the Circuit forever, because it has not meaningful rewards. Most of the tiers are diluted by worthless Diviri specific items.
  18. I hope this includes the tranq rifle accesibility. Even though I am from the minority of people who enjoy conservation very much the Tranq rifle UI has always been horrible, especially for a person like me ,who is colorblind. This is great news. Now universal vacuum. I don't want to sound ungreateful, but we've never been provided with a single good reason why something as essential as picking up loot in a lootershooter should be dependent on a mod equiped on a companion. No other game fails at this like Warframe has been for it's whole existence. I hope this means stuff like complete 5 different bounties etc. 5 stages would be quite enough. Or at least remove the "different" part of this bounty. Also, I hope we will get new Nightwave soon. It's starting to drag on again. Other than that it all seems great. Looking forward to the devsteam.
  19. Totally agree with OP. If anyone wants a quick laugh you can watch this: It's actually amazing that we have a video where Megan and Taylor run into this exact issue.
  20. Yeah, I am dnd fan. I play it irl from time to time. I am very excited to get into Baldur's gate 3 asap. True, of course. That's why we have to collectively keep each other civil, because if we just let our emotions run free, our arguments will be easier to disregard.
  21. I am very happy that you enjoy Starfield, please continue, but I know I wouldn't. I've spend thousands of hours playing Bethesda games and my opinion is that Bethesda has learned nothing and is stuck in the past. If you compare Starfield to what other dev studios can do (Baldur's gate, Dead space, God of War, Elder Ring, etc.) you realize the game is empty. It's an uninspired regurgitated product made in a decrepit 25 year old engine. It plays like Oblivion with guns and that's not a compliment. I am not saying it's a bad game, but it's the definition of mediocrity. Bethesda used to revolutionize games, but Starfield is a step back. I'd rather buy the Heirloom pack, but I won't, because I will finally buy Baldur's gate. :) To your 2nd part. Sure, of course, but if we want our criticism to be heard, we must remember that DE are still people. People have difficulties accepting criticism. It's a human nature. If you give critique in a rude way and you insult the person, they will just shut down and ignore you, even if you are 100% right. What we have to do is to be civil and contructive. Reacting impulsively with anger and spite is NEVER going to get your point across.
  22. I agree, but not many people even know that there is something like a bonus decoration for buying the whole pack. Even less people will ever buy it when you can farm most of the pack. And even less people will care, because it's "just a decoration" and because it's "just a piece of dialogue". Heirloom packs are big and shiny and everyone knows about them. Yes. Is that somehow mutually exclusive? I think DE should do better. I think we, the players, should do better. The way we voice our opinions matter. If we come accross as ignorant, arogant and rude, all the feedback will get brushed off. But voice your opinion in a civil way, with no cheap shots, no bashing and no shaming and people will want to listen to what you have to say.
  23. Not true. It's simple to kill it. The mechanics are the real obstacle. The game gives you everything to deal enough damage. It's a competency check, not DPS check. Also no, star chart bosses don't need a rework. Most of them have some kind of light mechanic and it's not worth it to change them, unless DE have a good reason for it. (Like they had with Jackal.) The only problematic bosses on starchart are Lephantis (looks awful), Vay Hek (plays awful), Ambulas (is awful). All the other are totally fine and good. Of course, but the thing is that when there are only "small" incremental changes and you say "Ah, it's just a small misstep", unless people show their discontentment with it, next time it can be worse. I've been angry about DE locking decorations behind large bundle purchases for years and most people didn't agree with me, so we got the Citrine bundle which contains a decoration that is interactable and contains a dialogue, which is quite significant. And people still didn't react enough. So now we have this.
  24. I don't disagree with your post per se, but you should've worded it differently to not come across so arogant, but you are technically right about some stuff. There are things I want to react to though. DE think Jackal is a cool fight based on overwhelmingly possitive reception when they reworked it few years back. That's a fact. It's true it could and should be implemented into Duviri much better, but saying it's not a cool fight is not going to change the general concensus. Subjective. We don't see the metrics DE sees and based on their reactions after they released Duviri it seems they are very happy with how the update went. It's always easy to tell during devstreams when they knew the update was a flop and they obviously think it's a success, so the metrics must show that most people enjoy and play it weekly (myself included). Comparison to Blizzard or EA is just a cheap shot. You can and should do better. The amount of filth DE would have to do to reach at least 10% of Blizzard's or EA's power is immense. I want them to adress it. I want them to be better and not do stuff like that, but these kind of factless emotional reactions devalue any valuable feedback that's been given. Do better.
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