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Posts posted by Carnage2K4

  1. 3 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    So, you're wanting to be able to search by classification, instead of by item name?

    I wouldn't mind that.  But isn't that what the filter buttons are for?

    Side note; I would love to be able to create our own search key words.

    Basically, but these are items in the Misc category, all mixed in with anti-toxins, Distillers, Lenses and the refining blueprints... it's messy. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Kyryo said:

    Maybe because they do not have the word AMP neither in the name nor in the description?
    Also, what the hell is a fabricator?


    Other than that, it might be just a thing that skipped DE mind.

    Foundry... Too much Ark Gaming on the side.

    I get why they might not have the keyword, but they really should, given that they are parts to make the named item.

  3. I play a Nekros that uses a Melee Channelling build, so I always have my Melee out an powered (via toggle setting) when using him, I just noticed that while doing an excavation when you pick up a power cell and take it to the excavator as soon as it's taken up by the excavator the channeling effect is removed from your frame, I don't recall this ever being an issue before, I'm not sure what patch it was introduced.

    It's not a massive pain now that I noticed it, but for ages, my damage output would go down and I could not work out why my Channelling kept switching off.

  4. On 14/11/2017 at 2:00 AM, mktwx said:

    me too.

    but i think DE never care  

    Sorry... but are you fking serious?
    After the Nekros Skin came out, it had a wealth of bugs that were noted on the forums and Fixed in short order, So for some noob like you to come on, find another issue (that I as a Nekros Main have not even noticed) and claim that DE never cares... Why don't you QQ your salty arse back to LoL and cry your sorrows away there.

  5. As per title, the new main Eidolon parts need at be added to the search function in the Foundry, as you can see below, I have a selection of Arcanes and Amp Parts to build in the Foundry (as well as Zaw Parts).






    But when searching for these using what I think is the obvious thing to type in (Zaw, Arcane & Amp)... Nothing:





  6. Heh, well it's over now but Plague Star was also pretty terrible on the biology;
    Peristalsis is a symmetrical contraction of muscles down a tube like the gastrointestinal tract... Not something related to an immune response as seems to be implied in the story.
    Antibodies are not the "creatures" that come out to kill the infection, they are basically markers that tell the creatures (cells) to attack something.
    And when Lotus says to prepare for an immune response because antibody count is increasing... Well, an increased antibody count is the immune response...

    Point is they are game devs not biologists or physicists, they will always use terms that sound smart but look silly if your life is part of the real world that uses those terms. 


    7 hours ago, Dwolfknight said:

    That is why it's the Worst "god-tier" riven

    ANd my point was that it's not even god tier for a bad weapon, it was medium tier for a bad weapon...

    4 hours ago, BattledOne said:

    What do you consider a godly riven?

    On 28/11/2017 at 2:01 AM, Carnage2K4 said:

    I use 2 things to define a "Godly Riven"
    1) Stat Set (the 2-4 stat types that are relevant to the weapon the riven is for)
    2) Stat Grade (this is the range each stat type can be, Godly obviously being on the high end for Positive or Low of Negative)

    The Stat Set is a little relative, depends on the weapon and the typical loadout for the weapon, so it's a little subjective.
    The Stat Grade is not relative however, it is the number within a given possible range.

    As I say in this post, to me, "godly" is the most high end of high ends, I take the term literally, stats so good they are near divine.

    The Riven needs to have the right Stat Set, then within that, the Stat Grade of each stat in the Stat Set needs to be A+ as given by the 2 places you can check the range of possible stats I posted in a higher post.



  8. 10 hours ago, MystiKasT said:

    Hey guys,

    I generally use one gun on each frame, Soma Prime.  I have about 8 prime frames I switch through; they are all different colors.

    I've noticed whatever color I set my Soma too, it looks that way when I use it on another frame.

    Is there a way to change it so it is specific for each frame?

    The red/blue Soma looks awesome with my valkyr, but horrible with my grey/black rhino.

    You get 3 base colour loadouts to use, This is more than most ppl use... I don't see the issue as being worth change.


    2 minutes ago, Heliopata said:

    where can I find that riven grade thing?

    Quote from another of my posts:

    On 28/11/2017 at 2:01 AM, Carnage2K4 said:

    Here are two of my Graded mods, both are good and the Amprex one is close to Godly, but I do not consider either Goldy, and I am yet to see a Godly Riven, People on the chat are full of BS when they say their Riven is godly, I run it through the WF Black Market and check the Grades, you can also use a Riven Grade Calculator.

  10. 35 minutes ago, FashionFrame said:

    Easy fix with chroma, use a self damaging weapon to give yourself the buffs with vex armor.

    If you're using a harrow you still need to wait until the invulnerability ends, with volt and harrow providing the damage the other 3 can easily melt the eidolon before Chroma gets a shot off, self-damage or otherwise. It's literally a difference of 1 second or 1.5 seconds... Which is negligible, may as well use the slot for something more useful. I mean play how you want but we do just fine without a chroma, the shield is the only time sink in doing damage.

    And I mean, if you're not using harrow for his massive crit, what is the point, may as well support the Chroma better if he's just going to 1 shot every damage point. I just can't see the need for both.

  11. 1 hour ago, FashionFrame said:

    #1 seems to be Trinity, Chroma, Harrow and the 4th can be anyone, but sometimes rhino  

    This squad is problematic as the point of harrow is to provide a buff from Covenant, but half of Covenants up time nullifies Chroma's Vex Armour charge. Either you need a long window on Covenant to help the squad for as long as possible making Chroma have to wait, or a short duration, but then Chroma has to take damage then hope to get a shot off before Convent buff ends... it's just not worth the trouble in our clan's experience.

    1 hour ago, Valck said:


    In my opinion, the best squad is as follows:
    Volt provides Crit damage from shields for the squad.
    Harrow provides a long duration on Covenant this + Volt Shield on crit weapons will melt a damage point in half a second, Harrow is also good for protection via Covenant.
    Rhino for extra buff.
    Trinity to collect Lures and Bless.

    Chroma in place of Harrow.
    Octavia in place of Rhino

    With the above squad we can do 6 caps a night, but can probs do it faster with some higher Crit damage arcane on our AMPs. But I imagine the same squad with Chroma swapped for Harrow can do the same, I feel both in the same squad is unnecessary and need too much precise coordination to make useful. 

  12. On 03/12/2017 at 10:44 AM, (Xbox One)Natfrog123 said:

    Can we get an Ash rework PLEASE! He has been nothing but pure trash since the "rework". Blade Storm is 100% unusable now in multiplayer and is a JOKE on console. Blade Storm needs to go back to a one button activation or scrap the entire skill and make a new one.

    You've not even said what you think is wrong with BS, because it's fine for me.

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